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Plus, snowspeeders use repulsorlifts not space engines or whatever, and as far as I know no other repulsorlift vehile (e.g. Luke's car) has lights or flames on it.

Also, first post so hey guys, looks like a nice place around here and Adywan, it's been said before but simply amazing work on Ep 4.  :)


Welcome ltsmash, enter the domain, once you enter, you may never get out of pointless debates about arms, penny sized rocks, hot rod snowspeeders....and the likes.



The person your searching for simply does not exist

Josh said:Welcome ltsmash, enter the domain, once you enter, you may never get out of pointless debates about arms, penny sized rocks, hot rod snowspeeders....and the likes.Enjoy.


And Wookiees who can't seem to rid themselves of infinitesimal objects (see HotRod for details).


Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

Ripplin said:

^What the?!

Don't try to paste from Word into the forums, EVER.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Hey Itsmash, now that you're here......donate a little fundage to Adywan's equipment needs so that we can get this edit moving again....oh and tell your friends to donate......peace...


Ouch. Sort of a "hey, you're new! Pay up!" message going on there. ;)

What could've been said was something like 'Adywan is having financial difficulties and is in bad need of a part for his computer. We are trying to help him out, and if you can too, that would be great.'

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I'm coming a bit late to the "asteroid explosion" party, but it always struck me as something put in just so they could fit in another special effect... Even with the idea of flint/steel sparks, we're talking about an explosion here, not just sparks. Whatever.


That said, I couldn't care less if Adywan "fixes it" or not, it's never bothered me too terribly much.

Spudz777 said:

I'm coming a bit late to the "asteroid explosion" party, but it always struck me as something put in just so they could fit in another special effect... Even with the idea of flint/steel sparks, we're talking about an explosion here, not just sparks. Whatever.


That said, I couldn't care less if Adywan "fixes it" or not, it's never bothered me too terribly much.

To be honest, I've seen it that way for so long that I actually think its removal would be more than a little jarring. :)

There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who do not.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, and the bill ;) Haha, I've been lurking here for a while so I know about the difficulties. How is that going Adywan?

As for the small asteroid explosion, I tend to agree with MJPollard, its removal would be jarring. Although it may not neccesarily make complete sense why it is there, it would be more effort than it's worth getting rid of it.

Ziz said:
Monroville said:

Another thing to think about; after watching your ESB Revisited comparison shots, I noticed that the Snowspeeders engines are not lit up.  Not that they have to have any particular coloring,other than white, that may be something to play with as well (just a thought, being that it is kind of hard to fly when you're engines are off).

Modern airliner jet engines don't have flames coming out the back and they seem to work just fine.


-  Heh, heh, true, true.. >:)  But it's STAR WARS!  Light-up engines are what SW is all about!  You don't ever see the MF, X-wings, Star Destroyers or TIEs fly around without light-up engines...

You know, maybe there needs to be an engine on the Cloud City.  I don't see how it could stay up in the air without some CGI engine stuck on the bottom shooting out a fireball or something.. hmm, I wonder what else could be improved with a rear-end glow? Maybe add engine glows to the rears of the Taun-Tauns?  Or is that just too silly?

(PS: it's not flames coming out the back per se, but simply having the engine nacelles glow the same way the X-wing, MF, Star Destroyer and TIE engines glow and "don't" shoot out flames.  Again, a very minor thing considering the Snowspeeder engines are made up of 8 to 10 VERY small circular openings around a conical object, and it would be a very small thing regardless)



 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Glad you have a good sense of humor Itsmash.......you actually understood that I was kidding.....peace...


Well first let me say welcome to the new guys.

Now to reply to some of the new suggestions:

Green lasers: Although it would have made sense for the At-At's to fire green lasers to match the rest of the imperial craft The green wouldn't have looked too good against the blue skies. Plus the AT-ST's in Jedi fire red too and i wouldn't be able to substitute them for green lasers in that due to the green woodland surroundings, so they will remain red

The Asteroid Flash: This one has never bothered me and i don't think it needs to be changed. a small rock hits it at the beginning of the shot and as we see a few asteroids colliding and exploding this really doesn't need removing. After all it is a fantasy film. :)

Snowspeeder engines: Again no need to add any form of glow to the engines as it is a speeder and non of the speeders have any form of engine glow in the saga (apart from the new SE footage of the entrance to Mos Eisley where they added a blue flame coming from the engines but not to any of the other shots of the speeder. Another ILM cock-up). The exhausts we see are probably more like jet engines just to propel the craft forward. Only the Space vehicles really need the glowing engines.

Asteroid Easter eggs (show & potato): I love these types of things they add into the movie so there's no way i would remove anything like this. They're really just a fun thing and not a mistake and also doesn't stand out, so you wouldn't even see them unless you know where they are. Also i thought that it was only a potato added to the asteroid field and the trainer was added to the background ships at Mos espa in TPM

Anyway i'm still just over £30 from getting the power suply so won't be starting work again yet, but hopefully very soon :)





The rumour was that there is a tennis shoe somewhere in the ROTJ end space battle. I read an article a while back by Ken Ralston of ILM, he said he would neither confirm the rumor or debunk it.


Also on Dagobah, there was a rumour (and I'm sure it's true) that in the background, just before Yoda gives his "size matters not speech" there is a Diplodocus munching on some root leaf!

Look closely and you'll see his head bobbing up and down!




First, thanks again for your wonderful edit Star Wars Revisited.  I cannot thank you enough creating the edition of the film that fans always wanted.

I also am dying to see your Revisited version of the Empire Strikes Back, and have been following this thread about the changes you are considering.
I am thrilled by the changes you are planning and really looking forward to the day when you complete it.

