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Asteroid-Man said:

They know he's the offspring of Anakin - that would make him 24 or 25 wouldn't it? I think he'd know...

The son of skywalker.. Not anakin.Who is the papa skywalker is unknown and dead by vader. (ANH) We get the name anakin in ROTJ.


SE messed with that for a more PT connection.

Palps wanted to seduct anankin for the imminent death of padme. He didnt mention about his kids. Otherwise if palps knew that he had children they would have obtain them asap. Ben mentions this plot in ROTJ too.





We get the name anakin in ROTJ.

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I've recently thought that Ben says "Annie was a good friend." in ANH - not "and he" as I thought before - which would make ANH the first mention of Skywalker Sr's (nick)name. You could argue it was poorly pronounced, but it was Alec Guiness!



Darth Editous said:


We get the name anakin in ROTJ.

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I've recently thought that Ben says "Annie was a good friend." in ANH - not "and he" as I thought before - which would make ANH the first mention of Skywalker Sr's (nick)name. You could argue it was poorly pronounced, but it was Alec Guiness!





Bloody hell
just been Reading like the Last few pages on here
And boy did you guys go OFF TOPIC I had to double Check if I was on the Right Thread LOL

Star Wars Deleted Scenes Restored



vaderios said:

Asteroid-Man said:

They know he's the offspring of Anakin - that would make him 24 or 25 wouldn't it? I think he'd know...

The son of skywalker.. Not anakin.Who is the papa skywalker is unknown and dead by vader. (ANH) We get the name anakin in ROTJ.


SE messed with that for a more PT connection.

Palps wanted to seduct anankin for the imminent death of padme. He didnt mention about his kids. Otherwise if palps knew that he had children they would have obtain them asap. Ben mentions this plot in ROTJ too.



Ah that's right, but either way, they would know how old he is, no?

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

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There is over 800 pages here, so I don't know if someone has mentioned this.  I kind of liked the new scene in the special edition where Sidious tells Vader that Luke is his son, but earlier Vader says something like "Skywalker must be with them" referring to the base on Hoth which is in contradiction to the later added dialogue because he wasn't supposed to know that Luke was his son yet.  Maybe that's something to correct in your edit.

Another thing is that the added dialogue (when Sidious tells Vader about Luke) goes against the opening crawl that says Vader is scouring the galaxy looking for Skywalker, which means he knew Skywalker was his son.

I'd change the opening crawl and change Vaders line from "Skywalker is there, i can feel it" to "the rebels are there" or just remove it.


I have always thought that Palps & Vader have known of Skywalker and who he was since the destruction of the Death Star, Vader becoming obsessed in finding him as the opening crawl says.

Palps urgent conversation with Vader is because suddenly things have changed, there is a disturbance in the force, ie: for nearly 20 years the Jedi have been extinct and now all of a sudden these 2 Sith can feel tremors in the force, as Yoda has returned and Luke is getting stronger, like flies caught on a spiders web.

If you think of it this way....everything makes sense.......but not if you listen to the new SE dialogue.......that really throws everything into the contradiction zone!



Ady has said that the Emperor scene will be reverted back to the 1980 dialogue (or as close as is possible), while keeping the new Ian McDiarmid Emperor from 2004, with some visual alterations to make him look more like he does in ROTJ.


ChainsawAsh said:

Ady has said that the Emperor scene will be reverted back to the 1980 dialogue (or as close as is possible), while keeping the new Ian McDiarmid Emperor from 2004, with some visual alterations to make him look more like he does in ROTJ.

 I had understood that he was using ROTJ footage to create his hologram and ditching the 2004 emperor completely....anybody got clarification on this?


Basically he's re-edited Ian McDiarmid's 2004 dialogue to conform to the original 1980 while using ROTJ for the hologram. The only difference was instead of saying Luke Skywalker he says young Skywalker and that's because Ian never says Luke. That might be changing though if Ady can get the audio Jaitea found to sound right.

(Oh and I think Palps mouth might still be from '04)

Forum Moderator

hgfed said:

There is over 800 pages here, so I don't know if someone has mentioned this.  I kind of liked the new scene in the special edition where Sidious tells Vader that Luke is his son, but earlier Vader says something like "Skywalker must be with them" referring to the base on Hoth which is in contradiction to the later added dialogue because he wasn't supposed to know that Luke was his son yet.  Maybe that's something to correct in your edit.

Another thing is that the added dialogue (when Sidious tells Vader about Luke) goes against the opening crawl that says Vader is scouring the galaxy looking for Skywalker, which means he knew Skywalker was his son.

I'd change the opening crawl and change Vaders line from "Skywalker is there, i can feel it" to "the rebels are there" or just remove it.



The opening Crawl of Empire says that Vader is obsessed with finding young Skywalker.  It says nothing of the Emperor.

