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I thought Frank Herbert invented Star Wars... or was it Alex Raymond?


We don't even know that Lucas even knows about this change. We didn't even KNOW this was an SE change until recently. We know nothing about the logic behind it.

The only point that needs to be said is that Ady prefers the wider shot, NOT because Lucas himself cropped it, but because he thinks it looks better. This is his edit that he is sharing online. It's his call, no matter the reasonings behind it.

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Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


The opinion of Adywan and yourself doesn't weigh even near as much as my own and that of GL combined, no offense. Let's agree to disagree and move on. I don't want to stink up this thread any further than it has been.

 GL's opinion is one thing, however, lumping yours in with his as if they weigh the same, not so much.  While you might AGREE with GL's opinion on the framing, which I can respect, that does not mean that your opinion has any greater value than anyone's here.

GL's opinion does carry weight, as it was his property to do with whatever he wanted.  You can agree with him, and that is fine.  But, in this thread which is about Ady's edit, at the end of the day, you can disagree and state your agreement with GL but, that doesn't make your opinion any more valid than anyone else's opinion, especially the person in charge of the edit.

An opinion is an opinion.  I felt that Ady gave enough backup to enforce why he decided to make his changes.  You can agree or disagree but, at the end of the day, the change to the edit is made and fits what Ady's vision for the project is.

What I don't think any of us can do is to pretend that our opinions carry the same weight as GL by a long shot, or more weight than Ady's when it comes to this particular edit.  The fact is that you cannot lump/combine the "force" of your opinion with GL's as GL has no control over this edit.

You are entitled to your opinion.  You disagree.  Fine.  That is a valid opinion but, no greater than anyone else on this thread.  Agree to disagree and move on, but don't make yourself out to have some level of authority that you do not have.  Who gets to judge the weight of opinions and also be objective about it in a discussion?  Not any one person in the discussion for sure as they are all biased to their own views.


kk650 said:

I'll leave you to make your grandiose statements of fact and rule your own little fiefdom in peace.

 Can I buy that on a T-Shirt please Adywan?

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


kk650 said:

My point stands on its own, the edge of the window frame in the top left corner of the first uncropped screencap where all four characters are visible from the front is there for all to see, making the shot look like a set, breaking the fourth wall.

Its not something you can argue about, either its an issue for you or not. It is for me, as it was for GL.

 OK, I was going to stay away from this argument but I just can't, because you apparently don't get it from words and need a visual aid - if the 4th wall is broken because you can see the edge of the window, then it was broken in Star Wars as well:

And you're right that it isn't something to argue about whether you can see the window frame or not. And that you can see the frame in both SW and ESB  also isn't something to argue about, which is why it is a FACT, which is what Ady has been saying the whole time.

Whether seeing the frame breaks the 4th wall or not is however definitely something to argue about, since you (and some others) seem to think so and I (and some others) don't, which is why that is a matter of opinion.


Harmy said:

kk650 said:

My point stands on its own, the edge of the window frame in the top left corner of the first uncropped screencap where all four characters are visible from the front is there for all to see, making the shot look like a set, breaking the fourth wall.

Its not something you can argue about, either its an issue for you or not. It is for me, as it was for GL.

 OK, I was going to stay away from this argument but I just can't, because you apparently don't get it from words and need a visual aid - if the 4th wall is broken because you can see the edge of the window, then it was broken in Star Wars as well:

 The edge of the window in the Star Wars frame is in shadow so it is not noticable and is therefore not an issue. The edge of the window in ESB is very much lit up, very noticable and therefore an issue. I've said this before in a previous post. Its either an issue for you or not, it is an issue for me and GL, which is why i'm happy with the cropping. There's nothing left to say. You do what you want with your releases, i'll do what I want with mine.


Everyone do remember to wash your hands afterwards.


This is all I could see while examining the evidence:

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::Slips back into carefully disguised hidden base of operations until something else inspires a return::

(After putting hand sanitizer on, burning the excess off taking some dead skin with it and then washing thoroughly with anti-bacterial soap)


Tobar said:

This is all I could see while examining the evidence:

 Tobar wins the internet (I even read it in Alec's voice)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


kk650 said:

 The edge of the window in the Star Wars frame is in shadow so it is not noticable and is therefore not an issue. The edge of the window in ESB is very much lit up, very noticable and therefore an issue.

 So, most of the other cropped shots should not have been an issue when, in many, the frame is either lit as darkly as it was in ANH or is completely unseen? I probably should have explained that i was talking about ALL the cropped shots and not just the one image i posted when i said about the fourth wall argument and it being invalid. I wasn't actually trying to be an ass or anything like that. (click on the images to view them larger)




*salivates* It's beauuuuuuutiful.....

The Falcon had some funky seatbelts.

Forum Moderator

I agree those Revisited screenshots are absolutely beautiful, especially with the uncropped image.


Wow. So many posts! :D My English has improved significantly ;)

Btw Cool shot, Ady.


Damn those last few screenshots make me so mad!

It isn't just the cropping, it's the messing with Kershner's perfectly composed shots. When there is a shot of Lando mucking about with some Falcon panels, why would you crop out half the panels?

