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Originally posted by: Isley
There seems to be a problem with parts 30 and 32 of the properPAL DVD. When I try to extract them Winrar pops an error message saying "unexpected end of file". The fact is those 2 files are 49,9Mb whereas al the others are 50Mb. I tried to download them again : same result.

Anyone else has the same issue?

Are you getting them from usenet? make sure you download the par2 files that come with it and use quickpar to repair the damaged files. it will extract without any problems then



So... anyone have some disc art for this beauty?
Originally posted by: adywan
Originally posted by: Isley
There seems to be a problem with parts 30 and 32 of the properPAL DVD. When I try to extract them Winrar pops an error message saying "unexpected end of file". The fact is those 2 files are 49,9Mb whereas al the others are 50Mb. I tried to download them again : same result.

Anyone else has the same issue?

Are you getting them from usenet? make sure you download the par2 files that come with it and use quickpar to repair the damaged files. it will extract without any problems then

Oh bummer... Just when you thought you had dowloaded it all...

Thanks, I'll try that. And yes I'm getting them from usenet. Was this a bad idea?
Originally posted by: Isley

Oh bummer... Just when you thought you had dowloaded it all...

Thanks, I'll try that. And yes I'm getting them from usenet. Was this a bad idea?

No, i prefer using usenet over anything else. Just make sure you have quickpar installed then open up the par2 files with it. You probably won't need all of the par2 files so just download the first few and see if there are enough parts to repair, if not just download a few more until you have enough




Already installed and running

Now waiting for GrabIt to finish his work.
Burned it and mine played fine on my first Toshiba DVD player I bought in Jan 1998! Ady, thank so much for this edit, and thanks for doing the additional work, with painting out the wire up Luke's sleeve and all. It's about as perfect as it is going to get! Now I cannot wait for ESB and ROTJ!
Just finished testing the NTSC version on my DVD player, and everything worked great. (although I still need to track down some 3D glasses)
Amazing work, Adywan!
This edit makes Speedy Gonzales look like regular Gonzales.

Originally posted by: snoogans
So... anyone have some disc art for this beauty?

so far there have been 2 done to and released to my knowledge. One by Savage and one by OBtwosy. You can get both on the fanedit.org page for this edit.

ThrowgnCpr’s edits on Fanedit.org

Adywan, great job with the DVD5. You really have a knack for this. I'll be looking forward to even more cool changes to Empire...especially the battle over Hoth. Keep up the great work.
Ady, the menus are beautiful. Everything is awesome. The entire presentation is sleek and professional, as if we bought it right off a store shelf.

You've set a new standard for fan-edits. Much applause.

And thanks to Boon for getting the NTSC torrent up so fast!


Great Job Ady,

I too am having problems playing it on my HD-DVD XA2. I am able to get it into the movie, but after a couple seconds it freezes. I can fast forward it, resume play, and it plays for a couple more seconds then freezes again. Wierd.

However it plays beautifully on my 3 other DVD players. Thanks for this great treat, and I love the severed arm/hand. That really came out great!

I would absolutely love to get George's thougts on this, and you better let us know if you get a job offer from ILM!
Watched the NTSC DVD5 last night with Comment Track on. Throughally enjoyed the whole thing! No complaints!
As a matter of fact next weekend Peter Mayhew will be in town for a Sci-Fi Convention. I'm gonna burn him a copy (I know he must have a copy of the original,..heck,..he's in it) and deliver it to him in a sweet case with a sweet cover and tell him that Chewie finally gets his medal! HE should get a kick out of it!
Jason Collier
- Access Hollywood's Ultimate
Star Wars Fan Winner
Originally posted by: ThrowgnCpr
Originally posted by: snoogans
So... anyone have some disc art for this beauty?

so far there have been 2 done to and released to my knowledge. One by Savage and one by OBtwosy. You can get both on the fanedit.org page for this edit.

Yes, I have OBtwosy's fantastic cover art, but disc art hasn't been released yet (as far as I've seen, at least). I know Ady was working on one and someone else was also...?
Incredible. This is absolutely my favorite cut of the film. This is the only version I will be watching until Lucasfilm wakes up and makes a better version, which I doubt will ever happen. I own the official DVD, though, and encourage others to purchase it as well before getting "Revisited." Just for the record.
Ady's done some jaw-dropping work here, but my favorite touch has to be...

"Mixed & Recorded in a THX Sound System Theatre
& in my Front Room while the wife watched her soaps."

That sums up this cut perfectly.

