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adywan, is there any chance you could send me the clip of Obi-Wan in the cantina, so I could give it a shot and try to manually remove the shadows?
You would be better off working with the original footage for this because the new glow would cause a problem when removing the shadows.
Gosh, I hope there is an eventual NTSC version of this.

Yes, there will be. Not too long after the PAL version is released
It's a pal thing - it threw me off at first too. For some reason everyone in Europe likes their movies fast.

I'd rather have the speed-up any day than have jerky movement cause by extra frames and an inferior picture resolution. In an ideal world i'd prefer 24fps with the PAL Video resolution, but that ain't gonna happen.



For some reason, I like watching PAL movies here in NTSC land. The movies seem new again.
Where do PAL versions of these projects generally see the light of day? 'Spleen and Demon' catch most of the NTSC versions, but I rarely if ever see a PAL version on there. Also, I was thinking it might be worth it for this very special project to invest in DVAtlantis and simply convert the PAL version to NTSC myself. Does anyone have experience with this software? I hear it preserves the PAL image quality much better than other methods.

Keep up the incredible work Adywan. November can't come soon enough.

"I turned it off! I don't wanna talk to her!"
Does anyone have experience with this software? I hear it preserves the PAL image quality much better than other methods.

I had a look at the webpage, and it doesn't look like it will give you any advantage over any other method. In fact, it preserves the pitch of the audio, which is not what NTSC viewers will want. Nothing special needs to be done - the video is squished down to 480 lines, the framerate is changed to 23.976, the audio is resampled, and the MPEG is encoded with a pulldown flag.

DV Atlantis might preserve PAL quality better if you start out with interlaced video (which this isn't), but that can be done with free tools too.

This sounds amazing! (I can't view any of the clips or pics, the links seem to have expired)

I can't wait to see this.

Any chance an NTSC version would be out by the first of August? I'd love to burn a copy to show to my friend who is a big Star Wars fan (but lacks high speed internet or a burner) when I come to visit him for a week.

I loved the Darth Editous hybrid edition, but it still has the poor colors and darkness of the 2004 sets (I haven't shown him that). I want to prove to him that a properly done SE can be something special!
I loved the Darth Editous hybrid edition, but it still has the poor colors and darkness of the 2004 sets (I haven't shown him that). I want to prove to him that a properly done SE can be something special!

That's the Darth Editous / ADigitalMan Hybrid Edition - don't forget ADM!

Thanks for the information Adywan and DE. Puts something out of my mind that was nagging me. Oh, and DE, I've seen your SE and it IS something special, despite previous comments from others. It's certainly 1000 percent more than I could ever accomplish. Much thanks to all of you out there who keep hope alive. It's hard these days to be a vintage era Star Wars fan. Most of the time, you don't feel like someone's got your back out there in home video land.

"I turned it off! I don't wanna talk to her!"
Hello everyone, I've been lurking around for a while but only just joined. Just posting to add my voice in support of adywan's work. This edit's gonna rock.


I just watched the Ben's death/Death Star escape clip for the severalth time. I love what you've done to make the Falcon and hence the whole sequence more dynamic, but I have a small idea. In the shots where we see the Falcon from in front, I suggest placing a small Death Star in the background of those shots. I don't know how "locked" that sequence is, or how much work it would be. The one shot I noticed in particular that wants it is at about 1:30:08 on the timecode, and there may be one or two others.

The Hobbit: Roadshow Edition

RoccondilRinon, glad that you joined. It is always nice to meet new people around here. Have fun!

Someone asked me today if I wanted an HD copy of the original Star Wars to watch. I said, "Eh, it's only the Special Edition, which I can't stand. I'll be more than content upconverting Adywan's eventual DVD resolution version to HD through HDMI for the rest of my life. That's what I want."

I hope the editing continues to go smoothly, Adywan. I can't express what a service you are doing and the way you have found that tenuous place where both OUT and SE fans are excited and impressed is to be commended. I find that most SE haters like myself disliked the changes in story, character and mood - It seems you are also of that camp of preserving story and character and mood, just polishing and enhancing what is already there, not pulling us out of the experience. Also, because your restoration work has been so thorough, at a scene-by-scene level, new shots (both yours and SE) don't stand out like they used to with the 1997 SE. They feel more organic and interwoven. It's brilliant.

