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This is also a tiny thing, but in that 2023 comparison reel on YouTube, it seems like you used the 2011 Blu-Ray for the shot of the tractor beam’s power meter. The Aurebesh writing was positioned a little differently for the 2020 Blu-Ray, though, and it’s a little more spread out. Why not use that version?




The 19SE shot is worse, in my studies. If anything he should redo it from scratch.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Jedi122 said:

This is also a tiny thing, but in that 2023 comparison reel on YouTube, it seems like you used the 2011 Blu-Ray for the shot of the tractor beam’s power meter. The Aurebesh writing was positioned a little differently for the 2020 Blu-Ray, though, and it’s a little more spread out. Why not use that version?



Well i’m using the 2011 Blu-rays for the most part anyway. But the 2020 recreation is worse than the 2011. The text on the clear display that they added doesn’t even match the white levels of the original parts, whereas the 2011 matched perfectly. and the rest of the text on the 2020 version is blurry as hell




adywan said:

Jedi122 said:

This is also a tiny thing, but in that 2023 comparison reel on YouTube, it seems like you used the 2011 Blu-Ray for the shot of the tractor beam’s power meter. The Aurebesh writing was positioned a little differently for the 2020 Blu-Ray, though, and it’s a little more spread out. Why not use that version?



Well i’m using the 2011 Blu-rays for the most part anyway. But the 2020 recreation is worse than the 2011. The text on the clear display that they added doesn’t even match the white levels of the original parts, whereas the 2011 matched perfectly. and the rest of the text on the 2020 version is blurry as hell

That makes sense. Thanks for answering. But there are still some other questions I asked you in the last two pages of this forum and in the ROTJ:R forum, and it would be nice to know from the creator himself about his take on the topics that we were all talking about in the last month in both forums, like how Jar Jar Bricks used AI to make James Earl Jones say “Your mother once thought as you do.”

Oh, and I have a few other things of note. I noticed when playing the Dolby Atmos tracks on my 4K Blu-Rays of the OT and PT that the 20th Century Fox fanfare plays only on the speakers in the soundbar in front of my TV, and when the Star Wars theme starts, the sound starts also playing in the back speakers behind me. I really like that effect. Do you think you could try to mix the audio on the Revisited versions so they do something like that, even if they won’t be in Dolby Atmos?

And if you’re going to use the 2011 Blu-Ray for the most part, then please don’t forget to fix this error that wasn’t fixed in ANH:R SD, but was fixed in the 2020 Blu-Ray, okay? Mark Hamill can be seen standing in the small room on the right side of the shot, when Luke is supposed to have already left.


Finally, you’re not going to change the alarm sound at the opening of A New Hope like you did last time, are you? Because there’s any need to anymore, since we hear the original sound at the very end of Rogue One.


Adywan’s original version is great and this one will probably be way better.Also, do you have any plans to add Kenobi’s new theme when we first met him?


Rors said:

Adywan’s original version is great and this one will probably be way better.Also, do you have any plans to add Kenobi’s new theme when we first met him?

For what reason?


God Bless, Ady and I’m never one to nitpick over his work. I only wish he would pause the Jedi Revisited project and get to the finish line with EP IV 2004 REVISITED ADYWAN *1080p HD VERSION . I love seeing the work done on Jedi, so don’t get me wrong it’s just that I think 14 years(approx.) to wait for Ep 4 has been hard. Please, Please let me be able to add it to the top of my Star Wars go to viewing list, just like I do whenever I watch Ep 5 revisited.


darthsidi said:

God Bless, Ady and I’m never one to nitpick over his work. I only wish he would pause the Jedi Revisited project and get to the finish line with EP IV 2004 REVISITED ADYWAN *1080p HD VERSION . I love seeing the work done on Jedi, so don’t get me wrong it’s just that I think 14 years(approx.) to wait for Ep 4 has been hard. Please, Please let me be able to add it to the top of my Star Wars go to viewing list, just like I do whenever I watch Ep 5 revisited.

it’ll be released in the summer darthsidi. not too long of a wait I hope.



Thanks, Man With No Name. That’s wonderful to hear!


From October 2023

adywan said:

A long overdue update…

Things are progressing really well with ANH:RHD. There’s only about 40 shots left to do. It may sound like a lot of shots but it’s not. Most of the film is complete. The remaining shots are mainly the CG work for the Yavin battle with a few shots here and there in other places. It’s looking very likely that it’s going to be a 2024 release now, hopefully mid year. The one thing that could hold things up is shooting the replacement Sandtroopers. I was hoping to get the shots i need filmed this year but we have had such a shite summer it became impossible. So that’s going to have to wait until next year when hopefully we’ll have some sunny days.


There’s no way i can do any serious work on the video side of things for ROTJ:R until ANH:RHD is complete and released because ANH has almost filled up all of the new internal drives and most of the external ones i purchased because they are the backups. One 8tb external developed a fault that couldn’t be fixed but luckily i was able to replace that and recover all but one of the files that were on it. So once ANH is done and dusted i can start to empty the internal drives to continue work on ROTJ:R. So, at the moment, i have just enough space to complete ANH:R and render out the master file. Then it’s on to the audio mix.

But i will be starting to build the models etc for ROTJ:R early next year so i’ll keep you updated about those.

So ‘hopefully mid year’ is where we’re getting summer from…

“That’s not how the Force works!”


GMatias said:

From October 2023

adywan said:

A long overdue update…

Things are progressing really well with ANH:RHD. There’s only about 40 shots left to do. It may sound like a lot of shots but it’s not. Most of the film is complete. The remaining shots are mainly the CG work for the Yavin battle with a few shots here and there in other places. It’s looking very likely that it’s going to be a 2024 release now, hopefully mid year. The one thing that could hold things up is shooting the replacement Sandtroopers. I was hoping to get the shots i need filmed this year but we have had such a shite summer it became impossible. So that’s going to have to wait until next year when hopefully we’ll have some sunny days.


