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To me it is very noticeable (the helmet isn't the right size to the body.)


Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?

BarBar Jinkx said:

To me it is very noticeable (the helmet isn't the right size to the body.)


Maybe there was a strong wind in the meditation chamber like in Bespin? and he rushed to put it on straight!


I am a kite dancing in a hurricane …

vaderios said:

Something that CAN fixed. Obvious he is not David. Armor and mask floating...

Even when he rotates there is a previous shot that can be used reversed.



Are the ones on the right your fixes?  If so, they're fantastic - I've always thought the ones on the left looked a little ... off.


TESB is unique in that all the imperial officers are wearing perfect rank badges and cylinders. For one who is into these things, its very easy to determine the ranks of for instance Piett, Ozzel or Veers by mearly looking at their rank badges. By comparison ANH's rank system is terribly vague, with officers wearing a confusing mixture of red, blue and yellow. And let's not even talk about the mess in ROTJ, were virtually everyone seems to have the same rank!

There is one officer that is wrong, though, and it seems like a shame when everyone else are perfect. He appears briefly as an extra without lines in Vader's first scene. As Ozzel and Piett are argueing and Vader is making his way over to join them, the camera pans down to the trench and an officer standing looking up at Vader. He is wearing the rank insignia of a navy captain, even though Piett is captain of the ship at that time. However, if another cylinder is added to his other cheast pocket, he becomes a commander instead, which would clear it all up.

I have mentioned this earlier some time ago, so forgive me ady if you've already addressed this, but I wanted to make sure it hadn't been forgotten in the ocean of posts here.


I thinks it's more to do with how he is sitting rather than the helmet being too big for the body.

HotRod said:

^^ You my friend can take the super nerd crown and wear it with pride!!!


 Oh, I am. count on it :)

Chrille said:

There is one officer that is wrong, though, and it seems like a shame when everyone else are perfect. He appears briefly as an extra without lines in Vader's first scene. As Ozzel and Piett are argueing and Vader is making his way over to join them, the camera pans down to the trench and an officer standing looking up at Vader. He is wearing the rank insignia of a navy captain, even though Piett is captain of the ship at that time.


 (Desperate rationalization follows)

No doubt that officer is indeed a Navy Captain, hastily promoted from Captain of his own vessel to serve on Executor (the Imprial flagship) due to the power vacuum in the chain of command created by Vader's habit of strangling everyone. If I recall my boyscout days, an officer with the rank of 'Captain' serving on a ship he is not the captain of, would be addressed as 'Commodore'  (I think).

(An army or marine captain aboard a ship would be addressed as 'Major,' a rank higher than they hold, to avoid confusion with the ship captain as well).

ChainsawAsh said:

Are the ones on the right your fixes?  If so, they're fantastic - I've always thought the ones on the left looked a little ... off.

Yes, Right are always my fixes. It taken from the previous scene when vader talks to veers.






I think the Vader shot is fine as is (In his chamber) the helmet looks different because it's angle is a bit different and his posture is leaning slightly forward. Other than in the duel scenes (Done by Bob Anderson), I've never heard or read that anyone but David was ever in the suit during ESB filiming.


never had a problem with Vader's look in that scene. he's hunched over with a big ole mad dog look. he looks huge and mad as hell. i like it


Exactly! Sometimes the way he holds his head it almost seems as if his expressions change on the mask, even though they don't. Notice how different his helmet looks when he is looking downward like in his opening scene in ANH.



No doubt that officer is indeed a Navy Captain, hastily promoted from Captain of his own vessel to serve on Executor (the Imprial flagship) due to the power vacuum in the chain of command created by Vader's habit of strangling everyone. If I recall my boyscout days, an officer with the rank of 'Captain' serving on a ship he is not the captain of, would be addressed as 'Commodore'  (I think).

(An army or marine captain aboard a ship would be addressed as 'Major,' a rank higher than they hold, to avoid confusion with the ship captain as well).

The rank of Commodore has been in and out of favor in the US for 100 years.  Commodores were senior U.S. Navy Captains who commanded squadrons of more than one vessel or functional air wings or air groups that were not part of a carrier air wing or air group.  Now doesn't that sound military.  There was so much confusion regarding Captains of certain types of squadrons that held the temporary title of Commodore that it was dropped again in only a few months to the current rank of Rear Admiral.  However, the Navy still uses it as a title for those in charge of groups of ships or submarines organized into squadrons, air wings or air groups of aviation squadrons.

In the Royal Navy, it is above Captain and below Rear Admiral.

However, any officer in command of a ship is addressed as Captain.  For example, a Lt would command a WWII p.t. boat, but be addressed as Captain.  A flag officer (Admiral, or other) aboard a ship would still have a Captain in charge of the ship, and all orders and the chain of command would flow through the Captain, as a courtesy to him.

And I'm sure I missed something.



hey adywan, was curious how things were going... I havn't been around for a while and I apologize... it would seem I have some catching up to do... add some things to the changes list...


Anything anyone has in particular I need to add?


btw, love that whole mock up of the entrance to Vader's Chamber... would be amazing if you could use it somehow... even as just a menu heh

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Sevb32 said:

Exactly! Sometimes the way he holds his head it almost seems as if his expressions change on the mask, even though they don't. Notice how different his helmet looks when he is looking downward like in his opening scene in ANH.


Its funny that! I mean in ESB the helmet-mask is changing all the time because are different helmets. I agree with you that in this particular scene looks pissed off like that the helmet isnt placed correclty from the rush :P

See this: http://thepropden.aokforums.com/esb-and-rotj-vader-helmets-what-do-we-know-vt2464.html

See all pages ang will be amazed how different look the helmet only in ESB. Epesially page 3





I know its off topic, but hey! I'm a crazy lady!!!

Carrie Fisher steals the show in her speech at the AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute To George Lucas.




I am a kite dancing in a hurricane …


Awesome Video!

I think that is never mention here.

The buttons of pilot suit of luke during the battle of hoth contiueing changing colors...

Also when the AT-AT that luke destroyed is falling its shadow affects the other AT-AT that is behind,in significant distance,which is not right.

One more: Someone mention that it will be cool if when falcon leaves from the cave to have several things to fly away from the boost of the engines. Ady said that this will look fake. But:

this is a good footage that some elements are flying towards to camera and its to the right perspective.



HotRod said:

Cos it's shit!!


Why is it shit? The SE version is better than the original version.

Dangerous Incorporated said:
HotRod said:

Cos it's shit!!


Why is it shit? The SE version is better than the original version.

Ouch, you don't want to start a fanboy war here :P... Ady said that the cave scene ruins the mystery.So wampa should remain some short of hidden.





Dangerous Incorporated said:
HotRod said:

Cos it's shit!!


Why is it shit? The SE version is better than the original version.

C3P0: "Here we go again".

Adywan is attempting to completely redo the wampa scenes and he isn't a fan of the mash up of various wampa models and that's on record and it's his edit.

This debate has already been had many moons ago, you'll just have to trust in what he comes up with and if you prefer the SE Wampa to whatever ends up in ESB:R don't worry it hasn't been wiped from history, you still have your SE discs and someone out there (maybe you) will no doubt do a version with all of Ady's alterations you do like but with the SE Wampa put back in.

A lot of people prefer the less is more approach, some people don't mind the idea of more but didn't like the more they got and some people are very happy with how it turned out in SE.

People are different, welcome to the wonderful world of people.

Dangerous Incorporated said:
HotRod said:

Cos it's shit!!

Why is it shit? The SE version is better than the original version.

I think you'll find a lot of people on these boards'll disagree with you on that one.

The original wampa scene is much scarier. As has been said before: "less is more"