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ADY wrote:

"Just a quickie. Here's the first ever fix done for ESBR. Its only about 80% complete. there's still a few glitches to iron out but i just wanted to see if this was possible. Its probably going to be impossible to fix all the transparent cockpits in the Hoth battle but i think i may be able to fix the worse ones.

Again a split screen comparison so you can see how bad the original was (even when ILM said they fixed it already)"

It looks great . However, maybe it would be really good to make the same brightness of side-windows like a central window? Greets and thank you for all your efforts by the way. I have to tell you that your picture of your ep4 DVD9 looks better then most of best DVDs in my collection if not even THE BEST.
wise you must be.
adywan said:

Here's another comparison clip. This one really does show just how bad the colouring of the 2004 DVDs really is even though the colour correction is only 80%done. So far this clip has taken me 3 days to get this far with 9 layers and 123 masks. Anyone that says they prefer the colouring on the 2004 set this time really needs to be shot (or at least see a good optician). :)


Ady, Dagobah sequence is stunning now. It gave me the feel of the movie I loved. I was a bit surprised that it's about colour too... absolutely great work, thank you!
wise you must be.
Pisoga said:

hey adywan still download the dvd 9 and i wanted to put out my own idea the extra conversation with vader and palpatine has got to go, oh yeah the scene when luke was fighting vader could you add the duel of the fates music there. you know the part where luke has managed to climb back up unto the railing and he enters the room then bam!, vader comes out of nowhere and starts swinging at him agressively, yeah thats where i think it shoud start. later i will post a video of someone who did it. it is actually a good music to put there. everyone else give me your opinion about this idea

There are always different ideas about this and that music here and there. As an active classical musician (violinist) I would kindly ask not to mess with music in empire just for the reason that "something would fit well here", but for stronger reasons like scene extentions or similar.
All of the music in "Empire" is exactly where it should be, functions well in probably 100 % and doesn't need any corrections except eventually soundscape (it sounds too oldfashioned and dry to today's recording and mixing standards). It is also from the inspirational point of view one of the finest scores of Williams and of all scores ever, without exegurating. And it includes most important part : SILENCE.
wise you must be.
teharri said:

hey guys . I found this on my computer. I downloaded it from some message board years ago. Someone added new lightsaber sounds and some music to the ESB duel. I am not saying I like all the music that was added, but it is interesting. I love the saber sounds. For the record I DID NOT MAKE THIS.


[by the way this is only sound]

I was wondering if anyone got a chance to check this out. I do not know how to post an actual link on here because there are no icons.
I've seen the remade footage with unused music added back in, and I think it works pretty darn well. I wouldn't mind seeing it restored. Empire is by far my favorite film, as well...but it wouldn't hurt the film and would add to the "Adywan-ness" of the experience.
  • Todd

STAR WARS: Symphony for a Saga

teharri said:

teharri said:

hey guys . I found this on my computer. I downloaded it from some message board years ago. Someone added new lightsaber sounds and some music to the ESB duel. I am not saying I like all the music that was added, but it is interesting. I love the saber sounds. For the record I DID NOT MAKE THIS.


[by the way this is only sound]

I was wondering if anyone got a chance to check this out. I do not know how to post an actual link on here because there are no icons.

That was a little weird to be honest. I didn't know the drum playing ewoks were in Empire.....LOL.....sorry. FYI whatever or however Adywan enhances ESB will put this little audio clip to shame anyway....believe me we have nothing to worry about.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

I haven't posted in this thread before now, but I've definitely been following your progress. Great work so far, Ady! As someone else pointed out, it really is amazing how much of a difference proper coloration has on the feeling of a scene -- just looking at your screenshots at the beginning of this thread, it has been impressed upon me just how much alteration happened with the 2004 DVDs with blue and green casts, as well as how your color correction brings back the feeling I had when watching the films way-back-when. :-)

A note about the cockpit transparency test -- so far, it looks great, and is undoubtedly an improvement over the official release. I did notice, however, that in the original DVD version, when the snowspeeder banks, one can see the reflection of light/snow/change in view through the window on the metal struts of the cockpit. This didn't carry over into your version -- I'm guessing it's just because you applied a new matte over the original cockpit struts to mask out the laser beams, and you hadn't gotten around to adding some of those more subtle reflections. I just wanted to bring it to your attention, in case you hadn't noticed (unlikely, but I thought I'd mention it nonetheless :-)), and you find it might be something you want to add. Again, great work so far, and I can't wait to see more!

Take care,
Thanks Adywan....after the explantion, I can definitely see the fix! Looks great....peace....

