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Reasons to hate the Special Editions — Page 2

what I hate about the remodifiying of the OT is that.... George is resculpting the movies to fit with the prequels!!!
Instead of the other way around; where he should be making the prequels fit in benefit of the original and classic SW trilogy.


No. Since the OT takes place after the PT, as sequels often do, the OT must fit with the PT.
Uhhh....the OT was made before the PT........(or so last time I checked) Sooooooo.....he should sculpt the NEW movies to fit the old ones. Not the other way around. That.....
doesnt make sense.
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
From a certain point of view.

No really, it makes a lot more sense to tailor films that, at the time, hadn't been made, than changing 20 year old movies for what amounts to absolutely no reason. There was no reason to change Fett's voice when you can chalk it up to a simple voice changer(like Boba wan't people to think he's another clone). There's no reason for Hayden's head when Anakin is 20 years older. There's no reason to change a perfectly good dialogue just so you can name drop.

The O-OT fits with the prequels just as well as the SSE, without any of the crap either.

Little things could be changed in the PT and it would mesh perfectly without touching the older films.

You're basically saying it would be ok for Empire to say Luke died at Yavin if Lucas so felt like it. Changing an older film to fit a non-existent one just because you're too lazy to make it fit on it's own shouldn't even be an option.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

His vision changed, which is why he is now making the OT fit with the PT. He did the PT exactly how he wanted, and is now making the OT fit with that as best he can.
According to him, it's never changed. So why do three old films get changed if he claims to have always had them this way from the get go.

It has nothing to do with his supposed "vision." It has everything to do with making three films two decades later and deciding not to do your best to make them fit with a pre-existing trilogy. It's not his overall vision that's different. It's the fact that he did small things in the prequels that conflict with established mythos when they could have easily been changed to avoid this. Instead, he went full kilter without regard on the ideal that, "hey we can always make more changes."

I'm saying that the changes shouldn't have been needed at all, given the clean slate and a pre-established set of creteria to work with.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

Well, if he wants to make changes, he has the artist's rights to.
Sad poof
"Yub Knub" by Warrick Davis
Originally posted by: Yoda Is Your Father

No means no.
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Well, if he wants to make changes, he has the artist's rights to.

You keep coming back to the same point. That's a good sign you're losing an arguement.
Nope. In this case, it's a sign that I'm sticking to the facts.
Now, now, Adam. Remember our last discussion about "facts"? It is your opinion that he has the right to make changes, not fact.
It is his opinion as well, and a widely accepted opinion at that. (It's not Lucas's revisions specifically that are widely accepted, but it's an artist's rights to make changes to his/her own works.)
Widely accepted opinion does not equal fact.
But it's a fact that it is his opinion, and that he owns the films, therefore he has the right to change his films to his desire without input from outsiders. You're saying that ownership and artist's rights are based only on opinions. Now that just doesn't work well in reality, does it? Case closed.
Again with the high and mighty! Make you feel good to tell me my opinion "doesn't work well in reality"? I don't think he had the right to change the Star Wars films. That is my opinion. The case is never closed.
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Not if he doesn't want to.

Shut up Lucas whore.

The special editions sucked and the prequals sucked.
George lucas has turned into a tentacle beast and changed the OOT into a Japanese schoolgirl. Do the math.
I've seen less disgusting atrocity in a Pink Pineapple film.

he should have made the prequals fit the oeriginal, not the other way around
Fine, mister Lucas, while you're at it why dont you replace Lando with will smith?
The biggest reason why I hate the SE is real simple....the Originals are not out on DVD.

I would not mind if Lucas would have released both versions on DVD either seperate or on the same disk via seamless branching like The Abyss, because if people like the updated changes and that is Lucas view of them now, all the power to them. But in fairness to the generation that grew up with the OT, we should be able to see the movie we saw in the theater and on HBO eight million times. Come on George, you said in an interview in May you understand there is a rift between over/under 25 year old that love each trilogy, if you are pleasing the under 25 year olds that line your pockets now, why cant you please your fans who lined your pockets to create the Lucas Empire?