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I love this edit so much! I've put off for a very long time not to give any criticism so as not to insult Adywan, but I wish to give a few critques if it's alright?
The new planet that the Death Star orbits doesn't look real enough.
The hand that Obi-Wan cuts off, it looks to dead for just being cut off, it looks like rock.
In this shot everytime I see R2 I see him red, my eye autimatically sees a red R2D2, not some other R2 unit.
In the Divx copy, the Matte painting was better in this shot below, I didn't say a word all this time until now.
This shot when the Tie Fighter blows up, the debris doesn't burn up it just disappears.
Ok that's my list, other than that the film looks flawless! Thank you Adywan for a wonderful edit.