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Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY] — Page 20


That scene’s not in the edit unfortunately, but I agree it’d be cool to see!

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


It kind of kills the momentum of the sequence for me. It’s pretty much an epilogue (essentially extraneous to its conclusion) to the Yoda vs Palpatine fight: Yoda has already fled and Palpatine has comfortably moved on to the next order of business in the plot - but Anakin vs Obi-Wan hasn’t even finished yet. It’s just a preference thing.

So, there was a big mistake in my previous workprint. I’ve since taken it down and using that as an excuse to replace it with a new version. This one has a few huge changes (based on ideas from sade1212) that might end up being temporary.

First, a couple of the smaller fixes to clips from before:

Cleaned up Padme/Anakin reunion rescore, right to left wipe to Kashyyk, removed “…and not be pushed around”

Anakin’s “Nothing…” in the fountain scene given more room to breathe before Utapau transition

“Is that bad?” tweaks (sound fx, lipsync, minor direction, and holding on shot before transition

Okay, so courtesy of sade1212, I tried my hand at implementing an idea of theirs from the Radical Redux thread I really liked. Subject to change back.

Anyway, the basis for this change is that Anakin’s exact mindset in turning to the dark side has always been somewhat muddled and nearly inscrutable. We probably understand why he chooses it, but not how he can. How can a good man do these terrible things? The theatrical asserts that he’s always kind of been troubled and scary in that way, but I’ve obviously moved away from that to make him more well-adjusted. I’ve previously leaned on Anakin developing this philosophy of “ends justify the means;” where he visibly feels remorse and never explicitly extols the virtues of galaxy-ruling. He knows he’s done terrible things but it’s for Padme!

The underlying issue with that execution of it - while it has worked for me and others - is that Anakin then becomes almost a secondary character for what should arguably be the most important part of his development. The next time we see him there’s distance between us and him - he’s done all the bad things offscreen and how he feels about it is only given to us after that fact.

Anakin visits Padme before he marches the temple
So sade’s idea was to have Anakin visit Padme directly after his christening as Darth Vader. I like this for a lot of reasons. Where this scene is placed originally, is exactly what I mean when I say there’s distance between us and Anakin. He’s acting somewhat normally, seemingly unfazed by what we know he’s done. Any empathy we had for him is lost because we can’t relate to that. Sure, we can extrapolate an internal justification process or him burying his feelings, but there’s no real payoff for that understanding (unless you count the “Nooooo”/scream from Vader, which I have removed), no elucidation that that’s what’s happening.

With this new placement, Anakin has only betrayed Mace and only just agreed to march on the temple. He has yet to commit his crimes, so now this scene is contextualized as cold feet, trying to re-affirm why he would do the things he will while he’s still relatively “innocent.” I tried to play up how he doesn’t know what he’s about to do, and avoided him talking about his allegiance to Palpatine. He knows Padme would be against him, and now the scene is rife with half-truths and uncertainty. When Padme brings up Obi-Wan, he’s taken aback because it’s the first real consequence he has to face.

Re-Implement Younglings?
In looking for a scene to replace the previous, I felt like the youngling scene might work now as its own beat in the story, rather than glossed over in a montage. It used to be a 180 that was hard to justify, but now we have context for Anakin’s state of mind. He was hesitant, but he has to do what he has to do. Turning it into its own beat makes it a point of no return in his descent into depravity, especially as Anakin is never even slightly optimistic after this. He just wants to save Padme. I think it adds to the tragedy now rather than confuse it.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Wonderful! The balcony scene now feels much more natural. As you said, the original movie kind of wanted us to empathize with Anakin when he visits Padmé, but we can’t since we know he’s just slaughtered half the Jedi. This way Anakin feels like he’s struggling, still processing what’s he done and what he has been tasked to do. He does not seem like a psycopath anymore. And now, the murder of the children does not feel out of place because it works as a turning point. The redone youngling scene without music is harrowing!

It also helps that the next time where we would see Vader is Mustafar, where he seems like a completely different character: stoic, slow-speaking, piercing eyes, etc. That personality change doesn’t work that well when the emotional Padmé scene is sandwiched in between. Now he’s fresh off having killed the younglings.

You would have to cut 3PO mentioning Anakin’s return to the Temple, but I hope you keep Padmé breaking in tears at the sight of the Temple in flames. It works better know when Anakin had already told her about the Jedi’s supposed treason.


I really like these new tweaks. I still think Anakin’s “I want more!” line is ridiculous though. I don’t feel like cutting it would lose much, but that’s not a dealbreaker. As for the youngling scene, and I don’t want this to sound harsh, but I’ve always hated that part, and I feel the same way here. One of my favorite aspects of this edit is how Anakin doesn’t become an absolute monster overnight. I think his crimes are better kept offscreen. If we only hear that he went to the temple, and Obi-Wan and Yoda notice that some Jedi were killed by a lightsaber, I think that’s all we need. If Anakin kills younglings, I immediately lose any and all sympathy for him. In the last version of this edit, it’s not ridiculous for Padmé and Obi-Wan to feel that there’s a chance Anakin can turn back to the light side. But killing entire classrooms full of children is so irredeemable, it kind of ruins all of the fantastic changes you’ve made to the final act. There’s absolutely no hope to bring someone back from that. Star Wars is full of impossible things like aliens, laser swords, and wizards, I don’t think “redeeming a mass murderer of children” should be added to that list. Especially since this edit has made characters feel more real, it’s just such a 180° from what we’ve seen at this point. That being said, I’m not really sure what could replace where you’ve put it here.

Anyway, I hope that didn’t seem too negative, because I really love this edit. It’s my go-to version of the film now. The rest of the changes you’ve listed all look and sound great, and having Anakin go to Padmé before the Temple March is fantastic.


It’s not too negative! (Nothing will be for me tbh!) I definitely understand what you mean and was on the fence about it. Hence the question mark.

I’m of a few minds about it. I definitely think it makes Anakin immediately more unsympathetic, but I also feel like that should be okay if everything that gets him to that unsympathetic point makes sense. It’s the story of Anakin’s fall after all. If he goes from a good person to a bad child-murdering one and it tracks - well, that’s the kind of thing that impresses me in other media. It’s so dark in a way that is emotionally affecting if not for remembering who he was and for the people close to him. It’s not like this scene isn’t implied by the events in the film anyway.

But yes, overall the arc from I-VI for this character is redemption. That is much harder to argue for if Darth Vader is explicitly a mass murderer of children. I think I might make two versions when the time comes.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


I really really love having the Balcony scene before Order 66, and then having him killing the younglings.

I’ve always felt that scene as a loss, and this change makes it work for me.

(And I’m a little biased here, but I think it would help with the flow of Order 66 in my edit.)

And as said having Anakin’s crimes at the temple be the turning point in his characterization makes so much more sense than his slaughter of the separatists.

I really thought I it is an excellent change and works really really well in melding the two Anakins. And giving us a truly fallen man.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


Btw, the reason Anakin didn’t say anything when Obi-Wan was being chosen to lead the mission against Grievous wasn’t out of pettiness, but because Anakin had no say in council matters because he wasn’t a master. He was only there to be Palpatine’s representative and nothing more. That’s why he was frustrated when he was denied the rank.

Star Wars, Paleontology, Superhero, Godzilla fan. Darth Vader stan. 22. ADHD. College Student majoring in English Education.
My Star Wars Fan-Edits


How are you coming along NFBisms? Last workprint was 31th of may. did you changed something since then?


Okay I really enjoyed this. Once it is finished, it will certainly replace my regular copy of the film. Thank you for all your hard work!


