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I’ve mentioned before on this site about having a PT where Owen Lars would act as the main character, an ex-Jedi or at least someone with weak Force potential who went through the Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire with Beru, his estranged brother Obi-Wan, and the young Anakin (allowing to hide the potential spoilers of the OT as Anakin’s fate is left in the air). Episode 1 would take place during the Clone Wars, as Owen reunites with Obi-Wan, who would try to recruit his brother into the war, going as far as giving Owen a lightsaber. I more or less gave up on it because (other than unable to fully write a single scene) it didn’t really feel right for Owen to be given such a huge role (maybe for a smaller story, but not for a story that should be on a galaxy-wide scale like a PT story should).
Nonetheless, I did take a look at what I had. After looking at few words of prose and dialogue I actually wrote, I decided to at least complete this one scene that would be the end of the episode 1. With that said, here’s that scene.
Almost in reverence, Owen slowly lowered the hilt that Obi-Wan gave him. He turned his eyes away for a moment, just to grab a huge rock lying off to the side. Holding the rock, Owen paused to look back at it. The lightsaber was still on the sand, the setting suns gleaming off the thin frame. It was a rod of elegancy and myth as he had heard and seen many times before.
With that image in mind, Owen slammed the rock on the saber.
The hilt jostled a bit before it rested again. The rock only did enough to scratch the thing. So, Owen slammed the rock again.
And again.
And again!
And again!
At last, the rock broke the gray hilt in a loud metallic crack! A soft light sparked before smoke rose from the damaged circuits. The smoke fizzled and soon died with the hilt’s power source, now shattered in several pieces that were left in the exposed wires.
Owen tossed the rock aside, huffing from the effort. “Never again,” he whispered before he turned around.
Moments later, the Star Sayer lifted off and hurled debris and sand over the remains of a broken lightsaber.
Anakin killed women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about (if he did, he would’ve done something instead of fucking around on Naboo). It’s as bad as Luke trying to kill Kylo in TLJ because neither Luke or Anakin are what the OT established: good men. It’s character assassination. Now, fuck off.
Welp, it’s been a while since I’ve been here, but I hope to get back into things. Anyway, one idea I’ve had for the past couple of years is to have Owen and Beru as my PT’s C-3PO and R2-D2 (respectively). In SW77, they already appear to know Anakin and Obi-Wan pretty well, so I think it would make sense the two would act as the bickering young couple who get wrapped in the adventures of our heroes. The opening scene in one PT version would entail Owen and Beru trying to get to Coruscant, where they would visit Anakin, leading to this scene…
“We’re lost,” Owen grumbled lowly as he stared at the vast crowd of aliens and humans in front of him.
Standing beside him against the wall, his fiance, a petite woman, shook her head. “We’re not lost. We just need to figure out what level we’re at,” she said, trying to peer over a bulbous head. “I think they have a number somewhere around here…”
Owen would have crossed his arms if he was not carrying luggage in his each. As much as he loved Beru Whitesun for her optimism, there were times it was too unrealistic and downright frustrating. The pair were supposed to be on their way to Coruscant, when their shuttle had a slight “leaky engine,” dropping them and everyone else aboard at Axis Station, nearby the Mid Rim’s Craston Nebula.
As Owen expected, it was a run-of-the-mill orbital station; centuries old, crowded, and its facilities less than up to sanitary standards. Being from Tatooine, it wasn’t that bad, and Owen and Beru’s ragged desert clothes made them blend in well with the crowd.
The problem was that they were stuck in this blasted when they needed to get on another shuttle, and they had no idea where it was. Not to mention their shuttle passes. Owen hoped the ones they bought worked, otherwise he would be having words that Toydarian merchant. He paid good money for those passes, and blast anyone if he was ripped off!
After sometime, Beru said, “I see it! Level seventy-one. We can probably take an elevator and maybe we can-”
“Beru,” Owen said again, “we’re lost.”
Beru stared at him. Her blue eyes lost their brilliance as she conceded. “Alright, what do we do?”
“Go to the desk, find out when’s the next shuttle. Then, we wait.”
“That’s it?”
“Well, it’s not like we’re going to know when the next shuttle is-”
Before he could finish, the loudspeakers chimed and a droid’s voice blared, “Attention! Attention! The last shuttle for Coruscant will be leaving in thirty minutes, station time. The last shuttle for Coruscant will be leaving in thirty minutes at docking…”
Beru reacted before Owen could even hear the full thing. “Come on!” she called out as she was already in the move.
“Beru, wait!” Owen called out, and he rushed after her, saying “excuse me” and “pardon me” to nearby aliens as he tried to keep up.
He managed to squeeze himself into the elevator Beru entered a moment before. The fishy smell was the first thing Owen noticed, since the elevator had been filled with the aquatic Selkath from Manaan. Not an awful smell, but he didn’t want to be in there for very long. “Did you catch that last bit?” Owen asked as he squeezed himself in.
“Docking bay ninety,” Beru answered. How she heard that over the crowd, Owen had no clue.
It wasn’t long before the elevator doors open to their floor. The two humans came out first, just as the loudspeakers chimed again with the same announcement, and Beru eyed the closest docking bay door. “Ninety… must be this way!” she called over her shoulder, and she ran off again.
Owen begrudgingly followed Beru down the hall. He chased after her, until she stopped a second later. “What is it?” Owen asked.
Beru slowly glanced back at him and hesitantly admitted, “We… might be lost.”
Anakin killed women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about (if he did, he would’ve done something instead of fucking around on Naboo). It’s as bad as Luke trying to kill Kylo in TLJ because neither Luke or Anakin are what the OT established: good men. It’s character assassination. Now, fuck off.
