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AntcuFaalb said:

Bingowings said:

AntcuFaalb said:

It might help to mention that Americans often refer to any piece of music (with or without lyrics) as a "song".

But why? What if you want to refer to a song and the word for song no longer means song?

I haven't yet encountered a situation where using the word "song" to refer to a piece of music (rather than just those pieces of music with lyrics) resulted in an unresolvable ambiguity.

 Most kids in Switzerland refer to a song, movement or any music cue as a "song" as well, not only Americans. I think, it has something to do with lack of real interest or education. But now we all know what the guy ment :-)

wise you must be.

F*ck the snitch, get the strap, don't give a f*ck... BRAP BRAP BRAP!!!


I keep clicking this thread hopeful of news on "Revisited."

I am disappoint. 


If you have a look at the official Facebook page or swrevisited.WordPress.com there are plenty of progress updates there.


brash_stryker said:

If you have a look at the official Facebook page or swrevisited.WordPress.com there are plenty of progress updates there.

 The last Facebook "progress" update was in March.  

Oh and BTW, many of the video links on the "ESB:R Facts" section of the Wordpress site are broken and new ones need to be added.  

Hopefully things are progressing well :) 


mfastx said:

Oh and BTW, many of the video links on the "ESB:R Facts" section of the Wordpress site are broken and new ones need to be added.
I am lazy.
Hopefully things are progressing well :) 
Thankfully, Adywan is not.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

I am lazy.

Heh, well who can blame you, every few days it seems like a clip is taken down or changed!  


We just want to know where he's at. It's depressing going on this thread and seeing a whole lot of nothing being talked about.


Lord Haseo said:

We just want to know where he's at. It's depressing going on this thread and seeing a whole lot of nothing being talked about.

WWW forums are intended for online discussion. Discussions often have tangents. If this doesn't suit you, then I suggest exploring one of the alternatives mentioned in doubleofive's post above.

It's fine to attempt to steer a thread back on-topic, but your post does nothing of the sort and not only reduces the signal-to-noise ratio further, but contradicts your intent.

Alternatively, if you just want to whine, then I suggest posting in the following thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/If-you-need-to-B-tch-about-something-this-is-the-place/topic/11555/

A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.

I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!

—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3


I had another Idea today and I thought I would share it here for fun and not expecting anything to come of it either. But I will say I think it's a good idea and I am not trying to delay The release of the edit at all but here goes.

Ok I watched the sequence of Boba Fett chasing the falcon through the junk and I thought about when Slave 1 passes close by the camera as in the shot above. What if it's guns rotated from pointed downward to forward as if he was contemplating destroying the falcon at this time but he did not because Vader told him "No disintergrations" if you look at the original shot it's actually very hard to make out the guns on the ship. So as a simple addition to this shot was to see a 2D animation of very clearly defined guns on Slave 1 rotating to aim (with the correct perspective added to match the model)

And It's no biggie but it's a small touch that says quite a lot rather than a simple pursuit through a junk field.

As the hyperspace jump has been cancelled that he makes in the version on facebook is there a chance that you will keep the timimg the way It is but Keep a first time viewer guessing if he stops/halts in the junk cutting off pursuit?


I think that's a horrible idea. I think Fett had it all planned out methodically ahead of time. If you have him contemplating firing at the Falcon it just makes him impulsive.


I can see your point but I was thinking of it more in terms of like you said he has it all planned out, but as he takes aim he stops himself from his run of the mill compulsiveness because of what he was told not to do "I want them alive"

so I was trying to convey that.

as it is in the original it just looks like he is just following them without any thought of blowing them up.


Ronster said:

as it is in the original it just looks like he is just following them without any thought of blowing them up.

 Right. Because he has orders not to blow them up.


But the orders Vader gives suggests Boba had previously been given orders not to kill his bounties and did. So he did not follow orders and had to be warned specifically not to disintegrate this particular bounty and was very clearly like I let you off the last time you did that.

