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savmagoett said:

Oh sorry I got it wrong
it seems my English needs some improvements

No worries, as it's a tricky thing to see without looking at the actual onscreen motion, as I mentioned. 

Although the gap between the 'leg-joints' would still end up wider than that seen elsewhere....it's just a 'visual compromise' that the positioning of Luke seems to allow for in the shot, but I reckon it would be better to get even the merest glimpse of a 2nd 'leg-joint' rather than only seeing the existing, single 'prop' one.

It's a shot that I always wished had been digitally improved for the SE in some way, compared to some of the other things that were focused on at the time.

And I wish my French was as good as your English already is, by the way.  :)


Ady, any change to give to this off monitor some sublte light/life like the other monitors we see in this or other hoth scenes?

Also wondering if there is a way to make the panel box steady(like you did with the holo table) to look more solid. Now you can argue that they have too look cheap and fragile because the rebels were in rush but just saying...




vaderios said:

Ady, any change to give to this off monitor some sublte light/life like the other monitors we see in this or other hoth scenes?

Also wondering if there is a way to make the panel box steady(like you did with the holo table) to look more solid. Now you can argue that they have too look cheap and fragile because the rebels were in rush but just saying...


Wow, with your posting of that screenshot, I just had a thought: What if the guy's (general's?) hand was digitally changed to not be on the chair, but on Leia's shoulder?  Kind of a symbolism of sorts that the Rebellion is Leia's only family left (as far as she knows) because of the Empire.  Might be stupid to some, but I think it could add much more personality and closeness to the Rebellion.


Something ive noticed is that the tube/tool/whatever that is near han is moved when the droid pushes it. but in the next shot in the close up its again at its first position. Posible fix? dont move it or change its position. The mockup isnt showing the correct solution :(


Any chance the Nuke pics will fixed?

And secondly if the AT-ATs are so low how the heck can fire at snowspeeders in straight lines. Arent the lasers supposed to be from the ground(aka Walkers)?





vaderios said:

Something ive noticed is that the tube/tool/whatever that is near han is moved when the droid pushes it. but in the next shot in the close up its again at its first position. Posible fix? dont move it or change its position. The mockup isnt showing the correct solution :(

Hey, that's another one I never noticed before.  :)

It would indeed be good to see that small 'prop' stay in the same position when we first see it, to match the shots afterwards (or 'erased' from all the shots if not)....

However, there was always something else that bothered me with this scene....and it could be that these shots were filmed in a different order to the way they were edited together, which could also explain this now -

vaderios's top 2 'zoomed-in' shots are taken from the single shot where Han gestures to the moving beeping droid and tells it to "Wait a minute", where it then immediately comes to a halt and stops beeping before Han then asks Luke "You all right?

We then cut to Luke who responds "Yeah", and then cut to the 'close-up' of Han seen in the 3rd shot down.  At this point we now see the droid continue to beep and trundle past Han....

Then after we cut to Luke setting off, we cut back for a second time to a similar 'close-up' shot as the 3rd one down where Han then says "Be careful"

I always thought that it would be better if the droid was 'erased' in the first 'close-up' that we see of Han...as it seems as if it's just started off again on it's own accord, rather than waiting as Han asked....  Should it be off-screen and waiting at this point?....  It could still make the beeping noises we're used to hearing in the shot while it waits off-screen though.

Guess we'll just have to see if Adywan thinks it should be a surly, disobeying workdroid or not, I guess....


vaderios said:

And secondly if the AT-ATs are so low how the heck can fire at snowspeeders in straight lines. Arent the lasers supposed to be from the ground(aka Walkers)?

This is an interesting one too vaderios.

The shot shown at the bottom here comes at the point where Luke says "Rogue Three" just soon after General Veers has told Vader's hologram that he can start his landing....and at about 45 seconds before this shot, we can also see a similar, small, 'lower-down' AT-AT in the distance during the shots where Luke says "All right, stand by, Dak", and then where Dak replies "Oh, Luke, we've got a malfunction in fire control"....