(ESB:R recolouring looks gorgeous btw)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Everyone's mind will be blown when kk650 reveals himself to be...


All kidding aside, I can see both sides of the discussion having merit. The only cropped shot that absolutely makes 100% to me in existing at all, would be the shot on Bespin, with the Cloud Cars flying outside the window of the Falcon. It DOES make the focus of that shot more on the Cloud Car than on the Falcon's passengers, which makes sense to me. Other than that, I could go cropped or uncropped, and will still be grateful when ESB:R is finally released!

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”


ctlw83 said:

I think the real question here shouldn't be about framing, 4th wall, etc.  The real question should be, is anyone honestly going to enjoy the film any LESS because of the change?

 Thank you! I love how trivial debates like this get so heated, but ideas to strengthen the narrative gets ignored.  


Lucky we didn't say anything about the dirty knife.


adywan said:

kk650 said:

 The edge of the window in the Star Wars frame is in shadow so it is not noticable and is therefore not an issue. The edge of the window in ESB is very much lit up, very noticable and therefore an issue.

 So, most of the other cropped shots should not have been an issue when, in many, the frame is either lit as darkly as it was in ANH or is completely unseen? I probably should have explained that i was talking about ALL the cropped shots and not just the one image i posted when i said about the fourth wall argument and it being invalid. I wasn't actually trying to be an ass or anything like that. (click on the images to view them larger)

All the other uncropped frames you've posted have no problem in terms of breaking the fourth wall, at least not for me, only that frame Harmy posted just now. I thought i'd made that clear in my posts but it seems not. The other issue then becomes whether you think the cockpit should feel cramped like in Star Wars or are okay with the more spacious feeling you get from the uncropped wide angle shots from ESB. I prefer more cramped because I think it serves the visual narrative better and maintains continuety with the smaller Star Wars cockpit but I don't have strong feelings either way, unlike the uncropped frame Harmy posted which i'm very much against for the breaking the fourth wall reasons i've already stated.

You certainty did come across as an ass and very conceited when you stated that my opinion on that ESB frame breaking the fourth wall was 'invalid' but if thats a sort of apology then I accept and I will also retract what I said about your head being on the verge of exploding hehe

Let's all try to get along and help each other out when we can, provide different viewpoints, all the while respecting the viewpoints of others that don't agree with us. If we can do that, i'm sure that we'll all achieve great things working together on this forum. What has come out of this site already is pretty amazing and i'm sure that that will continue for a long time to come.

BTW, those uncropped frames you posted really do look lovely, whatever side of the cramped/spacious divide you stand. Comparing them to their respective cropped shots outside of the film, they do look much nicer than the cropped frames. Makes me wish the Star Wars Original Trilogy could get a 4K remaster like Fellowship of the Ring, that really would be a sight to behold i'm sure.


But he never said your OPINION was invalid!!! He said the arguments you used to support that opinion were invalid and I agree.

Oh, and I certainly hope the original trilogy won't get a remaster like LOTR FOTR, because we've already had two releases of Star Wars with completely f*cked up colors ;-)


Harmy said:

But he never said your OPINION was invalid!!! He said the arguments you used to support that opinion were invalid and I agree.

Oh, and I certainly hope the original trilogy won't get a remaster like LOTR FOTR, because we've already had two releases of Star Wars with completely f*cked up colors ;-)

And I politely disagree, my breaking the fourth wall argument is valid and has been from the very beginning and nothing anybody has said has changed that as you yourself have admited.

You yourself in your second last post said that whether or not the ESB frame your posted breaks the fourth wall is definately something to argue about, so my argument saying that that frame in particular breaks the fourth wall has validity to you as well. So how is my argument invalid when that is all I was saying, that that ESB frame breaks the fourth wall and thats why it was cropped by GL? You just admited it was valid and worth arguing over. In terms of breaking the fourth wall, that is the only frame that I've ever talked about, I have never mentioned the Star Wars frame because I don't feel its an issue there due to the shadows covering most of the visible frame in the corner. The argument might be invalid for the other ESB frames but I was never arguing that it was valid for those anyway, only for the one you just posted.

So now that we've established that the breaking the fourth wall argument in relation to the uncropped ESB frame you posted is valid and built on solid ground, whether you agree or not, some do, some don't as you said, can you see how stating an argument that is clearly valid as invalid is essentially the same as calling that person's valid opinion invalid and is therefore an incredibly conceited and offensive thing to do? All debates would end up in fights and insults being hurled everywhere if everybody was calling everybody elses opinions invalid because they felt their arguments were invalid. If everybody is respectful, you get an interesting debate. If everybody calls everybody elses arguments invalid, you get a punchup. I know which I prefer, most of the time anyway haha

As for getting a remastered Star Wars Original Trilogy, colours can be fixed but detail can't be created out of nothing. I'd much prefer a 4K remastering of the three OT with all the lovely grain and detail intact but messed up colours to nothing at all like we have now.


kk650 said:

And I politely disagree, my breaking the fourth wall argument is valid and has been from the very beginning and nothing anybody has said has changed that as you yourself have admited.

 But now that frame in Star Wars breaks the fourth wall like Old Ben points out in my post right?

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