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Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY] — Page 9


All sound like good changes to me. Can’t wait to check it out!


I love everything I’m hearing about your edit, from the thoughtful philosophy behind it to a ton of clever choices, and it also happens to sound like the closest yet to my personal tastes in terms of striking a balance between fixing flaws and respecting canon.

As for the birth of Vader scene, I had an idea I thought I’d throw out there, just in case it strikes you as worthwhile:

  • PALPATINE: It seems, in your anger, you killed her.
  • VADER: What? No… [Vader writhes a bit, Force rumbling sound begins] …she was alive! I felt it! I… [Force rumbling fades away] …I couldn’t have…
  • End scene on close-up of Vader’s face. He doesn’t get off the table at all, and there’s no “NOOOO.”

I think that final twist of the knife is an important element to retain, and depicting it with an initial flash of angry denial that quickly gives way to quiet realization could be a really effective way of conveying it.

Either way, I can’t wait for the finished product! Thanks for all your hard work, and I’m looking forward to AOTC!



Just fyi, full 1080p and 5.1 audio is barely possible right now. My desktop has been out of commission for a bit, so I’ve been editing on my laptop, and it can’t really process all of that info without lagging all to hell or crashing. Maybe in the future.

If anyone wants a specific part of my edit with 5.1 audio so they can use it for their own edits (as some people have expressed interest in doing), I can probably provide that with a PM. For now, I’m going over everything for a final render that I’ll probably start running on Monday while I’m at school.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Is the 2.0 audio pro logic compatible? If so that wouldn’t even bother me.


lol Nevermind actually, I can probably do it. xP

No, I’m definitely doing it. Sorry about being so cynical. Final version will be 1080p, 5.1ch.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Honestly, I feel Hal9000’s version of RotS where Padme lives is the way to go. It removes the needless continuity error about Leia ‘remembering’ her mother at only 2 minutes old. But hey, everything sounds really great!


I feel that, but the footage just doesn’t look like Star Wars, and takes me out of it every time. I don’t buy that that’s Leia and Padme, I have to accept that it is because the movie said so.

I love love love the idea, but I think the execution of it is at odds with this edit’s goal to make ep III less expository. I want things that happen in it to be felt, not just told to the audience to accept. For example, it’s not like Anakin and Obi-Wan aren’t “brothers” as stated in the original cut, but do you actually buy that with what we’re given? So one of the biggest goals of the edit is to make that relationship feel more like that. (Which is why some things people would usually cut are staying).

I barely even buy that Padme and Leia are from the same movie with Hal’s Boleyn Girl footage, (not to mention, I’ve personally seen that movie lol) and in the meantime, the original Padme’s funeral scene has emotional pay off from earlier in the movie, and the trilogy. Even if it contradicts a few lines in the OT. Besides, as the “New Canon Cut” of RotS, there is a dumb explanation in the nuCanon explaining how Leia remembers her mother that this edit can fit with.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


NFBisms said:

I feel that, but the footage just doesn’t look like Star Wars, and takes me out of it every time. I don’t buy that that’s Leia and Padme, I have to accept that it is because the movie said so.

I love love love the idea, but I think the execution of it is at odds with this edit’s goal to make ep III less expository. I want things that happen in it to be felt, not just told to the audience to accept. For example, it’s not like Anakin and Obi-Wan aren’t “brothers” as stated in the original cut, but do you actually buy that with what we’re given? So one of the biggest goals of the edit is to make that relationship feel more like that. (Which is why some things people would usually cut are staying).

I barely even buy that Padme and Leia are from the same movie with Hal’s Boleyn Girl footage, (not to mention, I’ve personally seen that movie lol) and in the meantime, the original Padme’s funeral scene has emotional pay off from earlier in the movie, and the trilogy. Even if it contradicts a few lines in the OT. Besides, as the “New Canon Cut” of RotS, there is a dumb explanation in the nuCanon explaining how Leia remembers her mother that this edit can fit with.

You make a valid argument and ultimately it’s your edit and up to you. Everything you’re doing in your edit sounds so great I’m sure I’ll enjoy it regardless. Can’t wait for the AotC edit coming up, as well.


NFBisms said:

I feel that, but the footage just doesn’t look like Star Wars, and takes me out of it every time. I don’t buy that that’s Leia and Padme, I have to accept that it is because the movie said so.

I love love love the idea, but I think the execution of it is at odds with this edit’s goal to make ep III less expository. I want things that happen in it to be felt, not just told to the audience to accept. For example, it’s not like Anakin and Obi-Wan aren’t “brothers” as stated in the original cut, but do you actually buy that with what we’re given? So one of the biggest goals of the edit is to make that relationship feel more like that. (Which is why some things people would usually cut are staying).

I barely even buy that Padme and Leia are from the same movie with Hal’s Boleyn Girl footage, (not to mention, I’ve personally seen that movie lol) and in the meantime, the original Padme’s funeral scene has emotional pay off from earlier in the movie, and the trilogy. Even if it contradicts a few lines in the OT. Besides, as the “New Canon Cut” of RotS, there is a dumb explanation in the nuCanon explaining how Leia remembers her mother that this edit can fit with.

