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ImperialFighter said:

It seems that real-life 'Imperial Walkers' are just around the corner if this development is anything to go by! I wouldn't like to be an enemy if they start attaching weapons-fire to these babies. Imagine a horde of these things bounding 'bug-like' towards you, as it does at the end of the video...


Be amazed.

This has hardly anything to do with this thread. Please post stuff like this in the off topic thread....let's not clutter up Ady's "STAR WARS: EP V "REVISITED EDITION" thread.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

vbangle - You are of course right. I've just realised that I should have put this up on the 'General Star Wars Discussion' thread. I'll stick it on there. Please pardon my error. Regards.
Hey Adywan, I just saw your episode IV fan edit, and it was awesome. Cant wait to see episode 5
Your life is yours alone. Rise up and live it.
DoubleOFive, did you or Ady do the "Luke-falls/Vader-yells-No!" audio? That was very well done. I would love to see the scene with this audio as an easter egg on the Ep. V Revisited release. Absolutely hilarious.

In fact, while I was playing the audio, my 9-year-old daughter in the other room heard it and yelled out in a similar voice: "DO NOT WANT!". I'm sure the "Backstroke of the West" fans out there can appreciate that. ;)

Pink Floyd -- First in Space

auximenies said:

DoubleOFive, did you or Ady do the "Luke-falls/Vader-yells-No!" audio? That was very well done. I would love to see the scene with this audio as an easter egg on the Ep. V Revisited release. Absolutely hilarious.

In fact, while I was playing the audio, my 9-year-old daughter in the other room heard it and yelled out in a similar voice: "DO NOT WANT!". I'm sure the "Backstroke of the West" fans out there can appreciate that. ;)

I am responsible for the Vader yelling. I was going to try to do the video, but I lack the capability to capture the video, or at least didn't have the time to figure it out before the end of April 1.

The fact that your daughter yelled "Do not want" just shows that there is hope for the next generation.

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OK, after watching ESB on Spike last night, I noticed a couple of things. And I apologize in advance if this has already been mentioned, but here goes.

1) When the AT-ATs are approaching during the battle on Hoth, there's a shot looking through an AT-AT cockpit window and it looks like that walker is actually flying. I mean it's going way too fast and it just doesn't look right. Is there any way to slow that scene down?

2) During the Han/Leia kissing seen on the Falcon, C3PO comes and taps Han on the shoulder and says "Sir, I reversed the negative power flux coupling!"
During this scene, 3PO's right arm is extended and you can see the rod on the back side of his arm hanging down. If I'm correct, 3PO has small support rods on the inside and outside of each arm and in this scene, it's obvious that one is dangling. With similar work that's been done on ANH, this shouldn't be a problem to remove, right?

Thanks for reading.

I do not fear the Dark Side as you do.

I too finished watching Empire last night (on DVD, with audio commentary) and found a bunch of little things I think need some help. I didn't write them down, so they're out of order and kind of random.

Besides the obvious stuff (AT-ATs, Wampas, Fett's voice) here are a few I found:

