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vaderios said:

I did it! What now? :P

Lol, I accidentally posted that, but I'll get back about it and a few other things soon.


Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm just going off of a Youtube video I watched), but the infamous "Wilhelm Scream" is present in The Empire Strikes Back, but it's barely audible (When Chewbacca throws the Storm Trooper off the ledge at the Bespin Freezing Chamber). This is just a fun little suggestion, but it would be nice to have the scream louder so you can actually hear it or insert it into a different scene. (Hoth maybe?)




But the Wilhelm Scream is so horrendously overused, I think it should stay as it is.


The stormy Wilhelms in ANH and ESB are rather subtle which is why they don't grate on me much I would be more for toning them down across the rest of the saga rather than ramping them up here.

I'd tone down the "I've got a bad feeling about this" instances too, I appreciate that they are sort of expected to be there but they did open the door to cut and paste dialogue running amok in the PT.


adywan said:

muddyknees2000 said:

I've got another quick question concerning cloud city......if you dont mind. Theres an establishing shot of leia up in a tower through a window.....this is the scene where she indicates she's worried about c3po.....in the establishing shot of the scene, pre SE, there used to be a pod car lifting off from a landing platform, and its engine slowly came on and got brighter before it flies off.......and in the SE, they've actually added another shot of the pod lifting off from the platform, but its engine is already on, and THEN they cut to the original shot (or a new one made to look like the old), a few seconds past its original start, meaning that the engine no longer comes on, its just on. It was a tiny detail, but I always liked it......are you restoring little things like that, or no?

No, i won't be restoring that effect. tracking the ship in the previous SE shot and replacing it with a new ship which replacing background elements that are all moving would be a nightmare, all for just a small effect. Also, the building position problems between the SE and the older matte will have to stay. I made a new matte and placed the buildings/platform in the correct position and boy did the shot looks bad. The composite just didn't look right at all. It has been slightly tweaked, but the positioning remains almost the same

Any chance at simply having the engine fade on from full off, so that it flows into the next shot, showing the very end of the fade?


muddyknees2000 said:

adywan said:

muddyknees2000 said:

I've got another quick question concerning cloud city......if you dont mind. Theres an establishing shot of leia up in a tower through a window.....this is the scene where she indicates she's worried about c3po.....in the establishing shot of the scene, pre SE, there used to be a pod car lifting off from a landing platform, and its engine slowly came on and got brighter before it flies off.......and in the SE, they've actually added another shot of the pod lifting off from the platform, but its engine is already on, and THEN they cut to the original shot (or a new one made to look like the old), a few seconds past its original start, meaning that the engine no longer comes on, its just on. It was a tiny detail, but I always liked it......are you restoring little things like that, or no?
No, i won't be restoring that effect. tracking the ship in the previous SE shot and replacing it with a new ship which replacing background elements that are all moving would be a nightmare, all for just a small effect. Also, the building position problems between the SE and the older matte will have to stay. I made a new matte and placed the buildings/platform in the correct position and boy did the shot looks bad. The composite just didn't look right at all. It has been slightly tweaked, but the positioning remains almost the same
Any chance at simply having the engine fade on from full off, so that it flows into the next shot, showing the very end of the fade?
Ady would have the exact same problem of tracking the element in 3D space to fade the glow.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


yes, I realize the tracking would still have to be done, I was just wondering if only replacing the engine glow and not the whole ship would make the process any easier


muddyknees2000 said:

yes, I realize the tracking would still have to be done, I was just wondering if only replacing the engine glow and not the whole ship would make the process any easier
Its the tracking that would be the hard part, and that seems like a lot of work for something that literally flies by. I could be wrong on what Ady thinks though.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

Its the tracking that would be the hard part, and that seems like a lot of work for something that literally flies by. I could be wrong on what Ady thinks though.

 Yeah I agree with you that its a tiny detail......it just bugs me that they screwed up the continuity of what WAS a great shot by adding one preceeding it and getting things wrong.


TML said:

Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm just going off of a Youtube video I watched), but the infamous "Wilhelm Scream" is present in The Empire Strikes Back, but it's barely audible (When Chewbacca throws the Storm Trooper off the ledge at the Bespin Freezing Chamber). This is just a fun little suggestion, but it would be nice to have the scream louder so you can actually hear it or insert it into a different scene. (Hoth maybe?)

Ah, hello there. Long time lurker, first time poster, well almost at least.

The Wilhelm scream IS actually in the Hoth battle, when that "radar-laser" cannon gets fried in the beginning of the battle.

