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RedLetterMedia's Revenge of Nadine [TPM 108 pg Resp. [RotS Review+RotS Preview+ST'09 Reveiw+Next Review Teaser+2002 Interview+AotC OutTakes+Noooooo! Doc.+SW Examiner Rebuttal+AotC Review+TPM Review] — Page 30


So it bothered me a bit that the only example of actors' inappropriate reactions to CGI environments the newest review offered, was a short bit that went on for like one second before cutting to the next frame - one I hadn't even noticed before.

That also leads me to believe that I have an extremely bad eye for this kind of thing... so apart from Sam Jackson's awkward lightsaber movements in the arena, would any of you know more examples of such failures?


Sorry kids overdosed on moaning about Caprica being canceled (RDM = Robot Dangermouse) I meant RLM.


Oh and yea, the lightsaber fight with Grievous was absolutely unconvincing - they tried to conceal it with close-ups, though.


Hey, I know I'm not contributing anything new to this topic right now, and it's a bit early for me to post this...

but before going through the 108 page rebuttal for real, I'm taking a peek at the thread where it originated...


and I must say, HOLY FUCKSHIT, that dude's a douchebag. Whoever's been impressed with the relatively toned down tone of the PDF file and its disclaimers in the intro, should take a look at the VITRIOL DRIPPING HAAATTEEE in the posts of "Jim Raynor"... I mean, holy fuck, that guy does hate Stoklasa's guts!

While I kinda like how he fends off some of the more stupid, hypocritical attacks thrown at him with logic, almost each single point he brings up against the review there (at least in the first few pages) are complete bullshit and made of nothing but misreadings and fallacies.

Like, he mentions that bit with the ship breezing through the blockade like 10 times, and boy, does he get EVERY LAST SENTENCE utterly WRONG!!

No, the point is that shields or not, the ship should NOT be able to breeze through the blockade - what he accuses RLM of (complaining about characters getting worried about the shield because with shield they could breeze through the blockade)... IS WHAT THE MOVIE IS GUILTY OF!!! :DDDD

"false dilemma based bitching against one innocuous line about a ship being a "sitting duck," without shields, claiming that if it did have shields up then it should be able to "breeze" through a blockade."

Then, um, in the movie the SHIELD GENERATOR IS HIT, not the shield taken down by continuous laser firing like in Star Trek. And they actually don't get significantly hit, or hit at all, by the blockade ships during that time period. I mean, just what an idiot.


Then, he's talking about how the new ROTS review "ignited" his "desinterest" in finishing his rebuttal, yet he doesn't watch it and asks other users about the points raised there.

Then, he insists how everybody is wrong and no, RLM indeed focuses largely on "nitpicks" rather than "language of cinema" - which is somewhat true for the TPM review, but that other stuff makes up HALF of the entire ROTS review.

The latest review also rectifies some faults in the previous reviews, like "smearing" Lucas or launching character assassinations against him - all that stuff is now thrown aside, George is given a fair "benefit of the doubt", and no real negative judgment or personal insult is made against him during the entire review.

But why should this rebuttal guy bother to watch it, better just ask the people around him to retell the points.



I have...  NO WORDS. Already now, I'm dead sure that 50% of his rebuttal is going to be absolute crap. Oh boy, do I hope he corrected some of his incredible bullshit further down the line... But don't worry, I'm getting to it when I'm getting to it :P


LOL, excuses, excuses. I'm not the one who posted a 70 minute long review, wasting a good 2 minutes bitching, nitpicking (and being retarded) about fucking starship shield mechanics. It's one thing for me to refute his bitching in an extensive response to what he already wrote. It's quite another thing for him to come out first be fucking dorky retard (for a good two minutes) about one innocuous detail in a movie that offended nobody and wasn't even problematic.

Ah, ha-ha, that was funny.

What a dope.


twooffour said:

I have...  NO WORDS.


seems to me that you have plenty... ;)

But seriously, he makes plenty of fair assessments in his rebuttal, but this guy seems like he's really off his rocker. RLM obviously was just having some fun with the nitpicking and whatnot, but this guy is just purely and inappropriately pissed off.

"Fanboy Idiocy" indeed...


Quackula said:

twooffour said:

I have...  NO WORDS.


seems to me that you have plenty... ;)

But seriously, he makes plenty of fair assessments in his rebuttal, but this guy seems like he's really off his rocker. RLM obviously was just having some fun with the nitpicking and whatnot, but this guy is just purely and inappropriately pissed off.

"Fanboy Idiocy" indeed...


I agree - in fact, in a somewhat cynical light, one could say that while RLM can somewhat hide behind their humorous, and self-ironic attitude accompanying all their nitpicks (rightful and fallacious alike) and insults towards the characters and the makers (why is is that no single "idiot" or "fuck you" directed at Lucas anywhere in RLM's work comes off as an actual insult?), this mental case of a nut is, on the other hand, easily opening himself up for ridicule and scorn going beyond actual fallacies made in his arguments :D

Now I have to be fair and say that the obnoxious, offensive stupidity of dude's posts there still doesn't prevent a number of visibly turned off opponents post really stupid character assassination attacks at him, of which he can actually fend many off (like I would), and that's even kinda fun to read.