Still, there is one change that I felt would be better left alone, or taken in another direction.  That is the replacement of Needa's shuttle with a Lamba class shuttle.

Two things about this bother me.  First, I feel that the Lamba shuttle was extremely over used in Return of the Jedi.  While I can see that dignitaries like Vader and the Emperor would use such a graceful looking ship, it seemed odd to me that a 'parts and technical crew' would also be using the same ship.  The ship hardly looked like would be a utilitarian craft used for laborers.  Also, of course Luke used it to escape the second Death Star, giving the craft 4 appearances in the film.  In the original Star Wars, craft like Darth Vader's TIE fighter only appeared in one scene, making it seem unique.  Things like Cloud Cars got even less screen time.  The multiappearances of the Lamba shuttle made it seem like ILM was cutting corners by reusing the same model over and over.

So I think that even an officer be given access to such an impressive looking shuttle, seems out of place.

The second thing is that I have always liked that each film introduces new elements, characters, vehicles, locations.  I was quite disappointed when Lucas went back and added Boba Fett to the special edition of Star Wars.  I felt adding him detracted from the impression he makes in his introduction in the Empire Strikes Back.

So I don't really feel that elements from Return of the Jedi should be added to the Empire Strikes Back.

I hope that you have found my opinion on this matter useful.  I don't wish to take up too much of your time as I can guess how busy you are with regular life, as well as working on the Revisited edition of the Empire Strikes Back.

Thank you for your time and all your effort.


I know this is probably a dead horse by now, but Vader's "wobbly" helmet has always bugged the crap out of me too. So, I still have my fingers crossed, hoping it will be fixed.  I think that this quote provides an adequate justification for my feelings as well:

Originally posted by: auximenies
Besides, the flimsy looking helmet doesn't jibe with the sound effect of his helmet being secured to his scarred head. SHHHUUUMP! That certainly sounds like a secure fit to me.




Just been sorting out the files on my external hard drive that i use for my PS3 and i found a comparison clip i forgot to post a few weeks ago.  It really does show just how bad the 2004 colouring is. All the shots were completed before my power supply went and it looks like every shot has the final colour correction done. So here it is:


Now i'm really itching to get back to work on this :)




That's awesome.  You just have random treasures stored in random hard drives?

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

doubleofive said:

That's awesome.  You just have random treasures stored in random hard drives?

I had it on the hard drive to test to see what it looked like on the TV and i guess with what happened with the power supply i just forgot about it. One thing i noticed when watching the clip was just how green C-3PO is in the 2004 transfer. God they really screwed the colouring up on this one.



ImperialFighter said:

Can you please do something with the distractingly large, unnatural (hey it's ALL unnatural I know!) 'orange glow' that occurs when a very small asteroid collides into the large 'crater' of the huge 'potato-shaped' asteroid, just after Han replies to C3PO, 'Never tell me the odds'.

Perhaps either put in some 'sparking debris' on it's impact, or get rid of the small asteroid, it's shadow, and subsequent 'orange glow' altogether! Either way would be preferable to what is there at the moment. Thanks.


Adywan - The 'glowing' asteroid thing that Monroville and others commented on recently was something I mentioned way back on page 31 of this thread. 

While it's not a big deal, it's something bigger than some of the subtler things you've attended to previously, and seems an over-the-top effect for such a small asteroid impact into the bigger one....  Maybe you could consider even 'toning' the resulting explosion down a tad, or make the tiny asteroid a little bigger....

Just a last thought on that.



re: Adywan,

In your editing, will you be going over the SEs (be it 1997 and 2004) and taking things out that seem extraneous or just plain stupid?  I would have to watch the SEs over again, but after seeing your comparison clip of Bespin on youtube:


I would remove the wierd red thing on the left-hand side in frame 0:02 to 0:05.  I could see taking that shot, removing the cloud elements and recreating the scene with moving clouds and a more realistic cloud city (if you had the time and patience), but even if you kept the same shot, there are some things that seem to have been added just for the hell of it and IMHO really need to go.

Here is a good example of not just differences between the OT and SEs but some of that annoying stuff:



After seeing the beaked sarlacc, I say get rid of the beak - too much like the space slug and kinda stupid looking. If you have to animate it (when the time comes), just have the whole thing come out like some Lovecraftian worm.

Bespin: you know, after seeing some of the redone hallway shots, I would almost consider going back to some of the windowless hallways for a shot or 2; it gets to the point where every shot has to have a window looking out at the sunset - that first redone shot with C3P0 talking to R2 I think works better than the redone one, not to mention a few of those "hallway only" shots instill a little claustrophobia.  A moving skyline (slow moving clouds, no space ships) would help too.


On the green AT-AT lasers: I completely understand your POV.  While I disagree on the argument that they wouldn't show up well against a blue sky or a green jungle (Luke's GREEN lightsaber stood out pretty well when deflecting those speederbike lasers in the jungle), the lasers were red to begin with and it would require a lot of work (both in ESB and ROTJ).  I still think it would be neat to do a quickie photoshop or the like just to see how it would look.


Also, during the inside room shots with Leia, would it be possible to add a moving or non-moving sky with clouds outside the upper window to replace the flat blue (from 0:22 to 0:44)?  While you do have the cloud car fly over at 0:31, it still looks like a set and not a room in a building floating 10,000 ft (or more) in the air.


On a final note (for now), have you thought about emailing some of the other FanEdit.Org editors and getting multiple editors to work on sections of the film?  After you do the color correcting and any other overall picture fixing, you could section off either scenes or timed sections (like one editor take on the first 30 minutes, another take on the next 30, etc) with you co-ordinating the extra corrections and changes.  That would definitely speed the process and take some of the load off your back.  You think FanEdit.org would bite?



 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson