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Random Thoughts — Page 307


Go a whole night without sleeping and spend at least half a day watching episodes from a TV show that you used to like as a kid but like no longer, and you will come out feeling like you went for a spin in David Lynch's washing machine.


I have nothing but sympathy for that washing machine.


My shower door has a broken hinge.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


well I was to the doctor today and am now on meds for high blood presure and an underactive thyroid.  : (

God I feel so old.


Ouch,sorry to hear that.

Still you could have a sister who was born when you were a teenager who is now a teenager. That has me feeling old at the moment:)


This is what a hybrid clone of Rick Moranis and Alanis Morissette would look like:

Truth be told, I find Alanick Moranette kind of attractive, which disturbs me.


It's a little bit ironic but I shrank some young goats just before seeing that picture.


Last night I had my first foray into standup comedy. Or, to be more precise: I, together with three other people, put on a mess of a show made up of a couple of unrelated dumb skits and parody songs, and my contribution were a couple of bits I stole from Bill Cosby.
Italians are pretty much unfamiliar with the whole concept of pure standup comedy. What comes close is something they call "cabaret" (read, "bad hacky jokes and obnoxious characters") which in itself has very little to do with actual "cabaret". Or maybe "One Man Shows" which again do resemble standup but they're something else entirely. Really, a comedian alone on a stage telling jokes and bits for 30-60 minutes, like Seinfeld or Williams or Carlin or Prior or Dangerfield is something alien to the italian audience.

So I thought "I'll just bring a couple of bits I know and love, just to test the waters".

People loved the "Dentists" bit (from Cosby's "Himself"), they laughed the whole way through, but "Noah built an Ark" seemed to completely fly over the audience's heads. I swear you could almost hear crickets. Not only did it bomb horribly, but after the show was over, some retarded cunt stopped me just to tell me "You have offended MY Lord". .... Yuck!


Leonardo said:

Not only did it bomb horribly, but after the show was over, some retarded cunt stopped me just to tell me "You have offended MY Lord". .... Yuck!

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Leonardo said:

after the show was over, some retarded cunt stopped me just to tell me "You have offended MY Lord". .... Yuck!

 Just use the Bill Hicks comeback...

"After the show, these three rednecks came up to me. "Hey, buddy! We're Christians and we didn't like what you said." I said, "Then forgive me."... later on, when I was hanging from a tree..."

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Tell you the truth, even if I was kinda sorta expecting that, I still was dumbfounded by the mere statement, and the expression on her smug face. The only comeback I could muster up was "Lady, if you're offended, that's your business".


How do they know he was offended?

He must of been there and said something.

I bet it was Lord Goth he finds everything offensive, I must remember to kill him in the past someday.

If they meant in a Christian sense Psalms 119:165 is your pal, clearly they don't love God's laws enough.


Leonardo said:

Last night I had my first foray into standup comedy. Or, to be more precise: I, together with three other people, put on a mess of a show made up of a couple of unrelated dumb skits and parody songs, and my contribution were a couple of bits I stole from Bill Cosby.
Italians are pretty much unfamiliar with the whole concept of pure standup comedy. What comes close is something they call "cabaret" (read, "bad hacky jokes and obnoxious characters") which in itself has very little to do with actual "cabaret". Or maybe "One Man Shows" which again do resemble standup but they're something else entirely. Really, a comedian alone on a stage telling jokes and bits for 30-60 minutes, like Seinfeld or Williams or Carlin or Prior or Dangerfield is something alien to the italian audience.

So I thought "I'll just bring a couple of bits I know and love, just to test the waters".

People loved the "Dentists" bit (from Cosby's "Himself"), they laughed the whole way through, but "Noah built an Ark" seemed to completely fly over the audience's heads. I swear you could almost hear crickets. Not only did it bomb horribly, but after the show was over, some retarded cunt stopped me just to tell me "You have offended MY Lord". .... Yuck!

 Cosby's Noah's Ark skit never bothered me. 


Ryan McAvoy said:

Leonardo said:

after the show was over, some retarded cunt stopped me just to tell me "You have offended MY Lord". .... Yuck!

 Just use the Bill Hicks comeback...

"After the show, these three rednecks came up to me. "Hey, buddy! We're Christians and we didn't like what you said." I said, "Then forgive me."... later on, when I was hanging from a tree..."



Warbler said:

Cosby's Noah's Ark skit never bothered me. 

 It's one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life.

The thing I really feel bad about, besides bombing, is not giving credit publicly to Cosby. Those 40 people now think it's my material, when it's not.

Incidentally, this is why I'll never be a politician.

I'll try not to do such things in the future. I feel too icky. No more standup for me until I write my own material.


The use of "retarded cunt" strikes me as unnecessary.

Having said that, I love the idea of Leo doing stand-up.


TV's Frink said:

The use of "retarded cunt" strikes me as unnecessary.

trust me, Frink, those are the perfect words. And I reckon Ricky Gervais would (possibly) agree with me:


Having said that, I love the idea of Leo doing stand-up.

 Thank you. This made my morning.


Leonardo said:

TV's Frink said:

The use of "retarded cunt" strikes me as unnecessary.

trust me, Frink, those are the perfect words. And I reckon Ricky Gervais would (possibly) agree with me:


 I wouldn't use Ricky Gervais as your arbiter of what is right or wrong... unless it's in a "Well RG thinks this, so I'll think the opposit" kind of way.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


You wouldn't, cause right or wrong is subjective. However, don't diss the Rick, man. He's one of my favourite comedians and a brilliant guy. If you don't like him, that's fine, he's not for you.

I don't care for metal, cause it's not for me. But I won't go around saying (all) metal is shit or isn't music.


Sigh, the news on Gaza is depressing right now.

Last night on Channel 4 News, presenter Jon Snow was close to tears after the horrors he's witnessed in the last week and then during his live report Paul Mason looked physically angry and again close to tears. Then this morning, Al Jazeera had a UN official crying during an interview and again another UN worker was crying during a live interview on Radio 4.

When seasoned reporters and UN crisis workers are emotionally shellshocked, the slaughter of the Palestinian civilians must be truly horrific.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Can't we just invade Israel or something? They must have some oil somewhere.


Isreal needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.  They are no different then Nazi Germany.  They have one goal,to commit genocide.  They do nothing but plot to murder children and steal their land.  The nation is made up of a much of murderers who target woman and children and look for any excuse to kill.  They forced these people from their homes to start their nation and now they are engaged in the worst crimes against humanity since WW2.  Just because someone tried to wipe them out it does not give them the right to wipe out another race who has done nothing to them and the only reason 9/11 happened is because we support them  At the very least we should cut off all relations with Isreal,and I think we should consider declaring war to stop their latest attempt at genocide.  Isreal is the most evil nation on the face of the earth,they exist only to murder anyone who isn't part of their pure jewish master race and if we don't do something now they will wipe out the palastinians and it's only a matter of time before they come after us.

At the very least there is no way we should support them since they are engaged in an attempt to commit genocide.


We should launch a full blown invasion and not rest until the nation of isreal has been wiped from the map.  Also all projewish groups in this country who raise money for isreal should be shut down the same as groups who raise money for terrorists.

Isreal has decided to get revenge by doing to others what was done to them and they need to be stopped. They are evil in it's most pure form and it makes me sick that this country supports them. Every last person in Isreal should be sent back to Europe so the land can be returned to it's rightful owners and this genocide can end.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

Isreal needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.  They are no different then Nazi Germany.

If I were a Mossad agent I wouldn't be warning you about statements such as these (or would I?).

'Is real' indeed.

What I find rather unusual is that Israel has been getting away with this sort of vile prank for decades and while their have always been complaints and demonstrations, nothing has touched the reaction to this current expression of national insanity.

Clearly this time they see a final solution to the Gazza problem in sight. If you kill enough children in Gazza the whole generation would be lost an incapable of breeding. Then the settlers can take over.

It makes an obscene sort of sense really.

I've said it before. The current state of Israel is Hitler's last laugh. The victim has become the oppressor. Israel is an antisemitic state (Arabs are a Semitic people) and an embarrassment to all level headed Jews the world over.

The only future for the region that will work will never happen.

A single renamed state with the right of return extended to Palestinians and Jews alike.

A truly secular state where all religions have an equal silence in political affairs.

Israel needs to become a pariah state like South Africa was. It needs to be ringed in by the international community and allowed to stew in isolation for a bit. However it's hard to be indignant as a subject of a nation that did what it did to Iraq.