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Just while we're on the topic of Dagobah, one thing that always bugged me was when the X-Wing lands on ground after Yoda force-levitates it out of the swamp. Its motion when landing (that is, when we see the very front of the X-Wing descend and Luke run up to it and pat it with his hand) seems too fake, too plasticy, too overly-obvious that some guys off screen are just plonking a big model down on the ground. Mind you, I don't know if anything can really be done to alter the motion of the X-Wing here to make it seem a bit more 'heavy', but some food for thought nonetheless.

Colour correction looking great, by the by!
Can you fix the hologram of vader when he speaks to general veers in the at-at? It looks horrible.
I don't like the idea of removing Boba from Rotj, but instead add a scene with him if possible. For example add a scene just before luke& co leave tatooine showing the sarlacc during nighttime or evening. And then you hear two o three laser blasts coming from its "mouth" and smoke arises then we see Boba flying up from it and away. Now that would be cool but I guess that would be quite hard to accomplish. Just a thought
Also, how about inserting a scene where the emperor during the hologram sequence, presents an Ewok to Darth Vader then fries him with his fingers, and says "I have for-seen this", just for continuity with your edit of ROTJ? Also can we get a shot of Boba Fett shooting the empror before before he gets thrown down the the exaust port as its his main bounty?


Must.... put... feet... on ...the ....ground, people!
just a quick responce to the boba fett thing.

i really think it is worth keeping in mind that to an extent the star wars saga as a film series is somewhat removed to the EU (ie expanded universe). they must work well as films in their own right without relying on outside sources. if boba were to be seen escaping from the sarlacc we could be left wondering why he doesnt re-enter the film later on.

the beauty of removing him is that it just removes the question of if he is/isnt dead etc. as escape could just be one of those loose plot lines like the whole sifo dyas thing that wasnt actually explained on film.

ive just watched the dagoba scenes again and its really blown my mind. if/when you ever do the prequels ady, would you modify yodas colouring to fit in more with this? or is that a bit to far off yet?:p either way i am astounded by the improvements!:D
I guess im a Boba Fett fan then, but with this issue, im sitting on the fence as to what Ady comes up with, as its turning into the Ponda Boba arm thing all over again (to me!).

I have total faith in the editors choices, because it ends up in being the right choice, for HIM, in the end! So it dont matter about my o(pi)nion because i couldnt make this in the first place.

So im STFU, even though i feel like im spamming the hell out of these threads tonight, but Im excited about Adys 1st film (thats all! And, im drunk!....again!) :-)
You know what Ady could do is have an exterior shot of Jabba's palace, and you can see the Slave 1 blast off into space. Therefore, we get to see a little bit of him in RotJ, but we don't see him die a pathetic death. There you go. I'm happy, your happy. yadi yadi yada.

btw, I starting the DVD-9 download. I'm so excited! Thanks ADY my boy.


Don't know how you feel about this Ady, but on the shot of the Millennium Falcon as it sits on the landing platform when Han and Lando walk towards each other, the 'reflections' on it's cockpit windows always looked unnatural to me compared to the usual 'blackened' look which I personally prefer, and which the previous shot of it actually landing has. And in the shot a little later, where C3P0 walks ahead of it, some of the cockpit windows are now actually grey...

Also, although I like most of the additional flying craft added in the SE's 'floating city' scenes, I really dislike the distracting, snaking 'flying train' that passes by the platform as Han and Lando meet, as I think it really detracts from the scene. I'd like to see that removed, and can take it or leave it where it reappears in the distance during the SE's 'city occupants' shot too. As usual, these are only opinions and ideas for you to like or dislike at your discrection.
The train takes like 2 seconds to pass under, there is not enough air traffic in Cloud City as it is (IMO) and you want to get rid of some of it?
The train's not so bad. At least it didn't fly IN FRONT OF the thing we're trying to look at.


You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

If you remember, George added those creatures when he filmed it for a reason and Adywan has removed the alien feel from that whole scene now.


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Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me. ;)

That ronto thing has always confounded me. George usually only does that sort of thing to hide a jump cut. But I'm not aware of anything being cut, so WHAT WAS THE POINT?

Was the original film irreperably damaged for a second?

Did George hate the white droid?

Was Marcia Lucas a background extra?

This is one of my great unanswered Star Wars questions.


You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

I never even noticed the notorious train everyone is speaking about :) Might as well just let it in ya? :)

From the starwars.com "What Has Changed?"

As you can see, its pretty small and fast.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

Luke Vader said:

Can you fix the hologram of vader when he speaks to general veers in the at-at? It looks horrible.

DarthBo said:

Luke Vader said:

Can you fix the hologram of vader when he speaks to general veers in the at-at? It looks horrible.



Btw, I like the idea of having more traffic, but not too much. It gives the city some life, and you actually believe your in a city, not just looking at a matte painting.

Also those lights to the right of the "what has changed" screenshot should be brighter. Lowry's restoration washed them out a little bit.


