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Hey, I'm just curious, why is the Facebook page now "Request to Join"? Was there some problem?


Yeah, some guy was calling Ady an idiot and telling us to find girls instead of fan editing. The only way we can block people is by making the group "closed". Sorry for the inconvenice. I'm hoping to have something more public up soon, with Ady's approval.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Funny how they mock it as a waste of time when they're the ones feeling the need to comment on something they have no interest in.

And on FACEBOOK of all places. That's the biggest waste of time on earth, surely. I wasn't aware that Facebook was all of a sudden the domain of the ultra-virile male. Thought they'd be too busy chopping down trees, eating raw meat or playing full contact male-on-male sport together. There's no better way to assert your heterosexuality afterall.

Except mocking people behind the anonymity of your keyboard apparently. Very manly.


Does it help if women are interested in this too?

"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." – John Lennon


brash_stryker said:

A woman? Here? I'm scared.

 Relax.....it'll be just fine. She's prettier than we are, but she likes all the same things we do.....


As far as Star Wars goes, that's true. ;)

"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." – John Lennon


muddyknees2000 said:

brash_stryker said:

A woman? Here? I'm scared.

 Relax.....it'll be just fine. She's prettier than we are, but she likes all the same things we do.....

IT'S A TRAP !!!!!!

"Away put your weapon, I mean you no harm!"



Wow, I was wondering whether there were any women here. There were a few people I thought were women, but they turned out to be guys (I'm not gonna say who ;-D )...


Wow! I didn't know there were any women here either. I knew there were a few on fanedit.org but not here. Anyway, nice to meet you, skye. Maybe this deserves an off-topic thread: How many of you are women?...

Anyway sorry for getting off topic. I was watching the emperor clip and absolutely loved it. Keep up the good work Adywan! It looked fairly, though not completely, natural to me. ESB Revisited is going to be epic!

adywan said: The 2004 version was just so unemotional that he looked like he was falling asleep.

Which reminds me of the following:


Sorry for the little offtopic and the german:

The clip is dubbed with the german dialect "Kölsch" which is spoken by people around the city of Cologne.

Here's a quick translation:

Emperor: Now I've forgotten what I wanted to say. Just a moment ago I knew it.

Vader: That happens.

Emperor: Man, that can't be. What was it? I don't get it. It's on the tip of my tongue. Ahhh, no, shit, I think it's gone...

Vader: Then it wasn't important at all...

Emperor: What else?

Vader: Okay. Lot of work. And you?

Emperor: Evil people are always well, you know? (I don't know if there's an english equivalent for this german saying)

Emperor: It just occurred to me. Where is the Deathstar?

Vader: It's broken.

Emperor: Yes. Now that you're saying it... I have to sleep over it. See you later...

Vader: ...Alligator... (I tried to find an suitable translation for the german farewell-phrase "Mach's gut" (Make it good), which is often accompanied with the silly reply "Mach's besser" (Make it better))...




adywan said:

RoccondilRinon said:

Isn't Ady married himself? Silly trolls.

yeh, i am. which is one of the reasons i found this guys trolling comment quite funny. He said that i should "Find a girl. Now.", yet i'm married and his facebook status was "single". Epic fail there buddy.

Haha! Epic fail indeed... Would have been more funny if the troll had been "Georges Lucas is not a lair !!!" though.


Gentlemen, and whoever of you that might be ladies in the audience, I'm pleased to make an announcement.

In order to have a centralized place to find out what's going on lately with the Revisited Project, I have created what amounts to the "official site":


I have moved all of the Revisited articles from my personal blog over to there, and will be updating it with links to the YouTube previews, announcements, etc. It won't be another place for Ady to announce things, it will be the place to go to get a combination of all of the announcements made related to the project, whether they came from here, Ady's Facebook account, Ady's Twitter, or the ESBR Facebook group.

If you're tired of following a nearly-900 page thread, this will be the place for you. There will be no comments enabled, as that is what a discussion thread is for. No links to downloads either. It will just be information.

If you're really in a hurry and use Twitter, I've also created @SWRevisited to give you bite sized news updates. Even if you follow @adywan, this should be a good resource for you.

It's just getting started, so feel free to let me know via PM what else the site could do for you.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


(on page 886) Grythandril said:

The scene where vader is talking to needa via hologram i noticed that far right of the screen is another part of the holoarea.  will you be removing that and putting part of the stairs to the bridge?

Grythandril, as you recently brought up this additional, 'holo'-like area behind Vader, I'd like to go into it a little now...as I'm curious to know if it's going to remain like that, or not, too -


Firstly, here's a 'behind-the-scenes' photo showing a good section of how the 'control room'/'hologram' set looks -

As far as the movie footage goes in the shot below, when we first see Ozzel and Needa walking towards the 'Bridge' area where Vader is...they walk slightly past the 'hologram' section that is opposite the 'control room' section...before turning around to go back a little, when Piett calls over to them...

The part of the set behind them here is a portion of the same grey section that's behind Vader in the top 'hologram' shot above, but this is as much as we see of it in this particular shot...

...but when we follow Ozzel and Needa over to the rear of the 'control room' side of the set...we can see an angled 'pillar' in the foreground on the left the shot, that's also seen in the 'behind-the-scenes' photo above...

