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I felt this was the best of the Disney Star Wars movies. However, I also thought it could feel a bit more Star Wars like. So I added wipes to the movie and recolored it to feel like an older movie that was upgraded to HD instead of a movie filmed in HD. I also cut the moments that felt a little out of place or I just didn’t enjoy.I wanted to create a companion to my A New Hope Edit, but this still stands on it’s own.
Special Thanks:
-TM2YC for letting me use their opening crawl.
-DigModiFicaTion for letting me use the Star Wars style disclaimer at the beginning, letting me use his edit to get around the movie titles and going to when Jin wakes up, helping me with some of the Tarkin deep fakes.
-Shamook and derpfakes for doing the original Tarkin deep fakes.
- Added some film grain, wipes and color corrected to match the look of Episode IV better
- Added Star Wars style Fan Edit disclaimer – Thanks to DigModiFicaTion
- Opening Crawl and drop down to planet added – Thanks to TM2YC
As for the cuts that I am making:
- Cut Lyra’s mentioning of The Force when giving young Jyn the necklace. Jyn isn’t force sensitive in the final cut of the movie, but there are some references to it that are left in. All will be cut. Plus too many people talk about The Force in this movie to go to EP IV and hardly anyone knows what it is?
- Added transition from lid opening to Jyn waking up ala DigModiFicaTion’s awesome edit Rise of the Rebellion
- Cut Cassian on the trading outpost. It makes him too unlikeable. Replaced with Bodhi’s scene on Jedah. Removed title cards.
- Used planet shot from DigModiFicaTion’s Rise of the Rebellion
- Cut Saw’s line about lies and deceptions. He comes across more menacing and less crazy
- Used Tarkin Deep Fake by Shamook
- Used Tarkin Deep Fake by Derpfake
- After Jyn wakes up, she looks out the window. NO fake friendly conversation with Cassian
- Removed Bor Gullet
- Removed Evazan and Ponda Baba
- Cut the little girl crying in the street during battle
- Trimmed a little of Jyn stick fighting for pacing and a little to OP for my taste
- Trimmed Chirrut’s fight for pacing and a little to OP for my taste
- Trimmed the wannabe cantina type shot after Cassian gets put in jail cell.
- Trimmed the conversation between Cassian and Bodhi so Bodhi doesn’t seem quite so out of his mind.
- Cut Baze saying “Alright, I’ll get the Pilot”
- Cut Saw looking at the explosion. We don’t need to cut back to this guy after everyone runs out. It just breaks the tension.
- Used Tarkin Deep Fake by Shamook
- Used Tarkin Deep Fake by Derpfake
- Used planet shot of Eadu from DigModiFicaTion’s Rise of the Rebellion
- Cut K2SO saying that Cassian’s weapon was in a sniper position.
- Changed Vaders Dialog when speaking to Krennic
- Cut Jyn saying “May The Force be with us”
- Cut Jyn thinking (praying) while holding her necklace
- Cut Jyns speach to Rogue One Squadron right before then land. I go right to Cassian breaking down the plan to everyone. These guys were trained mercenaries and spys for The Republic, they don’t need a speech from someone they never met. They know what they signed up for.
- Cut R2 and C3PO
- Replaced shot of Cassian and Jyn opening door to the plans with a shot from the trailer to build a little mystery. Plus it’s the only way to add a deleted scene LOL.
- OK… Let’s follow the movie plot here. The Rebel fleet shows up so the shield gate gets closed. This is why they need to transmit the plans. But to do that they need to blow open the shield gate? See the plot making zero sense? If they can blow open the gate, then they are no longer trapped and DON’T need to transmit the plans! This has always bugged the crap outta me and I’m really surprised that no one has fixed this yet that I am aware of? So now they don’t need to blow open the shield gate to transmit the plans. The Rebel fleet is just having a failed rescue attempt.
- Cut Raddus asking what is going on down there and his lieutenant saying that the transmissions are blocked.
- Cut the Red 5 reference
- Cut any scenes referring to them needing to blow a hole in the shield to transmit.
- Cut Darth Vader hallway scene as it is now in ANH
- Cut Leia getting the plans as it is now in ANH
- Added Vader scene from Kenobi series.