I’ve always just assumed it was a force thing that Leia could remember her, I didn’t realize there was an official explanation.

(Regardless, I’m really looking forward to seeing your cut of the film!)


The audio for the elevator sequence got corrupted when I transferred the files from my laptop to my computer, so I have re-edit that portion, but that should be pretty easy. I have class tomorrow though, so I think the “let-it-render-while-I’m-at-school” plan will have to wait until I can start re-editing over next weekend, then I can probably render next Monday.

sorry about that lol

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


NFBisms said:

The audio for the elevator sequence got corrupted when I transferred the files from my laptop to my computer, so I have re-edit that portion, but that should be pretty easy. I have class tomorrow though, so I think the “let-it-render-while-I’m-at-school” plan will have to wait until I can start re-editing over next weekend, then I can probably render next Monday.

sorry about that lol

Don’t be sorry! I’m super excited to see the final product! Hope you have a good school week!


Rare said:

I’ve always just assumed it was a force thing that Leia could remember her, I didn’t realize there was an official explanation.

That has been my interpretation as well.


Ayy class got cancelled, so I think I could have a 720p file ready by tomorrow if nothing screws up in the next few hours. I just re-edited the part I lost, but I don’t want to risk losing more again transferring everything from my laptop to my desktop. I can render a smaller file on my laptop for now and work on replacing the footage and rendering out the 1080p one this weekend.

Besides, I need eyes and feedback on this cut before I finalize it. I’ll probably put it on Myspleen once it’s finally done. And then onto AotC. Which I’m pretty excited about.

btw, one last new change:

  • Anakin and Obi-Wan’s confrontation on Mustafar has been redone quite a bit. I’ll just transcribe:
    A: You turned her against me! Don’t you turn against me…
    O: Your anger and your lust for power have already done that. You’ve allowed this dark lord to twist your mind, until now - until now, you’ve become the very thing you swore to destroy.
    A: You weren’t there, alright!? I did what I had to do! I have brought peace, justice and security to my new empire!
    O: Your new empire? Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic!
    A: If you’re not with me…
    O: Anakin, please. Face up to what you’ve done.
    A: It’s too late for that. You’re too late.
    O: …I will do what I must.

lightsabers ignite and action

The last time we saw them together, they were friends, so I wanted to have that friendship bleed into this confrontation. Obi-Wan wants to help Anakin here, and Anakin gets that, but doesn’t want it. “Don’t you turn against me” shows Anakin would rather Obi-Wan had disappeared than show up here, now, and Obi-Wan’s response of “Your anger and your lust for power have already done that” no longer refers to taking Padme away but to Anakin himself. His anger and his lust for power, betraying the good person and friend Obi-Wan knew him as. Anakin’s next lines here show more self-awareness of what he’s done than in the original, as he tries to justify it to his friend rather than take some kind of enlightened high ground. Obi-Wan just wants him to let go and abandon that path he’s taken, but Anakin demonstrates how far into this he’s in, and that’s when they fight.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


That’s awesome, I can’t wait to see it in action. Where did you get that dialogue from?


First Kill and the Revenge of the Sith video game. xP


I think the First Kill audio (“You weren’t there, alright? I did what I had to do!”) is a bit jarring to people who know RotS really well, but my sister and friend who don’t have it kind of memorized didn’t notice so idk. For me, what was off was Hayden’s voice in the clip isn’t in the same attitude as the lines that were originally there (“Don’t lecture me Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi…”). So I was iffy about even including this change.

At the end of the day, though, Hayden’s voice “attitude” erratically shifts a bunch in the original as well. Going from “YoU wiLL nOt tAKe heR fRoM me!!” to the calmer “Don’t lecture me…”, etc, pretty quickly. And the content of those lines are all over the place in terms of what they’re saying about Anakin’s motivations, too. Is this about Padme, is it about how powerful you are, about the lies of the Jedi, or about bringing peace and order to the galaxy?

The new lines are more consistent to the idea that Anakin believes in the ends he has killed and slaughtered towards, and makes the confrontation dialogue between Anakin and Obi-Wan actually mean something to both the characters. In the original, the dialogue is really just filler before they have to fight. Obi-Wan is just yelling at Anakin for being evil now, and Anakin is rattling off about like four different things - both just taunting each other with no real conversation about what’s happening between the two of them. There’s no point in building up their relationship in the rest of the movie if the only pay off is that they stop being friends. It should be challenging for the two of them.

So there’s some actual drama going on now, but I think it does ask a bit of suspension of disbelief in the audio. If that proves to be an issue, I’ll get rid of it…

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


I think it’s a great line! However, it needs a bump in volume to better match the surrounding dialogue. Great find!


Really cool! Another thing I wonder about is if cutting out the “alright” in the middle of the line would help everything gel better. Aside from the volume discrepancy, the other thing that sticks out about the line is that Hayden is talking noticeably faster than in the rest of the scene. “You weren’t there…I did what I had to do” might sound more consistently paced, like two more of the kinds of declarations he’s already saying in the official movie (if that makes sense).



