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STAR WARS: The Torrents thread — Page 29

I finished posting Tremors vol 1 on alt.binaries.starwars I had all sorts of problems with my posting software's filters and I wound up upgrading it...anyways, everything seems fine now.

I just burned WookieGroomer's RoTJ split-screen...gonna test it on my stand-alone DVD players first thing tomorrow. If everything is copacetic it will be getting redistributed.

I'm posting TR47 ESB on a.b.starwars tonight so that way WookieGroomer can have it to hopefully redo the ESB splitscreen. The first version of the ESB splitscreen had doc gonzo's ESB and it caused stuttering video in a lot of folks DVD players. Hopefully the next version won't have those issues. Soon we shall all have access to the entire OT in split-screen! woohoo!

Wipe them out...all of them.


Man, Darth Osor thanks so much for your neverending support!

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Over here in PAL TV land, the ESB splitscreen seems to work perfectly so we already have the full trilogy and ESB is the best of the lot!!!

Joking aside, I thought it was about time I opened my mouth here.........

........and look out for the ESB continuity errors caused by the SE changes.

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Originally posted by: russs15
Over here in PAL TV land, the ESB splitscreen seems to work perfectly so we already have the full trilogy and ESB is the best of the lot!!!

Joking aside, I thought it was about time I opened my mouth here.........

........and look out for the ESB continuity errors caused by the SE changes.

Lucky dog!

It must be a frame-rate issue as it seems that the player affected the most were region 1 players but the mutil-zone and format players had no problems - I'v not gottena list of DVD players used but I bet that was the casue of the playback "jitter"

BTW - Russs15 has also been a HUGE contributor to my efforts of getting these torrents out, so please; let's all welcome him home!!

Russ, you ROCK!!!

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Welcome Russs15. Thanks for helping with those torrents!
" The first version of the ESB splitscreen had doc gonzo's ESB and it caused stuttering video in a lot of folks DVD players."\

Maybe he tried to put an anamorphic and non-anamorphic picture together? Just a thought. It's early.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Welcome aboard Russ! Good to see you posting here.

*note* To everyone that's getting stuff from me, everything is tested and will be on its way this afternoon.

Wipe them out...all of them.

Originally posted by: MeBeJedi
Maybe he tried to put an anamorphic and non-anamorphic picture together? Just a thought. It's early.

More likely a framerate issue.
Originally posted by: Dr_Gonzo
Originally posted by: MeBeJedi
Maybe he tried to put an anamorphic and non-anamorphic picture together? Just a thought. It's early.

More likely a framerate issue.

I am with Dr_Gonzo on this, the 2004 SE is possibely at 29.97 fps interlaced NTSC and DR_Gonzo's is at 25 fps progressive NTSC...... am I right?
Do, or do not. There is no try.
Quite sure both are 23.976 fps anamorphic NTSC.


"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)

Just posted by WookieGroomer on a.b.starwars...

All the assets for the Empire split screen are in place and the project is ready to roll the very second your repost is complete.


I have about 30 or so hours left on the TR47 post for him...we're all going to be able to enjoy the entire trilogy in split-screen very, very soon! woohoo!

Wipe them out...all of them.

Thanks for the great welcome............

For me it is very simple.

Back in '77 when I was 11, I saw a film called Star Wars and it changed my life and films as we knew them completely.

I have not seen that film since, I want to see it again and this is the place to make that happen.

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What a way to introduce yourself Russs15! I totally agree with you.
Originally posted by: russs15
........and look out for the ESB continuity errors caused by the SE changes.

Are you referring to the added windows at Bespin, or is there even more?


Well at least the reversed surround channels have been addressed.

It's not the added windows that are a problem it is where the original windows/frames have been changed in one shot and back to the original windows/frames again in later shots.

The new windows and some existing ones that have been changed all show a bright red sky but a few seconds later other windows have the original bright white sky.

The strangest change is Darth Vader talking to the Emperor.

One close-up shot in the 2004 version is identical to the original. A few seconds later the shot is a mirror image including the background. A bit later, it is back to normal again.

It is all the more obvious because Vader moves one way in the original version and the other way in the 2004 version.

The splitscreen really emphasises these errors.

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Yeah, I caught that flipped shot in the preview that was provided of the split screen Empire.

I hope the corrected split screen Empire uses a source that has the 6 seconds of Leia welding.


Well at least the reversed surround channels have been addressed.