* When 3PO gets turned off, he remains in the background of the scene, with Anthony Daniels still breathing. Since that whole shot is static, Ady could easily keep one frame of 3PO in the background so he is still until the ship rocks at the end of the scene.
* There are several space shots where you can see stars through the Executor, Luke's X-wing, and even Dagobah!
* When our heroes arrive at Cloud City, they walk down some stairs, and when they reach the bottom, 3PO comes out of nowhere to join them. I'm sure Ady can add 3PO at least turning the corner or something to give us some idea of where he appeared from.
* The lightsabers. Ugh. I know that redoing the lightsabers is a given, but I cannot tell you how frustrated Vader's pink saber makes me.
* Blaster bolts. These too are a given, but there are so many bad looking bolts, troopers that get shot without flashes, blasters fired without flashes, and even troopers with black marks on their armor before they get shot! I also think 3PO deserves to have a bolt hit him, because currently he just explodes without provocation!
* I think Taun-Taun footprints would be nice. Maybe even adding a spray of snow behind them when they kick up their feet.
* The Cloud City elevator. I like the SE shot with the open window looking out at the elevator going past, but after they open the door and Vader is there, it's back to its pre-SE wall state. I'm thinking that maybe just before the SE shot is out of frame, it could fade back to the pre-SE wall, like maybe that's how you close windows on Cloud City. That could also be what Chewie is looking behind them worried about, because why would they need to close the window view if they're just going to dinner?
* Cantina-ize us some Bossk, because he just kind of stands there.
* There are some pretty empty matte paintings of Echo Base from the outside which could better match the action (no X-wings in the hangers, no movement).
* Luke's X-wing goes from mostly out of the Dagobah swamp to almost completely covered in a few seconds. Maybe have the X-wing start to slip into the water when R2 turns to look at it.
* Luke standing up or bouncing back up after jumping after Vader in the freezing chamber has always bothered me. I would just keep that part empty after he jumps because I find that seeing him is unnecessary and distracting.
* If I'm not mistaken, I think the SE bonus hatch on the Falcon that Lando catches Luke through could use better synchronization with the exterior shot of the hatch opening. It seems like it is too far open from the inside shot to have been that far closed from the outside. If that makes sense to anyone but me...
* After everyone leaves Cloud City, R2 stops fixing 3PO to save the day, but 3PO dangles his leg around, a couple shots by the knee and the last shot by the foot. I'd be impressed if Ady could flip the leg around, because 3PO really whips it around in the last shot. It might be easier to flip the leg in the previous shots so that he's always holding it by the foot.
* There's Taun-Taun blood on the wall of Echo Base before Han leaves to find Luke. This is left over from the removed "Wampas in the Base" subplot. I think that the blood could be removed.

That's all I can remember right now. I may add more as I think of them.

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I ran some tests over lunch about the Cloud City window possibly closing (and when I say "ran some tests", I mean that I made my own sound effects while watching that scene on my TV). Anyway, I think it would work, but maybe something like mechanical shutters that can start closing as they walk down the stairs away from the window and snap closed with a quiet sound that Chewie hears and turns around to notice.

Just my thoughts.

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Just watched this, and loved every minute of it!!!! What a great way to spend an afternoon of the school holidays with my daughter.

Looking forward to the Purist DVD-9 version for even more of your Star Wars genius!!!!!!

Philip (and Ruth)

Oh man, if it's not too time consuming, one of you video wizards should do this, just for our enjoyment! :)

Some thoughts:

- I'm going to have fun following this thread and I kick myself for having joined the ANH: R thread so late (despite being a member for almost 2 years now)
- I don't even see how it would be possible to smooth out the Tauntaun animation. But then, I'm no video wizard (why did I use that term in the first place?)
- the part where they're switching off 3P0 and he's saying "The Empire may be gracious enough..." has always bugged me. It's like his voice gets funny/deep way too early.

and lastly...

- are there any grains of sand that should be removed from anyone's feet in this movie? ;)

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No grains of sand, but we'll have to scour the Hoth scenes for any snow flakes that look out of place :P

But won't Admiral Ackbar need a medal?

The person your searching for simply does not exist

Josh said:

But won't Admiral Ackbar need a medal?

The Lando Calrissian Memorial Award for Valor in Battle?


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HotRod said:

That pic is of Lando does look like he's saying "Hey ladies...look at my dick"

Is that so wrong? It is Lando...

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Who's the black private dick
that's a sex machine to all the chicks... Lando!

They say that cat Lando is a baa-aad mutha...
Shut your mouth!
But I'm talkin' about Lando!
Well, we can dig it.


DGC General X said:

Who's the black private dick
that's a sex machine to all the chicks... Lando!

They say that cat Lando is a baa-aad mutha...
Shut your mouth!
But I'm talkin' about Lando!
Well, we can dig it.

You know, they never mentioned what Lando's "maneuver" was at the Battle of Tanab...

But that's enough of Lando. Sorry to bring him up.

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I work at a hotel reservations line, and whenever someone asks for Kanab, Utah, it reminds me of the battle of Tanab and I have to resist making some sort of remark about Lando.