May I have the link to the latest draft please? Thanks! 😃

Star Wars, Paleontology, Superhero, Godzilla fan. Darth Vader stan. 22. ADHD. College Student majoring in English Education.
My Star Wars Fan-Edits


Id like a link to this edit

How was I to know your kind can’t eat sweetweed?


Neat work on improving Anakin. Any chance you consider doing “this” -meaning working on dialogue and shots and scenes- to add a different approach on Obi-Wan as well?

I think that ESB somehow lead us to believe as movie-goers that plot-twists are a very important thing when it comes to saying is a movie has been enjoyable or not. I don’t think that this kind of suspense on what is to happen or who is who is something important at all. Hitchcock’s Psycho could very well be a counter-argument to show that there are very good movies -even classics- in which you may know who’s the killer and still be entertaining without a twist, or with some reformulation on what a twist actually is. To reveal something at some point; either about a character to the audience -as in Psycho- or to a character about a situation or another character regardless of wether the audience knew it or not could become very strong moments in a movie and specially if that movie pertains to a saga, and while in ESB you had both of those aspects happening at the same time, you can say that in the prequels order 66 acts as a good “twist” in-universe no matter we as audience knew that it’d eventually happen. Although it doesn’t at a personal level.

Being that “preserve the reveal of Anakin/Vader” isn’t the point of the prequels nor the point of this edit (which I think is a good approach), I wonder if isn’t ObiWan the character who should be more akin to “receive” a twist that leaves him where he is in ANH.

Perhaps he could be made to stand on a more tense relationship with the council by covering Anakin’s love-affair, and then feel specially played as a fool by Anakin’s actions or turning to Palpatine.

“Anakin I’m on your side I don’t want to put you in this situation” is a line that could have much importance than what it currently does if moved or used at some other place. Not that I have a punctual suggestion, but just wondering if any of this is of your interest at all or even if somehow it’s more expressed on your edit, is it your intention to deepen the process with ObiWan -and Padme perhaps- just as you did with Anakin.


I actually did do some work on Obi-Wan and Padme, particularly with these two clips:

Obi-Wan doesn’t want to kill Anakin

Pre-duel confrontation

It’s nowhere near as much as I did with Anakin, but their motivations in the third act are pretty fundamentally changed from the theatrical. It’s a reversal: Padme is the one who stands up to Anakin, while Obi-Wan is whose reluctant and remorseful. I don’t know if that’s what you meant, but I do think that lines up a bit more with the OT.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


NFBisms said:

I actually did do some work on Obi-Wan and Padme, particularly with these two clips:

Obi-Wan doesn’t want to kill Anakin

Pre-duel confrontation

It’s nowhere near as much as I did with Anakin, but their motivations in the third act are pretty fundamentally changed from the theatrical. It’s a reversal: Padme is the one who stands up to Anakin, while Obi-Wan is whose reluctant and remorseful. I don’t know if that’s what you meant, but I do think that lines up a bit more with the OT.

Yes, it does flow better and gives ObiWan and Padme more agency. Actually mine was more of an open question, not aimed at something particular.

Watching your videos it made me wonder if ObiWan couldn’t, instead of going to Padme’s to find Anakin to confront him, if he went to her looking for Anakin in worry for his safety and/or to recruit him to have him by his side in the task of defeating the emperor, leaving Mustafar as a bitter end and utter dissappointment for obiwan, who went all the way there yo recruit a powerful ally and ended up watching how a friend attempted murder against his wife, and only then confronted him. Of course ObiWan either shouldn’t know what Anakin did at all or should know after going to Padme’s…I think that if ObiWan didn’t know ir would leave only Padme as the one that put the puzzle together.

Perhaps ObiWan knowing and being accomplice about the couple could be stated earlier. Some send my regards to Senator Amidala as his last words on coruscant before boarding the venator leaving yo Utapau (after goodbye old friend)


Did you plan to take your edit, and make a fan edit with Clone Wars ?



