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adywan said:

Not sure if anyone's interested in this at all but last week i did an interview for impradio.com which was transmitted Saturday on their live 100th show. Its about 20 minutes long and i sound like shit because i've got a cold. It was a totally surreal experience being interviewed though plus i'd been up all night working on revisited so i was a bit groggy. lol You can tell that from my stupid verbal mistake calling fanedit.org "faneditor.org". I was half asleep and felt like shit when i was doing it. oh well.


I've posted the radio interview on youtube.com for everyone to hear. Its split into three parts and the first part is up and live now. My editing skills are a bit rubbish and part two and three have some already heard speech at the beginning from the previous episode just to bulk out the download. Hope you all enjoy? x



I am a kite dancing in a hurricane …


Thanks ferry

Ady...you sound...so british! I think you live in the UK, after all this time?

The person your searching for simply does not exist

Josh said:

Thanks ferry

Ady...you sound...so british! I think you live in the UK, after all this time?


lol you just figured that out?


Yeah LOL 


the brits to tend to sound british from time to time!

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


i thought everyone knew that? lol.


I think Ady comes from Coruscant?

I am a kite dancing in a hurricane …


the idea of 3po not appearing til ROTS doesn't bug me, but how will you be able to pull that off with all the scenes he's appeared in?


I'm fine with the clouds on Dagobah now that I understand where you're coming from and I think it's really cool that Yoda might have manipulated the clouds. However, I'd really like to see an FX shot of the clouds clearing up as Luke leaves Dagobah after Yoda's death in Jedi. That would really just sell it for me. Plus it would bring more urgency to Jedi as it would emphasize that Luke's on his own now and no longer has the "shelter" of Yoda. Sorry for going a bit off topic.


interesting idea, but it seems a little unnecessary to me 

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


That's a really cool idea! But, as BarBar said...it just feels unnecessary. To me, it would feel like when I'm watching a movie and it'll start raining to enhance the mood or something. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it just feels very hokey. Maybe Ady can give an opinion on this interesting idea.

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Just a thought on the box under Luke's speeder.  Would it be possible to rotoscope a different object from the rebel hanger in front of it simply blocking our view of the lower bit of the speeder?  Or would that create too many continuity errors?


It needs something doing with it, even if you add a ronto walking past in the foreground ;-)

Add eee wan is always the way ive heard it double O. Is that just the american way of saying your user ID they used there?

Ive been mucking about with Needas shuttle in photoshop, for alternative designs, and ive come come to the conclusion im still crap with photoshop!

I did come up with a look that may be possible and plausible, even though my model looked too rubbish to post as i couldnt get the perspective right.

I took the cockpit area of both parts of the tie bomber, and added the three wings off the tydirum shuttle onto it, instead of the tie advanced wings. It works on a middle ground between both ships and looks a damn sight better that the tydirum prototype from episode 3.

I told you it was crap but you get the idea, and possibly do-able with existing footage.

Ripplin said:

That's a really cool idea! But, as BarBar said...it just feels unnecessary. To me, it would feel like when I'm watching a movie and it'll start raining to enhance the mood or something. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it just feels very hokey. Maybe Ady can give an opinion on this interesting idea.

Well. I can see how some might find it distracting. However I wasn't suggesting it be visibly clearing up while Luke is still on the planet talking to Obi-Wan, just as Luke is flying away in his X-Wing and we see the planet from afar.


Octorox said:
Ripplin said:

That's a really cool idea! But, as BarBar said...it just feels unnecessary. To me, it would feel like when I'm watching a movie and it'll start raining to enhance the mood or something. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it just feels very hokey. Maybe Ady can give an opinion on this interesting idea.

Well. I can see how some might find it distracting. However I wasn't suggesting it be visibly clearing up while Luke is still on the planet talking to Obi-Wan, just as Luke is flying away in his X-Wing and we see the planet from afar.

Oh, I knew exactly what you meant. Hopefully Ady will chime in.


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adywan said:

An interesting idea about the clouds in ROTJ but there's a slight problem with that idea. We don't see Luke leave Dagobah and there isn't really a place where it could fit. Luke talks to Obi-Wan then we cut to the rebel fleet and the briefing then Luke appears. Adding a shot of Luke leaving in between that wouldn't really work


 Hmmm...didn't think about that. I suppose it would be easy enough to compose a shot from existing footage but your right in saying it might not fit well there.


I just made this post in "The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas" thread HERE

I would appreciate any comments that can be offered.  Please be sure to post your responses in the appropriate thread so as not to clutter this one.

Originally posted by Rhikter:

"After this week I will be on Christmas break from my university.  I intend to use the time to put together a packet illustrating to Adywan how 3PO could possibly still be incorporated into AotC and RotS.  I wonder, would anyone have any problem with 3PO simply being owned by the Skywalkers as opposed to being built by Anakin?  I'm looking at this option as the lesser of two evils."




the idea of 3po not appearing til ROTS doesn't bug me, but how will you be able to pull that off with all the scenes he's appeared in?


When I first heard Anakin built (actually rebuilt) C-3PO I cringed because it seemed contrived, but that was only because I saw the OT first, if I had seen Episode 1 first it would not seem so small and contrived, it works if you watch them from 1-6 for the first time. It's also symbolic of what Anakin largely becomes. The droids are Anakin and Padme's and they are left with the Organas and Captain Antilles at the end of EP3. Why is that so bad, or hard for some people?

Owen not recognizing 3PO is a no-brainer, it's 22 years since he's seen him, C3PO is gold plated, a common looking droid and not the grungy thing he was 22 years prior. Owen seems to regard droids as only appliances anyway, and never even is told 3PO's name by the time he dies a day or two later in ANH.


it also goes against some of the novels, of course that's the EU. and adywan doesn't believe in it.

Sevb32 said:

the idea of 3po not appearing til ROTS doesn't bug me, but how will you be able to pull that off with all the scenes he's appeared in?


When I first heard Anakin built (actually rebuilt) C-3PO I cringed because it seemed contrived, but that was only because I saw the OT first, if I had seen Episode 1 first it would not seem so small and contrived, it works if you watch them from 1-6 for the first time. It's also symbolic of what Anakin largely becomes. The droids are Anakin and Padme's and they are left with the Organas and Captain Antilles at the end of EP3. Why is that so bad, or hard for some people?

Owen not recognizing 3PO is a no-brainer, it's 22 years since he's seen him, C3PO is gold plated, a common looking droid and not the grungy thing he was 22 years prior. Owen seems to regard droids as only appliances anyway, and never even is told 3PO's name by the time he dies a day or two later in ANH.


It all just seems a bit too convenient. 3PO does or says nothing important in all of the PT. He could probably be painted out frame by frame. I would however like to see 3PO in all three movies. Just have him property of Padme throughout the PT, that way some of his interactions with R2 could be preserved.


this is still two edits away though. lets get back to ESBR.