The only other moment that hurt the edit for me was that new shot of the TIEs coming in to the end battle. ALL your other work in this scene is stellar, but I must be candid and say this shot is the weak link. It doesn't feel like it matches the rest of the movie in style, and the render quality is poor (sorry to you guys who worked hard on it). The TIEs look dark and smooth, compared to the more light/white, detailed models you see everywhere else.
I have to disagree with you totally on this one. The Tie's look as good as the ones added in the SE and as for the colour they are exactly the same as the ones in the movie in . they change from white to grey throughout and there was nothing that could be done about that because that was how they were originally filmed in '77 and again in '97. The pic below shows the TIE on the left from Lucasfilm and the TIES in the new shot. Unless my eyes are screwed they look the same colour to me (don't forget i did say that the xvid came out a little darker than it should be for some reason):
I'm going to defend this shot because it has come out exactly as i wanted it to and i think it looks great. Will did a great job on this shot
As for Obi-Wan igniting his saber first being un-Jedi like then here's a short list that will back up my decision for him to ignite first:
AOTC - Anakin vs Dooku - Anaking runs towards him and ignites his saber first
ROTS - Yoda vs Sideous: Yoda ignites first
ROTS - Obi-Wan vs Anakin - Obi-Wan ignites first
ESB - Luke vs Vader - Luke ignites first (i know he isn't a Jedi yet)
In ROTS Obi-wan knows just how dangerous Anakin is so he is prepared so it makes sense that he would do the same the next time they meet
Right after Vader strikes down Obi-Wan, Luke blasts the door controls and the door closes as Vader is approaching it. I thought, wouldn't it be cool if you see the door start glowing and Vader's light saber comes through it, a la Qui-Gon in TPM? Just seemed like a neat idea.