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RocketJump's Video on Star Wars "being saved in the edit" is Literally a Lie (*no, it is not) — Page 4


While the video as a whole is not great and is completely muddled and a little mean spirited towards RocketJump.

But it does feature a lot of great research into the lost cut of the film with a lot of good sources. I’d honestly rather prefer that the video was a 2 hour exploration into the editing of the film instead of this odd take-down. The constant replaying of footage and overanalysing of minor wording within the script got tiring. The actual discussion and talk of editing SW was great to listen to and I hadn’t heard a lot of it.

I’d also reccomend The Secret History of Star Wars to those who haven’t read it before, as it features heavily in the video.


Bobson Dugnutt said:
I’d honestly rather prefer that the video was a 2 hour exploration into the editing of the film instead of this odd take-down. The constant replaying of footage and overanalysing of minor wording within the script got tiring.

This is probably the most common criticism of the video I hear, that it nitpicked a lot of small errors in RocketJump’s video. But I honestly think it’s really sad that our standards for journalism not just for film but pretty much everything have become so low. When you have a video that makes bold claims such as this, idk, I think it can be a good idea to check the name of the source to see if they exaggerate their credibility by referring themselves as a film school, and to see if their grammar and diction would be passable by 8th grade Language Arts teachers. When you start to notice a pattern of poor quality across these other metrics, that poor attention to detail probably bleeds into the actual accuracy of their information.

And while I believe Nerdnonymous is making an important point about how oblivious people can be the the signs of poor journalism, I also just had a lot of fun with his sarcastic rebuttals to RocketJump’s annoying, nonsensical attempts to throw jabs at George Lucas.


Did some housecleaning on this last page.
Bring it down a notch.

Forum Moderator

I just watched the Nerdonymous video and I find the moderated edits to OP’s post to be alarmingly defensive of Rocket Jump. Nerdonymous took a few light jabs at Star Wars fans but he also exposed Rocket Jump for some pretty shoddy research. Rocket Jump gets so many fundamentals of the film just plain wrong—-I can’t understand the mod’s reaction. Any fan of film or of Star Wars, anyone interested in clickbait media, or editing tricks, would get a lot out of his long but informative and funny video.

If Nerdonymous is a little snarky, I’d say that’s fine. The Rocket Jump video has millions of views. A lie travels the globe before the truth gets its shoes on. Snark is the currency of YouTube.

If Nerdonymous is a little zealous in his defense of Lucas I think it only appropriate given the fact that there has 100% long been a “Lucas sucks” contingent in SW fandom and in the mainstream. That is undeniable. (Lucas is neither an angel or a devil.) A counterbalance was inevitable.

My question now is, what has Rocket Jump ever done to deserve such high esteem of the OT mod? Are all their video essays as full of it as this one? For all I know, they are.


screams in the void said:

I did , but nice attempt at gaslighting , go find another victim , your not fooling anyone .

This is an example of the very disingenuous kind of reactions to OP’s post and the video. Where is all this hostility coming from? I could guess the fan edit crowd might have a large “Lucas bad” segment but this is crazy. Of course, I want to believe everyone here is sensible and more interested in steelmanning than strawmanning, believe in good faith not ego, etc etc, but this thread makes a little bit of a lie of all that. If this is good faith, I’ll take vanilla!

Sparky is definitely strawmanning, by misinterpreting (unintentionally or not) PATENTLY OBVIOUS SARCASM. And this fella I quoted is legit lying and accusing somebody of gaslighting. Kudos to G&G for putting up with all this crap and still responding with both facts and equanimity.

Here is a sarcastic and (hopefully obvious) fake example of the kind of scholarship prevalent in these two videos to illustrate a point, a point that some may willfully ignore if they’d prefer to continue to maintain their rather laughably bizarre fictions (again, just what has Rocket Jump done to merit all this white knightage?):

Rocket Jump’s quote:
“He brought in his wife, Marcia, to help. And that editing was absolutely crucial to the success of Star Wars.”
-Irma N. Truthteller, author of ‘Star Wars and George Lucas’

Nerdonymous’s quote:
“He brought in his wife, Marcia, to help. If it wasn’t for George’s incredible leadership the editing team would have failed the movie. He already had fired one editor, after all! Now he needed himself and three full time editors to bring to life his genius vision. And that editing was absolutely crucial to the success of Star Wars.”
-Irma Notta Truthteller, author of ‘Star Wars and George Lucas Suck Donkey Dick’

No matter what I say, no matter was disclaimers I write, no matter how much I could try to couch all this in pleasantries and good faith, some here will systematically go through figuratively literally all the fallacies to do whatever it takes to misinterpret my point. How strange! But, I’m not a regular commenter here, I just love and appreciate all the work in preserving art done by some of the people here. I’m sure we’d agree more than disagree on most things. Not to mention this thread is three years old, so who cares!