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This looks very promising indeed, would love a link. Have you thought about uploading it to spleen and other places so more people can see it?
This looks very promising indeed, would love a link. Have you thought about uploading it to spleen and other places so more people can see it?
Link is in your inbox!
I’m not part of myspleen unfortunately. And I don’t have the bandwidth to actively seed a torrent either. I had one person offer to host a torrent of the 3GB version, but nobody downloaded it and I think the link went dead, not sure.
Can I get a link? Looks really good
Thanks, sent you a link!
Sounds pretty impressive - would love to get a link of this. Thanks!
Pm sent! Enjoy!
Hey there, do you have any plan on releasing a newer version of this featuring the AI Upscaled deleted scenes Hal implemented in his V7 edits?
Oh gosh, I was not aware of their existence honestly. Currently I do not have all the software installed that I would need in order to re-export the files, nor do I have the time. Perhaps in the future.
Thankfully, since I didn’t use the Birth of the Rebellion scenes, it’s really just the Yoda/Obi-Wan/Windu scene and the Yoda dagobah sequence. I agree it would be nice to have higher quality versions of the scenes integrated, but I just can’t commit to that right now.
I’m new here, do I have to pm you for the edit?
(English isn’t great sorry)
Posting here in the thread is fine, I’ve sent you a link via pm!
This sounds excellent
I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.
Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.
Important voice tool:
For all the assholes who keep giving me shit for my reviews, here’s your fuckin proof: https://youtube.com/shorts/7ytqBdVYoWw?si=-AIkldGZmOY-1LVP
Can I get a link please
Absolutely, sent you a pm!
I’d love a link please.
Sure, link is in your inbox!
Hello there! I would like a link to watch it please
Always happy to provide! I’ve sent you a message, should be in your inbox. Enjoy!
Could I get a link please.
PM sent!
oh man ive got to see this - cant believe ive only just found out about it! any chance of a link too?
Can you please send me the link too? Sounds very promising!
Sent links to both dobiwandjenobi and ustasa91!
This sounds great, could you send me a link please?
Been updating my SW collection and would love to add this to it! If you could send a link, many thanks!
When you get a chance, I’d love to get a link to this!