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jlw515 said:
vbangle said:

Do you mind reading the rules? We don't purchase anything here.


As far as your problem goes you need to get all the files in the archive then unpack them.


 Well, let's see; this makes my second post and there are 261 pages to this thread; so it would be easy to miss something. But now I know - and knowing is half the battle.


Well, thanks for being a smart ass.  The first thing you should always do when joining ANY forum is READ THE RULES. The sticky is here. It is posted clear as day at the top of the fan edit section.


I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.


Hey, hey, calm down, there - it's a perfectly reasonable mistake to make, and I don't think he was being a smartass about it either.  In fact, I think it was YOU who were being the smartass to begin with instead of politely explaining that selling here is against the rules.

ChainsawAsh said:

Hey, hey, calm down, there - it's a perfectly reasonable mistake to make, and I don't think he was being a smartass about it either.  In fact, I think it was YOU who were being the smartass to begin with instead of politely explaining that selling here is against the rules.

Yes reading the rules when you sign up to a new forum is such a foreign concept...what was I thinking?


I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.


Apparently being nice to newcomers who don't know the ropes is a foreign concept to you.


I did not read all the 262 pages of this thread but I just found a little thing in ANH (original or revisited) that bugs me (a bit).

I'm sure someone already mention this but when Luke (still in his trooper uniform) close the door behind him, after the first shooting on Death Star, that door just shake on the last frames like it was a falling piece of wood.

I wonder if Adywan ever noticed that? (it's no big deal anyway, It's pretty funny to watch when you know it!)

vbangle said:
ChainsawAsh said:

Hey, hey, calm down, there - it's a perfectly reasonable mistake to make, and I don't think he was being a smartass about it either.  In fact, I think it was YOU who were being the smartass to begin with instead of politely explaining that selling here is against the rules.

Yes reading the rules when you sign up to a new forum is such a foreign concept...what was I thinking?



say something original, and not nit picky. i dare you, please! i feel hesitant writing things alot of the time just incase i get eaten alive by your ilk.







UNRAR 3.60 beta 6 freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Alexander Roshal


/Users/basic/Desktop/Star_Wars_Revisited_By_Adywan_PAL./Star_Wars_Revisited_By_Adywan_PAL.part01.rar is not RAR archive

No files to extract


Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


There is nothing wrong with the archive. Try rebooting your computer. Why is the archive in the root of the unpacked archive? It looks like you already unpacked everything already....

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.


Once more in english LOL


I'm not one for compuspeak


& I'm running OS X so its bound to not like it anyway

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


If you're running OS X, get UnRarX.

Make sure ALL 47 files are in the same folder, and make sure NONE of them have been renamed.

Then open the first file in UnRarX, and wait.  UnRarX will show you as it's running which files it's extracting at which given time.  Don't touch anything until it's done (this could take a little while).  Then, the files should be extracted to a new folder in the same folder that the RAR files are in.

ChainsawAsh said:

Hey, hey, calm down, there - it's a perfectly reasonable mistake to make, and I don't think he was being a smartass about it either.  In fact, I think it was YOU who were being the smartass to begin with instead of politely explaining that selling here is against the rules.


 Thank you!

Anyway, moving on...

I got the video downloaded. I chose to use the link with only 18 files to download. So, I don't have all the dvd options, however, I'll probably go ahead and download from the other link with 80 files just to have the super colossal dvd.

Haven't watched the whole thing, but jumped to the final space battle at the first. Truly amazing!!

The only thing I didn't like about adywan's revisited version was the fact that the Jabba scene is missing. Now, I understand why; because the SE version is terrible; but I like the scene. Of course the only real way to put the Jabba scene in would be to change the Han vs. Greedo dialoge back to the original (see Making of the Magic cd) so you don't have that redundant "Even I get boarded sometimes, you think I had a choice" line. Also, to me, the only way to truly make the Jabba scene work right would be for someone to make Han walk in front of Jabba instead of behind him on his tail. I mean give me a break, the biggest crime lord of the planet and you're actually gonna step on his tail, and none of his goons do anything? Give me a break!!

Other than that, this is truly what Star Wars should have been; and this is now in my opinion the definitive version of Star Wars A New Hope



ChainsawAsh said:

If you're running OS X, get UnRarX.

Make sure ALL 47 files are in the same folder, and make sure NONE of them have been renamed.

Then open the first file in UnRarX, and wait.  UnRarX will show you as it's running which files it's extracting at which given time.  Don't touch anything until it's done (this could take a little while).  Then, the files should be extracted to a new folder in the same folder that the RAR files are in.



Well it worked, Turns out that 2 of the files hadn't downloaded properly

Heres what I loved about this cut

Re-editing the Bens hut scene to how it was originally intended.

Greedo is finally bad ass.

The Matts are seamless (the one where the MF is beeing towed into the hanger always bugged the crap out of me).

The Ben/Vader battle is wicked now the music really lifts that scene.

Man that final battle is intense, 

Biggs gets a kill, They get swapped with TIE's, The trence run is damn near perfect now (the absence of the other ships always bugged me)

all the Jump cuts are gone, Thank the gods

Heres what I didn't like -

Chewie getting the medal  (I know, I know, stop trowing tomatoes at me)

I just always liked the back story created about Wookies not excepting medals etc.


Heres what I hated -



                 Nope can't think of anything


Can't wait to see ep V

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?

BarBar Jinkx said:

Heres what I loved about this cut

Re-editing the Bens hut scene to how it was originally intended.

The Ben/Vader battle is wicked now the music really lifts that scene.

I'm still debating about the re-edit of Ben's hut.  Perhaps I'm just so use to how it has been for so long it just feels... wrong.  How do you know this is how it was originally intended?  I don't remember seeing this anywhere.

The only thing I wasn't all that excited about was when Ben is struck down the footage is slowed down of the lightsaber falling.  That didn't really work for me.

But all-in-all it really is an amazing edit.

My Complete Fanedit List @ IFDB

thunderclap said:
BarBar Jinkx said:

Heres what I loved about this cut

Re-editing the Bens hut scene to how it was originally intended.

The Ben/Vader battle is wicked now the music really lifts that scene.

I'm still debating about the re-edit of Ben's hut.  Perhaps I'm just so use to how it has been for so long it just feels... wrong.  How do you know this is how it was originally intended?  I don't remember seeing this anywhere.

Apparently the script has it like that.  I haven't read a copy in a while, but I guess I didn't notice back then.  When I showed my wife and her friend, they didn't notice.  Of course, we were talking through most of it, mostly about why the SEs weren't so "special" after all.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I thought I remember seeing a list of software Adywan used in creating this fan edit but now I can't find it.  Does anyone know the software or the link to the thread?

Also, what is the difference between the DVD-9 version and the DVD-5 version?  DVD-9 is obviously dual-layered so is the picture quality higher?  Additional features?

My Complete Fanedit List @ IFDB

thunderclap said:

I thought I remember seeing a list of software Adywan used in creating this fan edit but now I can't find it.  Does anyone know the software or the link to the thread?

Also, what is the difference between the DVD-9 version and the DVD-5 version?  DVD-9 is obviously dual-layered so is the picture quality higher?  Additional features?

All I remember is Sony Vegas and maybe AfterEffects.

As for the differences, I listed them here.

EDIT: actually the software is listed there.  Cool.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Has anyone else noticed the music seems to be much louder than the dialog? I seem to have to keeep adjusting my volume either way up or way down.


Yeah the sound seemed kinda loud to me also.

List of things I didn't like (and I know it all varies from person to person):

1. Didn't like that scenes were cut out of Mos Eisley SE version. I like that he went back to the original road block scene without the big ronto in front of the screen, but I really liked all the other stuff from the SE.

2. Didn't like that the Jabba scene was deleted. As I've posted before, I know why he did it; I just wish someone would actually work on making the scene look right (maybe figure out a way to make Han walk in front of Jabba); and go back to the original (cut) dialogue of the Han vs. Greedo scene.

3. I too did not like that Chewie had a medal, simply because it just miraculously appears.

I saw a clip on youtube that claims to be an adywan clip of "Bail" and "Jar Jar" on Alderaan just before the planet blows up. Is this on any version of adywan's film edit?

By the way, in the book "The Making of Star Wars" they mention that the Ben's hut scene was spliced and split from the original script; so Adywan put back in its correct order - and it flows so greate!!

The final space battle is just awesome!! Adywan deserves a job with Lucasfilm!!




I just joined the forum. I downloaded and saw ANH Revisited today. I was totally blown away. Somewhere I read someone saying that this should be a wakeup call to Lucas and his Tech Team of Super Smart Computer Guys and Gals at ILM. I was trully amazed at the level of detail that AndyWan acheives. I mean, there are things thta I never knew were even there. Some things were tweaked out of the blue. I mean, the ObiWan/Darth Vader fight is awesome; no longer that slow, numbing fight, but a fast paced, jedi-like fight. Sure, it has flaws; sure some things can be critiziced. But, if you really want to be objective, you should sit down and dedicate yourself the way he did to this movie.

I'll be the first to congratulate Andy and I'm really looking forward to ESB Revisited. Awesome!!!

jlw515 said:

I saw a clip on youtube that claims to be an adywan clip of "Bail" and "Jar Jar" on Alderaan just before the planet blows up. Is this on any version of adywan's film edit?

The clip is on the DVD-9 version of SW:R in the Special Features section.  In answer to your following question, it's on several torrent sites.  Can't give specific links here though.  Sorry.  Just do a search and you should be able to find it.

My Complete Fanedit List @ IFDB




I am new here ! :D

I cam from Fanedit.org..I was in the progress of download in-> STAR WARS: EP IV 2004 **REVISITED** ADYWAN **DVD-9 VERSION

and well now I dont even know where to find it.. :s don't really know any good torrent sites..

I have a bunch of crazied Star Wars fans that was hoping to see this dvd fan film on a small gathering at my home, like ya now pizza, beer and SW..can it get better :P

Dont know it's allowed to ask but do anyone know where...ya know ^_*

Always wanted to talk to other fans about editions like this one, they are sometimes so very much better than the original movies, well from fans point of view at least.. PM me if ya wanna leave me a note


I feel dirty :p



Thank you for any postings

Star wars: Revisited. is now on facebook :)



Ok I still cannot find the link anymore on this site http://fanedit.org/517/ to download the torrents. Is it still there and I am just missing it, or did someone take it down? I'd like to have DVD-9 with the deleted scenes, but I only have 10 or the 80 files downloaded. Any help here would be hot.



jlw515 said:

Ok I still cannot find the link anymore on this site http://fanedit.org/517/ to download the torrents. Is it still there and I am just missing it, or did someone take it down? I'd like to have DVD-9 with the deleted scenes, but I only have 10 or the 80 files downloaded. Any help here would be hot.


The MPAA took it down.  The whole site.  You're on your own on finding the rest of the rapidshare links.  Someone might have them handy, but there is no easy way anymore.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress