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adywan said:

I'm not too sure if i am remembering correctly, but did someone manage to do a soundbite with the Emperor saying "Luke Skywalker" ?

 This is when all those off-topic posts really add up to be a serious pain. Someone did create a nice sounding "Luke" from the "A Musical Journey" bonus DVD that came with the ROTS soundtrack, but I don't remember who that was either. Unfortunately it will require a bit of a search unless that person still is active in the forum.

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”


ElectricTriangle said:

Here we go (though it is mostly a proof of concept and you would probably want to redo it):


 Heh, glad that didn't take as long as I thought it would!

More specifically, the link to the video is here:


“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”


adywan said:

Just a small update.......

The hand for the Han in Carbonite sculpt has been cast. Just need to wait for the plaster to fully dry out and then i can finish off the sculpt.It should be dry by the weekend and i can start the casting process mid next week.

Foam and hollowfibre has been purchased, so i can start making the padded suit for the Wampa as soon as i have cleared a little work room once the HiC is out the way.

I have decided to start work on the audio mix while i have a little spare time waiting to finish the HiC. As everything that is left to do and added to the edit don't require added sound effects or changes in the timeline in length, the mix can be completed before the video side of things is complete. I've been working on it for the past few days and so far i have about 60% of the mix completed. Some sections where i have removed some of the Special Edition changes have to have the soundtrack built up from scratch , so not an easy task. If only the unaltered version of the films existed with a true 5.1 or 6.1 discreet mix, my life would be a lot simpler right now. lol

The basis for the sound mix is the 6.1 Blu-Ray mix.

I'm not too sure if i am remembering correctly, but did someone manage to do a soundbite with the Emperor saying "Luke Skywalker" ?

Also is there anyone able to remove some music or as much as possible while keeping the quality of the dialogue, from a couple of clips? I remember seeing someone's clips of the prequels with the music almost completely removed, but for the life of me i can't remember who did it

 I will have a go for you on trying to remove music from clips... if you want to keep the actual clips a secret then just PM me with a description of the scenes that you want the music gone and I will look at it.

I don't have the BLU-Ray mix but I have the 2004 DVD Special edition mix extracted and test this first to see if it's possible (it is something that can not be done in some instances).

I reckon I could get Palps to say Luke with a bit of jiggery pokery if needed that I am sure of.

Just use that sample from the ROTS musical journey thing that Jaita used and combine it with the "You" from "you want this don't you" theres 2 you's there to fill out the middle of that sample

I have some time off and would give me something to get on with so I am up for helping out on that.

Yeah I remember that thread about the prequels but it was not really all that good you could hear the frequencies dipping in and out making the sound muddy and then toppy


I did the emperor dialogue audio saying "Luke" using Jaitas video and edited it and rebuilt Ian McDiarmaids voice with other sound bites. If I had had the clean sample I could have done a better job but It is passable. (pops and crackles carried over from Jaita's video)

EDIT: Redone it without pops and crackles and marginally better



adywan said:

ElectricTriangle said:

Here we go (though it is mostly a proof of concept and you would probably want to redo it):


 Thanks, but that isn't the one i was thinking of.

 is this what you are looking for?


i also found this too but it seems a bit more tedious 


“You can’t polish a turd. But you can shape it to look like candy.”


TV's Frink said:

Here's something really tedious, but provided some impressive results IIRC.


 The only way you will ever get any decent results if you do everything manually by Hand.

I use Audacity because it's similar to Cubase which I started using when I was about 15 years old.

The best way to achieve any isolation with voices is to delete everything outside of the voice... That being music and sound effects wise on center channel. i.e strip it clean apart from the where the voice appears in the timeline.

Then with the vocal clips you have left with the music underlying you have to make a judgement call on equalizing out what you can from the sound. Dropping out everything outside of the vocal range is a first step.

Then the judgement call on how much you could or should slice in to what is left to remove anything else if the music / sound effects clashes in frequency.

If you have a trumpet horn say while someone is saying something it's basically game over you will never remove that and keep the voice because they are sharing the same space.

So then you need to either find an impersonator or a clean Audio sample which you probably wont get the luxury of.

To identify what you can remove boost the frequencies up. If it does not effect the vocal then you can drop it out totally.

Sometimes giving something a small dip will give you the leverage to cover it.


I've been playing around with isolating dialogue from music using the spectral repair setting in Izotope RX 4, but it's really difficult. Seems to be trial and error for me because the visual representation of the waveform doesn't give you a clear distinction between sounds.


brash_stryker said:

I've been playing around with isolating dialogue from music using the spectral repair setting in Izotope RX 4, but it's really difficult. Seems to be trial and error for me because the visual representation of the waveform doesn't give you a clear distinction between sounds.

 There is no distinction between sounds in a mix

I also got  temp banned from Vimeo, was it cause I used Disney image for palpatine toy?

I can still log in with another browser though and not my normal Browser.


Ronster said:

brash_stryker said:

I've been playing around with isolating dialogue from music using the spectral repair setting in Izotope RX 4, but it's really difficult. Seems to be trial and error for me because the visual representation of the waveform doesn't give you a clear distinction between sounds.

