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Since someone posted a frame from the video and I'm a hopeless Comparison Nut, here's the comparison:

No more Floaty Mini-Obi-Wan!

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Oh jeez....After all these bloody years I never, ever noticed Ben was floating.

And now all I'm gonna see is floaty Ben whenever I watch the film now.






Does look good tho Adyman...Very good indeed. Well done that man


doubleofive said:

Since someone posted a frame from the video and I'm a hopeless Comparison Nut, here's the comparison:

No more Floaty Mini-Obi-Wan!


I see again the movie goes black and white...




HotRod said:

Oh jeez....After all these bloody years I never, ever noticed Ben was floating.

And now all I'm gonna see is floaty Ben whenever I watch the film now.






Does look good tho Adyman...Very good indeed. Well done that man

Blimey! was he really floating? I never noticed it either! duh...


I am a kite dancing in a hurricane …


Two foot tall and floating in front of the log next to Yoda.  Not sure why.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I think he thinks the color is desaturated too much.  At least that's what he mentioned in a PM.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

adywan said:

not sure what you mean vaderios


Even i agree with you that your version has more tones than GOUT as the comparisson pics i see from 005, but it start to feel like stage/set again. The blue color in SE,yes its awfull, but in gives a more natural look. Im not sayin to go back to SE just add a bit cyan/blue to show that is some alive there to make contrast with the Xwing grey color and show that is night. Its all about elements and how they popup.





I'm fine with the scale it's the sticky out bit that's infront of Ben that seems to throw it for me and it's not visable in the comparison shots (and it's just one niggle in a greatly improved scene) I couldn't illustrate my point without posting an image so sorry if this comes as a spoiler of sorts, the scene is worth donating to get a preview just to see Yoda's amazingly enhanced facial movements in all their glory.


It's the same stick that was in all previous versions of the scene.  You can't fix the scale without putting that stick in front of him, since it's on the log Yoda's sitting on.  Unless you erase the stick completely.

Either way, I don't have a problem with it.

By the way, Ady, how do I go about donating?


The sticky-out bit is in the comparison shots, Obi-wan is just standing floating in front of it.

Here's a shot from the set I found on T-bonez.  Yoda just chooses weird tree formations to sit on.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Is it just me, or does the background behind Ben look grainy in ady's edit compared to the GOUT and DVD screencaps?  I'm just going by your comparison shots, 005, so I'm not sure if that's just image compression issues, the quality of the clip ady sent out, etc.

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers


They all are grainey recoloring them made the grain pop out more. Adywan would have to be some kind of warlock to fix this. Though adywan is almost a warlock LOL.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Bingowings said:

I'm fine with the scale it's the sticky out bit that's infront of Ben that seems to throw it for me and it's not visable in the comparison shots (and it's just one niggle in a greatly improved scene) I couldn't illustrate my point without posting an image so sorry if this comes as a spoiler of sorts, the scene is worth donating to get a preview just to see Yoda's amazingly enhanced facial movements in all their glory.

if you look closely at the comparison pics you can see the "sticky out bit" through Obi-Wan's robes. To place Obi-Wan behind the mound that Yoda sits on to improve the scale i had to keep that bit in because it is noticeably attached to the mound as he fades into view.

vaderios said:
adywan said:

not sure what you mean vaderios


Even i agree with you that your version has more tones than GOUT as the comparisson pics i see from 005, but it start to feel like stage/set again. The blue color in SE,yes its awfull, but in gives a more natural look. Im not sayin to go back to SE just add a bit cyan/blue to show that is some alive there to make contrast with the Xwing grey color and show that is night. Its all about elements and how they popup.



i'm starting to think you ahve an obsession with the colour blue. ;)

it doesn't need the blue tint to make it look like its at night. the surroundings are illuminated by the x-wing which has a strong white light.  go outside at night and illuminate sections with a powerful white light and you will see that there is no blue tint because the light, unless it has a daylight bulb, doesn't reproduce daylight colours. now the background becomes more illuminated when Obi-Wan appears and there is a hint of blue reflection from Obi-Wan's ghost.

Don't forget i am working with a colour calibrated monitor whereas most consumer monitors have standard settings or usually 3 user settings: cool, warm & normal. warm and normal strip subtle blue tints and cool gives everything a blue tint. my intention all along was to return the colouring of the HD transfers back to what Star wars originally looked like before the disastrous colouring done in 2004.  i really hate this modern colouring done for movies and photographs. either everything looks very cool with a ot of blue tones or warm with brown tones. It seems that film-makers have forgotten what natural colours are. the Ot were made before this fad and they have now been returned to the old school colouring and the PT will be getting the same treatment.

ChainsawAsh said:

By the way, Ady, how do I go about donating?

you can donate through paypal to the email address in my sig. you'll need a paypal acount but it is easy to set one up and free

corellian77 said:

Is it just me, or does the background behind Ben look grainy in ady's edit compared to the GOUT and DVD screencaps?  I'm just going by your comparison shots, 005, so I'm not sure if that's just image compression issues, the quality of the clip ady sent out, etc.

you will see more grain in my version because i am working off the Hd sources. the GOUT & 2004 DVD's have a lower resolution and a lot of the grain was lost due to this and also compression. the colour correction has also enhanced the grain slightly but i can live with this if t means losing the blue tint. also when resizing it to the DVD resolution it seems that my version is retaining more detail than the 2004 DVD




adywan said:

i really hate this modern colouring done for movies and photographs. either everything looks very cool with a ot of blue tones or warm with brown tones. It seems that film-makers have forgotten what natural colours are. the Ot were made before this fad and they have now been returned to the old school colouring and the PT will be getting the same treatment.

Ok then:) its your call.

I agree that these days all the colors are boosted and dreamy.

Cant wait for the PT...





I remember when they cleaned all the soot off the Sistine Chapel and revealed all the beautiful colours, there were some people who thought it was vandalism because everyone had added the dark murky qualities into their mind map of what the piece was about.

So some of this could be just the shock of the rediscovered.

The Ady enhanced version is much better than any of the other versions.

Having Ghost Ben sitting on down in ROTJ blew all theories of him just being a floating image, that can pass through objects, out of water too (though I'd much rather have him sitting on his sofa back on Tatooine than on an old log in a redux of that film).


Donation sent, Ady!  I couldn't send too much, but I hope what I could send helps.


So, Yoda's stump: should it be visable in the scene where Yoda picks up the X-Wing and sets it down (apparently) right next to where the stump should be?

The problem is that according to my "research" (squinting at screenshots on my monitor) it should be right where Luke is standing on his head.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


ALso when yoda rises the x wing the lighting is changing direction in close ups.





Ben Stump


Excellent work Adywan, and we didn't even have to wait till Thursday for this one!  ;)

I reckon that the colouration looks wonderful in this shot now, and really like the finished placement of your enlarged Obi-Wan behind the protrusion of the log.

Glad to see the back of the hovering 'tiny' Obi-Wan at last.  (Thanks for the helpful comparison shots as always doubleofive)



Had a study of this by the way doubleofive, and I don't think the giant 'roots' behind 'Luke doing the handstand' match these behind-the-scenes ones here (also seen in the footage), that we see in the Obi-Wan and Yoda scene.  BUT I never noticed that the stump (and giant roots) don't seem to be in the shot where we see the front of the X-Wing lowering down beside Luke....until you pointed it out just now!

Maybe Yoda (or even Luke eventually?) moved it into a better position for eventual take-off, afterwards at some point?, lol.





doubleofive said:

The sticky-out bit is in the comparison shots, Obi-wan is just standing floating in front of it.

Here's a shot from the set I found on T-bonez.  Yoda just chooses weird tree formations to sit on.


 I think you mean that they made a raised prop for Frank to hide behind while he operated the Yoda puppet.  :p

Sluggo said:
doubleofive said:

The sticky-out bit is in the comparison shots, Obi-wan is just standing floating in front of it.

Here's a shot from the set I found on T-bonez.  Yoda just chooses weird tree formations to sit on.


 I think you mean that they made a raised prop for Frank to hide behind while he operated the Yoda puppet.  :p

the one thing with yoda, he's wat made the film great. i always accepted him as a real character. after seeing the PT and then ESB, seeing him die in ROTJ is kinda depressing.



I really hate this new Emporer scene. While I know in the original version the Emporer looks like he has green skin and there is a continuity error with ROTJ, I really wouldn't mind Adywan just using the original Emperor. I know this new one looks like him more, but something just doesn't look right about him. I can't stand the new dialog, it goes on way too long and is just stupid. It's another one of Lucas's WTF moments. I hope Adywan gets the original dialog back too.