Hey guys. Down below was an epilogue I wrote for an Ep 1 rewrite I had planned. This rewrite was more focused on trying to fit with the Disney canon (mainly TCW and Rebels, but not excluding some of the comics), shifting some details here and there. This version has a cast of characters including a teenaged Anakin Skywalker, a younger and more brash Obi-Wan Kenobi, and an original character, Kara Lok (who in some drafts was going to be Kara Qel-Droma), who was a combination of Han’s cynicism and Leia’s devotion to her own cause. While I did have an epilogue ready, I never got around to writing the rest of the story (strange, isn’t it?) because I get on getting conflicted of the story’s details (e.g. when it takes place, what happens exactly, should it really fit with Disney canon, etc.).
Down below is that epilogue. Let me know what you guys think. Probably not that good, but I’d like to know. Thanks.
Anakin could feel the still air in the Council Chamber. He had rarely seen it since he came to the Temple, but he knew it enough to recognize the ornate, circular patterns on the floor, and the twelve chairs of the council seated on the edge. However, the darkness permeated everywhere, save for the center of the chamber.
Anakin gazed at the Jedi Masters standing in a circle. Their blades were lit and held in salute in a ring of colorful light. It was unlike anything Anakin had seen, and he was tempted to join them.
“Keep still,” he heard Windu, who stood in the circle.
Relaxing his grip on his unlit saber, Anakin did as he was told and remained outside of the circle of Jedi Masters. That did not stop him from peaking in the spaces between, and he saw the grandmaster’s seat. Right in front of it knelt Obi-Wan. Anakin was surprised how serene the Jedi’s expression was, especially at such an occasion like this.
Across from Obi-Wan, Master Yoda held in his hand his old lightsaber, used for ceremonial purposes. The small green blade lit up in the darkness, and the ancient master spoke while the saber passed over Obi-Wan’s head.
“By the right of the council… By the will of the Force… Dub thee I do, Jedi…”
Fascinated, Anakin watched the blade hover by Obi-Wan’s braid before Yoda sliced it off in one motion.
“… Knight of the Republic,” Yoda finished.
The blinds peeled away, and natural sunlight flooded into the room. The Jedi Masters extinguished their lightsabers and went over to congratulate Obi-Wan, who stood and scooped up his severed braid in hand. Anakin would have gone first, but the taller Masters kept blocking his way and congratulated Obi-Wan with a “Well done,” or a pat on the back.
At last, Obi-Wan came through the crowd. The Masters fell silent and their gazes on Anakin, who noticed. He managed to clear his throat and smiled at the newly knighted Obi-Wan. “You made it,” Anakin said. “Congrats!”
“Put so eloquently,” Obi-Wan gave a faux wry smile, which turned genuine. “Thank you.”
Anakin continued to grin until Windu spoke, drawing both the young men’s attention to him. “Kenobi, now that you are a knight you will have more duties than before. What happened on Alderaan has left the Senate troubled. They will need the Jedi now more than ever.”
“But for now,” Yoda interjected with a kind smile. “Cherish this moment you must. Today, a good day this is. Risen to the rank of knight you have.”
“… and with a new addition to our order,” said Master Fisto, who turned to the young teenager.
Obi-Wan put a hand on Anakin’s shoulder. “I will train him, as Qui-Gon would have wanted,” he told the Masters.
Anakin gave a small smile. Hearing of Qui-Gon did hurt, but he knew the kind master would not want him to dwell on it. He would make him, and Obi-Wan, proud.
“Much work there is, Obi-Wan,” Yoda continued. “For you and your new Padawan. Best to you both, I wish for.”
“May the Force be with you,” Windu said.
Nodding, Obi-Wan and Anakin turned and made their way to the elevator. The door closed behind them, and the new Knight let himself relax his posture. “I can’t believe it actually happened,” he said.
“Neither can I,” Anakin added as he relaxed.
Obi-Wan gave the teen a poignant glare. “But you didn’t do anything.”
“I was there for moral support.”
Obi-Wan shook his head and was silent for a few moments. “Well, I believe we’ve had enough excitement. We should just enjoy the day.”
“As long as nothing else weird happens,” Anakin agreed.
The elevator door slid open. Both Jedi were surprised to see someone, not another Jedi, waiting by the elevator. That someone clicked her boots and saluted them. “Specialist Kara Lok, reporting for duty, master Jedi,” she announced.
Anakin and Obi-Wan just stared at the woman in front of them. They almost failed to recognize her with the gray military uniform and combed hair. At last, Anakin said, “Never mind, I stand corrected.”
“At ease,” Obi-Wan said, as he left the elevator with Anakin. He looked up and down at the new Kara. “‘Specialist Lok,’ now… What is the occasion?”
Kara lowered her hand. “After the Alderaan incident, I was given a promotion…”
“I see.”
“… and I have been assigned to work with you, Knight Kenobi.”
“Ah, you noticed.” Obi-Wan gently brushed the stub of hair where his braid used to be.
“I did. Congratulations, by the way.”
“Thank you.”
Anakin finally broke his silence and said, “Alright, who are you and what have you done with Kara?”
“Still haven’t changed,” Kara rolled her eyes, showing a bit of her old self. “Basically, the Senate’s up in arms with star systems leaving. They want military personnel to work close with the Jedi to make sure certain worlds stay with the Republic. They also want the military to look professional while doing so. Hence, the new look.”
After a moment of taking in this new information, Obi-Wan asked, “And I take it, there’s a mission for us already?”
“We have a meeting with Senator Ibis on Corellia.”
Hearing that name, Anakin’s eyes widen with recognition. “Corellia, isn’t that a world full of starship?”
“And full of veteran pilots,” Kara added with a small smile, knowing full well the Jedi were ready to accept her offer. “I’ll have the Star Hopper ready for departure. We can leave as soon as you’re ready.”
With that, Kara made her leave, Obi-Wan shortly followed. He stopped and looked to the young boy still waiting behind. “Are you coming, apprentice?” Obi-Wan called out with a smile.
“Yes, master,” Anakin returned, following Obi-Wan and Kara down the halls of the Jedi Temple while containing the joy inside of him.
Master Yoda was right. Today was a good day.
Sounds interesting would love to hear more about Kara. Would she have been Luke and Leia’s mother in your draft?
Sounds interesting would love to hear more about Kara. Would she have been Luke and Leia’s mother in your draft?
Kara wouldn’t have been Luke and Leia’s mom. That would still be Padme, who would serve a smaller role appear in Part 2 of the trilogy. I thought about going this route because it allows Kara to be her own character, and it steers away from the idea of having like main male and female characters (at least those in the main trio) hook up with each other.
Anakin killed women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about (if he did, he would’ve done something instead of fucking around on Naboo). It’s as bad as Luke trying to kill Kylo in TLJ because neither Luke or Anakin are what the OT established: good men. It’s character assassination. Now, fuck off.
Welp, I’m back at this again, dropping off another random PT rewrite idea. This idea is a more recent one that I thought would be interesting to discuss: the pre-PT Clone Wars.
We all know how the plot of the actual prequels played out and how it contradicted how the Clone Wars had been pre-PT material. So what if we kept the plot of the SW prequels as is, but changed the setting so it follows more of the pre-CW material from the 90s and before (specifically the Clonemasters, Spaarti cylinders, mad Jedi clones, Owen being Obi-Wan’s brother, etc.)? Following off that idea, I had an idea to make Obi-Wan the main character of the story. Stuff like Anakin being a Chosen One (not THE CHOSEN ONE in the films, keep in mind) can still exist, but it may require a lot of tweaking around.
Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (32 BBY)
Instead of the Trade Federation blockading Naboo for trade disputes, it could be the Clonemasters, enemies of the Old Republic, invading a neutral Naboo to gain its cloning resources to remedy their clone madness problem (an issue from the Thrawn Trilogy that had a clone go insane after some time).
Obi-Wan would be like Luke from ESB, a commander with experience yet still optimistic and idealistic. He serves Bail Organa, alongside General Qui-Gon Jinn, and the two are working to bring Naboo to the Republic’s side when they learn what the Clonemasters are doing. After rescuing the queen and her counselors, Obi-Wan would take the crew to his old home on Tatooine, where he would be forced to meet his estranged brother Owen (whom he abandoned to join the war) as well as a teenaged Anakin.
Qui-Gon recognizes Anakin for his power and believes him to be the Chosen One, which puts pressure on the young man. Obi-Wan, not caring about that, begins a friendship with Anakin.
Padme would relegated to a counselor who wishes to join the Republic and bring stability to her world. She is very wide-eyed idealistic, contrast to Anakin’s more gruff and almost cynical view on life.
Maul in this story could easily be one of many cloned Jedi who is on the verge of madness. The real Maul would serve in Palpatine’s place, which can excuse TPM Maul being sliced in half (as he’s just a clone).
Episode 2: Attack of the Clones (22 BBY)
The Clone Wars would be over years before this story, but we see the galaxy is still trying to heal as well as deal with remnants of the Clonemasters. These remnants have joined a small group who wishes to leave the Republic due to corruption in the Senate and apathy for those still suffering in the Outer Rim. Dooku can or cannot appear in this (if he does appear, I’d make him more of a secret agent working for the Jedi).
Obi-Wan, former general of Bail Organa, trains a more matured Anakin Skywalker. After the two of them had fought in the Clone Wars, they have gone on several missions to war-torn worlds and have seen much devastation caused by the Clonemasters. For Obi-Wan, seeing the same death he saw on Naboo has him believe that Maul or some clones of Maul still exist out there and he tries to hunt them down following a failed assassination attempt on Padme. His search would have him learn about Maul working with the splinter group and believing that they need to be stopped.
Anakin, though trained in the Jedi arts, still has his cynicism after seeing the inefficiencies of the Republic and Senate, and he is swayed to Palpatine’s influence because of this. Palpatine’s influence is what allows Anakin to become close to Padme, as Anakin is sent to guard her from assassins following a failed attempt (and if possible, we could have Anakin face off another Maul clone). Anakin is also a bit of a hardened veteran who finds his light in Padme, who is more cautious of politics in the Republic. In this version, the Jedi are allowed to marry and have kids.
All of this would head to a confrontation of Jedi vs clones, only to be saved by a new forces of Republic shock troopers who were made in secret.
Following the crisis of corruption, the Jedi install a trustworthy person (Mon Mothma?) as head of the Republic. Though the Jedi are honest and loyal, they and their candidate are easily booed by the corrupt Senators who try to bring about the downfall of this person.
Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith (19 BBY)
The Jedi are hunting down the final remnants of the Clonemasters. This can be shown at the beginning as some people are illegally transporting Clonemaster tech, and the Jedi try to crack down on it, only for their accomplishments to be taken by the growing military of the Republic.
Also, the splinter group is still a threat to the Republic, so Palpatine has been manipulating the military to send shock troopers to eliminate key threats to his plans. If Dooku is this story and is still a secret Jedi agent leaking info to the Jedi about the splinter group working with Maul, then Palpatine could have Anakin kill Dooku to eliminate the chance of his secrets getting out.