 There is no distinction between sounds in a mix

Please know what you're talking about before making authoritative statements like that. Just because sound is mixed together doesn't mean there's no distinction. If there weren't a distinction (in pitch, frequency etc), then software to try and isolate one sound from another wouldn't exist.

For the simplest example possible, look at the pattern the police siren makes in this video:



It's not an authoritarian statement, it is a fact.

If the frequencies clash in a mix between sounds that you want to separate then you cannot separate them.

If the sound you want to separate is far away from the sound you want to keep then it's not a problem.

The example you posted although you can remove the high pitched tones of the siren it is no more different than I explained to you previously.

This is an example of yeah it's easily possible.

Give the sound clip you are trying to remove the music from to this guy and see how amazing he still thinks it is.

I've been doing sound most of my life, I know what I am talking about.

When you get a "Clash" of frequencies you cannot separate them unless you have the raw audio elements and remix them.

Even though I got the emperor to say "Luke" better I was still bound by the the beginning of the "Lu" in Jaitas sample with the music that was present. None of the rest had anything to do with anything Jaita did.


I never said otherwise about clashing frequencies. When two sounds intersect on the same frequency, it is indeed as impossible to separate them as it would be to unbake a cake. But by your own admission above, sometimes there ISN'T a clash, therefore there IS a "distinction" between them. Which makes what I just said perfectly valid.


100% agreed.

but there is a margin... If you are removing music and placing "Other music" in it's place you give yourself a bit of leeway to leave some of what you want to perhaps remove, stay in, if it's covered by the new music.

It's not perfect but sometimes you can get away with it.


I know I had mentioned a while back on this thread, and I have since gotten it to work with another non-SW film, you can use a somewhat complicated multistep phase cancellation with two mixes that are absolutely identical except for the language of the dialogue.  It has minimal distortions to the process, but you have to have the sync and volumes match perfect in addition to the mix being essentially the same.  It works better on a 5.1 mix since you can separate elements of reverb and such as well, but usually working with just the center channel of the mix or two stereo mixes will work fine.

But, if I remember correctly, there weren't any identical different language mixes for the SW movies, though I could be wrong about that.


I've had a fair bit of success scrubbing music and sound effects from dialogue using Sony Spectralayers. It isn't 100% perfect, and it can be quite laborious, but I have been (very) slowly picking away at A New Hope for a few months and I'd say I now have about a third of the film's dialogue in a usable state. I haven't tackled Empire at all though, so I can't offer any clean dialogue from that one.

Spectralayers is quite good for removing more 'spare' bits of the score (a single flute or horn, for example) -- there are occasions where I've been pretty amazed at how easy it can be to seemingly obliterate the music -- but it gets a lot trickier when the full orchestra is swelling behind a line of dialogue. Still, with trial and error and a lot of time, it can produce some really good results. Food for thought, I suppose.


Has anyone tried this?


Called Melodyne.

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


nightstalkerpoet said:

Has anyone tried this?


Called Melodyne.

I've seen Melodyne's software do some near-magical things, but it isn't cheap. They do have a free trial, however, which may be useful for such a specific (and potentially short) task. 


It appears the free trial is 30 days without limitations, just requires an internet connection on each use.

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


Mister Clean said:

I've had a fair bit of success scrubbing music and sound effects from dialogue using Sony Spectralayers. It isn't 100% perfect, and it can be quite laborious, but I have been (very) slowly picking away at A New Hope for a few months and I'd say I now have about a third of the film's dialogue in a usable state. I haven't tackled Empire at all though, so I can't offer any clean dialogue from that one.

Spectralayers is quite good for removing more 'spare' bits of the score (a single flute or horn, for example) -- there are occasions where I've been pretty amazed at how easy it can be to seemingly obliterate the music -- but it gets a lot trickier when the full orchestra is swelling behind a line of dialogue. Still, with trial and error and a lot of time, it can produce some really good results. Food for thought, I suppose.

This would be really useful for many of us, myself included.  Would you consider uploading it for public use?  I'd gladly put you in my credits if you could do so.


I absolutely plan on it, but it'll be some time until I can do so (probably months, at least).

My first job is to clean up as much of the dialogue as possible, removing the music (and sound effects), and then I'll be replacing any unsalvageable bits with clean dialogue from various sources. As far as I can tell, this should be possible for a good 95% of the film, if not more -- but there is the possibility of unpleasant surprises.

After that, the last thing to do will be to make sure it's all at the proper levels, then probably a final pass for polishing anything that doesn't quite cut it. If possible, I may release two versions: one with dialogue only, and one with sound effects only (that way editors can pick and choose which sound effects to keep, if any). Ultimately I plan on releasing the whole thing as a set of .wav files -- I'll most certainly make the announcement here on the forum when the time comes.

And then, y'know, I'll start working on Empire. :p


That's pretty awesome. I would love to see that it'd be especially great for Ryan McAvoy's edit.


So wait, do you guys like Star Wars

-There has been an awakening. Have you felt it? 


justinvalorman said:

So wait, do you guys like Star Wars

 That's the one with Darth Vadar, Hans Solo and Dr Spock right?