Originally posted by: Neil S. Bulk

I hope the corrected split screen Empire uses a source that has the 6 seconds of Leia welding.

Actually no, WookieGroomer is going to be using the TR47 ESB. However, I have a feeling that he may eventually revisit the entire trilogy. He made some hints here and there that he would possibly give it a dual-layer treatment. The whole split-screen concept has generated quite a buzz in the scene. Now don't quote me on him re-doing the entire thing in dual-layer...but here's to hoping.

Wipe them out...all of them.

I hope the split screen discs are re-visited someday. On Star Wars, the 1997 audio mix should be on it, in addition to the 2004 mix. Those handful of shots changed in the 2004 version should be viewable via multi-angle with the 1997 edition. Plus, the track claiming to be the original 1977 soundtrack is actually the 1993 track, while the opening crawl is really the 1981 credits.

As for Empire, the missing six seconds has to be on there.

It's a nice job done so far, but it could be better.


Well at least the reversed surround channels have been addressed.

Awhile back i promised to upload the "LOOK" SE 1997 DVDs, since im back and ive finished downloading all the Battlestar eps i can now upload the DVDs.... does anyone still want them?. I only have 256k upload so if i DO upload them people better seed!!!!.
Isn't the LOOK set famed for being utter crap?

I would like a good '97 SE torrent tho. I think that would be a better source for De-SEification. The contrast and picture differences would be less apparent. Plus the '04 DVD editions introduced a host of new technical problems that the 97 SE did not have.

My stance on revising fan edits.

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
Isn't the LOOK set famed for being utter crap?

I would like a good '97 SE torrent tho. I think that would be a better source for De-SEification. The contrast and picture differences would be less apparent. Plus the '04 DVD editions introduced a host of new technical problems that the 97 SE did not have.

Hal, the Look 5-5star SE are a REAL nice Special Edition Transfer most likley the best transfer of the S.E. boxset - But they are VERY big though as the are dual-layer DVD's...

Look 5-Star SE Dual Layer Set

- Star Wars is 6.68 gigs
- Empire is 6.61 gigs
- Jedi is 6.89 gigs

OR are the Look set you have all about 4gigs each (they are then the "Look DTS S.E."), IF they are only single layer discs the quality is PooDoo as they are BADLY shrunk versions of the 5-Star with defective DTS audio.

I would suggest you make a poll to see if there is a demand for the DL 5-Star SE set first as the Dual Layer look set is nice BUT - #1. MOST people don't have Dual Lyaer burners #2. Dual Layer discs are about $11 each shipped.

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

First off, welcome back Mobius...and I'd definitely be game for the LOOK SE set.

Secondly, I'm rooting around on ebay and I stumbled on this...


It's the droids on "Sesame Street"...now I was 7 when Star Wars came out so I had moved on to "The Electric Company" by then, but does anyone have this or know where to direct me to find it? For nostalgia's sake.

Thanks gang.

Wipe them out...all of them.

Originally posted by: Rikter

I would suggest you make a poll to see if there is a demand for the DL 5-Star SE set first as the Dual Layer look set is nice BUT - #1. MOST people don't have Dual Lyaer burners #2. Dual Layer discs are about $11 each shipped.

Or, we could always split each DVD9 in 2 DVD5's...and recombine them later when dual-layer or HDDVD or blu-ray or whatever is the norm. I personally wouldn't mind having to swap discs halfway through to get superior quality (we all remember LPs, video discs, and laser discs...it was par for the course to have to either swap or flip about halfway thru back in the day).

Being DVD9, are they better than the REIVAX SE of ANH? That one, although quirky, is the litmus.

If they are DVD9 I'm a "YES" vote.

Wipe them out...all of them.

Well the Five star SE are no better than the "Look" SE, have alook here i posted screenshots, http://www.originaltrilogy.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=9&threadid=1602&highlight_key=y&keyword1=97%20

Its really up to you people i could post both... or shrink the Five Star SE with CCE
Originally posted by: DarthOsor

Secondly, I'm rooting around on ebay and I stumbled on this...


It's the droids on "Sesame Street"...now I was 7 when Star Wars came out so I had moved on to "The Electric Company" by then, but does anyone have this or know where to direct me to find it? For nostalgia's sake.

I've got it, Darth. The quality is just OK, but it's great for the nostalgia. All of the scenes are basically raw takes of the droids segments filmed in 1979 and shown in 1980 after TESB was released. I'm considering adding a clip from it to my TESB supplements disc. If you or anyone else is interested in it, just PM me.