As Palpatine is growing in power, the Jedi suspect him as the perpetrator behind the Clone Wars (especially with more evidence that they have been recovering over the past few years). Thus, they try to oust him and remove him from power, but their plans are undone as the people have been turned against them.
For Anakin, he has married Padme but there is not words of a baby yet. Padme would revealed to have been pregnant by the end of the story.
Maul could serve in Grievous’ position, minus dying in the midpoint of the story.
For the final duel, Obi-Wan would find himself not only fighting Maul, but a corrupted Anakin, in a three-way duel atop a volcanic installation. Maul would die, and Anakin would be left behind, as Obi-Wan can’t bring himself to kill his old friend.
And that’s it. Again, these idea are very bare and will require a lot of tweaking around, but I do you have find it a bit interesting. Take care.
Anakin killed women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about (if he did, he would’ve done something instead of fucking around on Naboo). It’s as bad as Luke trying to kill Kylo in TLJ because neither Luke or Anakin are what the OT established: good men. It’s character assassination. Now, fuck off.
Sounds cool! I like the idea of Maul having so many clones, they keep dying but they keep coming back.
SparkySywer and I are working on a “canon rewrite” called “Death of the Author”, where we revamp everything to save the OT. You can join the discord here: https://discord.gg/nr9ckpd. Anyway, I’ll talk a bit with what we’ve come up with.
We came to the realization that ANH sets up two conflicts: The Clone War, and the Fall of the Republic. We think this is too messy for a PT rewrite. You have to set up an entire Clone Wars conflict, and then conclude it in time for the Fall of the Republic. In your rewrite, for instance, you have Maul going up against Obi-Wan and Anakin in a three-way duel. This is because you’ve built up the Clonemasters and Maul as a serious villain. Or take Lucas’s version, where the Clone Wars is barely utilized and throws off the story by introducing random antagonists.
Our solution is the Republic loses the Clone Wars, kickstarting the Empire. This solves a ton of issues, as the Clone Wars and Fall of the Republic become one, and not through some Rube-Goldberg conspiracy by Palpatine. Here is our rough draft for the trilogy:
Episode I: The Clone War
-Based on the Seven Samurai, as ANH is on the Hidden Fortress.
-The Sith Empire has invaded the Republic with the help of a Clone Army. Having taken Coruscant off-screen, they are now going around the galaxy ransacking planets.
-Alderaan is a neutral world but is surprised attacked by the Empire nonetheless.
-This alerts Jedi Master Rahm Kota, who, desperate for heroics, recruits his old comrades for a “suicide mission”. The Jedi include reluctant pessimist Mace Windu, young idealist Obi-Wan, warriors Kit Fisto, and Aayla Secura, and psychic Shaak Ti.
-While rescuing Secura from an Imperial transport, Obi-Wan meets Anakin, who shows he has the force and asks to be a Jedi. Obi-Wan accepts, despite disapproval from the other Jedi.
-Padme is the commander of the Alderaan resistance who dislikes the Jedi for only helping them not that the Sith are involved. However, she bonds with Anakin who is not tied to the Jedi Dogma.
-Together the Jedi and Alderaan Resistance win a massive three-phased battle against the Empire, with Kota sacrificing himself to kill Maul.
Episode II: The Rise of Vader
-Despite some victories like Alderaan, the Republic is losing the war. They hold a massive space battle with the Empire and lose.
-Shaak Ti is injured, and tells the three surviving Jedi, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Mace, that they must kill her in front of the Empire to trick the Sith into believing they have turned to darkness. That is the only way they can live. They must then infiltrate the Empire: a la Jon Snow with the Wildings.
-The three Jedi learn the ways of the dark side, parallelling Yoda’s training in ESB.
-Eventually, they graduate and head to Coruscant, where we learn the internal workings of the Empire are a disaster. Emperor Revan conquered the Republic because he is a warrior, not a leader. The sickly Palpatine warns Revan the Empire is going to collapse, but he will not listen.
-Palpatine befriends Anakin, and eventually, the two become friends. When Anakin learns Mace is betraying both sides to the criminal underworld, Palpatine suggests Anakin dawn a mask - Vader - and confront him. He does.
-Now developing a split personality between Anakin and Vader, he agrees to “save” the Empire and leads a coup against Revan. Palpatine is installed as Emperor. Obi-Wan is horrified, but the two friends do not fight. Obi-Wan walks away.
Episode III: The Dark Times
-Ten years after Episode II, Anakin is married to Padme with a newborn child. He is happy. But at night, he dons the mask of Vader and becomes a terror among those opposing the New Galactic Oder. Vader is slowly consuming Anakin, and the only thing keep him sane is his family.
-One day Padme learns of Vader. Horrified, she calls an old friend - Obi-Wan - and gives him Baby Luke. Anakin accidently kills Padme in his rage.
-Obi-Wan is now on the run across the Empire with Baby Luke, while an unhinged Vader is on his tail. This film has far fewer stakes than the ones before it. The Empire or Resistance doesn’t really care about Baby Luke, only Obi-Wan and Anakin.
-The fighting concludes with Obi-Wan and Anakin fighting to the death.
You can find a larger outline for Ep 1 here:
Hello. Back again with another random PT idea… Well, this is kinda PT idea one. Earlier this year, I had a thought of “what if a prequel was to be made using only SW77?” and that included ideas like Vader and Anakin being two separate people, Luke and Leia are NOT siblings, there is no Yoda, Luke hasn’t lost his hand, Han had money to pay off Jabba, the Force is more low-key in comparison to its depictions in later works (less gigantic, flashy powers-and more subtle), there are no Sith (at least not like the PT or EU), etc.
