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Recommendations for Legends (old EU) books, comics, etc. — Page 4


The don’t tell the same story. I, Jedi is a first person narrative about Corran Horn. Its sort of connected to both the X-Wing series and The Jedi Academy trilogy but can be read independently of them.

The Jedi Academy Trilogy is about Kyp Durron.


Alright, thanks. I’m trying to read the books that tell the most important stories after ROTJ, so I’ve re-read the Thrawn trilogy and am currently reading Dark Empire. I assumed the Jedi Academy trilogy would be important to show the formation of Luke’s new jedi order but I could be wrong. Worth reading do you think?

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


It is worth reading. It isn’t the best work nor the worst. And it isn’t KJA’s worst. I think the consensus is that is Darksaber. As for Dark Empire i also recommend Dark Empire II, and completely don’t recommend Empire’s End. Its only important to know how the Dark Empire Saga ends, but its terrible.


JadedSkywalker said:

It is worth reading. It isn’t the best work nor the worst. And it isn’t KJA’s worst. I think the consensus is that is Darksaber. As for Dark Empire i also recommend Dark Empire II, and completely don’t recommend Empire’s End. Its only important to know how the Dark Empire Saga ends, but its terrible.

Thanks for the help, I’ll be looking into those.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I liked the Star Wars Manga. Even if it is sort of based on the 97 edit.

I never did finish collecting the volumes for Star Wars, but i have all of Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. And i have half of Phantom Menace i’m missing a volume.


I bought the IDW reprints of the Al Williamson Star Wars strips. Was disappointed they are reprinted smaller than in the Russ Cochran collection, not by a lot. But Al was a stickler for the size of his strips being reprinted at original page size except in the case of it being reedited to fit the comic page. The black and white dailies are very nice for a reprint but the black inks aren’t as deep as in the Cochran volumes. And the color Sundays are hugely disappointing the colors are muted. At 50 dollars a volume you’d think they would have been the definitive editions. I cannot speak for the Russ Manning printing as volume one, i don’t have that one. The Cochran volumes were shot from the original art. I cannot speak for the source IDW used.