While the height/angles of all the various other AT-AT laserbolts seen firing at Speeders during the rest of the battle seem fine....the horizontal ones in these particular 3 shots do indeed seem to make it look like they are coming from off-screen AT-ATs that are too high up, when compared to the height of the AT-AT seen in the distance....

So unless the off-screen AT-AT's that are firing at the Speeders in these 3 shots are supposed to be on a steeper incline on the snowplain than the small, distant one somehow....then perhaps Adywan can re-'angle' the trajectory of all these laserbolts a little....although I'm not sure if the small, 'lower-down' AT-AT should be seen in all these shots anyway....considering the footage afterwards makes it seem that the Speeders travel a fair distance before they come to the ones that are firing at them....


Perhaps we could change the Emperor's hologram with this:

Children in the backseat of a car can cause accidents, but accidents in the backseat of a car can cause children.


Hah yes i remember that video. I showed it to my 3d instructor and said that is all matter of camera movement and carefully compositing.(im not referring to rendering that is a self explanatory)

I suggest this one ;)


@Impfighter. I remember back then that ady said all the bad effects to all the hoth shots are fixed/gone. Assuming and only that ady with this attention to detail and continuity fixed the lazorz

Still waiting the dagobah analysis with great eager :D


Also thanks to Lord Grievous pic i remembered that ady fixed the backplate of the hologram scene. It was so subtle that it was passed under our nose once again :)





vaderios said:




Also wondering if clouds could be added to a lot of the Hoth battle - not so much just plain clouds, but a horizontal layer or two (from foreground to background) that could help give these scenes some depth.

Hell, just making the sky stand out from the rest of the background, as with the above shot the blues kind of blend together.

Also, would it be more exciting to show the AT-AT MUCH closer (as opposed to being in the distance, have the side nearly take up the entire middle ground past the second snowspeeder, as if they are skimming right beside it)?


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


vaderios said:

Also thanks to Lord Grievous pic i remembered that ady fixed the backplate of the hologram scene. It was so subtle that it was passed under our nose once again :)



What exactly did he change with the backplates?

Children in the backseat of a car can cause accidents, but accidents in the backseat of a car can cause children.


I see.

Come to think of it, shouldn't we see more of his hologram? In the original we could see his shoulders as well.

Children in the backseat of a car can cause accidents, but accidents in the backseat of a car can cause children.


He's given that whole background a far more interesting look with the way he's tweaked some of the angles too!


ImperialFighter said:

Hey, that's another one I never noticed before.  :)

It would indeed be good to see that small 'prop' stay in the same position when we first see it, to match the shots afterwards (or 'erased' from all the shots if not)....

However, there was always something else that bothered me with this scene....and it could be that these shots were filmed in a different order to the way they were edited together, which could also explain this now -

vaderios's top 2 'zoomed-in' shots are taken from the single shot where Han gestures to the moving beeping droid and tells it to "Wait a minute", where it then immediately comes to a halt and stops beeping before Han then asks Luke "You all right?

We then cut to Luke who responds "Yeah", and then cut to the 'close-up' of Han seen in the 3rd shot down.  At this point we now see the droid continue to beep and trundle past Han....

Then after we cut to Luke setting off, we cut back for a second time to a similar 'close-up' shot as the 3rd one down where Han then says "Be careful"

I always thought that it would be better if the droid was 'erased' in the first 'close-up' that we see of Han...as it seems as if it's just started off again on it's own accord, rather than waiting as Han asked....  Should it be off-screen and waiting at this point?....  It could still make the beeping noises we're used to hearing in the shot while it waits off-screen though.

Guess we'll just have to see if Adywan thinks it should be a surly, disobeying workdroid or not, I guess....

"Wait a minute" could be the key word here, the droid waited for 1 film minute then started to drive off again...it did what it was told, might not be the smartest of droids..

Star wars: Revisited. is now on facebook :)



Sky_ said:

Hi GUYS thanks for your compliments regarding that Intro thing I did.

