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ROTS: Baby Scoops?

WTF is with those bloody scoops those damn medical droids use at the end of ROTS?! The arms of the droids are like scoops to retrieve infants Luke and Leia like ice cream.

MTFBWY. Always.

Uuuummmmbah uoombaeh ombeh uuumbahhhh obhm.
I always wondered where the 2-1B was in that scene. Those CGI-montrosities are complete ass...

When I took my old man to see EPI, whom I shared a love of the OOT with, he leaned over to me and whispered, "I'm glad I'm not buying you the toys this time around" during the invasion sequence.

It got me to thinking - how much of the imagery in the Prequels were designed to make product off of? What I'm getting at is, I wonder if the designers and GL were like, "This would make a great toy..." seeing as how there is an action figure for every damn background character in the movies.

You know, 'cause everyone is clamouring for a damn birthing robot toy, what with it's SNES controller for a face and all.
There's definitely a vast difference between the designs of the OT and PT. the OT was grounded in some sense of practicality. McQuarrie came from a background working with NASA and Joe Johnson and crew seems to have an understanding of taking an idea and making it function. Chang in the PT was coming from a more Victorian design aesthetic, where image drove the final product. I don't think he had much application of taking his ideas from sketches into real objects. I also don't think that during the production of the PT, they would have said "that would make a great toy" because in many ways, everything was expected to become a toy. So it did mold the design process in a sense, but it wasn't a goal it was just a reality of the situation. These things we're going to become toys no matter what.
Originally posted by: theredbaron
WTF is with those bloody scoops those damn medical droids use at the end of ROTS?! The arms of the droids are like scoops to retrieve infants Luke and Leia like ice cream.


Actually, these are quite similar to delivery forceps. I got this one. I just think it was another Lucasfilm cop-out not to have Obi-Wan deliver the twins himself emergency-style on Mustafar.

Maybe even have THAT be the cause of Padme's death, giving Anakin a REAL reason to hate him.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
"I always wondered where the 2-1B was in that scene. Those CGI-montrosities are complete ass..."

"There's definitely a vast difference between the designs of the OT and PT."

Agreed with both. In the OT, they would have used these:


<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

LOL - my daughter is just 12 days old, and they used those at the hospital. Sadly, there won't be action figures to commerate the experience.

This is for folks who eat ice cream right out of the container. Those get pretty deep. Good to the last drop.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

That ain't all they do with those.

I used to work in a place that made birthing devices. The only thing bad about that job was having to watch the training videos on how to use all the devices. This thread is bringing back a lot of bad memories.[
Originally posted by: none
Uuuummmmbah uoombaeh ombeh uuumbahhhh obhm.

thats actually beleive it or not a common noise that is made during deleveries. the sound is meant to calm the mother.
Originally posted by: Sluggo
I used to work in a place that made birthing devices. The only thing bad about that job was having to watch the training videos on how to use all the devices. This thread is bringing back a lot of bad memories.[

Yegh. But, if you only made the devices, why would you be required to learn how to use one? Or was the creation of instructional videos part of your job?

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

Actually, I only shipped the devices. I suppose they wanted everybody familiar with them so we could deal with our venders and customers effectively. Now I know how a c-section works.

I've always thought that the scene would have been better if Anakin would have fatally injured Padme, and they had to rush to save the twins.
Or just have her live so Leia could remember her from when whe was very young.
Originally posted by: TheCassidy
I always wondered where the 2-1B was in that scene. Those CGI-montrosities are complete ass...
Yes they are. And it makes perfect sense that a 2-1B droid would be the height of technology at the time of ROTS, but by the time of the OT they are outdated, which is why the rebels have them (same deal with the X-Wings: We should have seen brand new pristine X-Wings in the prequels and by the time of the OT the Imperials have upgraded to TIEs while the rebels are using battle-damaged old X-Wings from 20 years ago.)

War does not make one great.

"thats actually beleive it or not a common noise that is made during deleveries. the sound is meant to calm the mother."

I've been by my wife for the delivery of both of my children, and never heard anything like that sound ever.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Maybe in real life it's played at a frequency that only women can hear, and that's why you've never heard that sound, MeBe! ^_~

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Originally posted by: Sluggo
I've always thought that the scene would have been better if Anakin would have fatally injured Padme, and they had to rush to save the twins.
Or just have her live so Leia could remember her from when whe was very young.

That's exactly how I changed it. It definitely worked better. Any one of a dozen approaches would work better than the crap GL delivered (no pun intended).
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.