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Davnes007 said:

NO...I just remembered an ancient prophecy my father told me about:

"Be kind...rewind"


Didn't I just tell ya to stop makin up animals?!




ADYWAN I noticed that one of the blue panels on R2 dome during the  "You're lucky you don't taste very good" line, is not flush and it stickes out. It reminds me of a lid on a tea kettle accept it is swamp water coming out. Can that be fixed. Any body else have an opinion on that.


well i think the panel is full of mud after it was open for the periscope.

R2 opens it to remove the dirt and make it close properly again :)




I have to agree.....too bad Ady can't put us all to work on the models, and new sets, etc.

Sevb32 said:




I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.


how about a game?

"I shoot lightning from my fingers.

i got thrown down the energy reactor by vader.

i am out of a job

i overthrew the republic

vader pissed me off about the death star being blown up

who am i?"

if no one could figure that out, ur dumb


Hey guys, we should write/type letters/emails to film institutions and videophile websites and ask them politely to donate money to Adywan's cause. I'm going to write to the American Film Institution and to the digitalbits. Anywhere else you suggest I write? I was going to write one to Lucas and be like hey douchebag, I know you think you're too good to read this so one of your ass kissing PR guys is probably reading this right now so look, here's somebody who gives a damn, why don't you give him some money since you're too lazy to do it.

Janskeet said:

Hey guys, we should write/type letters/emails to film institutions and videophile websites and ask them politely to donate money to Adywan's cause. I'm going to write to the American Film Institution and to the digitalbits. Anywhere else you suggest I write? I was going to write one to Lucas and be like hey douchebag, I know you think you're too good to read this so one of your ass kissing PR guys is probably reading this right now so look, here's somebody who gives a damn, why don't you give him some money since you're too lazy to do it.

Adywan might not appreciate you getting on Lucasfilm's bad side on his behalf.


Not a good idea.

Better idea:  Janskeet shutting up.

vbangle said:
Sevb32 said:





I always post DEAD THREAD when things get slow. Mr Bo Vbangle, everytime I see your name I think of the MR BOjangles song.


"I was going to write one to Lucas and be like hey douchebag, I know you think you're too good to read this so one of your ass kissing PR guys is probably reading this right now so look, here's somebody who gives a damn, why don't you give him some money since you're too lazy to do it."

This part I was joking about


Let me tell you all something you might find quite surprising: I, for one, am looking forward to this edit's release.


Keep up the good work, Addy!

Darth Lars said:
adywan said:

Managed to get some more materials and started building the Asteroid trench but its just so damn hot here the plaster and other stuff is drying out way too quick. not a great start. lol.

How about using an air-humidifier? I have one that is quite effective, with a nozzle that I can point where I want the mist. I also think it helps a bit to soothe a sore throat, so maybe it could help against your hay-fever also. Maybe someone you know has one that you cold borrow for this project.

Plaster does not get hard by "drying". It cures hard in a chemical reaction, and (at least in my experience), the curing time is the same even if you mix it with a lot more or a lot less water than the prescribed ratio. After it has cured, the plaster needs to dry to become hard and be less brittle. You can not add plaster to dry plaster - the cured plaster needs to be wet for the uncured plaster to bond to it.

The plaster i am using is a modelling plaster that is an "air drying".  The moisture evaporates to set it so i can use a hair dryer to set it once i have finished work to speed up the process. this gives me a longer working time than ordinary plaster would. Luckily the weather is changing here and the temperature has dropped today so i'll be able to get back to work on it this week.

oh_riginal said:

Okay, let me get things back on topic again:



Here's some more Taun Taun eye appearance mock up goodness!

The Taun Taun will SEE you in hell!

The Taun-Taun eyes idea is an interesting one but not one i will be incorporating into this edit i'm afraid. There's just something fake about eye replacement that i don't like. I don't have a problem with the eyes as they are

Janskeet said:

Hey guys, we should write/type letters/emails to film institutions and videophile websites and ask them politely to donate money to Adywan's cause. I'm going to write to the American Film Institution and to the digitalbits. Anywhere else you suggest I write? I was going to write one to Lucas and be like hey douchebag, I know you think you're too good to read this so one of your ass kissing PR guys is probably reading this right now so look, here's somebody who gives a damn, why don't you give him some money since you're too lazy to do it.

This is a terrible idea and i hope that no one will ever do something like this. This is the quickest way to get my edits shut down. If that happens because of someone's stupidity then i will hire a bounty hunter to track their ass down and there WILL be disintegrations. lol





Sevb32 said:



I think I may have run out of mock up ideas, for real this time. Sad.

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”

adywan said:

This is a terrible idea and i hope that no one will ever do something like this. This is the quickest way to get my edits shut down. If that happens because of someone's stupidity then i will hire a bounty hunter to track their ass down and there WILL be disintegrations. lol

I think it is safe to say that everyone here would donate toward that bounty ;-)


Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


One item I haven't seen mentioned or suggested: it would be great to see the snowspeeder's flaps working through the windows in one or 2 of the cockpit shots. In the model shots, those flaps are moving constantly, but whenever they cut to an interior shot, they don't move at all. I don't know what would be involved in modelling them, but I put it out for consideration.





Oooh, good one - I hadn't thought of that before.

Marlonius said:

One item I haven't seen mentioned or suggested: it would be great to see the snowspeeder's flaps working through the windows in one or 2 of the cockpit shots. In the model shots, those flaps are moving constantly, but whenever they cut to an interior shot, they don't move at all. I don't know what would be involved in modelling them, but I put it out for consideration.





 Wow great idea, anything to make the movie mre realistic :D

Docta Nick said:
Marlonius said:

One item I haven't seen mentioned or suggested: it would be great to see the snowspeeder's flaps working through the windows in one or 2 of the cockpit shots. In the model shots, those flaps are moving constantly, but whenever they cut to an interior shot, they don't move at all. I don't know what would be involved in modelling them, but I put it out for consideration.





 Wow great idea, anything to make the movie mre realistic :D


I concur.




I always liked the shadows of the empire game for the battle of hoth level. That is the only game that has ever done it right. Rogue squadron was just a mere copy of what was done on that level. The flaps were so cool. So anything to Make them work.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>

EyeShotFirst said:

Rogue squadron was just a mere copy of what was done on that level.


Really?  I thought the Rogue Squadron battle was much more cinematic as opposed to the SotE version which was more arcady.  Not that one is better than the other mind you, I just wouldn't call one a copy of the other.

...we are talking about "Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader" right?

