adywan said:
OK, Here is the sneak peek at the new ANH:R HD edit of the Obi-Wan/ Vader duel.
The editing in the HD version differs slightly from the SD version . In the final version there will be two audio tracks: The main 5.1 track will be the music less versions, while track 2 will have the added music as seen in the original SD version of ANH:R
Right off the bat, the adjustments made to this sequence greatly improves upon the original. That being the color correction, the re-rotoscoping of the lightsabers, the jumpcut fix with Obi-Wan’s lightsaber, and the shuffling around of scenes to improve the pacing. It’s really impressive just seeing this in comparison to the 2020 Blu-Ray.
Although, I do have some questions about certain fixes/changes such as, the color correction being different from the regrade of the 2011 Blu-Ray from a while back, the lightsaber sound effects sourced from the DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 (2011 Blu-Ray) being swapped for sound effects from the 1977 Dolby Stereo Track, and the “Your powers are weak, old man.” and “You should not have come back.” lines switching places from the original.
Why’s that?