Anyway, this was a story idea would follow Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker through the final years of the Clone Wars. The threat is the Mandalorians, who are just a race of warring nomads that lost their homeworld centuries ago and travel in a flotilla of ships (think of the Quarians from Mass Effect, only more Spartan-esque). Among their leaders would be a female commander named Avarein who serves as the Vader of this story. She is secretly in cahoots with the man who would become “emperor,” as she wishes to overthrow the Mandalorians’ current leader and completely destroy the Jedi who stand in the way of the Mandalorians ruling the galaxy.
Admittedly, this story is a very weeeeeird look at how a prequel could’ve been done with just SW77. If anything, I’d expect this story to catch someone’s attention for just how different it is from the actual movies.
With that out of the way, let’s begin.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
Chaos. With their armies of clones, the vicious MANDALORIAN ARMADA sweeps across the galaxy to bring destruction to many worlds. Thousands of Republic citizens run and hide form them, seeking refuge under President Organa.
The only ones fighting this enemy are the brave Jedi Knights, leaving their base to help defend the Republic against this threat. With the help of the Republic’s defenders, the Mandalorians have been pushed back.
Among the many Jedi, General OBI-WAN KENOBI and his pupils lead his forces. They fight in the skies of a strange world, against the great threat to the Republic…
We’d begin over a planet (let’s go with Skye from the SW Marvel comics for now). General Obi-Wan Kenobi and his pupil Darth Vader are barely able to get through the line of clone soldiers bred by the Mandalorian Armada. That is when Anakin Skywalker comes swooping in with a fighter similar to the TIE Fighters. With Anakin’s help, the Republic forces are able to overwhelm the Mandalorians who were trying to strip mine the planet for its resources.
It’s here that we see the clear difference of the Jedi. Unlike their PT counterparts, the Jedi don’t wear robes. The standard uniform is a black garb with some white bits of a pilot suit on top (think of a black and white version of the rebel flightsuit from SW77). Obi-Wan himself wears a cloak over his uniform. This is a far cry from the technological Republic, with President Organa (dressed in fine clothing and robes) praising the general for his efforts in the war via a comm/screen.
With our heroes victorious, they head back to the Jedi homeworld of Transar, which they have used for 1000 generations to train Jedi. Though there is nothing on the surface, Transar’s subterranean tunnels are filled with crystals that the Jedi harvest for their lightsaber. In the tunnels, members of the Jedi Knights are dwindling and the few remaining members praise Obi-Wan and his students for all their successful battles, Anakin receiving more than Vader. While Vader is jealous, he puts it aside thanks to the affection of his fiance, a young woman who is a pilot and is great friends with Anakin (can’t really think of a name now, but I don’t think Padme would be a good name for her).
This is where we go to the Mandalorian fleet. In this version, the Mandalorians are a race of warring nomads that lost their homeworld centuries ago and travel in a flotilla of ships (think of the Quarians from Mass Effect, only more Spartan-esque). Among their leaders would be a female commander named Avarein who serves as the Vader of this story, as she was head of the Mandalorian force that Kenobi and his pupils just defeated. When berated by the other leaders of the Mandalorian Armada, Avarein merely states it was to test Kenobi’s forces, since they had beaten many Mandalorian commanders in the past. Avarein then secretly meets with Palpatine to discuss how to defeat the Jedi, believing them to be the only thing in the way of the war (something which the other Mandalorian leaders don’t seem to fully grasp).
Back on Transar, Obi-Wan secretly talks with the ancient Jedi Masters to test Anakin and see if he can become a Jedi Knight, since Anakin is a more experienced student and has won many battles. Thus, Anakin is summoned to a secret portion of the caverns. There, Anakin comes face-to-face with a gigantic crystal that he has never seen before but he has heard of. To many outsiders, it is called “the Jedi Crystal,” the supposed heart of all crystals on Transar. Flanking the crystal are two cloaked figures, the Jedi Masters themselves who guard the crystal and commune with it from time to time. One master, the tall and hooded Mace, tells Anakin to touch the crystal. Immediately, Anakin sees flashes of a planet being destroyed, bodies of Jedi lying everyone, and a figure standing over them with his face (hinting at what we’re familiar with from the actual PT). Anakin pulls back, frightened, and when he asks what he saw, the other Jedi master, the short and elfish Minch, replies Anakin had seen a potential future and not to tell anyone of what he had seen, even to his teacher. Anakin agrees, albeit hesitantly, and returns back to everyone.
Vader notices Anakin’s return, has his suspicions especially after hearing of Anakin being a Jedi while he is just a pupil, and demands Master Mace of what happened. Mace reprimands the younger Jedi, who apologizes to the Jedi Master who is also his father. Here we see that Vader comes from a long line of Jedi and he wishes to live up to that line but feels that Anakin is outshining him at every turn. Before Vader can object, Obi-Wan steps in and has Vader come with him for a new mission. Said mission is to a Republic world under Palpatine and ensure that it doesn’t fall into enemy hands. This leads to a web of lies as Palpatine talks to Vader about the Jedi training and wondering if he knows of “any alternatives.” Vader let’s slip about the Jedi Crystal, and Palpatine entices Vader with the idea of using the crystal for himself (in an attempt for Palpatine to have the crystal himself).
On Transar, Anakin is trying to be by himself and contemplate his vision when Vader’s fiance goes to him and ask him what is wrong. Anakin says it’s nothing and tries to shake it off with a race using their starfighters. After a fun race, the two talk about their lives before they got involved in the war, Vader’s fiance saying she was drafted and made to survey instead of actually fight (something that Vader thinks she should stick to doing). Anakin encourages her to dream as he himself recalls his time on Tatooine when he stayed with Owen and Beru, including a time before he met Obi-Wan when a strange woman came to his door and told him all the wonders of the galaxy beyond Tatooine.
Back to Avarein, she prepares to attack Palpatine’s homeworld with a strike force and bury Obi-Wan and his pupil. It succeeds, injuring Vader enough that he requires implants to help him. Anakin and Vader’s fiance rushes over, finding Vader very embittered and barely holding on (emotionally speaking) to the point that he lashes his anger out at his fiance. Palpatine, recognizing this, approaches Anakin to praise him of his deeds in battle and of attracting the right attention. When Palpatine hints at a possible attraction to Vader’s fiance, Anakin denies it but he inwardly admits there might be something after he tries to comfort Vader’s fiance, distraught to find Vader so angry and frightening (which is something she had noticed beforehand and feared would happen again).
After hearing what happened, Anakin stomps over to Vader, demanding him to apologize. Vader refuses and constantly taunts Anakin, saying “how you think you’re better than me?”, “you have no right to even touch [insert fiance name],” “she’s mine, not yours,” etc. An angered Anakin punches Vader and he would’ve continued his assault if not remembering his vision. Vader takes advantage of that and uses his anger on Anakin, forcing the Jedi Knight on his knees. However, Vader stops when he realizes his fiance and Obi-Wan were watching the whole thing. Vader is made even angrier when his fiance goes to help Anakin, and things are made worse when Vader is visited by his father, Mace who berates him to falling into anger. Vader scoffs at the idea, saying that his father never really appreciated him and always saying no to everything, even to his betrothal. Mace silently departs, leaving Vader to be disciplined by Obi-Wan.
Everything is cut short by another attack from the Mandalorians. Like the hero he is, Anakin goes up to face the Mandalorians and neutralizes them with help from the Republic troops there as well as Vader’s fiance (whom Anakin has been encouraging to fly with him). Through the battle, Anakin enters the bridge and comes across Avarein who is armored and masked. Avarain stops to note Anakin’s appearance, musing with interest that “the boy from Tatooine has grown up.” Anakin attacks but realizes he’s only seeing Avarein’s hologram and the whole thing was a set up to draw the best of the Jedi away.
At the same time, Avarein raids Transar. The entire underground network of caves and tunnels have been flushed out by Mandalorian troops who shoot and kill any Jedi Knight in the area (and there weren’t many due to the war killing so many). Avarein’s troops approach the Jedi Crystal and are hold back by the Jedi Master Minch, who uses create illusions with the Force to distract the troopers. It is not enough as Avarein steps in and strikes a mortal blow to the Jedi Master using a blade made from the very crystals of fallen Jedi. With all opposition out of the way, Avarein takes the Jedi Crystal back to the Mandalorian Armada.
Knowing what has happened, our heroes prepare for the final battle. An unsure Anakin talks to Obi-Wan, who tells him that “things beyond your power cannot be changed but only you can change yourself” (or something along those lines). With that, Anakin goes to Vader’s fiance who has completely split from Vader, and the two confess their feelings to one another and kiss with Vader watching angrily in the background before he leaves (possibly before anything more happens-I dunno, I’m not sure how to feel about moving forward with this). With ships from President Organa and any remaining Jedi involved (including Mace), Obi-Wan commands the attack on the Mandalorian Armada, with Anakin spearheading the fighters and attack ships.
Though the battle goes well at first, it all goes downhill when the Mandalorians unleash a gigantic (pre-Death Star) laser on the Republic fleet. Many ships are destroyed, and any surviving Jedi can sense the giant Jedi crystal from Transar is being used to power the laser. After Anakin and his fighters draw enough enemy fire away, a small strike team made up of Vader, Mace, and other Jedi sneak aboard the main flagship, where the laser is being kept. The other Jedi are picked off one by one by the ship’s defenses and huge numbers of Mandalorians. All that remains is Vader and his father Mace, who finds Avarein as an obstacle to freeing the Jedi Crystal. Though Mace is powerful with the Force, a slight disruption from a cracked Jedi Crystal (turning from its white color to bloodied red) distracts him enough for Avarein to slay him. Vader is left alone and barely manages hold back Avarein, even with his anger powering him. Anakin, sensing Vader’s struggle, comes to his old friend’s rescue by shooting his way into the flagship and ejecting from his fighter before it crashes.
From there, the final duel happens. Anakin faces off against Avarein. Things are made difficult with Vader consumed by his anger and hatred, slashing at both the Mandalorian commander and his fellow Jedi. Ultimately, Anakin falls into the Force and concentrates, and he is able to disrupt the Jedi Crystal and distract Avarein (just as it did with Mace). With pieces of the Jedi Crystal flying everywhere, Anakin slices at Avarein, unveiling her to be the very woman whom Anakin met all those years ago on Tatooine. A dying Avarein admits defeat and says that there is no escape for any of them, since the Jedi crystal is causing an overflow of power. Anakin manages to put the ship on auto-pilot, but not before a bitter Vader takes of a tiny fragment of the Jedi crystal and leaves Anakin to die. Fortunately, Anakin manages to shoots the rest of the crystal into space and jumps away in time for the exploding crystal to destroy the Mandalorian Armada, keeping it out of the hands of anyone.