Also, the DVD menus are stunning. Love Vader and Obi-Wan dueling in the sound menu.

Originally posted by: adywan
For everyone having issues with the NTSC DVD-5 & HD-DVD players i will be uploading a redone version that should solve the issues tomorrow in a.b.starwars.

Wow Ady, that's so not necessary, but incredibly appreciated!

Adywan if I may, let me comment again in saying that you have gone above and beyond not simply in the work but your commitment to the fans of this release and your "customer support."

About the release itself I have two comments. First, it's nice to see the small improvements. The new hand, and the new Death Star background in the Tie fighter scene (which I suggested). Second, I would like to touch on something that I expressed my opinion about before. I don't think it's appropriate to put you name in the front line of the credits. In the case of official rereleases, new credits follow the old ones, when they are included at all. Rick McCallum who is an outspoken producer of the Special Editions and new Trilogy, even he doesn't have his credit in the front line. I don't want to throw out the "I'm a professional in this industry"bollocks, but "credit status" is very important for many reasons. From that perspective, credits are a list of people with a collective of many many years of professional experience. So for someone to come along and add their name contradicts that and can be seen as a bit of a slap in the face. Not to be dramatic but I think a good example is taking a Picasso painting, putting it on Photoshop, tinkering with it, and then adding a name along side his.

Let me be clear, I don't take offence to you putting your name in the credits. You are the "Producer" of this "restoration" and that's valid. Obviously so is acknowledging other people that have worked on this as well as support from fans and family. But I don't think putting your name, 4 or 5 names from the Director, is appropriate or completely respectful.

I mean no offence in any way, but I hope you take to heart what I have said.

Blade Runner: The Complete Collection

I have been editing the credits to remove someone's name after a misunderstanding and i will be moving my name further down to under the film editors credit because this is probably more appropriate so it is no longer in the first sequence of the credits and is now in the roll. this will now appear in all versions from now on including the redone NTSC for those with issues on HD-DVD players



Now, as much as I'd like to believe in the power of sharing via torrent when it's done correctly (i.e. uploading while downloading, staying on for some time after download is complete to help upload to others in need) it's hard not to agree with someone like dark_jedi how torrents DON'T work out when my statistics look like this:

Connected Seeds: 17 (Max Possible: 17)
Connected Peers: 55 (Max Possible: 208)

Download Rate: 3 KB/s From 4 Peers
Upload Rate: 51 KB/s To 15 Peers

I defy all those guys asking for torrents to tell ANYone here that they are NOT "leeching."

Originally posted by: InvisibleWolfMan
Now, as much as I'd like to believe in the power of sharing via torrent when it's done correctly (i.e. uploading while downloading, staying on for some time after download is complete to help upload to others in need) it's hard not to agree with someone like dark_jedi how torrents DON'T work out when my statistics look like this:

Connected Seeds: 17 (Max Possible: 17)
Connected Peers: 55 (Max Possible: 208)

Download Rate: 3 KB/s From 4 Peers
Upload Rate: 51 KB/s To 15 Peers

I defy all those guys asking for torrents to tell ANYone here that they are NOT "leeching."

thank you for sharing that,I see this ALL the time,a bunch of greedy friggin bastards that do not care about anyone else but themselves!
this is why I hardly EVER torrent anymore,I used to be the torrent KING at Spleen,no more!

again thanks for seeing what I see.

I've seen it.

That's why I use ip blocking and client software banning on my tracker.

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)

Originally posted by: adywan
For everyone having issues with the NTSC DVD-5 & HD-DVD players i will be uploading a redone version that should solve the issues tomorrow in a.b.starwars.


You're too good to be true sometimes. You go above and beyond what anyone could ever ask of you and I just want to thank you for all of your hard work and effort. You're truly THE MAN.

As for the redone version, how will we be able to spot it on a.b.starwars? Will it have a special designation? Also, I'm assuming that since you fixed this problem for the DVD-5 version that you're also making it so the DVD-9 will play on HD-DVD players as well. I can't thank you enough for all you've done, it's truly appreciated.
I just stumbled across your posting of the dvd5 NTSC version in the a.b.dvdr group and all I can say is WOW!!!

What an amazing piece of work!! Your technical expertise and reverence for the material puts 95% of what's commercially available to shame!

I have not had a chance to read all of the two hundred and forty something pages of this thread, so excuse me if this has been answered:

Do you have a paypal page set up somewhere so those of that want to contribute to your hardware fund can participate??

Again. thank you for all your hard work and devotion to this project!!
