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Random Thoughts — Page 634


I own it! Disc 2 of Halloweeen has some older features on it like Halloween Unmasked and the commentary track featuring Jamie Lee Curtis, John Carpenter, and Deborah Hill. The TV cut of Halloween II is on a second disc for that film. The TV cut of Halloween I is included in the 15 disc set, but it’s not on disc 2, it’s on the bonus disc for the whole set.

EDIT: Basically, disc 2 has bonus features that have been released previously back in the DVD days, while the new stuff is on disc 1

The Person in Question


I think disc two is just the older Blu Ray with the different color timing?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Yeah, disc 2 of the original Halloween. It doesn’t sound like I’m missing out on too much though (I think most of those special features might’ve been put on YouTube by now anyway!) I’ve ordered the individual release of Halloween II with the TV cut and with my plentiful producer’s cut of VI I don’t feel too bad.

I really want to see that TV cut of the original - I hope it finds its way onto the next individual release!

You guys in the US are lucky with some of your blu ray releases. It took me ages to get a copy of that 10 disc set and I had no idea the 15 disc set existed!! Despite eBay, some things are like gold dust if you live abroad!


What they did for the Blu Ray set was upscale the SD tv footage and edit it into the HD theatrical, so the older DVD release is still a viable choice if you really want to see it.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Now there are two of them! 😉

The extended edition is easy enough to find on Ebay. It doesn’t command the high prices it used to since the boxset came out.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


The 15 disc set is fairly low-priced in the US.

The Person in Question


Hey, could anyone PM me the infamous rabbit picture? I might need it for a talk with friends and I don’t have it saved.


I am rather pleased with my new avatar.


I am not lying here.

There was no malicious intent when I bumped a certain thread a few hours ago.

This is one-hundred percent the truth. I think y’all would trust me enough to know that I am telling the truth. The current controversy was not even running through my head. I was looking through this thread, where it is linked to. I thought that post that I made might be funny. I am not lying here. Again,

This is, to the best of my knowledge, the truth as I know it.


I believe you that there was no malicious intent. But I don’t believe you that you weren’t thinking about the recent sigh ban. Sorry but that’s just ludicrous.


It’s half past midnight and the moonlight is so bright I can’t get off to sleep! I think my body thinks it’s earlier than it is… I’m going to be Mrs. Snoozypants tomorrow because I have to be up at 7’o’clock!


I believe it’s super moon night tonight.


For those of you who have a username that’s not particularly pronounceable - like yhwx - how do you say it/hear it in your head? For example, yhwx, when I see your username, I read it as “Why-wicks.”

Same goes for those of you with long or compound usernames. Do you use a chunk of it, like I do for my own username (“Ash”)? Do you initial-ize it, like I do with moviefreakedmind (“MFM”)?

Or is it just your online handle and you don’t think about it at all beyond using it to log in?

Always wondered this about other forum users (here and elsewhere), but MDOYS (or Mark’s? Syntax? Mark’s Down?) ending her post with “Silly yhwx” brought it to the forefront of my mind just now.


ChainsawAsh said:

For those of you who have a username that’s not particularly pronounceable - like yhwx - how do you say it/hear it in your head? For example, yhwx, when I see your username, I read it as “Why-wicks.”

There is no standard pronunciation — the username was randomly generated. It was supposed to be like xckd. If I were to say it aloud, I would spell out the letters, as in “y-h-w-x,” but you can choose a personal pronunciation.

Same goes for those of you with long or compound usernames. Do you use a chunk of it, like I do for my own username (“Ash”)? Do you initial-ize it, like I do with moviefreakedmind (“MFM”)?

It’s all in the name. If there is a nice-looking and short initialism, I would use that. If it’s two words joined together, whichever is the more appealing word is what I would use.


I always read yhwx as the individual letters. I’d like to know what it means actually!

Incidentally, I chose my username because when I made the profile there were an overwhelmingly large amount of people accidentally posting the markdown syntax blank post template. It (like many of my witticisms) seemed funny at the time. Now you’ve written it, Ash, I don’t think I care for MDOYS but I don’t mind how my username is used - if any of you know my real name you can call me by that.


Like it says on the xkcd about page:

It’s not actually an acronym. It’s just a word with no phonetic pronunciation – a treasured and carefully-guarded point in the space of four-character strings.

Also, from this very thread on July 8, 2016:

yhwx said:

Public Service Announcement

In light of the many incorrect capitalizations of my username, I have created a capitalization guide:

  • My username should never be put in ALL CAPS, as in YHWX
  • The first letter should never be capitalized, as in Yhwx, even at the beginning of a sentence

As a consequence of these two rules, the only acceptable form of my name is ‘yhwx’. No exceptions. That is the only way.

ADDENDUM: The correct order of letters in my username is this: y, then h, then w, then x. No exceptions to this either.


I would never want to be a Bruce.