Sky_ that new intro is looking really nice. Although i want to use the original logo for consistencies sake, i do have a place where i could use this new logo. I think it would be great at the opening to the "making of .." doc i'm planning. I have a few ideas for this new intro which i will contact you about shortly :)

ImperialFighter said:

....so although the 'scaling' issues may have to slide, I reckon things would have tied better together if we could at least have seen the brief hint of an 'opposing leg-joint' coming in-and-out-and-in-again added during the approximate 5 seconds of 'prop' footage where Luke swipes upwards with his lightsaber....

I'm planning on building a model of the top leg joint to replace the movie version to fix the detail and try to match the movement. It's impossible to fix the gap between the two leg joints because it would block out the hatch but there may be a way to add a hint of the other leg. If i can't get it too look right though it will have to stay the way it is.

vaderios said:

Ady, any change to give to this off monitor some sublte light/life like the other monitors we see in this or other hoth scenes?

It doesn't need it because all they are receiving is a radio transmission whereas in other shots they are looking at a display

vaderios said:

Something ive noticed is that the tube/tool/whatever that is near han is moved when the droid pushes it. but in the next shot in the close up its again at its first position.

already fixed :)

vaderios said:

Any chance the Nuke pics will fixed?

And secondly if the AT-ATs are so low how the heck can fire at snowspeeders in straight lines. Arent the lasers supposed to be from the ground(aka Walkers)?

The Nuke pics don't need a fix as they are just 1 frame and spending all that time wouldn't be worth it when you can only see the flash if viewing frame by frame

The tiny AT-AT's are being replaced so it looks like they are flying closer to the walkers

ImperialFighter said:

However, there was always something else that bothered me with this scene....and it could be that these shots were filmed in a different order to the way they were edited together, which could also explain this now -

vaderios's top 2 'zoomed-in' shots are taken from the single shot where Han gestures to the moving beeping droid and tells it to "Wait a minute", where it then immediately comes to a halt and stops beeping before Han then asks Luke "You all right?

We then cut to Luke who responds "Yeah", and then cut to the 'close-up' of Han seen in the 3rd shot down.  At this point we now see the droid continue to beep and trundle past Han....

Well Han actually says "wait a second" and the droid does wait then carries on with what he was doing, so he did obey Han. I think its fine the way it is.

Well i'm itching to get back to working on the edit. Been a crappy start to the New Year. Not only has the country has almost come to a standstill  because we had a bit of snow but half the town has been closed off because of a huge gas explosion which was right next to the material and craft shops i get my stuff from but now today the wife crashed the car and totalled the front end. Thank you crappy councils that couldn't run a piss-up in a brewery that you couldn't grit the roads when you knew this weather was coming for weeks in advance. We had snow 10x worse than this when i was growing up and they still managed to clear all the roads in time. And now they are saying the country has almost ran out of grit so only priority roads are getting gritted. Nice to see that the council offices carpark and surrounding areas are gritted every day though.  So now the car is of the road and the wife has no way of getting to work. Luckily the insurance will cover the repairs but its going to be weeks before we get the car back. So what's going to be next?






Ady, how did you make the new Emperor hologram?  It looks like entirely newly filmed footage, which is impossible, of course...


The Nuke pics don't need a fix as they are just 1 frame and spending all that time wouldn't be worth it when you can only see the flash if viewing frame by frame

So you say you removed the nuke pics with only white frames? If yes it have better results from burned FX.

Ady, how did you make the new Emperor hologram?  It looks like entirely newly filmed footage, which is impossible, of course...

He used Footage from ROTJ's Emperor and the lip sync is from ROTS emperor.

So what's going to be next?

2012? ;)


-Angel Sees you



I too seem to be jinxed after Uneasyjet have refused to refund their total screw up of the flight cancellation fiasco that ruined Christmas for us.

Still Ady remember, "Art Through Adversity".

In the end ESB:R will be a credit to yourself and the small band assisting you and a more fitting monument to the many artists who created the original films than either of the official SEs.