Fullmetaled said:
adywan said:
Fullmetaled said:
@adywan your shot of obi wan luke c 3p0 r2d2 going into mos Eisley space port is overly bright.
you’re going to have to show which shot you mean, but none of them are overly bright.
This shot but someone said this about this I think about the mos esley scenes in general. that is a weird color ‘fix’, if he was going after original look, why would he add in all that contrast and color for Mos Eisley scenes? Those were notoriously drab and colorless on the original. First person who pointed it out said it almost looked deep fried that how bright that shot is.
I haven’t altered the contrast or brightness in any of these shots. All i did is remove the pink tint from the SE shots and have the colour of the sky match throughout, where it swapped colour and saturation throughout the sequence. You can see from there screenshots that brightness , contrast or saturation has not been boosted from the original source.
2011 Blu-Ray
2011 Blu-Ray
And Mos Eisley was never drab. I have a feeling that whoever said that may have been using the 2020 Blu-Rays/ Disney+ versions as a guide and those are horribly bland with crap grading, which is almost sepia in places and nothing like the films originally looked like
2020/ disney+ version:
The only shot i know about that someone mentioned in here was the shot of them looking over Mos Eisley that was shown in the last preview video, where it was commented that the contrast was too high in that shot. But, again. the contrast or brightness hasn’t been touched in that shot. The blown out highlights are there in the original source as can be seen below:
2011 Blu-Ray
ANH:RHD ( from the preview video)
But, as you can see from the following shot, this has now been swapped out for a new version using the 2020 blu-ray as a source, eliminating the blown highlights.
ANH:RHD Final version