That was a little weird to be honest. I didn't know the drum playing ewoks were in Empire.....LOL.....sorry. FYI whatever or however Adywan enhances ESB will put this little audio clip to shame anyway....believe me we have nothing to worry about.[/quote]

The drums are from Episode 1. I just like the saber sounds. You have to admit the duel of the fates sounds cool. I am not saying it should be put in there, just thought it sounded cool.
Your short re-coloured 'Hoth Battle' and 'Luke training with Yoda on Dagobah' clips are a marvel Ady. Everyone here should check them out. 'Empire' is truly coming back!

In the meantime, here's some more madness for your consideration (or your obliteration) along the way....

I don't know if you've got round to working out what you want to do with this particular scene yet, but here's a possible solution to Luke's 'missing' Lightsaber as he crashes through the 'window' during his duel with Darth. See what you think -

....with Darth having seemingly deactivated his Lightsaber (perhaps you may choose to show that happening at this point) before he moves to cling to the wall during the initial wind turbulance....just after we see Luke lurch to the right of the frame with his 'activated' Lightsaber for the last time, and we then see him start to get sucked out of the window backwards....could his Lightsaber now be seen slightly separate from him, IN THE MIDDLE OF DEACTIVATING, as it has blown out of his hand with the force of the pressure amongst the other assorted debris?....and before the shot ends, could we see that Luke's Lightsaber has TOTALLY deactivated during it's fall alongside Luke?....then after Darth looks down....in the 'birds-eye' shot we see of Luke hanging on the gantry, could we see that his deactivated Lightsaber is sitting somewhere near his right hand, having thankfully landed on the gantry beside him. It has been a close thing....as it's shaded silver and black hilt is seen at an angle (underneath the railing, and partially obscured in the same way as Luke's right hand is partially obscured by the railing as seen from our POV), with part of it actually overhanging the edge of the gantry....and when we cut to the next 'close-up' of Luke hauling himself up, we now see the shaded silvery tip of the hilt, with it's buttons, hanging over the edge on the right of the frame, as Luke careful misses knocking it over with his right arm (the footage is ideal for this)...setting us up for when he later re-enters the gantry structure's 'opening', armed with his Lightsaber again....

And any Lightsaber activation or deactivation mentioned here doesn't even require accompanying sound effects, as the wind effect sound is very loud at these points, and will seem to have drowned them out.... :)

ADDENDUM: Of course, there are other possibilities that could be done to show what happened to the Lightsaber too - Such as during the 'birds-eye' shot of Luke hanging onto the gantry, the Lightsaber could be seen to be hovering somewhere just above him, suggesting that he is holding the Lightsaber in place 'with his Force powers'....and we see it gently lower onto the gantry near where he is hanging, just before the 'close-up' of him clambering back onto the gantry....
During the 'birds-eye' shot of him hanging onto the gantry, he looks to his left at one point....where he could be 'suspending, then bringing up the Lightsaber' using 'his Force powers'....and then once he's clambered onto the gantry in the 'close-up' just after, he watches briefly as he seems to be gently 'raising the Lightsaber' to rest on the right of the gantry beside him....
We ONLY see the bit at the end there where he's clambered onto the gantry in the 'close-up', and watches briefly as he seems to be gently 'raising the Lightsaber' using his 'Force power', and rests it on the right of the gantry beside him....

Of course you can choose to leave it all as it is, and perhaps he's just used his 'Force powers' in the intervening time before we rejoin him to 'bring up his Lightsaber' from the fall in some UNSEEN way....but I rather hope you show something or other.
Also for your consideration Ady....

Some of these things are more noticeable on the GOUT release rather than the darkened SE release, but as the Medical Frigate starship passes towards us near the end on it's initial pass, the 'window area' portal where Luke, Leia, and the Droids are meant to be, is not 'lit-up' in any way, but instead is 'greyed out'....but in the second, next immediate shot where the Frigate moves away from us, the portal IS 'lit-up'. Some kind of lighting coming from the greyed out portion would be nice, as it's meant to be a bright area.

Also, in the Frigate's initial pass, just behind the greyed out 'portal', there comes a square white light and 2 blue thin ones, which are also there in the very last last shot of it, as it recedes away before the credits. However, these lights are missing from a 'close-up' shot of that particular area on the Frigate as we pan to the left towards the 'close-up' of the exterior of the 'lit-up' portal at one point....and should we be seeing a partial hint of R2 and C3PO through it?....as they are positioned near the 'window' at that point in the proceedings, looking out....