NFBisms said:

^Yeah, with that rough test, I was trying to balance my preferences/wishlist of the scene with some suggestions I’d gotten. After learning how to better get rid of the traces of the other audio channels in the center channel, I just went ham on “things I’ve always wanted to see.” But my ideal just isn’t that possible with the material at hand - short of VFX-skills I don’t have just to subtly tweak a mouth or facial expression.

Basically, the little nag I have about that scene in the edit - ever since RogueLeader first brought it up a few months ago - is that Padme’s “turn” against Anakin feels super sudden without his authoritarian motivations or youngling murder. With the material we have, one of the two characters would have to suffer for the scene to fully play smoothly. Sacrifice either Padme’s agency or sympathy for Anakin. As it is, I’m having my cake and eating it too.

In that newer radical test edit, I was going for Padme and Obi-Wan reach out to save Anakin together (Obi-Wan keeping his distance), but then once Padme realizes what Anakin wants to do, decides that she wants him dead instead. While that’s inferred in the current workprint anyway, these edits were meant to make that more explicit and Padme’s turn more smooth - all while trying to maintain Anakin’s integrity as a non-psychotic authoritarian. A balancing act that didn’t pay off but I think has some value as it shows how the theatrical lines can be rearranged.

Anyway, I had a whole post typed up in response to people’s feedback (of two different workprints at this point because I’m an animal with no export control) but my power went out and now those posts are all gone.

What you did was amazing by making Anakin choking Padme more believable. It might be a little sudden for Padme but I think it works because it seems like the kind of thing said when someone is overwealmed and under pressure while Anakin’s reaction is believable since he’s on edge as well. These 2 moments are split second rash decisions with dire consequences just like what happens a lot in real life. Always keep this change

Everything after Empire Strikes Back needs fixing


WOW this looks amazing can I get a link to this ?


anakinskywalker said:

Hi I really enjoyed your edit thanks very much it is great you improved anakin and made him more likeable also I’m just wondering if you or anyone has earlier versions of the edit also I’m just curious thanks

Yo, the walker of skies himself says he likes your work!

Excuse me, I couldn’t resist.


Woooo just finished watching and that was great hollly ill give a quick synopsis of my thoughts

First of all i’ve watched alot of ep 3 fan edits and I have to say this edit has the only likeable version of Anakin, when I say likeable I mean goddamn A tier, this Anakin acts and feels the same way as his Clone wars version. This actually adds a really nice character arc to Anakin, from a immature, whiny teenager in ep 2 to a functioning, mature and compassionate adult. If you watch TCW as well Anakin damn near turns out to e a phenomenal character with a great character arc. This works because you added dialogue and banter in the battle over corrousant very nice even tho some of the banter feels a bit unnatural and is hard to hear.

Obiwan mentioning Ahsoka felt very natural and GREAT job on that.

Grievous expecting anakin?? A nice change that adds parallels with Ahsoka and Maul.

You captured Anakin and Obi’s relationship perfectly, they just never shut up xD which is very accurate, great job on both departments. One minor personal qualm I have with this is that when their about to have their Duel on Mustafar, you removed most of Anakin’s lines with Obiwan (which were pretty hostile) and instead replaced them with more neutral lines, personally for me them fighting straight after this exchange is quite unbelievable. I’ve always thought that Anakin’s exchange with obi wan on Mustafar works perfectly fine albeit its very cheesy.
Speaking about Mustafar great job on handling Padme and Anakin actually explains why he would choke her now.

Most if not all of transitions felt natural.

The only thing I was dis satisfied with was the color grade it just doesn’t feel like star wars and it doesn’t look appealing too, mind you this is my only major complaint with this edit (the others were just minor fluff)

Great Job on this. This has officially replaced Hal’s LOE for me
Send me link once it’s available in 1080


EddieDean said:

Skybatman said:

Did you plan to take your edit, and make a fan edit with Clone Wars ?

If NFB doesn’t do this, then I absolutely will once NFB’s is complete.

I’m actually working on that, if you wanna check my thread:



My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)