It looks as if this 'pillar' is situated roughly opposite the grey section that Ozzel and Needa were beside in the shot above...and a guard can be seen positioned well behind it at this point... 

...and this shot below shows a section of the 'control room' set that extends a little further forward from where the guard is positioned...

So this set section shown here, and the additional 'holo'-like area behind Vader in the top shot...are the 2 shots that show the nearest portions to the 'Bridge' on either side of the set, that we get to see in the movie...

...and we also see the 'pillar' on the left of the shot below too, just after Vader has spoken with the 'hologram' SD commanders...when he crosses the corridor directly across from where he's been standing in the 'hologram' shot at the top...

So that's everything we see in the corridor that's supposedly leading towards the 'Bridge', then.  (note: as opposed to the 'similar' but DIFFERENT-looking corridor set that's been re-arranged for the 'Bounty Hunters' scene...which takes place elsewhere on the 'Executor')

However, it's currently inconclusive in the movie about how far away from the 'Bridge' this 'control room'/additional 'holo'-like area really is...but I've always looked on the footage as being explained away like this anyway -

We initially see this wide, 'stylistic composition' view of the 'Bridge', which shows Vader starting to come towards the 'control room' where we hear Ozzel and Piett talking from...

...and then we cut to a close-up shot of Vader as he's *just about* to exit the 'Bridge'...and can still hear Ozzel and Piett talking...

...but then we cut to seeing Vader suddenly come up beside Ozzel and Piett...before Vader asks "You found something?"...

This direct cut from Vader *just about* to exit the 'Bridge', straight to him suddenly appearing beside Ozzel and Piett...is yet another of those brief *jump-ahead-in-time* moments that's seen throughout the movie.  (which doesn't reveal the exact closeness between the 'Bridge' and 'control room'/'hologram' sections we see onscreen) 

And just like the 'Han/Lando' example that I described on page 886, Ozzel and Piett's conversation can be thought of as being slightly 'further on' from where we last heard them during the previous shot of Vader beginning to approach them...as their voices don't overlap the cut between these 2 shots, because they have FINISHED speaking by the time Vader has eventually reached them to ask "You found something?"

Of course, adywan has now neatly added steps to the initial wide shot of the 'Bridge' to match the set that Vader was filmed exiting near the end of the movie...

...and brilliantly inserted the 'control room' corridor into the background of the mismatching shot seen below...so that things tie-in much better with how things looked earlier in the movie...

...and the fact that this is a MOVING shot makes his 'control room' insert all the more impressive! :)

So to sum up Grythandril, while various shots can never be made to tie-in perfectly without cluttering things up (such as the 'open' view of the wide shot of the 'Bridge' for 'compositional effect')...I reckon that the additional 'holo'-like area seen in the top shot behind Vader could be replaced with a hint of the 'Bridge' steps added instead...OR...just be left as it is, indicating a short section that comes IMMEDIATELY BEFORE the 'Bridge' steps that are just off-screen.

EITHER way would still tie-in well enough with the proximity of the 'control room' insert that's now been added, as far as I can see...and things are certainly a better compromise now than the current footage shows, at the end of the day.


doubleofive said:

Gentlemen, and whoever of you that might be ladies in the audience, I'm pleased to make an announcement.

In order to have a centralized place to find out what's going on lately with the Revisited Project, I have created what amounts to the "official site":


I have moved all of the Revisited articles from my personal blog over to there, and will be updating it with links to the YouTube previews, announcements, etc. It won't be another place for Ady to announce things, it will be the place to go to get a combination of all of the announcements made related to the project, whether they came from here, Ady's Facebook account, Ady's Twitter, or the ESBR Facebook group.

If you're tired of following a nearly-900 page thread, this will be the place for you. There will be no comments enabled, as that is what a discussion thread is for. No links to downloads either. It will just be information.

If you're really in a hurry and use Twitter, I've also created @SWRevisited to give you bite sized news updates. Even if you follow @adywan, this should be a good resource for you.

It's just getting started, so feel free to let me know via PM what else the site could do for you.


That's great! Thank you :)

May the Force be with you!


skye1083 said:

Does it help if women are interested in this too?

It has been my impression that girls are allowed to like Star Wars too, so you aren't the only woman on here honey! I've been into this stuff since 1977 (shows her age!).

I am a kite dancing in a hurricane …


doubleofive said:

Gentlemen, and whoever of you that might be ladies in the audience, I'm pleased to make an announcement.

In order to have a centralized place to find out what's going on lately with the Revisited Project, I have created what amounts to the "official site":


Wow, that's great!

Don't get me wrong, I love the site, but this is just a little suggestion: Maybe a new banner might make things look better and more "official" (Not that it doesn't already). This is just a mock-up I did:

(Larger version here: http://i52.tinypic.com/n20kjt.png )

I'll be honest, I know next to nothing about website design, so I don't even know if it's possible to do with a wordpress blog...


Yeah, I'm considering changing the theme so I can have a bigger banner. It's a rough draft at this point, didn't want to spend too much time customizing it until I got an OK, which I just got this morning.

I like your design though!

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress