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Request: Harmy's Empire Strikes Back Despecialized w/ Adywan's Revisited Emperor


Hello. This is my first post here, but I have followed these fan edit projects for quite some time.

I believe I am posting this in the correct place, but I apologize if I am not.

To me, Harmy’s versions are definitive except for one scene: the monkey-face emperor. Adywan did a wonderful “RotJ” version of the emperor for his “Empire Strikes Back Revisited” edit. Would anyone be willing to splice Adywan’s emperor scene into Harmy’s despecialized (2.0) ESB? I could provide a small donation to help.

I can provide files for both versions.

Thank you all!


Crossvader said:

Might aswell just watch adywans empire edit

That is hardly the same thing as I am requesting…


If anyone is willing to help with this, please let me know. I did not intend for this to be a thread about my personal reasons or philosophy on the subject.


That guy with no name said:

I’ll do it.
I have ESB:R can I get despecialized?
also, do you want the new voice or the original?

Great thank you. I’ll upload despecialized and message you.