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Never have I EVER had a problem or have been confused by this sequence. Honestly, I understand most of the suggestions on here, but wow, I think sometimes people over complicate things. I understood it when I was a kid... I also had no issue with Han walking outside the ship to shoot mynocks with a very simple face mask, and somehow, gravity! =)


To be fair, the facemask and asteroid gravity are logical problems, not understanding problems. With Luke, the visuals apparently didn't communicate to me what was happening; I've no problem with the logic of his getting sucked into that thing, just the way it's shown.

That being said, I also don't care if it gets changed.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


adywan said:

I've always thought it was pretty obvious that he gets sucked into the vent. I don't have a problem with the way this scene is so i will be keeping it the way it is.

 That's a relief. Do people really need this explaining?


I had no problem understanding that he was sucked in, though the sound of it always sounded to me like his body scraping on the metal of the tube (can't listen to it now because I'm at work).  But visually it truly looks like he simply falls down to the bottom whereupon he is sucked into the tube.  Wookieepedia agrees with me (cue Wookieepedia accuracy criticisms, but the point is that enough people have read that article and not altered it).  I also have talked about this with family and friends many times throughout my life, and there seemed to be a common understanding.  Being sucked into the side is more realistic to me in many ways, but I wish it were visually more apparent now.


If you flip the canvas the perspective (we see the bottom of the round edge) helps more to sense that its on a wall and not its a floor. Roto out Luke might be an option if it doesnt work nice in motion.

A simple solution yes, yet effective. (credit he knows who ;) )




Hey, I'm happy!  I guess we could save that for The Ridiculous Strikes Back.


adywan said:

Problem solved ;)

Cloud City! The whole city is one big city.


Ripplin said:

The whole city is also Cloud City.

You catch on pretty quick. 


Tobar said:

Er, I always thought it was a given that he never makes it to the bottom of the shaft but is sucked into one of those red exhaust ports in the wall.

Here's the scene in motion. And here it is as it appears in the script:



Suddenly Luke is sucked into an exhaust pipe in the side of the shaft. When Vader sees this, he turns and hurries off the platform.


Ah, thanks for quoting the 'script' here Tobar, as I've never actually read it.  So I wasn't seeing things after all...as this confirms he really *was* supposed to be 'sucked into' a 'vent' from the side!   

And a nice bit of 'literal' thinking there with this 'close-up' of the 'vent' Angel -

I really liked that!  :)

While it seems to have been obvious to some, I admit it's never been as clear to me that this was the case...because although it seemed a little 'lucky' that Luke managed to fall down into one of the 'chutes' directly, rather than missing it and splattering on the ground beside it...I just used to assume that the 'vent' could have been 'sucking him in' from it's possible location at the bottom too, as he got nearer down towards it...

However, I'm really pleased that the 'script' clarifys that the footage *is* meant to indicate that Luke enters the side of the chasm rather than the bottom, and clears this up for me...as his movement works better this way during the shot, on balance.

However, this throws up a question -

Considering he was falling straight down, right in the middle of a very wide chasm...this 'vent' must have had an extraordinary amount of 'suction' to pull him in from so far away...  Fair enough, but how come none of the other 'vents' in the wall that he already plunged past managed to 'suck him in' when he passed?...  Was this the only one working?...or did this particular one have 'turbo suction'?...

Mind you, I'm now of the mind that his severed hand and lightsaber probably didn't hit the bottom of the chasm either now...because if one of these side 'vent's' could manage to 'suck in' a heavy, fast-falling object like Luke from the middle, then they could easily have 'sucked in' much lighter objects like those too.



ImperialFighter said:

Considering he was falling straight down, right in the middle of a very wide chasm...this 'vent' must have had an extraordinary amount of 'suction' to pull him in from so far away...  Fair enough, but how come none of the other 'vents' in the wall that he already plunged past managed to 'suck him in' when he passed?...  This particular one must have had 'turbo suction' I guess...

Why do the stormtroopers always miss? Why is there gravity in the meteor? Why does Leia make out with Luke?

All very good questions...


In answer to your question, it seems likely that he was experiencing pull from all directions, happened to drift closer to one side (probably already closer to that side when falling, so the suction from that side was already pulling him slightly more than all other sides), and finally got close enough for one particular shaft to nab him


DominicCobb said:

Why do the stormtroopers always miss? Why is there gravity in the meteor? Why does Leia make out with Luke?

All very good questions...

Hey, just speculating on possibilities DC, rather than expecting any plausable, definitive answers...

darth_ender said:

In answer to your question, it seems likely that he was experiencing pull from all directions, happened to drift closer to one side (probably already closer to that side when falling, so the suction from that side was already pulling him slightly more than all the other sides), and finally got close enough for one particular shaft to nab him

Not bad darth, and seems as reasonable a notion as any.  Thanks. :)


darth_ender said:

Being sucked into the side is more realistic to me in many ways, but I wish it were visually more apparent now.

I have no idea why people think this. It's patently obvious that he gets sucked towards the side when he's falling. The sequence, aside from the flipped shot which Ady is fixing, is shot perfectly clear and makes total sense the way it is. There is one shot from above seeing Luke falling away, then we cut below to him falling towards us, then there is the clear shot of him being pulled towards the far wall and into the vent. It is as visually apparent as it can be.


^Apparently not to a large number of people.  Now that it's been pointed out, it seems obvious, but it originally looked to me as if the camera was panning till it looked to the floor of the abyss.  Is it that hard to believe that not everyone perceived it the same way?  In any case, who cares now?  Now everyone is on the same page that the 9/11 was not an inside job, Obama was born on US soil, and Luke got sucked into the side, so there's no need to beat anyone over the head about it.


adywan said:

Problem solved ;)

This makes me happy beyond words.  And by words, I mean the things that come out of my mouth when I explain what is happening.


This was just a small thing from my earlier post adywan, but I'm interested to know if you think the currently 'barely visable' red lights at the bottom of the 'stem' matte should be brightened up a little, or not.

Current SE shot -

Mock-up -



darth_ender said:

^Apparently not to a large number of people.  Now that it's been pointed out, it seems obvious, but it originally looked to me as if the camera was panning till it looked to the floor of the abyss.  Is it that hard to believe that not everyone perceived it the same way?  In any case, who cares now?  Now everyone is on the same page that the 9/11 was not an inside job, Obama was born on US soil, and Luke got sucked into the side, so there's no need to beat anyone over the head about it.

Are you kidding?! Obama came into office after he orchestrated the Naboo crisis, while working with the Trade Federation. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS!


Oh, I see you are one of those extremist PT Truthers, believing everything that FoxHoloNet tells you.  The PT is pure propaganda, and you're beginning to sound like a Separatist!


darth_ender said:

Oh, I see you are one of those extremist PT Truthers, believing everything that FoxHoloNet tells you.  The PT is pure propaganda, and you're beginning to sound like a Separatist!

All I'm saying is that it doesn't make sense for the same bounty hunter that is working for Count Dooku to be the template for the CLONE ARMY. FOR THE REPUBLIC! Am I the only one who sees this? It's all lies people! LIES!


MrInsaneA said:

All I'm saying is that it doesn't make sense for the same bounty hunter that is working for Count Dooku to be the template for the CLONE ARMY. FOR THE REPUBLIC! Am I the only one who sees this? It's all lies people! LIES!

I totally agree with you, MrInsaneA.

And yes, it is ALL lies!!!

"Darth Vader... tall and threatening in his black helmet, flowing black cape, and a face, forever masked, by a foreboding metal breath screen...

Darth Vader... a figure, who moves forever in a cloud of awesome evil!"