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Starkiller's Viewing Order and the 31 Year Old Star Wars Virgin


Sam Witwer, the voice of Darth Maul in the Clone Wars and Starkiller in the Force Unleashed discussing his theory on the recommended viewing order for the series and his experience showing a his 31 year old friend Star Wars for the first time.


0:50:30 - Sam discusses his early memories with Star Wars and how he felt the first time he saw the movies.

0:55:10 - First time Star Wars viewer and viewing order.

The two parts lead right into each other if you want to go straight through which I recommend as he goes into great detail on his initial childhood reaction to Return of the Jedi before segueing into the viewing order section.

The whole interview is actually very insightful but these two parts in particular were the ones I felt would be the most worthwhile to the forum.

"George, we hate you for making more Star Wars movies.  Please make more Star Wars movies."

-The Internet


That gives me proof to something that I've suspected for awhile, and that's that even though Vader's father reveal is awesome in ESB, the reveal that Leia is Luke's sister is much better through ROTS than through ROTJ.