Okay, people.... Seriously, did we all forget what this thread was for? April Fool's Day was fun and all but let's keep our eye on the ball here. If Adywan is going to take the time to do this for US then we can at least watch the film and jot down really GOOD ideas for him to consider....not just a wish list. Don't get me wrong, I love talking about Lando's dick and his little maneuver, but unless Adywan plan's on putting porn music in his edit, I don't think that belongs here. Part of my fandom includes the waiting game with Star Wars. I love to wait on something because it gives me something to look forward to. I was pretty bummed after ROTS because I thought I'd have to finally stop after all these years. Well, with the two new series and Adywan's edits, I have more to look forward to than ever before. I really didn't care too much about his edit until I actually saw what he had done. After that, I was stoked for TESB. This is the only time I might have to influence this edit and I've been compiling a list that is both well thought out and helpful. I'm going to put it up here in short time, but until then, I'd hope you other geeks like myself would take the effort to deluge Adywan with thoughts and suggestions. If I had the ability, I'd take over the reigns and do it myself because I understand the singular love he must have to undertake such a task. A lot of you are like myself I'm sure, in your 30's, with a family and career and tons of shit piled on your plate. But don't think that Adywan isn't in that same boat. If he loves it enough to do this for your fandom, at least take the time to help him out and give hime suggestions. The least obvious would probably be more helpful. Again, thanks dude for all that you do.


If once you start down the dark path... wear comfortable shoes.

Darth Stewie said:

Okay, people.... Seriously, did we all forget what this thread was for? April Fool's Day was fun and all but let's keep our eye on the ball here. If Adywan is going to take the time to do this for US then we can at least watch the film and jot down really GOOD ideas for him to consider....not just a wish list. Don't get me wrong, I love talking about Lando's dick and his little maneuver, but unless Adywan plan's on putting porn music in his edit, I don't think that belongs here. Part of my fandom includes the waiting game with Star Wars. I love to wait on something because it gives me something to look forward to. I was pretty bummed after ROTS because I thought I'd have to finally stop after all these years. Well, with the two new series and Adywan's edits, I have more to look forward to than ever before. I really didn't care too much about his edit until I actually saw what he had done. After that, I was stoked for TESB. This is the only time I might have to influence this edit and I've been compiling a list that is both well thought out and helpful. I'm going to put it up here in short time, but until then, I'd hope you other geeks like myself would take the effort to deluge Adywan with thoughts and suggestions. If I had the ability, I'd take over the reigns and do it myself because I understand the singular love he must have to undertake such a task. A lot of you are like myself I'm sure, in your 30's, with a family and career and tons of shit piled on your plate. But don't think that Adywan isn't in that same boat. If he loves it enough to do this for your fandom, at least take the time to help him out and give hime suggestions. The least obvious would probably be more helpful. Again, thanks dude for all that you do.

I believe most of us have already given him our well-thought-out suggestions (mine just last week). However, since Ady's probably not going to start ESB for several months, we might have to take things off topic for a bit. No one comments on anyone else's suggestions anymore, and most of the suggestions are pretty much the same. ESB honestly doesn't need that much work as Ady has pointed out.

We're going to have to do something to fill the long months between the start of this thread and Ady starting work, and I'm sure Ady already has his own laundry list of changes. He made most of ANHR without anybody's input (except for the arm), I think he'll be alright if we spend a few posts making fun of Lando.

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Yeah, there's going to be a bit of a lull, especially since the suggestions have been made here and in another thread specifically for ESB and ROTJ suggestions.

Good ol' Lando. (I should say Billy Dee) He's in my mother's "top 10." Heh. My favorite Lando moment is probably "It's not my fault!"

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Ripplin said:

Yeah, there's going to be a bit of a lull, especially since the suggestions have been made here and in another thread specifically for ESB and ROTJ suggestions.

Good ol' Lando. (I should say Billy Dee) He's in my mother's "top 10." Heh. My favorite Lando moment is probably "It's not my fault!"

That's my mother's favorite Lando moment as well. I always thought it was funny that Lando is wearing Han's clothes in the ending scene. I just realized that he did leave Cloud City in a hurry with no bags (so did Leia, now that I think about it). But come on, someone else could have had clothes for him to borrow, so he wouldn't have to wear the signature Solo outfit.

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