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And if you're dissatisfied with ESB:R only because of this one scene, it would be really easy to just replace it with the same scene from Ady's AVCHD.


TV's Frink said:

Dear Everyone Who is Still Thinking of Posting in Regards to BmB's Post,

99.899999439999991%* of the people reading this thread disagree with BmB.  We all get it.

Everyone Who Agrees But is Not Thinking of Posting in Regards to BmB's Post.


I take this post back (except for the ice cream), since BmB continues to push his/her point instead of just dropping it.

BmB, let it go.  If you can't enjoy ESB:R because it's somehow now ruined for you, it's your problem.  Stop subjecting the rest of us to your anguish.



TV's Frink said:

TV's Frink said:

Dear Everyone Who is Still Thinking of Posting in Regards to BmB's Post,

99.899999439999991%* of the people reading this thread disagree with BmB.  We all get it.

Everyone Who Agrees But is Not Thinking of Posting in Regards to BmB's Post.


I take this post back (except for the ice cream), since BmB continues to push his/her point instead of just dropping it.

BmB, let it go.  If you can't enjoy ESB:R because it's somehow now ruined for you, it's your problem.  Stop subjecting the rest of us to your anguish.



Sometimes I feel like I'm beating a dead horse

An I don't know why you keep bringing me down

I'd like to think that our love's worth a tad more

It may sound funny but you'd think by now I'd be smilin'

I guess some things never change....Never change


Guns 'n' Roses - 1991




I'm sorry but if all you are going to do is try and put me down I'd prefer if you didn't post. I'm trying to have a debate on this, and you're contributing nothing.

Don't make it so hard and be a little more accepting of conflicting views will you? Not to try and be offensive or anything, but most of you are just patting ady on the back, ady is left to defend his point of view on his own and a few others are vaguely chipping in on the controversy apparently in fear of the mindless pat-on-back horde jumping to the defense of anything that isn't flat out praise.

I like what he's doing, most of it is a massive improvement from what I've seen so far.

But some things are just going overboard, ultimately the mass of small (but impressive) fixes are outweighed by messing with the integrity of the film for no other reason than to be different. Or worse, as I have come to suspect now, simply misinterpreting the intent. So far this is the only such point of contention I have noticed, which is a damn shame.


BmB said:

I'm sorry but if all you are going to do is try and put me down I'd prefer if you didn't post. I'm trying to have a debate on this, and you're contributing nothing.


You're welcome...No worries...



^LOL HotRod.

BmB said:

I'm sorry but if all you are going to do is try and put me down I'd prefer if you didn't post. I'm trying to have a debate on this, and you're contributing nothing.

Does ady want a debate?  Seems like he's made his decision and you are the one who keeps beating the poor horse.  Ok, it's ruined for you.  Fine.

Don't.  Watch.  It.


BmB said:

adywan said:

It goes from the most enjoyable scene to the most pointless scene of the movie just like that.

Most pointless scene? Talk about over exaggeration. This whole scene never sat well with me since 1980. It seemed pretty pointless and unrealistic. The Empire have just turned up and started a blockade around the planet. They are preparing to kick the rebels asses. So what do they do? They see the first transport and 2 x-wings heading towards them, with no other stardestroyers in sight, and just sits there and waits until it flies straight at it. Oh wait, what if it suddenly turned away from the stardestroyer? oh well, that one slipped by. Oh come on. If they are their to wipe the rebels out, which they planned to do with aerial bombardments, they certainly wouldn't have just sat there. They would have tried to destroy the transport and it's escorts. Vader knew Luke wouldn't be on one of those transports so they would have been just cannon fodder.

As it stood originally it just looked like an easy escape. There was no sense of danger apart from one stationary stardestroyer that was doing sod all. It wasn't a surprising victory at all. I never felt that the transport was in any danger of being captured or destroyed. I always wondered why they just sat there and so did a lot of other people.

They never change course, they never "just sit there". The reason they aren't firing is because the ships are out of range obviously. They don't do anything when the transport flies past because they are busy being disabled by the ion cannon. It's an easy escape yes, but only because the empire completely underestimated the power of the ion cannon, which it what makes it so enjoyable. Why should it be a hard gritty trudge to escape when you have such a powerful weapon to back you up? That would just be frustrating to watch.

As it stands it has an emotional place in the battle. With your changes it means nothing and is completely pointless.

When I saw the film my impression was, that the fleet didn't even noticed, that there is an ion cannon on the surface. And the rebels I think have enough IQ to hide that weapon. When you hideing from someone, you always prepare an escape plan, so the rebels. The imperial fleet is arrogant, like "We are here to stomp on some Cockroaches". They think they are soooo superior, that they go dumb.


This 'debate' has gone on quite a bit, BmB, what is your desired outcome?

You have repeatedly pointed out that you dislike the x-wing being destroyed and you've had a direct answer from the FanEditor in question, who isn't budging on his decision.  

In any case this debate has taken place before when Ady released this segment, so you really are flogging a dead horse.

