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Return of the Jedi - The Spence Final Cut (Released) — Page 4


Great Great stuff, Spence! This is unbelievable-- so many great ideas and so many great clips! Gaah!

One point I am intrigued by, but couldn't quite grasp the whole picture on is this:

When did Luke confirm that Vader is his dad? Off-screen, shortly after ESB? Yeah, I guess that works pretty good. Am I getting that right?


Also, on the final battle clip-- have you considered ways to make it seem like Lando takes as much time flying out of the Death Star as he took getting in? I think a good (missed) opportunity for tension is in that footage if the impression can be that Lando didn't get out in time-- before he does.  I've never considered it in the order you've now placed it, but I submit the idea.

LOVE the new Luke/Vader battle. I think their fight really improves by being connected as you did there.  Now it seems more like a sequel to ESB instead of a completely different kind of fight.  Too bad there isn't a bunch of unused footage somewhere to keep it going even longer. 

So impressed. So looking forward to this. Thank you!


Wow. that looks amazing Bob.

No offense to spence who spent what? 3 weeks to get a... not as good version of the same thing. (trying my hardest not to accidentally insult you Spence)

After effects just isn't your thing unfortunately.


It's a little ... wibbly, I guess is the best way to put it, compared to the fleet.  Other than that, it looks very good!


Well hell, with alittle more work this shot could be useable, since it happens early in the conversation. It could make sense that the Death Star is later made its way toward the fleet. I like this also because now when Luke looks like he's staring into space, it now has the feeling like he's reacting to the Death Star floating passed. Sort of a "OMG, is that thing operational?"


So heres that clip, granted it still needs alot of tweeks. I would also have to add it in the background of the second shot of the Emperor.



 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


I still think it adds more drama to the scene if Luke and the audience is lulled into believing he has been taken to the Death Star only to find he is miles away from the danger he hopes the fleet will visit on the Emperor when the Death Star rotates into view.

In an ideal world I'd prefer him to be on another Death Star but that's probably too big an undertaking for this project.

Luke surrenders hoping he has gotten one over on Palpatine and that even if he does go some way to nudging him to the dark side he will die when the place is destroyed and not be a danger to the galaxy like his father became.

Having the Death Star reveal just before it's operational status is announced is a double blow.

It kicks his safety net away that he isn't on the station and then he finds out that the station works and can destroy the fleet ship by ship and even the moon where Leia and Han are isn't safe.

The rotation of view out of the window would be an ideal way to pull off the surprise if it was scaled correctly (I instinctively don't think the Emperor would get too close to the battle and the station unless he had to).

He is over confident but he isn't stupid.


I know you really like that idea, it is interesting, but it's not happening in this edit.

If you'd really like to see it, why don't you do an edit of it with that idea included? My edit will probably have some good groundwork for it.


So where are they supposed to be? Aboard the executor? Apologies if I've missed where it's meant to be set.


brash_stryker said:

So where are they supposed to be? Aboard the executor? Apologies if I've missed where it's meant to be set.

I was just wondering the same thing. They can't be on board the Executor, since they're not in the thick of the battle like the Executor is.

And Bob, nice DS clips.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Its not really specified, but its just another super star destroyer. Whether its the executor or not doesn't really matter, one is in the battle and one is a little further away.

Where abouts is the tower going to be?

It's position would have a bearing on the view out of the window.


wow bob's work on the death star is amazing, how is stuff like that done? in aftereffects?

bob, would you be willing to put up a making of type video to show us how thats done please? but then maybe you dont want everyone to know your secrets! would be cool tho.


I wasnt sure that you'd be able to make it look soo good!

this edit is turning into something, you can be pretty proud of i think! well done Spence and Bob!

You can never go home again, but i guess you can shop there.

I'm so happy with it. I've had help from some amazing faneditors. I can't wait to share the results with everyone.
I'm so happy with it. I've had help from some amazing faneditors. I can't wait to share the results with everyone.

You've cloned yourself in the process too :P

You can never go home again, but i guess you can shop there.


Now thats dedication for you!

You can never go home again, but i guess you can shop there.


New preview clip tonight. I tried out a version of "Duel of the Fates" over the Luke/Vader battle, and I really like it. It'll be posted later tonight.


Huzzah for Coy Rascal (bless his cotton socks).

Dedication is what we all need.


Spence, I remember speaking about this in other thread, but let's drop it also here, so that if you like the idea, you can pick it up.

Right when your last video ends, Vader's trying to attract Luke to the dark side. He's got one sabre in a hand, but there was some mock up that showed him handing actually both his sabre and luke's. I think this could be more menacing; and what's more, perhaps when Luke attacks Vader in anger, he could grab Vaders lightsabre and defeat his father with that weapon just as a way to increase that feeling of "everything's going bad" you say you wanna give to the movie.

In the PT we've seen plenty of duels with people holding two weapons. ROTJ's duel had its "new toy" by being the only duel in the OT with music, but even in Ady's revisited series, it has lost that status. So perhaps having Vader (only for a while) with two sabres could make it more threatening and enhance the scene a little


He could grab Vader's sword leaving Vader with Luke's to defend himself with so Luke in anger is wielding a red saber and Vader is defending himself with a Jedi blade.

That might make for an interesting twist.

Actually I really really like that. Ill see if I can pull it off.