About 16 seconds in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhpS69eAXrU



Jorni_Kavar said:

TML said:

Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm just going off of a Youtube video I watched), but the infamous "Wilhelm Scream" is present in The Empire Strikes Back, but it's barely audible (When Chewbacca throws the Storm Trooper off the ledge at the Bespin Freezing Chamber). This is just a fun little suggestion, but it would be nice to have the scream louder so you can actually hear it or insert it into a different scene. (Hoth maybe?)

Ah, hello there. Long time lurker, first time poster, well almost at least.

The Wilhelm scream IS actually in the Hoth battle, when that "radar-laser" cannon gets fried in the beginning of the battle.

About 16 seconds in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhpS69eAXrU


Oh, so it is! Must be a variation of the scream. It might be a good idea to use some of the different variations in Return of the Jedi, because the scream is used like 3 times throughout the film. (The Ben Burtt cameo should be the only one who uses the "famous" version in my opinion)


Ady may I suggest that you keep the original project files for this so that if you do a 1080p version later you can just replace the file?

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

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Has there been an update to the release date for Empire: Revisited?  The last I heard it was supposed to be released sometime in February?



"Remember, the force will be with you....always."



Wow. I was just looking back at the beginning of this project. 2007??? This has certainly been a multi-year project, but a worthy one. The work is first class.


shanerjedi said:

Wow. I was just looking back at the beginning of this project. 2007??? This has certainly been a multi-year project, but a worthy one. The work is first class.
First post is February 18, 2008, so we could go by that and call next month the third year of work. ;-)

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

"Sometime this year" is the new date.

Perhaps I'm misremembering, but I thought Ady mentioned recently that it was likely to be toward the end of this year.

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


Akwat Kbrana said:

doubleofive said:

"Sometime this year" is the new date.
Perhaps I'm misremembering, but I thought Ady mentioned recently that it was likely to be toward the end of this year.
That's what I meant to say. "Before next year."

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Akwat Kbrana said:

doubleofive said:

"Sometime this year" is the new date.

Perhaps I'm misremembering, but I thought Ady mentioned recently that it was likely to be toward the end of this year.

 Yeah....he wanted a chance to check out the blu-rays before releasing the movie....in case there was anything on them that he could use for ESB


Does anyone know if anything on the ESB blue-rays that would assist Adywan in this edit?


Matticon said:

Does anyone know if anything on the ESB blue-rays that would assist Adywan in this edit?

One of the reasons ESBR isn't coming out sooner, because Ady is waiting to see what will be on the Blu-Rays.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>


Well the project has stalled yet again, thanks to a certain member of these boards being a dick. I posted this in the "let Jedi Tray back in" thread so i'll copy it into here so you all can see what has been going on:

adywan said:

Kenobius prime/ jedi tray, whatever your fucking name is i really wished they had banned your ass permanently, no matter what stupid alias you use .

You bombarded me with emails/pms on virtually every site i visit when you got banned like some psycho stalker. I told you to what you did wrong and to just keep a low profile as your constant harrassment towards some members, and multiple new accounts would just make matters worse for yourself. Then i also asked you not to contact me until after the christmas period because of all the things i had going on in my personal life, which you were fully aware of.But you still kept contacting me all through this time

Now, since christmas i have not been able to reply to most emails/ PM's ive been getting because i'm at my dads most of the time caring for him because he started his chemotherapy. He doesn't have an internet connection so i'm having to use a pay as you go internet dongle, so accessing my emails would use a lot of this limited bandwidth, so i leave those until i get home and just visit the boards instead. Plus, i haven't got the time at the moment to reply to most PM's so have to go through them when i can in order of when they were sent to me.

Well i've had a night off tonight because my brother has come up and taken over for the night and i decided to start going through all the emails and PM's and saw one from you which has really pissed me off. An email from paypal because you have demanded the donation you made towards ESB:R back. Well thanks for screwing me over you asshole. The bank account used for the ESB:R paypal fund is empty, but paypal have withdrawn the money from my empty bank account which has now cause me to incur a £50 overdrawn fee (thats approx $80 to you). All this for a £10 donation. So i guess you only donated to get the attention you craved along with the emperor clip and when you weren't getting the replies you wanted and now you have been let back in here i was no longer of any use to you so you decide to screw me over. Now i have to try and fine the money from somewhere to pay this off, which is the last thing i really wanted to have to worry about at this point in time.

You are so lucky that you live nowhere near me because if i saw you face to face right now i wouldn't be responsible for my actions. You are scum and an attention seeking little whore.

Screw you and your crappy little vinyl project. I hope you rot in hell. You are the lowest of the low







Goodness, that's absolutely awful!!!  So sorry for the troubles, Adywan.  Forget Mos Eisley, this is the ultimate scum and villainy.  How disgusting.