With Vader missing, Anakin reunites with Obi-Wan and Vader’s fiance, the former stating that the war is over but everything has gone downhill after it has been revealed that President Organa was forced to resign and Palpatine takes over his position. Anakin states that they all have to hold on to hope, and the trio prepares for the rise of what would be the Empire. Anakin stays with Vader’s now ex-fiance (who hints at being pregnant) for a bit before he departs, but not before leaving his saber behind to find other surviving Jedi.
The epilogue of the story shows Anakin (possibly months later) on another planet. He can’t find any surviving Jedi but immediately finds a cloaked figure. That figure is in mechanical breathing apparatus and unveils a red lightsaber (which is powered by the tiny fragment of the Jedi Crystal). Anakin recognizes the figure as Vader, who demands him to surrender in the name of the ‘emperor.’ Seeing no other choice, Anakin accepts his fate and faces off Vader in one-last duel.
And that’s the “Knight of the Republic.” Again, I do think this story is way out there and silly but that is kinda the intent since it is trying to be closer to the original SW77 aesthetic and feel. It certainly ain’t perfect (especially since bits of what I just wrote was more on the fly) and I doubt I’d ever try to write it as an actual story though.
Anakin killed women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about (if he did, he would’ve done something instead of fucking around on Naboo). It’s as bad as Luke trying to kill Kylo in TLJ because neither Luke or Anakin are what the OT established: good men. It’s character assassination. Now, fuck off.
Hello there. I’ve got another random idea for my PT… Well more like a scene, specifically involving Obi-Wan and Owen Lars (who are brothers, followinf what had been stated in the ROTJ novelization). I’ve been redoing my PT constantly that I’m not sure to keep this scene (if I do, I’ll probably make a lot of changes to it). For what it’s worth, I hope you enjoy it.
“Another refugee ship,” Beru said offhandedly as another black vessel flew far above to drop off the latest arrivals. “How many do you think that makes since yesterday?”
“Best not to think about it,” Owen
said, putting his datapad on the table. He had seen enough ships, both on his way and over the past few days on Coruscant, that he wanted to look at anything else. “What is taking him so long? I thought you said Anakin would come.”
“I did,” Beru frowned at Owen. “He could be busy with his studies. Jedi stuff and all…”
“Yeah…” Owen said, frowning himself.
“What is it about the Jedi? I’m not trying to be biased, but I only ever heard rumors about them.”
“Why are you asking me?” Owen huffed. A knowing look from Beru made him sigh in defeat. Scratching his head, Owen said, “Well, from what I heard, they use this Force stuff. Some energy or something like it. They train to use it and defend the folk… well the folk here, that is.”
“Huh, not too far from the stories I guess,” Beru said with a tiny smile. “Maybe Anakin can do some good with them.”
“They’re just a bunch of crazy wizards with crazy powers and strict rules, Beru. Anakin is anything but strict. I wouldn’t be surprised if he got kicked out because of his thick head!” Owen barked.
It was then he realized the stares on him, not just from Beru, but from the other customers, alien and human alike. Owen turned away from a three-eyed blob to Beru, who was just embarrassed as he was. “… Sorry… just a little on edge. Maybe it’s the air,” Owen said quietly and yanked at his collar.
“Okay…" Beru said as she put her hands on the table. "Maybe I should get us drinks. You want a Coruscant Garbler?”
At Owen’s sighing insistence, Beru slid out of her seat and went inside the giant gorge of restaurant. It was so far different from the cantina on Tatooine: loud and large, crowded to the brim, and always busy. There were many people that Owen and Beru had to take one of the few tables outside, right by the street of Coruscant’s mid-level. At bottom of the thousand-story skyscrapers, there were new arrivals, many poor refugees begging for money. Others were regular citizens minding their business.
Owen, minding his, was surprised by the glass sliding onto his table. Whatever liquid was in the glass, it wasn’t alcohol. “Hey, I didn’t ask for…” Owen began, but he stopped when he saw a lightsaber on his server’s belt.
The man with the saber smiled down. “Hello Owen," he greeted.
Looking up, Owen clenched his jaw. He suppressed the flash of surprise and anger, otherwise he’d make the other man’s face the same color as his Jedi uniform. Owen kept his expression while his server sat in Beru’s seat.
“I hope everything is alright,” the man went on. “I heard you and your fiance were held by the authorities. Must have been an unpleasant experience.”
“It was,” Owen said at last, fully aware who helped get him and Beru out of jail. “So, what name do you go by now?”
“It’s Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
“Mom’s maiden name?” Owen raised an eyebrow then lowered it. “I guess that makes sense, given her history…”
Obi-Wan fell into an uncomfortable silence before he continued, “How is the farm doing?”
“Well enough."
“Ah, that’s good…” Obi-Wan fell into another awkward silence. “Have you visited the Jedi Temple? I didn’t see you-”
Owen cut him off. “Beru and I visited already. We were there to visit… someone.”
“You mean young Skywalker?” Obi-Wan said, and Owen cursed those freakish Jedi powers to read minds. “I didn’t read your mind, Owen. I merely guessed from your transmissions-”
“You’ve been spying on me?”
Obi-Wan hadn’t answered that. “-I was honestly surprised when I read some of them. I never thought you would’ve let anyone you knew join the Jedi.”
“I didn’t,” Owen interjected, frowning deeply. “If I had a say in it, he wouldn’t be here.”
“You aren’t his older brother, Owen,” Obi-Wan told him patiently.
“No,” Owen agreed but added, “but I have to act like it. After what Shmi did for us, I owe her to make sure her son is alright.”