As far as ass-kissers on this forum...... there are folks here who have debated with Adywan and have successfully persuaded him to change his mind, or consider going a different way with things...but I think the way that you are going is putting his and the community heres' back up, and that is why you are not being well received.



BmB said:

I'm sorry but if all you are going to do is try and put me down I'd prefer if you didn't post. I'm trying to have a debate on this, and you're contributing nothing.

You're missing the point: NOBODY ELSE wants a debate.  So kindly shut it already on this issue.


This all reminds me of the Mr Ghostface incident of many moons ago, when he argued (rather unsuccessfully) that what Adywan did with these projects was pretty easy and that Ady was surrounded by awe struck dummies who didn't realise how simple it was and how average the results were.

The initial declaration of personal preference (which in this case I disagree with) followed by a simple clarification would have been enough to get the point across.

Most of us on here have argued for or against some change at some point with varying degrees of success but ultimately it's Ady's edit.

Just because a large number of people disagree with you on this point doesn't mean that those people are by default 'yes men' to Adywan.

It may and is more likely to just mean that your personal preference in this instance is on this board a less common one.

Darth Editous, an editor much admired on here, agrees with you but as far as this project goes it's Ady's call.


Bingowings said:

This all reminds me of the Mr Ghostface incident of many moons ago, when he argued (rather unsuccessfully) that what Adywan did with these projects was pretty easy and that Ady was surrounded by awe struck dummies who didn't realise how simple it was and how average the results were.

For reference:



BmB said:

And your result is emotionally out of tune with the rest of the battle. As I said before, it's about small but shining victories in the middle of overwhelming defeat, not about frustration.

I'm sorry, but your interpretation is very flawed. I'm sorry if I come off as rude, but it's hard not to when everyone explodes in my face for expressing my opinion.


In fact, the whole movie is like that. Nowhere is there any frustration or half victories in the whole movie. Either the empire is totally owning our heroes, or they're having one of their small but shining victories. But every time they do, save the very end, the empire is always right back on their tail.

I'm sorry but if all you are going to do is try and put me down I'd prefer if you didn't post. I'm trying to have a debate on this, and you're contributing nothing.

Don't make it so hard and be a little more accepting of conflicting views will you? Not to try and be offensive or anything, but most of you are just patting ady on the back, ady is left to defend his point of view on his own and a few others are vaguely chipping in on the controversy apparently in fear of the mindless pat-on-back horde jumping to the defense of anything that isn't flat out praise.

I like what he's doing, most of it is a massive improvement from what I've seen so far.

But some things are just going overboard, ultimately the mass of small (but impressive) fixes are outweighed by messing with the integrity of the film for no other reason than to be different. Or worse, as I have come to suspect now, simply misinterpreting the intent. So far this is the only such point of contention I have noticed, which is a damn shame.

You see , this is it. It is just YOUR interpretation. But you are coming across that your interpretation is gospel.  My interpretation of the scene is not "very flawed" as you put it, at all. And that statement and ones like it is why you are coming across as plain arrogant. Everyone else has their own interpretations of certain scenes and events, but they don't start spouting crap like i am ruining the whole movie.  And no one "exploded in you face" as you put it. You started saying things like how "incredibly fake" the scene looks just because you didn't want any changes to that scene. At that point all someone had asked was what scene you were talking about in your first post. And now you're saying that i'm "messing with the integrity of the movie of the film for no other reason than to be different". I clearly spelled out my reasoning for the new additions and provided a logical reason as to why it was added so why come out with crap like that?

Nowhere am i messing with the integrity of the movie. You see it as one way and i see it as another.  But please get off your high horse that you are the only one that is right about that scene. And to tell people not to post because they disagree with you? WTF? And you aren't trying to have a debate at all. All you are doing is saying you're right and i'm wrong, nothing more. Funnily this scene was released over a year ago and yet it comes up now.

Have you actually stopped to think that maybe it is you're interpretation of the scene that is very flawed? When more people are interpreting the scene the way i have, not just here but on other sites too, then maybe you have got it wrong.

And that is the last i'm going to say on this subject. It was finished and added to the movie over a year ago and I have better things to do than continue a pointless argument and obviously this isn't going to be the edit for you so maybe you should just drop it now.




^ Well said.

So Ady, I'm curious to hear about what you think about my point regarding the electrical effect on the Ion blast. I think keeping it in is ruining the integrity of the movie, and you should listen to what I have to say, as my interpretation is gospel and not up for debate. No one reply unless you agree with me!


brash_stryker said:

^ Well said.

So Ady, I'm curious to hear about what you think about my point regarding the electrical effect on the Ion blast. I think keeping it in is ruining the integrity of the movie, and you should listen to what I have to say, as my interpretation is gospel and not up for debate. No one reply unless you agree with me!

lol. I got the idea fro the electrical effect from the walker lasers that appear in some parts of the battle. I wanted the Ion laser to look a little different from regular lasers and with it being an electrical type weapon in my version it was a decision to make it look more "electrical"




adywan said:

brash_stryker said:

^ Well said.