I know the extended Alderaan Jar-Jar scene is a special feature and I'm grateful for that rather than have it in the film. I honestly do not feel I can dictate creative choices to you because I have not the talents you are putting into this project. I do not think it is my place to judge. I would like to say one last thing - I don't know if a decision was ever reached to preserve the Jabba scene in the movie or not, but I know you were thinking about deleting it. I hope you do delete it. It repeats dialogue from the Greedo scene (which now looks amazing, by the way) and ruins the reveal of the Falcon by the heroes two short scenes later. The scene destroys a little bit of narrative impact and writing-wise, it is redundant.

However, I know that if you choose to keep the scene, you will have a good reason for it. Unlike my thoughts on Lucas lately, it is nice to see evidence that Adywan's judgement can not only be trusted, but euphorically supported. Keep up the great work and if something goes awry, let us know. I know I'll jump in and do anything to help. You have my word.


"I turned it off! I don't wanna talk to her!"
I don't know if a decision was ever reached to preserve the Jabba scene in the movie or not, but I know you were thinking about deleting it.

Don't worry, nohandluke, adywan has already decided awhile back to drop this entire scene. A good move I also agree with. Adywan has also restored the Han shoots first footage, Greedo doesn't shoot at all, and he's also made Greedo look more lifelike.

I know how you feel nohandluke I too am also a strong SE and PT hater. My love of Star Wars had fallen off the past several years because the choices Lucas has made, which in my opinion have greatly damaged the entire saga. But after discovering this thread a few months back my enthusiasm has been rekindled. Adywan has taken it upon himself to right all wrongs, clean up all bad footage, and make Star Wars as great as it always should have been.
Something that bothers me now that I remember it is in the shot right after luke gets out of his x-wing and Leia, Han and Chewie congradulate him, after it cuts to another angle I don't belive Peter Mayhew is wearing Chewbacca's headpiece anymore. I think it was pointed out in Deleted Magic, it happens when he bends down to go under the x-wing. You can see the back of his head, maybe it could be collored brown?
I'm right there with you Gorilla. I am a PT and SE hater and I think part of that stems from my growing up with the original releases of ESB and Jedi in the early 1980s. I still have all those action figures... Good memories.
"I turned it off! I don't wanna talk to her!"
Originally posted by: Owen-Lars-Kenobi
Something that bothers me now that I remember it is in the shot right after luke gets out of his x-wing and Leia, Han and Chewie congradulate him, after it cuts to another angle I don't belive Peter Mayhew is wearing Chewbacca's headpiece anymore. I think it was pointed out in Deleted Magic, it happens when he bends down to go under the x-wing. You can see the back of his head, maybe it could be collored brown?

Can you upload some screenshot, just to know what you're talking about ? I know it is mentioned in Deleted Magic, but I never managed to notice that
Pittrek, I'd like to post a screenshot but I don't actually know how. First I don't really know how to get a screenshot, and seccond I don't know how to upload one once I have it. If someone could tell me how, any help would be greatly apreciated.
At the very least, you can do a screenshot by hitting the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard, then going into a picture program and hitting paste into a blank picture document.
Super Mario Bros. - The Wicked Star Story
"Ah, the proverbial sad sack with a wasted wish."
ady, mail me to talk turkey over any 3D work you need.

star wars tiles is not an issue, but it'll take a bit to create. the shot is simple but the tiles need to be replicated which takes a bit of actual manual time to make it random in layout.

after all, all it is, is a background shot moving over the DS surface fast and then you comp in your laser blasts and explosion. of course, you'll need to post process a pseudo eplosion lighting effect. I could diddle that a bit by hiding a light under the surface of the tiles and then at the moment we want to explosion to light things up, we raise the light up so it illuminates the surface. then comp an explosion over it.
When a woman says yes, she means no - when she says maybe, she means no.

At the very least, you can do a screenshot by hitting the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard, then going into a picture program and hitting paste into a blank picture document.

Doesn't always work, if the video is being played on the graphics card's overlay. Besides, from the description, there's only one shot it can be. And to be honest, the DVD picture is so dark, and the shot is so short, I can't tell for sure whether Peter's got his Chewie head on or not.

And to be honest, the DVD picture is so dark, and the shot is so short, I can't tell for sure whether Peter's got his Chewie head on or not.

It's not so much that you can actually see the back of his head, just that the head is black when it should be brown. I figured it might be more noticeable because Adywan has brighteneed the video slightly (I think he said that). Anyway, for the most part I agree with DE, it is not a glaring error, just something that kind of bothered me.
I love that PIC "SomethingStarWarsRelated"
I really hope GL thnx about doing that in his "Grand Ultimate Saga Box Set"

Anyway. loved the video too. It was fun to watch.