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Return of the Jedi cut-scene — Page 8


Mielr said:

It not only looks like Mark Hamill's face- but it looks like his hands as well.

I don't know how HK can say that was "not Mark", especially since Mark says he now remembers shooting the scene.....

It's like a car crash with 10 witnesses, and 10 different reports of the accident.

I would say he is saying that because even mark hamil says he did not do these scene.

if how you say he is saying NOW he did it  then I  suggest lucas is spending some money and saying  "hey old buddy  do me a favor  and say you did this" Surly  everyone by now  knows lucas is not to be trusted and WILL DO OR SAY ANYTHING TO   make more money from star wars


here is the video of hamil  saying he did not do the scene.



Thanks for the video link. Hamill even qualifies it with reference to other insert scenes shot without him.


haljordan28 said:

Mielr said:

I don't know how HK can say that was "not Mark", especially since Mark says he now remembers shooting the scene.....


if how you say he is saying NOW he did it  then I  suggest lucas is spending some money and saying  "hey old buddy  do me a favor  and say you did this" Surly  everyone by now  knows lucas is not to be trusted and WILL DO OR SAY ANYTHING TO   make more money from star wars

Am I clear hear, are you saying Lucas is paying Mark Hamill off to say that he shot those scenes in order to trick us into buying "Star Wars" on BluRay?

So the fake Luke actor, every technician involved in the fake shoot, everying at LFL who was aware of the secret shoot schedule and funding, costume fabricators, prop makers, Lucas and Mark Hamil are all in on this huge conspiracy that will result in very little money, because everyone is going to buy "Star Wars" on BluRay anyways.

OR Mark Hamil had forgotten the half-hour it took him to shoot this close up twenty years ago, and now recalls it when shown it.

Also, you've seem to have conflated the fact GL is a well documented fibber witht he fact you hate GL because he makes a lot of money. While he does lie a great deal, these seem to be based on personal mythmaking and monumental insecurity.

What lies does Lucas tell with the purpose of somehow making more money off his already extremely profitable films?


ChainsawAsh said:

Must...resist...urge...for...image-only post....

Just find an image of the stand-in playing Hamill.


It's clearly the real deal, I still find the evidence to the contrary unconvincing, just look at the thing :


Bingowings said:

It's clearly the real deal, I still find the evidence to the contrary unconvincing, just look at the thing :

Nice try. Just look at the lighting on C-3PO compared to the sunlight on the rocks outside. Fake!


It is possible Hamill forgot or more likely that a double was used.

They had intended to come back and shoot the footage with mark according to the making of book, that does not mean they did. 

The only place with the record of the shooting of all the footage would be at skywalker ranch, possibly somewhere in the archives or records stored.


Unless the call sheets made it to the ebay sellers.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


"As for Luke constructing his lightsaber, George felt we needed to explain how he got his replacement that he had lost. This was an afterthought shot at Death Valley. The interior of the cave was shot at ILM on their stage. While we were at Death Valley, we also shot the long shot of C-3PO and R2D2 walking towards Jabba's Palace. The Palace was a matt shot on glass. It was cut from the picture to keep the running time of Jedi around 2 hours 15 minutes. If the picture were just a few minutes longer, we would have lost one showing each day at every theater." - Howard Kazanjian

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Tobar wrote: The interior of the cave was shot at ILM on their stage.

Nice this adds some credibility to my cereal theory.  Never realized movie theaters were such sticklers for having the movie play on the half hour that they would eliminate a whole showing instead of shifting times by 5-10 minutes...


none said:

Tobar wrote: The interior of the cave was shot at ILM on their stage.

Nice this adds some credibility to my cereal theory.  Never realized movie theaters were such sticklers for having the movie play on the half hour that they would eliminate a whole showing instead of shifting times by 5-10 minutes...

Not really. In the cut scene 3P0 was clearly shot outside against a real background, while the commercial is clearly a set. Also the cave entrance in the commercial is a different shape altogether.




TheBoost said:

OR Mark Hamil had forgotten the half-hour it took him to shoot this close up twenty years ago, and now recalls it when shown it.

"That's a bingo."


adywan wrote:

Also the cave entrance in the commercial is a different shape altogether.

Disagree.  The shapes look different because of the camera angle, but there are features which resemble each other.  The Cereal camera angle being straight on (and more right), while the cut scene is zoomed in low pointing up and more left.

Image comparisons:


I'll conceed the 3po footage and distance ridgeline, but the caves, being the same, from a financial stand point makes perfect sense.  A third resembling cave feature is the notch under the "V".  With zero hours of spelunking in my history, this is perfectly obvious.

...and now can we all let me enjoy MY failure in the cave.  Thank you.