But if you like to think of Boba fett as someone who just flies around the galaxy following orders and that bounty hunter assassinations are as clean cut as what you make them out to be then ok. It does not mean I think it's got anything to do with the idea I had anymore it's got more to do with how people percieve an assassin / killer and how taking a target alive is not quite that simple especially if you are spotted following your target and that target is a much more powerful ship. I wanted to put how I see it in context not about the small idea. Perhaps it's better in the original that the guns are aimed from the get go. But we can't see them very well Is the main point weather they should move to aim or not forget about it. we can't see the guns in a defined manner is what I am saying. I wanted to make them more noticeable. It's a dangerous game bounty hunting is it not.

Just to get people going some more I'm going to throw in the double whammy of moving parts on ships. So I'm not sure if it's a feature supported by the falcon as we never see it move but I always wanted to see it move. When the falcon is clamped to the back of the star destroyer in this sequence what if it's dish was moving suggesting the sensor jamming capabilities of the falcon. On the close up shot. That would explain how it was hidden too but I don't know if it can actually rotate or even move.


Ronster said:

 I am not trying to delay The release of the edit at all 



I always assumed that the Star Destroyer couldn't detect the location of the Falcon simply because it was in a sweet spot where it could be parked ON the much larger ship, making it appear that the Falcon is just another piece of a huge mass on their radars or sensors, or whatever they were using. Not to mention they were in a nice spot where no naked eyes inside the ship could see them hiding there.

I feel it doesn't need to be any further complicated than that. After all, we've all understood that scene without confusion since 1980, or whenever we first saw the movie.

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”


Ronster said:

But the orders Vader gives suggests Boba had previously been given orders not to kill his bounties and did. So he did not follow orders and had to be warned specifically not to disintegrate this particular bounty and was very clearly like I let you off the last time you did that.

But if you like to think of Boba fett as someone who just flies around the galaxy following orders and that bounty hunter assassinations are as clean cut as what you make them out to be then ok.


I always thought he just reminded Fett (and the rest) that this was NO assassination job, cause it would be easier to kill the subject and bring proof back to collect the bounty ...

in the old west bounty hunters had often the choice "dead or alive" - somtimes dead was rewarded higher (depending on the criminal)

but in this case Vader needed his bait to lure Luke into the trap and test the device (carbonite freezer) on a living person - so no killing today ;-)


oh_riginal said:

I always assumed that the Star Destroyer couldn't detect the location of the Falcon simply because it was in a sweet spot where it could be parked ON the much larger ship, making it appear that the Falcon is just another piece of a huge mass on their radars or sensors, or whatever they were using. Not to mention they were in a nice spot where no naked eyes inside the ship could see them hiding there.

I feel it doesn't need to be any further complicated than that. After all, we've all understood that scene without confusion since 1980, or whenever we first saw the movie.

 The Falcon has a cloaking device. 


.......wait a second Ronster,.....don't forget Boba is working for Jabba also,.....he wouldn't consider shooting at the Falcon......one his few lines in the film...."What if he doesn't survive, he's worth a lot to me"



Lord Haseo said:

oh_riginal said:

I always assumed that the Star Destroyer couldn't detect the location of the Falcon simply because it was in a sweet spot where it could be parked ON the much larger ship, making it appear that the Falcon is just another piece of a huge mass on their radars or sensors, or whatever they were using. Not to mention they were in a nice spot where no naked eyes inside the ship could see them hiding there.

I feel it doesn't need to be any further complicated than that. After all, we've all understood that scene without confusion since 1980, or whenever we first saw the movie.

 The Falcon has a cloaking device. 

 "No ship that small has a cloaking device".


I suggest some people could need to watch this film from start to finish,....it really isn't that hard to understand

The Falcon was hiding ON the Star Destroyer giving the illusion that it either jumped to hyperspace or has a cloaking device

....go on watch it again



Yes. My interpretation was always that the scanners only extended beyond the surface of the ship, therefore by attaching itself like a limpet to the Star Destroyer's surface, it went unnoticed. 

It's pretty damn obvious that it doesn't actually have a cloaking device. If it did, why would it need to attach itself like that at all?