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STAR WARS: REBELS (animated tv series) - a general discussion thread — Page 14


Not impressed at all.

Really looks like Han, Luke, Chewie and R2 replacement characters with CGI not as good as the Clone Wars last seasons (far from it). I know they were heading for a new look, more old school, but I don't know. Does not work for me. But I said the same for the Clone Wars series and in the end I thought the overall show was quite good, so maybe this one will get better as it goes. But like I said: not impressed so far.


I'm not terribly excited about the series, but maybe it'll get better as time goes on and the animation will improve. I'm crossing my fingers, but I don't have high hopes. The antics of that silly droid are sure to drive me nuts and I don't really like the visual style. However, if it has good stories, I'm happy.


Despite my earlier pessimism over this thing, that trailer really did it for me... but so did the trailer for TPM ;-)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Trailer made it look good actually. So, okay, the animation style isn't as cool as Clone Wars. But that doesn't mean it'll be bad. I think I'll watch.


I hate the "disneyfied" animation. But still. I'll check a few episodes, maybe I learn to like it


I'll wait to pass judgement but I really haven't been impressed with anything I've seen.

I really don't like the visual style they've gone for, there seems to be a distinct lack of detail.

I'd also be far more interested if it was about actual rebels rather than Jedi and Sith characters.


Finally was able to see the trailer as it had not been working for me all day thanks to YouTube sucking.

It looks neat, but I felt like the trailer was lacking in information. Kinda just showed us stuff we've already seen just all cut together.

I really do hate the faces on both Jedi characters, but that's really my only complaint. The rest of the visual style is excellent to me.

I can't wait to actually learn something new about this again.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


The Pink Boba Fett lady kills a lot of the good feelings I got as TCW had more and more interesting female characters. 


Yay, not only more Jedi, but a Jedi who supposed to be in hiding on Tatooine.

My interest in this series is officially dead.


Interesting. I don't know where they're getting this main character stuff from though. It's a picture of an action figure. If this is accurate and he does appear it's gonna be as a guest star role.

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TheBoost said:

Tobar said:

Well it's the same creative team behind the show so I'm sure in time we'll be seeing a lot more female characters. Don't forget there's a second main female cast member in the form of the ship's pilot.

You can see a bit more of her in the 30 second version of the trailer.

 I know, and trying not to poo-poo it too much.

But Pink armor? Really? :-P

 Forgotten we've seen a pink R2 unit on TCW already? ;)

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Where were you in '77?


DuracellEnergizer said:

Yay, not only more Jedi, but a Jedi who supposed to be in hiding on Tatooine.

My interest in this series is officially dead.

 Without knowing the context, it's a little early to be running for the escape pods, don't you think? I don't believe Obi Wan sat around on his butt for twenty years in the desert, doing absolutely nothing, except for sending mental emails to Yoda, and communing with the Force.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

 Forgotten we've seen a pink R2 unit on TCW already? ;)


You mean THE pink R2 unit? R2-KT


There was another pink R2 with a different paint scheme seen in another episode as well.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Yay, not only more Jedi, but a Jedi who supposed to be in hiding on Tatooine.

My interest in this series is officially dead.

 Without knowing the context, it's a little early to be running for the escape pods, don't you think? I don't believe Obi Wan sat around on his butt for twenty years in the desert, doing absolutely nothing, except for sending mental emails to Yoda, and communing with the Force.

Whatever the case may be, it still sounds like an incredibly weak idea to me; can't a Star Wars series work without a major character from the movies playing a huge part in it?

But even without this aspect, I've lost all interest in the show; except for the guy based on proto-Chewie, there's nothing -- absolutely nothing -- shown about this series that interests or appeals to me in the slightest (just the opposite, really).  


SilverWook said:

Without knowing the context, it's a little early to be running for the escape pods, don't you think?

Well I never really boarded this ship.



Wow, I'd almost forgotten how negative Star Wars fans can be!

I think the trailer has enough of a Star Wars feel to it to make this appealing. That and the fact that much of the same team from the excellent The Clone Wars series is behind this gives me a lot of hope. I'm certainly looking forward to this a lot more than the new films.

That's some bad hat, Harry

So recently show runner Dave Filoni was interviewed by IGN and the topic of fan skepticism came up:

IGN: Right. There are always going to be those people -- I see them on the comment boards -- especially with the adult fans, where it's like, "Dark dark dark dark dark. It should always be darker."

Filoni: Of course, yeah.

IGN: So let's address that, because when Kilian [Plunkett] is saying, "This show is lighter than The Clone Wars”, what would you say to the people going, "Where's the dark stuff?!"