So Ady, I'm curious to hear about what you think about my point regarding the electrical effect on the Ion blast. I think keeping it in is ruining the integrity of the movie, and you should listen to what I have to say, as my interpretation is gospel and not up for debate. No one reply unless you agree with me!
lol. I got the idea fro the electrical effect from the walker lasers that appear in some parts of the battle. I wanted the Ion laser to look a little different from regular lasers and with it being an electrical type weapon in my version it was a decision to make it look more "electrical"
I thought it was to tie into the ion thing the Jawas blasted R2 with in ANH... Oh well!

What are you planning to do with those oddball walker lasers?

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


*wonders who has the popcorn*

Shameless self promotion...


adywan said:

brash_stryker said:

^ Well said.

So Ady, I'm curious to hear about what you think about my point regarding the electrical effect on the Ion blast. I think keeping it in is ruining the integrity of the movie, and you should listen to what I have to say, as my interpretation is gospel and not up for debate. No one reply unless you agree with me!

lol. I got the idea fro the electrical effect from the walker lasers that appear in some parts of the battle. I wanted the Ion laser to look a little different from regular lasers and with it being an electrical type weapon in my version it was a decision to make it look more "electrical"


I never even knew about that effect on the AT-AT lasers! Why?!


Don't get me wrong, I think the movie release of the year 2011 is going to be The Empire Strikes Back. (And not the one on Blu-ray. ;) )

That doesn't mean the scene isn't dear to me. A single scene doesn't define a work. But what it does mean is that it's going to be a novelty item rather than a definitive improvement. All the more saddening since it appears to be the only one of it's kind in your edit. Can't say for sure.

And no, I didn't consider that I might be wrong. Because I can't be. There's nothing up to interpretation in the scene, it's fairly clear cut and fits well within the extremely loosely defined space physics of Star Wars. You just keep telling me I'm wrong even when I told you how I think I'm not and you are, instead of defending your position with counter examples. I'm looking for one of two outcomes here; either you come to see the error of your ways, or you show me how your version makes sense and adds to the movie. Neither is happening right now because you are being extremely defensive.

Oh, and Bingowings, there's a difference between disagreeing and pretty much telling me to get lost and stop disagreeing with anything adywan has done.

It doesn't only come up now, in fact this is the very reason I'm even on the forum to begin with. I sent adywan a PM about it as soon as I registered. The thread was full of other stuff and I didn't want to spam him about it. No reply, fast forward and Ady is having serious personal issues, not best time to talk about it, fast forward again and now I see thread has no large discussion going on and bring it up again.

And honestly, who came to www.originaltrilogy.com if not to bitch about small changes ruining a film forever?


VincentSmalls said:

*wonders who has the popcorn*

I think the horse ate it all before dropping dead and having his poor corpse relentlessly beaten...


BmB said:

And no, I didn't consider that I might be wrong. Because I can't be. There's nothing up to interpretation in the scene, it's fairly clear cut and fits well within the extremely loosely defined space physics of Star Wars. You just keep telling me I'm wrong even when I told you how I think I'm not and you are, instead of defending your position with counter examples. I'm looking for one of two outcomes here; either you come to see the error of your ways, or you show me how your version makes sense and adds to the movie. Neither is happening right now because you are being extremely defensive.
Here is the deal my friend: Adywan is redefining the loosely defined space physics for his edit. You say they wouldn't shoot and would turn on the tractor beam, while the only other times we see things similar to this in the other movies, ships have no fear shooting at the target (Tantive IV gets shot and then gets tractored, the Falcon is constantly shot at by TIEs and SDs). Adywan takes this to mean that if you're not a fully operational Death Star, you cannot simply tractor a ship moving at full speed. Adywan has already shown you how his version makes sense, and now so have I.

You need to keep in mind that Adywan is making up his own rules about how Imperial tactics work.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


BmB said:

And no, I didn't consider that I might be wrong. Because I can't be. There's nothing up to interpretation in the scene, it's fairly clear cut and fits well within the extremely loosely defined space physics of Star Wars. You just keep telling me I'm wrong even when I told you how I think I'm not and you are, instead of defending your position with counter examples. I'm looking for one of two outcomes here; either you come to see the error of your ways, or you show me how your version makes sense and adds to the movie. Neither is happening right now because you are being extremely defensive.

But i have defended my reasoning and i have given you clear explanations as to why i changed this. I did this from the beginning. My reasoning's were clear . But you have stated in your first section above that you won't even consider you are wrong, because you can't be so why should i even bother any more to explain things to you?. And i'm bound to be defensive when someone says the kind of stuff you say. "see the error of your ways" . you really do have such a superiority complex.

The scene is done. It's finished, It's in the movie. End of.




BmB said:

And honestly, who came to www.originaltrilogy.com if not to bitch about small changes ruining a film forever?

That's the big difference between George and Ady.

Not only does he make these Revisited versions but he also creates projects like this.

AND he doesn't zap the official versions out of existence either.

The scene as you would prefer to see still exists in all it's glory but not in this version.


BmB said:

And honestly, who came to www.originaltrilogy.com if not to bitch about small changes ruining a film forever?
