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Sluggo said:

They made at least four wampas.

A full sized one that carried off Luke for the Norway shoot.

I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this! its brilliant. It reminds me of the aliens from Space 1999!

I am a kite dancing in a hurricane …


The design is unique, to say the least.  The eyes are so pronounced, one almost can't see the horns.

doubleofive said:


Wow, that took a while.  That is weird though.  A layer Ady forgot to delete maybe?


Ah nice, it's not just me then,  we are 3

not easy to spot is it?! ^_^

as I said I can knit pick :p

Star wars: Revisited. is now on facebook :)



Can you get me infinite girlfriends, and yes, it's cool that My name will be in the credits, my rise to power has started! HAHAHGA

The person your searching for simply does not exist


Sweet...I'm in ESB Revisited. I just missed the list for ANH Revisited....great new clip Adywan! This movie is going to be ridiculous! Peace...


I really hope my name is in the credits too.......that would be A W E S O M E !


I wasn't around for the jump off of AnH revisted and only came on board toward the end around the time of the debates over the arm on the floor in the cantina.  Lol - fun times :)


But I'm glad to say I've been around from the beginning of this project and can't wait for the final version.



Okay, now I can't see what you're talking about!  >:)

I have the link to Lady Ferry's youtube clip:

Is it still at the 0:33 to 0:34 area?  If so, where abouts on the model is the glitching located?


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Actually I just checked the google link......I AM IN THERE!


That rocks - thanks guys.


This cheered me up.




You have to download the 720 high solution clip, the youtube one is not good enough.

if you look at the pictures posted above, its just above where the transport is atm..where the 3 "layers" of the destoyer is, same as one the command tower at time index 00:10

Star wars: Revisited. is now on facebook :)



adywan said:

at the moment i'm working on removing the background in the shot where we see the troopers in the trench get ready for action but the background has the turret already destroyed before the Imperials even fire a shot. so far its taken me 4 days to mask out about half of the troopers


I'm so glad you're putting the effort into sorting this particular shot, even though it's time-consuming.  It's one that I'm really going to appreciate seeing improved.  :) 


Here's a Yoda related idea..........


When Yoda first meets Luke and is playing the part of a crazy old hermit we see him comically digging into Luke's supply case - and we get a nice shot of his little feet.


Perhaps Ady can have Yoda's toes wiggling a bit while he is in there? Just a little bit though, something subtle to add even more life to him.



And 1 more Vader related idea.......in the scene where we see him using the force to toss items at Luke perhaps we can see some sparks as the machinery is removed from the interior?


Here is a really really rough PS mock-up...............although if Ady does it at all I wouldn't use this much sparks/electricity......something more toned down perhaps?





adywan said:

the red lights aren't visible on the section that is showing in new clip as they are just out of shot. if i move the windows upward so you can see the lights then it throws the scale out. Plus the red lights only blink in that one shot when the stardestroyer is on alert. if you look at the other shots of the stardestroyer bridge (including the executor because its the same set) the lights never blink.


Adywan, I know the 'vertical' RED-lit areas are 'out of shot' in your new Bridge shot, but what I was meaning was perhaps it might be good to have just one or two of the tiny 'circular' WHITE lights that are now seen in your shot, be RED instead, just as a subtle detail.  

I think the ones in the 'Avenger' interior shot just 'switch-on' rather than 'blink', come to think of it, and any REDDENED ones in your new shot could just be made to be 'static', like the rest of the WHITE ones are. 

It's just that I thought I could make out the odd RED light amongst the WHITE ones, on that narrow 'upper ledge' in some of the other Bridge shots, that's all.  


could I maybe be included in the credits as 'mumbles' (without the underscore) even if for voting to keep boba fett's original voice? :) i could always try and find more stuff to suggest but i don't want to step on adywan's toes.