But then, oh man, I'm just reading further into the thread, and after some guy breaks it all down for him, humbly adding that it's just "his own interpretation of the part in the review" (while actually, it's not, it's what said in the review), Raynor STILL doesn't get it (ACCORDING TO THE MOVIE, THE SHIP COULD BREEZE THROUGH THE BLOCKADE AS SOON AS THE SHIELDS WERE FIXED YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT), and then jumps on those "interpretation" remarks with a gleeful dumb face.

Then, he was begging people to retell him points from the ROTS review he didn't watch, and after people calling him out on that, he quotes those parts and responds to something else. Also has been given what he asked for like 3 pages ago, and still blatantly claims that "no one's done this so far".

Just for the record, I'm NOT going to come back here all 5 minutes to share my newest impressions of that mess, this is the last time for now, but MAN... this is kinda really fun! :DD


One remark about ROTS raised there by another user I'd like to comment on, though:

The fact that Anakin's concern for the clone is the only time we see how anyone feels about the clones. Technically, it's true... but...

that's the problem! It's part of the storytelling's fault that we never get to see that, so that little piece of "characterization" already feels shoehorned into the movie, like to get a "check" on a list or something.

Add to that Anakin's generally not all too noble behavior in II (he didn't do anything that awesome apart from trying to rescue his friends, and certainly nothing to help a clone soldier), now we've got this bit in the opening of III... to never come up again... yea right, BACKTRACKING.

RLM is 100% right there, and adding those elaborations was completely unneeded.


Just like Anakin spewing off techno babble and "spinning" technically doesn't speak against his piloting abilities, but it's just cheap, artificial and silly the way it's done.

"Stop feeding us this pig slop" :DDD

Oh man, the pig... the pig...


The chase scene up to that point was primarily from Obi-Wan's perspective. And he's nearly killed, and definitely scared of Anakin's recklessness. 

Now, onto Anakin's feat where he made his big jump onto the assassin's speeder. As I pointed out before, Anakin took a short cut, stopped at a spot where he knew the assassin would fly under, looked downward and timed his jump for a good 12 seconds before jumping down, and still had to actively glide and adjust his course on the way down. Of course it didn't nearly kill him; he knew what he was doing and had ample time to prepare that move.

No, the danger comes immediately after Anakin grabbed onto the speeder. Within seconds, he goes from completely sure of himself to losing control of the situation. Anakin barely holds on, grunting in exertion. The assassin nearly flips him off, before pulling out a gun and shooting at him. Barely holding onto a speeding vehicle while being shot at - that's considered "danger" in just about every other action movie.

I pointed out in that previous thread that Anakin was actually in more danger than Peter Parker was during that chase scene in Spider-Man, one of AOTC's contemporaries and regarded as a very good film. I've never seen anyone saying that Peter wasn't in enough danger while chasing down the thief's car.


Okay, okay... I said I'd stop... pick apart at will :DDD


Spider Man wasn't in danger from that thief guy... Obi Wan looked so scared...


I really hope RedLetterMedia reviews the OT too. I know there isn't as much to complain about with those, but he can give it a fair film analysis pointing out the good things about the movies, while molesting woman.


I'd rather RLM move away from Star Wars for now honestly. Maybe do the Matrix sequels or something.


To rip into the PT and not ROTJ seems like a double standard to me but I am not he.


Bingowings said:

To rip into the PT and not ROTJ seems like a double standard to me but I am not he.

Well, he never said those movies were without flaws or plot holes when bitching about the new ones, did he? He often brought up the original trilogy as a positive example for some general, narrative aspect, including ROTJ, and it was always right on the money, so I don't complain.

I agree that mentioning the plot weaknesses of the old trilogy, and not just ROTJ, and putting them into perspective along with the PT's, would've made for a "fairer" and more interesting series of reviews, but hey - watch his ST09 review and you already know what his OT reviews would look like.



He should do Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull next.


Just realized Disney now owns these too. Well they own the servers that the blip versions that these are hosted on.

Okay explanation time! I was watching Japancast on Blip. Scrolled down too far on accident saw the thing that said "Blip is part of Maker Studios". Well recently Disney bought Maker Studios. Ipso facto Disney now owns both Star Wars and the servers that store the RLM reviews about them.



Previous Signature preservation link


Disney owns everything. I sense much Disney in you.


twister111 said:

Just realized Disney now owns these too. Well they own the servers that the blip versions that these are hosted on.

Okay explanation time! I was watching Japancast on Blip. Scrolled down too far on accident saw the thing that said "Blip is part of Maker Studios". Well recently Disney bought Maker Studios. Ipso facto Disney now owns both Star Wars and the servers that store the RLM reviews about them.





I realize I'm late to this party, but I only found the Plinkett prequel reviews last week! (I tend to steer clear of anything prequel related). I was also able to track down the 108 page response (most of the download links are long dead) which, if anyone still wants a copy, can now be found here: 


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