There’s no way i can do any serious work on the video side of things for ROTJ:R until ANH:RHD is complete and released because ANH has almost filled up all of the new internal drives and most of the external ones i purchased because they are the backups. One 8tb external developed a fault that couldn’t be fixed but luckily i was able to replace that and recover all but one of the files that were on it. So once ANH is done and dusted i can start to empty the internal drives to continue work on ROTJ:R. So, at the moment, i have just enough space to complete ANH:R and render out the master file. Then it’s on to the audio mix.

But i will be starting to build the models etc for ROTJ:R early next year so i’ll keep you updated about those.

So ‘hopefully mid year’ is where we’re getting summer from…

Sure, I suppose. But those of us who have been around for a while know that it’s done when it’s done.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


That’ll be a ‘take the day off work’ kind of day.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Oh yeah. I’m going to smoke some ribs, get a peach pie & some strawbery cream soda, then set up camp in front of the TV. Did the same thing for Empire: Revisted. That was a good day.


Short video (link at the bottom) showing the sources that i used to recreate the original 1977 version of the scene in the image below, followed by the new HD recreation. The Special Edition droid never looked good IMHO and it’s something i always wanted to remove but didn’t have the skills to do it back when i created the SD version of ANH:R.

This one took a LOT of work and just over 3 weeks to complete. I had to combine the best elements of each source , with each one having its own problems. The 4K77 print scan had a lot of print damage that needed cleaning up by hand just so i could use small sections. The 2011 Blu-Ray had more details in parts than the new 2020 blu-ray edition but suffered with blurry faces of the characters in the background. While the 2020 blu-ray lost a lot of detailing in the brighter areas. So, to get this done, it was weeks of cleaning, stabilising, tracking, rotoscoping, grading and manually lining up and matching each source to overlay on top of each other to get the bets possible details out of the sources.


Youtube’s crappy compression really screws with the videos now. So here is a snapshot so you can see it in full quality (the grain hasn’t been added yet)

And, for those that want to see it in higher quality than on youtube, you can download the sample here:





Nice work! I always cite this shot when someone asks me which shot was the hardest to despecialize.
Of course, back then, I was still using the GOUT as the unaltered footage source, so the reault was nowhere near this good 😃


adywan said:

Short video (link at the bottom) showing the sources that i used to recreate the original 1977 version of the scene in the image below, followed by the new HD recreation. The Special Edition droid never looked good IMHO and it’s something i always wanted to remove but didn’t have the skills to do it back when i created the SD version of ANH:R.

This one took a LOT of work and just over 3 weeks to complete. I had to combine the best elements of each source , with each one having its own problems. The 4K77 print scan had a lot of print damage that needed cleaning up by hand just so i could use small sections. The 2011 Blu-Ray had more details in parts than the new 2020 blu-ray edition but suffered with blurry faces of the characters in the background. While the 2020 blu-ray lost a lot of detailing in the brighter areas. So, to get this done, it was weeks of cleaning, stabilising, tracking, rotoscoping, grading and manually lining up and matching each source to overlay on top of each other to get the bets possible details out of the sources.


Youtube’s crappy compression really screws with the videos now. So here is a snapshot so you can see it in full quality (the grain hasn’t been added yet)

And, for those that want to see it in higher quality than on youtube, you can download the sample here:


Absolutely wonderful!



adywan said:

EEWWgghh. That 2020 speia grade is… something. And wow the pop in revisteted HD is remarkable. Chef’s kiss


adywan said:

Short video (link at the bottom) showing the sources that i used to recreate the original 1977 version of the scene in the image below, followed by the new HD recreation. The Special Edition droid never looked good IMHO and it’s something i always wanted to remove but didn’t have the skills to do it back when i created the SD version of ANH:R.

This one took a LOT of work and just over 3 weeks to complete. I had to combine the best elements of each source , with each one having its own problems. The 4K77 print scan had a lot of print damage that needed cleaning up by hand just so i could use small sections. The 2011 Blu-Ray had more details in parts than the new 2020 blu-ray edition but suffered with blurry faces of the characters in the background. While the 2020 blu-ray lost a lot of detailing in the brighter areas. So, to get this done, it was weeks of cleaning, stabilising, tracking, rotoscoping, grading and manually lining up and matching each source to overlay on top of each other to get the bets possible details out of the sources.


Youtube’s crappy compression really screws with the videos now. So here is a snapshot so you can see it in full quality (the grain hasn’t been added yet)

And, for those that want to see it in higher quality than on youtube, you can download the sample here:


That looks great, although I was wondering about something. About a month ago, I heard that TN1 was re-scanning their prints with a 2-pass HDR process, which they seem to have configured it properly on their Cintel. The results of that improved the shadow detail and removed additional noise. I’m wondering if you’re able to use the new scan data for Revisited.


I actually liked the droid in that shot but I won’t miss it much either haha. Impressive work regardless!


All that work ILM did to prove to Lucas that they could indeed shove random things into shots without planning on the day of shooting, for you to just erase it like it didn’t add to the story and didn’t need to be there! Some nerve! 😉

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


adywan said:

That’s some truly impressive stuff! It seems like a real exercise in attrition (and immense patience) to remove the droid and it has truly paid off.

I’m so glad TN1’s efforts have produced such fantastic resources for despecializing shots. We’ve come a long way from OCPMovie’s Classic Editions mixing the ‘04 DVD releases with laserdisc recordings.