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STAR WARS: REBELS (animated tv series) - a general discussion thread — Page 57


I wish they would have posted a screencap of the Ghost parked at Yavin. You get a real nice look at the front of the ship.

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I’m so excited for that I have no words.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

Who voices old Kenobi? Sounds just like Guiness!

I’m sure it’s still James Arnold Taylor, who perfectly melded his Alec Guiness and Ewan McGregor impressions for TCW, now just going full Guiness.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I’ve heard it’s Stephen Stanton, the guy who does their Tarkin and who voiced Raddus in RO.

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I think it was an alright episode, not amazing but definitely better than some of the filler we’ve seen before. A few random thoughts;

Saw Gerrera was a real dick. I liked his voice acting, it seemed like a good middle ground between his Clone Wars appearance and his Rogue One appearance. I wonder what happened to him in the 2 to 3 years after Rebels that turned him into the paranoid cyborg nutcase he is in Rogue One, maybe they’ll make a comic about it. Never thought I’d feel bad for a Geonosian, but I genuinely felt bad for Click-Clack at times.


First off, I’ve always loved the idea that Geonosis is a dead planet now. I think it was an interesting step to take to completely erase an entire species from the galaxy, especially one that we know so well. Usually people are afraid to do that, but I like that they went for it. Geez, I was actually feeling bad for them. Poor Klik-Klak. I like that he’s probably trying to say “Death Star” with his writings, but there are several items consisting of “circles within circles” in the episode. It’s a shame having read Vader beforehand and knowing what happens to the queen as well, heh. Poor guys can’t catch a break.

“He’s no Skywalker” is a great line, and it’s neat to see Kanan really moving more into the Force as well. That bridge is the biggest thing we’ve seen moved with the Force in awhile, I think.

They did a good job capturing Forrest’s likeness as Saw (bringing him back for the voice helped a lot), as well as bridging the gap between the Clone Wars Saw and the Rogue One Saw. It’s interesting to see him with the fire and the passion he had during the Clone Wars. You can really see where he develops the fanaticism and extremism and distrust of the other Rebels they talk about in Rogue One, and it’s neat that they acknowledge that not all Rebels are created equally.

A sandstorm “clogging the barrels” of the Ghost is pretty spurious, but whatever. Sabine’s line about it was a nice little grin moment, too (but I could have gone without the reuse of “that’ll end this debate real quick” - okay, we get it. It’s Star Wars. =P)

The Rocket Troopers were neat, but I’m a bit miffed that they didn’t just go with the design from Battlefront. They’re pretty much the same thing! Sabine is getting to be pretty cool herself too.

I also noticed Hera the same dots on her shoulder as Cassian does in Rogue One so I assume the two vertical green dots are for captains in the Rebellion rank system.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I think it’s safe to say season 3 is SWR really found its footing. I’ve enjoyed the hell out of this season compared to the previous two.



Those episodes didn’t end nearly as badly for Saw as I expected, and didn’t show Saw to be as bad a guy as I hoped. At this point he was already extreme enough to abandon Jyn, but not extreme enough to be sent to Geonosis by Rebel leadership. Now if they were doing this rescue mission outside of orders, like Saw had gone on his own and reached out to Rex for help because no one else would answer, maybe that would be a little more understandable. Also, this is the mission that ruins Saw’s lungs requiring his need for his oxygen tank, but he doesn’t seem to spend that much time down there, especially since Click-Clack seems alright and it was designed to hill it. I expected one of the canisters to leak on him or something. However, it’s entirely possible that the reason we don’t see Ezra, Kanan, or Rex in R1 is because they all died of Geonosian insecticide. 😉

Saw has a really rough two years leading into R1, losing his legs, going completely mental…

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Maybe someone else will use that octopus guy on Saw in the time between Rebels and Rogue One.


Also, Pablo confirmed that Rebels started 5 BBY and is already at 2 BBY. Looks like they are going to push right up against R1, hopefully into it. Maybe they actually have an end in mind so it just doesn’t go on and on having more events than seems possible in the timeframe (see: The Clone Wars).

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I wonder if Ahsoka is going to show up to help Ben kick Maul’s shiny metal ass on Tatooine. It could provide anice and eerie ending to her story arc.

(as long as Maul and Ahsoka don’t call him Obi-Wan !)


I remember reading around the beginning of season 2 that they weren’t planning to do more than four seasons of Rebels before replacing it with something set in the ST era.


My favorite part of the mid-season premiere were the Jumptroopers:

Which are based on the flying troopers that were introduced in the new Star Tours:

First the RX-series pilot droid and now this! Someone over there loves Star Tours and I love that!

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