It’s not just volume. I work with audio alot and I would say that a treble boost would make it mesh with the surrounding lines better quality wise.

And my God John Williams alone could carry that movie.


NFBisms said:

First Kill and the Revenge of the Sith
th video game. xP


I think the First Kill audio (“You weren’t there, alright? I did what I had to do!”) is a bit jarring to people who know RotS really well, but my sister and friend who don’t have it kind of memorized didn’t notice so idk. For me, what was off was Hayden’s voice in the clip isn’t in the same attitude as the lines that were originally there (“Don’t lecture me Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi…”). So I was iffy about even including this change.

At the end of the day, though, Hayden’s voice “attitude” erratically shifts a bunch in the original as well. Going from “YoU wiLL nOt tAKe heR fRoM me!!” to the calmer “Don’t lecture me…”, etc, pretty quickly. And the content of those lines are all over the place in terms of what they’re saying about Anakin’s motivations, too. Is this about Padme, is it about how powerful you are, about the lies of the Jedi, or about bringing peace and order to the galaxy?

The new lines are more consistent to the idea that Anakin believes in the ends he has killed and slaughtered towards, and makes the confrontation dialogue between Anakin and Obi-Wan actually mean something to both the characters. In the original, the dialogue is really just filler before they have to fight. Obi-Wan is just yelling at Anakin for being evil now, and Anakin is rattling off about like four different things - both just taunting each other with no real conversation about what’s happening between the two of them. There’s no point in building up their relationship in the rest of the movie if the only pay off is that they stop being friends. It should be challenging for the two of them.

So there’s some actual drama going on now, but I think it does ask a bit of suspension of disbelief in the audio. If that proves to be an issue, I’ll get rid of it…

How about you use the dialogue from the Clone Wars the Ghost of Mortis Arc.

I would use i have seen that is the Jedi that stands in the way of peace.


Possessed said:

It’s not just volume. I work with audio alot and I would say that a treble boost would make it mesh with the surrounding lines better quality wise.

And my God John Williams alone could carry that movie.

He does carry the movie.


HerekittykittyX said:

NFBisms said:

First Kill and the Revenge of the Sith
th video game. xP


I think the First Kill audio (“You weren’t there, alright? I did what I had to do!”) is a bit jarring to people who know RotS really well, but my sister and friend who don’t have it kind of memorized didn’t notice so idk. For me, what was off was Hayden’s voice in the clip isn’t in the same attitude as the lines that were originally there (“Don’t lecture me Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi…”). So I was iffy about even including this change.

At the end of the day, though, Hayden’s voice “attitude” erratically shifts a bunch in the original as well. Going from “YoU wiLL nOt tAKe heR fRoM me!!” to the calmer “Don’t lecture me…”, etc, pretty quickly. And the content of those lines are all over the place in terms of what they’re saying about Anakin’s motivations, too. Is this about Padme, is it about how powerful you are, about the lies of the Jedi, or about bringing peace and order to the galaxy?

The new lines are more consistent to the idea that Anakin believes in the ends he has killed and slaughtered towards, and makes the confrontation dialogue between Anakin and Obi-Wan actually mean something to both the characters. In the original, the dialogue is really just filler before they have to fight. Obi-Wan is just yelling at Anakin for being evil now, and Anakin is rattling off about like four different things - both just taunting each other with no real conversation about what’s happening between the two of them. There’s no point in building up their relationship in the rest of the movie if the only pay off is that they stop being friends. It should be challenging for the two of them.

So there’s some actual drama going on now, but I think it does ask a bit of suspension of disbelief in the audio. If that proves to be an issue, I’ll get rid of it…

How about you use the dialogue from the Clone Wars the Ghost of Mortis Arc.

I would use i have seen that is the Jedi that stands in the way of peace.

Matt Lanter’s Anakin voice doesn’t quite mesh up with Hayden’s. So, while this Anakin is being based off of the TCW version, he obviously can’t sound the same unless we literally got Lanter to do the voice here.


I love it all in theory but in addition to the First Kill line sounding out of place, the stuff from the video game is also clearly voice actors Mat Lucas and James Arnold Taylor, not Hayden and Ewan. The Mat Lucas line sounds almost like it could pass as Hayden but the James Arnold Taylor bit sticks out to me because I’m so familiar with his Obi-Wan voice.


Octorox said:

I love it all in theory but in addition to the First Kill line sounding out of place, the stuff from the video game is also clearly voice actors Mat Lucas and James Arnold Taylor, not Hayden and Ewan. The Mat Lucas line sounds almost like it could pass as Hayden but the James Arnold Taylor bit sticks out to me because I’m so familiar with his Obi-Wan voice.

It is noticeable but honestly, if you’re watching the whole thing through, I don’t think it’ll stick out too much.

The thing that bugs me more is the obvious muting of the sound when Anakin jumps. I’m not too sure why you decided to cut out the grunt he makes when jumping backward, especially since they’re grunting and yelling all throughout the fight.