I always understood the fact that it was Vader who became obsessed with finding Skywalker.  This is notably due the line in ANH during the Battle of Yavin when Vader says "The Force is strong with this one" when he's trying to shoot Luke down as Ben is talking with Skywalker.  That fact alone would have driven Vader crazy if in fact all the Jedi were extinct by that time and Vader was "all that is left of their religion" according to Tarkin.

It follows that Vader would become obsessed with finding Skywalker. One: - because Vader failed to destroy him and thus the Death Star was kaboomed in what may have been a monumental failure heaped upon Vader by Emp (see the Robot Chicken episode for proof of this), and two - because Vader sensed a tremor in the Force from Luke.

We can natually assume that Vader learned who the pilot was that fired the torpedo that destroyed the space station.  Vader probably recalled glimpsing or sensing Luke in the hangar bay right after he killed Obi-Wan and easily figured out that Luke accompanied Obi-Wan from Mos Eisley to the Death Star.  That would account for Vader's obsession including sending the Imperial fleet to drive the Rebels from their hidden base.  Whether by memory, deduction or mental odor from the Force, Vader had figured out who Luke actually was and became obsessed with finding him as the opening crawl attests.

Shadows of the Empire reveals that Palpy loved to make his servants squirm and fester against one another.  That Vader sought to overthrow Palp is a driving force behind what we always felt Vader was up to, especially given the dialogue in the Core on Bespin.

I've always assumed Vader knew who Luke was from before the beginning of Empire.  Palp, not so much. By the time Palp figured it out and gave Vader a ring on the Executor about his foresight of Luke destroying them - Vader plays along letting Emp think he's ahead of Vader on the subject of Luke and hands Emp the alternative possibility of turning Luke to the Dark Side that Vader had been contemplating all along.  What Vader hoped to keep hidden from Palp was his own ambition to use Luke to overthrow Emp.

If anything the latest DVD dialogue from Empire about "the offspring of Anakin" destroys that symbiotic storyflow and totally kicks the premise of the movie off kilter from the Crawl.

The only additions of dialogue I would keep from the 2006 Release would be this:

Vader: What is thy bidding my master?

Emp: There is a great disturbance in the Force.

Vader: I have felt it.

Emp: We have a new enemy.  The young rebel who destroyed the Death Star, Luke Skywalker.

Vader: Yes my master.

Emp:  He could destroy us.

Vader:  He is just a boy.  Obi-Wan can no longer help him.

Emp: The Force is strong with him.  The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi.

Vader: If he could be turned, he could be a powerful ally.

Emp: Yes.  Yes.  He would be a great asset. Can it be done?

Vader: He will join us or die, master.


That would be all I would do with that scene if it were me beyond getting the Jedi Emp in the hologram to be in better continuity with the OT.

I find your lack of faith…disturbing


INVAR said:

Shadows of the Empire reveals that Palpy loved to make his servants squirm and fester against one another.  That Vader sought to overthrow Palp is a driving force behind what we always felt Vader was up to, especially given the dialogue in the Core on Bespin.

That doesnt count. Is EU crap.


We all know that ady will not do any changes to the dialogue.

So dont bother to explain any further ideas from flaws that came from PT or EU.





Darth Editous said:


I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I've recently thought that Ben says "Annie was a good friend." in ANH - not "and he" as I thought before - which would make ANH the first mention of Skywalker Sr's (nick)name. You could argue it was poorly pronounced, but it was Alec Guiness!



I don't recall Obi-Wan ever referring to Anakin as 'Annie'.
That was Padmé's thing. (And to lesser extent; *shudders* Jar-Jar)

OT Forum_; FanEdit.org:_ Radi0n FanEdit Forum: Kal-El
tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
My Man of Tomorrow (Superman Returns) Fan Edit (FanEdit forum link)





Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


Darth Editous said:


Radi0n said:

I don't recall Obi-Wan ever referring to Anakin as 'Annie'.
That was Padmé's thing. (And to lesser extent; *shudders* Jar-Jar)


35 seconds in. Sir Alec Guiness would never drop a D!



Indeed, if you crank up the volume to an insane amount, it becomes crystal clear that he does say Annie was a good friend.
Although, I might add, Darth Editous, I was referring to PT.
I simply forgot to specify. I don't recall him calling Anakin Annie in the PT.

OT Forum_; FanEdit.org:_ Radi0n FanEdit Forum: Kal-El
tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
My Man of Tomorrow (Superman Returns) Fan Edit (FanEdit forum link)




Darth Editous said:



35 seconds in. Sir Alec Guiness would never drop a D!


I believe he has though.  Nobody's perfect. :-D The script says "and he".  I also think that the way I would say "Annie" would be subtly different from the way I would say "an' he".


I hate to jump in being serious incase this is all a big joke but he clearly says 'and'.

There is no dropped 'd', it may be softer due to the way the two words are joined and phrased but this is often a very common occurrence in speech especially in the English Gent style.





