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Reminder: No profiting from fan edits or preservation efforts

This topic has been locked by a moderator.

In light of a certain person who has been found to be violating this rule, I just want to remind everyone that selling your stuff (or anyone else's stuff) for profit is not cool and you will be banned. We are not interested in seeing this place become a hub of illegal selling and profiting. If you contact another person on this board and they ask for more than the price of a blank disc and postage for a preservation or fan edit, tell them thanks but no thanks and let a mod know. There are countless people on this site who are willing and able to trade with you or even send you what you want for nothing at all.

So to review:

If you are found selling your own fan edits or preservations you will be banned.

If you are found selling anyone else's fan edits or preservations you will be banned.

If you are found selling bootleg copies of copyrighted material you will be banned.

I hope that's clear enough.

My Projects:
[Holiday Special Hybrid DVD v2]
[X0 Project]
[Backstroke of the West DVD]
[ROTS Theatrical DVD]


i have no way at all to download or copy these. i would gladly donate anything for the star wars theatrical cuts, fright night 2 and night of the living dead 1990 on blu ray. if anyone can help me i would be forever grateful. im new to this site and saw it on jeremy jahns youtube channel. any help at all would be great. im just a fan who wants nothing more than to help preserve these and have them also. where would i leave suggestions for preservations.


smudly30 said:

i have no way at all to download or copy these. i would gladly donate anything for the star wars theatrical cuts, fright night 2 and night of the living dead 1990 on blu ray. if anyone can help me i would be forever grateful. im new to this site and saw it on jeremy jahns youtube channel. any help at all would be great. im just a fan who wants nothing more than to help preserve these and have them also. where would i leave suggestions for preservations.

Wrong forum, wrong thread, wrong way to ask, do some research, bye.