Filoni: For me, if I go back and look at the original Star Wars, I wouldn't call it dark. I think it has dark moments. I think Empire gets there, I think Jedi has some dark moments. But my intention with the storytelling is to be in that realm. I'll easily say, we are not going to be as dark as finding Darth Maul as a shell of his former self, on a junk planet, screaming, you know? That was dark even for Star Wars. I think the other thing too is I just want this to be Star Wars in the most classic sense -- a serialized television show. I want it to have its epic moments and its mythic moments. I want it to get to places where you know the villains are really villains. But for me at least to kind of map out this show, I think we'll start in a place, not unlike what we did in Clone Wars, which was that it was a bit more fun in the beginning. I think the bad guys still have their tone, but I think, since we're coming at it with a boy in the beginning, that it is a little bit lighter in tone. But then as the world kind of rises up around them and things get more serious, I think it allows us to bring everybody into that world, just like Luke did. Things get more and more progressively intense. But it's always with an eye on, how can we keep the flavor of Star Wars or Indiana Jones? It's going to be a very balanced show.

I would also say that it's different than the previous era of Clone Wars and Star Wars because we were really the only game in town. There wasn't almost anything else being made, certainly nothing else by George Lucas. Now we're looking at all types of Star Wars media coming out. I think that it all can't be the same. I would expect, as is a tradition in video games -- those things seem to be darker -- the new movies, what tone they'll have I don't know; maybe dark, maybe not dark. But I think there needs to be a range. There are other types of movies being made as well in Star Wars, and who knows what realm they'll go into. The good thing is, we're all on the same page at Lucasfilm... and I know more than I'm letting on. [Laughs] Obviously. But I just play it that way. No followup questions!

IGN: [Laughs] Yeah, yeah. I was thinking, ‘Suuuure, they never say anything to you about the new movies!’

Filoni: Yeah, I'm totally in the dark. [Laughs] But everything kind of needs to have it's place and space. I think that way you're addressing it in different mediums, in different formats. The nice thing I can say is, it's all more connected than it's ever been at Lucasfilm. Before, we would change something in Clone Wars and people would be like, "Why are you changing canon?" We're like, "Actually, we're not. This is the way George wants it." Now, that is a unified approach where I'm talking to several different people on different projects, and we're all aware of what each other's doing. We all get great ideas from each other and share ideas, so it's a much more unified effort. So our tone is classic Star Wars, very much I think, I'm hoping, A New Hope, because I find that it's probably the most balanced. I mean, Vader doesn't pull any punches. Certainly, Captain Antilles figured that out. But you still have things like Jawas. I love a movie that can encompass both of those things. I think that when we say "lighter tone," I just mean I hope it's in some ways funny. I think that everyone would agree that something that Marvel has done brilliantly is weave comedy into all of their action movies. They need that. I think with Clone Wars, we weren't nearly as good at that. It was very dark and serious most of the time. So I'm just looking for it to be more balanced now.

You can read the full interview here, it's a great read.

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It is a great read. I do like Dave Filoni. He really had his work cut out for him with TCW as Lucas would make pretty tall orders - bringing back Darth Maul, for instance - and leave it to Filoni and his team to work out how to pull off such ideas. I remain a firm fan of TCW and feel it was a great extension of the prequels, continuing the feel of those films whilst also bringing something to the mix that the prequels lacked: chemistry.

Now, it seems Rebels is going to be a lot more like the OT, dropping the darkness of TCW (political-heavy storylines and Anakin's troubling dark side) for the breezy style of episodes four-to-six. Definitely something to look forward to.

That's some bad hat, Harry

Was reading another interview Dave did for Nerdist and then this awesomeness came up:

As an original fan, if you just see a TIE fighter scream across the screen – you haven’t seen that since probably ’96 on a screen of any kind unless you’re watching it at home and it’s never been new. I think we have that to offer. Joel Aron, my VFX lead, has done an amazing job at matching the original effects. Something I’ll talk about – I don’t know if I've told anyone this, so this might be somewhat exclusive: We had the lightsaber rendered – the effect you’ll see in this show, Joel Aron and I very consciously decided to make it like what you saw in the ’70s. And they changed it in updated editions. The blade is a lot steadier in the re-releases and in the prequels. In fact, the blades in the prequels actually are wide and then they taper to a very specific sword point. The lightsabers that we’re putting in Star Wars Rebels are very much the long thin slender blade that is just more like a fencing rapier. Much more like that.

And they oscillate. They actually quiver. Joel found the original guy that did the original effect, rotoed it and everything, because it was on a rod that spun. If you look at really old, original footage of Luke’s lightsaber when he turns it on, it kind of almost goes like that [waves hand] and flickers. That really motivates the humming sound of the lightsaber and how it fluctuates when it moves. Joel’s recreated that really well.

Something else, we put in the old kind of yellow-green flash contacts when the sabers hit in the old movies that weren't as present in the new ones. We've gone very retro with our effects package for Rebels. I think old fans will like that, new fans won’t even know the difference. But yes, it’s always a big consideration. For a lot of kids, Rebels will be their introduction [to Star Wars]. It’s exciting, and it’s a huge responsibility, because we want to set things up well for everything that’s going to come.

Full interview here.

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