In the 'close-ups' of the Millennium Falcon in these end shots, could you put back some sort of 'brick red' colouring into the relevant panels on it that are now darkened?

A red spot of 'light' on the exterior side of the Falcon's cock-pit area in the 'close-up' model shots would be neat too, to mirror the look of the full-scale version more.

The rather mobile and 'lit-up' Medical Droid that works on Luke's mechanical hand/wrist area, seems too suddenly 'static' and 'switched off' as Luke's 'workings' are closed up by it. Could we see it's still 'lit-up' eyes and blue chestplate light perhaps slowly glow 'off' as we see it suddenly immobile next to Luke, to make the transition a little less jarring? Either that or a subtle robotic arm movement for a moment still.

Could you add a little gold/yellow colouring to the tiny C3PO seen moving slightly through the passing 'window area' portal at the end, as he places his arm on top of R2D2? I really used to like this 'matted in projection' (?) shot at the end of 'Empire', but due to the darkened overall colouring of this scene now on the SE release, you can hardly make out the figures or the movement compared to the GOUT release....

An actual laserblast from Han's pistol hitting the Mynock that he shoots it off the Falcon inside the Asteroid Slug would be nice.

The 'steam/smoke' that comes out of the Carbon Freeze Chamber hole as Han is lowered is a satisfyingly large and dramatic amount.....however the amount that comes out of the same hole when Darth tries to do the same to Luke during their duel IS NOT. It always seemed an unsatisfactory and disappointingly small amount compared to the Han effort, and I would love to see this improved on if it is within your capabilities. If you agree of course! Another thing I think would add to the dramatic effect of both sequences, is that during the actual INITIAL big flurry of engulfing steam/smoke that emerges from the Chamber hole....a very brief blue flash or two is also superimposed on it then too, as is seen in subsequent moments during the process.

And I'd love to see the Falcon's landing gear 'legs' retract a bit AFTER it has turned to escape from the lasers on the 'floating city' landing platform, just as it zooms away into the distance....

Not that I want this edit to take you forever Ady, but I know you are capable of many wonderful tweaks judging by your first appreciated efforts, and I say the more ideas from folks the better. I have no expectations, as the stuff you choose to do or choose NOT to do, is for you alone to decide. You are the one doing the work at the end of the day. I only know that what you eventually come up with will please many, many fans around here and elsewhere.


One thing in the novel that I always miss from the film is when Luke falls away from Vader at the end of the duel, Vader held him in that space, and then let him drop...it showed Vader 'letting' Luke go.

But I'm not sure if that was filmed or not.

Also, in that scene where Vader tempts Luke, any chance you can fix his helmet from blowing / wobbling around in the wind? That always annoied the hell out of me!
  • Todd

STAR WARS: Symphony for a Saga

I just realized something. In the Official Site's "What Has Changed?" comparison between 2004 and GOUT it has many dozens of "Such-and-such has been digitally recomposited." Wouldn't that mean that they had access to all of the elements back when they were doing the 97 SE at the very least? If so why couldn't they fix all of the transparency issues back then? Why do them so half-assed if they had to go back to the base elements anyway?

I know all of these questions have no answers, but I wish they would open up the archives to Ady to allow him to take the time to matte out all of the elements properly. Heck, give him access the original background plates too. Let this one man take the time and his own money to do what Lucas would not do.

Jeez, I'm getting all fired up!

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

Yes, it boggles the mind.
I remember how excited I was when the Special Editions came out in '97 that all this stuff was getting fixed.
But now we know better.
Tricksy Lucasfilmses.

I added an addendum to the end of yesterday's 'missing Lightsaber' post Ady. :)
ImperialFighter said:

I added an addendum to the end of yesterday's 'missing Lightsaber' post Ady. :)

I thought his lightsaber already was in the bird's eye shot. I was going to check last night, but I was distracted by Luke being so quiet that I could barely hear him in some "lost scene".

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

Here's something to think about. During the battle of Hoth just after Luke says "Echo Station 57, we're on our way.", you see four Snowspeeders fly over the frame, than in the next shot we see nine of them flying over head, and than back to four again! Think there will be any touches to this? Going from four to nine and back to four again was always awkward every time I see the scene.
ImperialFighter said:

The 'steam/smoke' that comes out of the Carbon Freeze Chamber hole as Han is lowered is a satisfyingly large and dramatic amount.....however the amount that comes out of the same hole when Darth tries to do the same to Luke during their duel IS NOT. It always seemed an unsatisfactory and disappointingly small amount compared to the Han effort, and I would love to see this improved on if it is within your capabilities. If you agree of course! Another thing I think would add to the dramatic effect of both sequences, is that during the actual INITIAL big flurry of engulfing steam/smoke that emerges from the Chamber hole....a very brief blue flash or two is also superimposed on it then too, as is seen in subsequent moments during the process.