DGC General X said:

Lowry's restoration washed them out a little bit.

Re: Lowry's restoration (and fine, fine Season Salt, btw). I was under the impression that Lowry Digital did the clean up work on the films and once done, Lucasfilm added the blue overlay to most shots to "give it a more modern look." Was it the folks at Lowry or the folks at Lucasfilm who tampered with the color balance?

O.T. or No T., baby!

ANH:R Cover Art

ESB:R Cover Art

Huh, the original Cloud City shot is way better.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

Savage said:

DGC General X said:

Lowry's restoration washed them out a little bit.

Re: Lowry's restoration (and fine, fine Season Salt, btw). I was under the impression that Lowry Digital did the clean up work on the films and once done, Lucasfilm added the blue overlay to most shots to "give it a more modern look." Was it the folks at Lowry or the folks at Lucasfilm who tampered with the color balance?

I'm pretty sure that it was Lucasfilm that messed the colours up.

The thing is its not just a blue tint that has been added to the film. In the opening cloud city shots they have added a reddish tint, but overdone it. They have destroyed a lot of the colour information and its impossible to recover the original colouring without weeks and weeks worth of work per shot, and even then it may be impossible. The original matte shot above looks so much more natural than the 2004 version. They have destroyed any of the subtle gradients that existed pre-2004.

As for the train and added sky traffic in the SE i really like these additions. I think it makes the matte painting look less static. The problem i have now with the matte is that now we have a better picture quality to work with it looks too much like a painting. It would have been much better for them to redo the matte to match the new CG footage. the buildings don't match at all now. And the Falcon should have been replaced with a model shot. i agree that the windows on the Falcon look terrible. This is the main reason i want to redo all the mattes for Cloud City but I'm going to struggle due to the fact that there's so little new building shots to work with.



I think I can get an answer to that question. I recall someone who works over there and I have his email ady. He may or may not still work there but he should hopefully be able to answer it along with the question if they restored the films before films were messed with or after.

adywan said:

Savage said:

DGC General X said:

Lowry's restoration washed them out a little bit.

Re: Lowry's restoration (and fine, fine Season Salt, btw). I was under the impression that Lowry Digital did the clean up work on the films and once done, Lucasfilm added the blue overlay to most shots to "give it a more modern look." Was it the folks at Lowry or the folks at Lucasfilm who tampered with the color balance?

I'm pretty sure that it was Lucasfilm that messed the colours up.

The thing is its not just a blue tint that has been added to the film. In the opening cloud city shots they have added a reddish tint, but overdone it. They have destroyed a lot of the colour information and its impossible to recover the original colouring without weeks and weeks worth of work per shot, and even then it may be impossible. The original matte shot above looks so much more natural than the 2004 version. They have destroyed any of the subtle gradients that existed pre-2004.

As for the train and added sky traffic in the SE i really like these additions. I think it makes the matte painting look less static. The problem i have now with the matte is that now we have a better picture quality to work with it looks too much like a painting. It would have been much better for them to redo the matte to match the new CG footage. the buildings don't match at all now. And the Falcon should have been replaced with a model shot. i agree that the windows on the Falcon look terrible. This is the main reason i want to redo all the mattes for Cloud City but I'm going to struggle due to the fact that there's so little new building shots to work with.
I counldn't agree more. If lucasfilm digitally restored some shots, way not all the shots. It sickens me, going from beautiful cg city to 70's matte, back to cg. Just like the Death Star I battle. Stick with one or the other. That's why the Death Star II battle still holds its own IMO. They just stuck with the old models.

Jezuz, did they think us geeks wouldn't notice???


adywan said:

Savage said:

DGC General X said:

Lowry's restoration washed them out a little bit.

Was it the folks at Lowry or the folks at Lucasfilm who tampered with the color balance?

I'm pretty sure that it was Lucasfilm that messed the colours up.

The thing is its not just a blue tint that has been added to the film. In the opening cloud city shots they have added a reddish tint, but overdone it. They have destroyed a lot of the colour information and its impossible to recover the original colouring without weeks and weeks worth of work per shot, and even then it may be impossible. The original matte shot above looks so much more natural than the 2004 version. They have destroyed any of the subtle gradients that existed pre-2004.

As for the train and added sky traffic in the SE i really like these additions. I think it makes the matte painting look less static. The problem i have now with the matte is that now we have a better picture quality to work with it looks too much like a painting. It would have been much better for them to redo the matte to match the new CG footage. the buildings don't match at all now. ... but I'm going to struggle due to the fact that there's so little new building shots to work with.

Could you meet it halfway? Convert the GOUT to anamorphic, clean up the graininess that will show up as a result, then matte in the smaller changes from the '04 like the train and some of the buildings. Then you'd have the better color balance for the majority of the frame and only have to adjust the smaller bits. Would that save you from having to do layers upon layers of color balancing from the get-go?

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.