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Random Thoughts — Page 752


I don’t eat breakfast because I can never wake up in enough time before work.


i never eat breakfast because i simply can’t eat right after waking up. it’s just almost impossible for me for some reason.


Collipso said:

i never eat breakfast because i simply can’t eat right after waking up. it’s just almost impossible for me for some reason.

Unless you sleep in the kitchen, or keep food in your bed, this makes sense.

Also, define “right after”


ChainsawAsh said:

Possessed said:

I don’t eat breakfast because I can never wake up in enough time before work.

Sounds about right.

I never want to get up early enough. But I usually eat a breakfast bar, or some instant oatmeal to go with my coffee.


dahmage said:

Collipso said:

i never eat breakfast because i simply can’t eat right after waking up. it’s just almost impossible for me for some reason.

Unless you sleep in the kitchen, or keep food in your bed, this makes sense.

Also, define “right after”

30min - 1 hour ish. i drink coffee and that’s all i can ingest during that period. even if it’s from an afternoon nap or something like that.


dahmage said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Possessed said:

I don’t eat breakfast because I can never wake up in enough time before work.

Sounds about right.

I never want to get up early enough. But I usually eat a breakfast bar, or some instant oatmeal to go with my coffee.

I don’t have time for coffee either. I wake up, smoke a little weed, take a shower, smoke a little more weed, gulp down two shots of gin and run out the door. I do this every day. It’s a great system, I’ve gotten several promotions and raises with it and supervise about 30 people at a time.


Possessed said:

dahmage said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Possessed said:

I don’t eat breakfast because I can never wake up in enough time before work.

Sounds about right.

I never want to get up early enough. But I usually eat a breakfast bar, or some instant oatmeal to go with my coffee.

I don’t have time for coffee either. I wake up, smoke a little weed, take a shower, smoke a little more weed, gulp down two shots of gin and run out the door. I do this every day. It’s a great system, I’ve gotten several promotions and raises with it and supervise about 30 people at a time.

Poop floats.

Just kidding, I like the cut of your jib, sir.


I would if the decision were up to me, but I live with three others, and the cruelties of the meat industry apparently don’t upset them enough to make the switch.


Anyway, Queen takes Pawn. Okay?

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


Thanks. I’m kind of busy with my new job and I’m also moving to a new apartment, soon, so I don’t have much time to post here. But I’m still sticking around.

Ceci n’est pas une signature.


Frank your Majesty said:

Thanks. I’m kind of busy with my new job and I’m also moving to a new apartment, soon, so I don’t have much time to post here. But I’m still sticking around.

Don’t you have servants to do those menial tasks for you?


Not since I had this unlucky force lightning accident. They just ran away and started some pesky rebellion.

Ceci n’est pas une signature.