EDIT: I see my screen name in there. thanks so much! :) I wouldn't mind giving my full name but who wants to read some giant name with a nickname in the middle? ;)



I've been geeked up over this since the last preview and have a couple requests:

Could someone provide the link to the ESB:R clip archive?  The member's name escapes me at this moment (005, maybe?), but someone was keeping an online database of all the clips to this point.  I only have a couple of them and have turned a few more friends onto the project and they'd like to see the previous clips as well.  Ady's got a number of them linked in his first post, but I know there's more.  Plus, the "Revisited Repository" (that should be trademarked :) ) had the dates attached to each clip, which is very nice, too!

Also, I would like to request a split-screen of the Ion cannon shot again.  This is something I would like to do myself, but I'm running an ailing 2.4 GHz Pentium II with a scant 512 MB of RAM and my machine would certainly not like that.  Now in a couple weeks, it may be a different story (c'mon Dell!)....

And put me down for not knowing what the hell I'm looking for in that SD gif, too! :)

O.T. or No T., baby!

ANH:R Cover Art

ESB:R Cover Art

RoccondilRinon said:

I thought it was the "Adywan Archive" :p

Erikstormtrooper has the Adywan Archive, but it's only for ANH: http://www.erikstormtrooper.com/adywan-anh/adywan-anh.htm I don't know if he has one for ESB.

The only place I know of to see all the ESB clips in one place is at ladyferry's YouTube account, where she is known as shellatella: http://www.youtube.com/user/shellatella


My crazy vinyl LP blog

My dumberer blog

My Retro blog


HI guys,

  I've been away for a while, but I've caught up and watched the latest clip.  Looks great!    I have a star wars encyclopedia (Essential Locations?) that has a 3 or 4 page pull out chart of the whole battle of hoth and the paths everyone took.  It might be useful to use as a reference.  Also it might make a good 30,000 foot view if it is decided that we see the rebel base as the transport is escaping.  the book is somewhere in my apartment, if I find it, I will post high resolution scans of those pages if anyone wants to see it.



porkinsred6 said:

HI guys,

I've been away for a while, but I've caught up and watched the latest clip. Looks great! I have a star wars encyclopedia (Essential Locations?) that has a 3 or 4 page pull out chart of the whole battle of hoth and the paths everyone took. It might be useful to use as a reference. Also it might make a good 30,000 foot view if it is decided that we see the rebel base as the transport is escaping. the book is somewhere in my apartment, if I find it, I will post high resolution scans of those pages if anyone wants to see it.




Great idea, I have that book too, although Ady will consider it EU, he might be open to using it as a guideline, he doesn't have to, but it may give him some ideas.

Savage said:

I've been geeked up over this since the last preview and have a couple requests:

Could someone provide the link to the ESB:R clip archive?  The member's name escapes me at this moment (005, maybe?), but someone was keeping an online database of all the clips to this point.  I only have a couple of them and have turned a few more friends onto the project and they'd like to see the previous clips as well.  Ady's got a number of them linked in his first post, but I know there's more.  Plus, the "Revisited Repository" (that should be trademarked :) ) had the dates attached to each clip, which is very nice, too!

Also, I would like to request a split-screen of the Ion cannon shot again.  This is something I would like to do myself, but I'm running an ailing 2.4 GHz Pentium II with a scant 512 MB of RAM and my machine would certainly not like that.  Now in a couple weeks, it may be a different story (c'mon Dell!)....

And put me down for not knowing what the hell I'm looking for in that SD gif, too! :)

i've added all he videos i still have to the first post


This stardestroyer issue has me stumped. I can see what you mean in the XVID i posted but it isn't present in the master file so hopefully it is just an encoding problem




mumbles_ said:

i could always try and find more stuff to suggest but i don't want to step on adywan's toes.


 mumbles, if you see it, say it.  Adywan considers everything put to him, and may want to use it.

adywan said:



SOO much better!


Great work Ady!?!?!?!?!


Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


Hey Ady,

Love the ion cannon except the arcing that is visable in the ion blast....to me it makes much more sense that the arcing would occur once the blast hits something metal...however you know me whatever you come up with for the final is going to be fine....

Thank you for your tiredless hard work.


Maybe if you get burned out on ESB:R you could release the 1080P ROTJ? ;)


Keep up the good work and thanks again Ady.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.