INVAR said:


hgfed said:

There is over 800 pages here, so I don't know if someone has mentioned this.  I kind of liked the new scene in the special edition where Sidious tells Vader that Luke is his son, but earlier Vader says something like "Skywalker must be with them" referring to the base on Hoth which is in contradiction to the later added dialogue because he wasn't supposed to know that Luke was his son yet.  Maybe that's something to correct in your edit.

Another thing is that the added dialogue (when Sidious tells Vader about Luke) goes against the opening crawl that says Vader is scouring the galaxy looking for Skywalker, which means he knew Skywalker was his son.

I'd change the opening crawl and change Vaders line from "Skywalker is there, i can feel it" to "the rebels are there" or just remove it.



The opening Crawl of Empire says that Vader is obsessed with finding young Skywalker.  It says nothing of the Emperor.

I always understood the fact that it was Vader who became obsessed with finding Skywalker.  This is notably due the line in ANH during the Battle of Yavin when Vader says "The Force is strong with this one" when he's trying to shoot Luke down as Ben is talking with Skywalker.  That fact alone would have driven Vader crazy if in fact all the Jedi were extinct by that time and Vader was "all that is left of their religion" according to Tarkin.

It follows that Vader would become obsessed with finding Skywalker. One: - because Vader failed to destroy him and thus the Death Star was kaboomed in what may have been a monumental failure heaped upon Vader by Emp (see the Robot Chicken episode for proof of this), and two - because Vader sensed a tremor in the Force from Luke.

We can natually assume that Vader learned who the pilot was that fired the torpedo that destroyed the space station.  Vader probably recalled glimpsing or sensing Luke in the hangar bay right after he killed Obi-Wan and easily figured out that Luke accompanied Obi-Wan from Mos Eisley to the Death Star.  That would account for Vader's obsession including sending the Imperial fleet to drive the Rebels from their hidden base.  Whether by memory, deduction or mental odor from the Force, Vader had figured out who Luke actually was and became obsessed with finding him as the opening crawl attests.

Shadows of the Empire reveals that Palpy loved to make his servants squirm and fester against one another.  That Vader sought to overthrow Palp is a driving force behind what we always felt Vader was up to, especially given the dialogue in the Core on Bespin.

I've always assumed Vader knew who Luke was from before the beginning of Empire.  Palp, not so much. By the time Palp figured it out and gave Vader a ring on the Executor about his foresight of Luke destroying them - Vader plays along letting Emp think he's ahead of Vader on the subject of Luke and hands Emp the alternative possibility of turning Luke to the Dark Side that Vader had been contemplating all along.  What Vader hoped to keep hidden from Palp was his own ambition to use Luke to overthrow Emp.

If anything the latest DVD dialogue from Empire about "the offspring of Anakin" destroys that symbiotic storyflow and totally kicks the premise of the movie off kilter from the Crawl.

The only additions of dialogue I would keep from the 2006 Release would be this:

Vader: What is thy bidding my master?

Emp: There is a great disturbance in the Force.

Vader: I have felt it.

Emp: We have a new enemy.  The young rebel who destroyed the Death Star, Luke Skywalker.

Vader: Yes my master.

Emp:  He could destroy us.

Vader:  He is just a boy.  Obi-Wan can no longer help him.

Emp: The Force is strong with him.  The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi.

Vader: If he could be turned, he could be a powerful ally.

Emp: Yes.  Yes.  He would be a great asset. Can it be done?

Vader: He will join us or die, master.


That would be all I would do with that scene if it were me beyond getting the Jedi Emp in the hologram to be in better continuity with the OT.

 This one goes for those who say there's no such thing as politics in the OT! Make Vader have a personal profit project Ady, we know you can ;)


steb74 said:

I hate to jump in being serious incase this is all a big joke but he clearly says 'and'.

Of course DE was joking ;)





vaderios said:

Of course DE was joking ;)



Haha, that's a big relief then!

With some of the things you read though, I'm never quite sure :)



steb74 said:

There is no dropped 'd', it may be softer due to the way the two words are joined and phrased but this is often a very common occurrence in speech especially in the English Gent style.

It is most certainly not "English Gent" style.

Frink is right though.  We should stop this.


Chewtobacca said:

It is most certainly not "English Gent" style.

Ha, whatever you say man ...........

Frink is right though.  We should stop this.

Well, it's hardly cause for alarm.

I originally made a simple comment based on something which I thought was being taken seriously, it turns out that it wasn't, not a big deal in the slightest .....or so I thought.

Then others have to throw in attempts at comic relief.

I'm here simply to share in the common interests that we have, I'm only interested in getting along with people and perhaps even as a consequence of that, become friends.

Apologies to ADYWAN for my part in taking this off topic, so regarding this minor incident, I'll leave it there.