Doesn't need to be changed. Chalk up the difference in steam volume to the fact that Han was actually IN the carbon chamber, whereas Luke wasn't. Naturally there's going to be more of a reaction when a substance hits a warm body than if it's just dumped into an empty area.

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.

doubleofive- I know that there is some 'debris' on the gantry in that 'birds-eye view' shot, but I certainly don't recall there being an obvious deactivated Lightsaber on it. I will check this out later today though.

Ziz- Although that doesn't satisfy me I'm afraid, it's certainly another way of looking at it, and Ady may agree with you.

The second 'Probe' crash that Luke watches on his Tauntaun is a far better-looking object entry (longer, lighter streak effect ) than the initial bright pink 'blob' that crashes into Hoth. The shot just before the 'pink blob' shows the 'casing' of the Imperial Probe Droid heat up as it enters the Hoth atmosphere, then darken. I think the charred 'casing' crashing into the snow instead of a 'pink blob' would look far better, or at least would be better if it at least looked more like the one Luke watches.
ImperialFighter said:

doubleofive- I know that there is some 'debris' on the gantry in that 'birds-eye view' shot, but I certainly don't recall there being an obvious deactivated Lightsaber on it. I will check this out later today though.

If its not there then Ady can just put it there. I've always been OK with assuming it was there, so if it actually is, all the better!

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

doubleofive said:

ImperialFighter said:

doubleofive- I know that there is some 'debris' on the gantry in that 'birds-eye view' shot, but I certainly don't recall there being an obvious deactivated Lightsaber on it. I will check this out later today though.

If its not there then Ady can just put it there. I've always been OK with assuming it was there, so if it actually is, all the better!

Or maybe it's on the gantry but landed just out of frame! ;)
So many possibilities. Ady will keep us right.

Onwards with even more madness then-

As we see Luke first hurtling down towards the black abyss after getting his right hand lopped off....it seems that his right arm is intact now, and that his left one has been shortened instead, as if the Luke element has been 'flipped'....however, it reverts back to being okay in the next shot of him as he continues to fall towards one of the re-lit openings.

As Luke's slide through the 'tunnel' comes to an end before he falls through another opening, when he rolls to a halt, it is glaringly obvious that he still has a 'long right arm'. Could this particular scene be manipulated to look shorter?

The first 'close-up' of the viewscreen 'surround' as Admiral Ozzel chokes is faded-looking, but the second one has a far better-looking, sharper-defined 'surround'. Can this one be used for both shots Ady?
I have been thinking about the Slave 1 following the Millennium Falcon to Bespin scene (although it's pretty stupid). For the story to 'make sense' as-is, one might assume Boba Fett would have to calculate the trajectory of the Millennium Falcon to determine that they are heading to Bespin. Then based on this information, contact the Empire, fly through hyperspace to arrive there first, hopping that they do in fact head that way.

However, if this was true, the risk of them changing course and heading off somewhere else is too great to chance it. He would have to know 100% with out a doubt that they were going to Bespin to even consider contacting the Empire.

That said, my thought then leads me to think that he either followed them the whole way to Bespin and landed when they did, or he was able to hack into their star charts to see were they were headed, he might even had a sound amplifier (like those dishes and headphones we see police using to hear what people are saying from across the way) and overheard their conversation.

I am not sure if it would work, adding a FX Slave 1 flying off in the background as the Millennium Falcon approached Bespin ('cause we already know he is being followed), or adding and audio track to the cockpit shot of the Slave 1 overhearing Han mention 'Bespin', as far as the story flows, but it might be something to think about. Either that it's one of those ideas that would end up taking away more than adding to the scene.
You gotta read between the lines.

When the Falcon gets to Bespin, security won't let them land at first. Then when they do land, Lando is late in getting out to the platform.

Fett probably got there literally just a few minutes before. Security refusing to let them land was a delay tactic, and Lando not making it out to the platform in time was because Fett (and possibly Vader) were pulling rank on him.

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.

Ziz said:

You gotta read between the lines.

When the Falcon gets to Bespin, security won't let them land at first. Then when they do land, Lando is late in getting out to the platform.

Fett probably got there literally just a few minutes before. Security refusing to let them land was a delay tactic, and Lando not making it out to the platform in time was because Fett (and possibly Vader) were pulling rank on him.

Wow. I never thought about it like that.

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