Obi-Wan leaned forward, much like how their father used to. “Owen, you have to admit he has impressive skills. His piloting is by far is incredible. I saw him fly back on Taris," he said in that calm Jedi tone Owen found too irritating. "His skill is very impressive. His reflexes are beyond any of the other initiates I’ve seen so far. To deny him a chance with the Jedi is-”
“You don’t get it, do you?” Owen cut him off. “Anakin’s not supposed to even be here! He’s supposed to stay back home, not getting involved in this crusade!”
Obi-Wan frowned. “I would hardly call it a crusade, Owen. If you haven’t heard, the war will end soon. I am surprised you’re so angry about this.”
“You know, for all your Jedi powers, you can’t see Bantha dung,” Owen huffed. He went on before Obi-Wan could talk. “What are you surprised of? The fact Anakin left home and everyone behind without saying a word? That he didn’t even say goodbye?!”
Like you did.
Owen held his tongue before he said it. Across the table, Obi-Wan caught on the meaning. His face clearly showed he did, crazy powers or no. Owen didn’t care. He didn’t care about the stares from the nearby patrons of the restaurant. He did care when he heard Beru came in, two drinks in hand.
"Owen, what is…” Beru said and stopped, eyeing the man sitting with her fiance. “Um, hello?”
Obi-Wan’s stoic face warmed at Beru, and he stood up. “I apologize. I didn’t mean to steal your seat,” he said, earning a short from Owen. He didn’t pay attention and raise a hand. “I don’t believe we’ve met before. My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
Beru looked to Obi-Wan then Owen then back, her eyes brightening. “Oh! You must be that Jedi Owen told me about! I’ll-oh wait…” she said and briefly paused to put her drinks down. “Let me get you a seat. There is so much I want to ask you-”
“Afraid not, Beru,” Owen cut her off, his eyes on Obi-Wan. “The Jedi here is leaving right now.”
Obi-Wan met the glare calmly. “Yes… I’m afraid I do have other duties,” he said quietly then he looked to Beru, smiling. “Maybe we can meet another time. You can come to the Temple and call for me.”
“Oh, um, alright,” Beru said awkwardly. “Nice meeting you.”
“And it was nice to meet you, too.” Obi-Wan looked to the seated Owen. “… And you as well, Owen. You have given me much to think about.”
“Yeah,” Owen grumbled, grabbing his drink. “If you ever see Anakin, tell him to look at his mother’s message.”
Owen didn’t bother watching Obi-Wan go. He drowned himself in his drink, pouring it down in one gulp. When he slammed the had-empty glass on the table, Owen breathed from the cool sting in his throat.
“Easy, Owen!” Beru said. “You don’t want to hurt yourself-”
“It’s fine,” he rasped. “We don’t come by this stuff on Tatooine. Might as well enjoy it.”
Sitting down, Beru sighed. “Oh, brother… not this again.”
Owen shot his eyes up to her. “What was that?”
“Nothing,” she said, and Owen took another swing of his drink.
After he set down his empty glass again, Owen finally noticed the contents of his other drink. Blue milk.
With a tinge of nostalgia for home, it wasn’t long until Owen started drinking it.
Anakin killed women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about (if he did, he would’ve done something instead of fucking around on Naboo). It’s as bad as Luke trying to kill Kylo in TLJ because neither Luke or Anakin are what the OT established: good men. It’s character assassination. Now, fuck off.
I have an idea for a future PT version: we will not see the birth of Luke and Leia in a “chronological cut” (a version of the film that is part of a “chronological” series of cuts for the first six films that can be watchable in chronological order). In fact, when Obi-Wan returns to the ship after his duel with Anakin, we don’t see a living Padmé at all. The last time we see a living Padmé will be when Anakin Force-chokes her, and we can assume she died after Anakin and Obi-Wan begin their duel. During Anakin’s transformation into Vader, we will not see the childbirth.
We should assume that Padmé died on Mustafar, and that Luke and Leia are just babies whose parents were killed during Order 66. Also, in a “chronological cut” for A New Hope, everytime Obi-Wan, Beru, and Owen bring up Luke’s father, they’ll be referring to a different Jedi and not Anakin Skywalker. Also, Luke wouldn’t mention “Skywalker” when he arrives at Leia’s prisoner cell in the Death Star. That way, we can preserve “I am your father” in The Empire Strikes Back without having to make it seem like Anakin and Vader are separate characters.
The unfortunate reality of the Star Wars prequel and Disney trilogies is that they will always be around. Forever. They will never go away. It can never be undone.
I also prefer to be referred to as “TNT”, not “Freezing”.
Instead of TC-14, C-3PO and R2-D2 greet Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. When Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan leave the ship, 3PO and R2 go with them. This would fit with the early idea of 3PO and R2 starting out as Imperial bureaucrats and when you consider Lucas said that they tell the story, it would be fitting to start the Saga with them meeting the main characters.
Have Palpatine’s advisors from ROTJ show up.
Hello again, this is another idea for a different PT I planned a few years back. It had been a very different story, where Anakin and Vader were two different people, and was totally inspired by the old “Clone Wars Explained” article from the 1980s I found online (link is here: http://nightly.net/topic/253-article-found-while-surfing-the-net/). Down below is what was once just a small bit, which was once a couple lines here and there and has been turned into a complete excerpt. Hopefully, this is good enough to pique your interest.
It was dark, cold, and wet. Those were the first things he noticed as he came to. For a long moment, there was nothing else, except the feeling of weightlessness and the sound of his own breathing.
Then, there was something from the quiet. A sound of some kind. A shout, he thought. And at last, he managed to open his eyes. Bubbles rose up and down, and through the transparent glass, he saw them. Computers beeping and blinking, people donned in white clothes, and cylindrical tanks, identical to the one he was in, lined up against the wall.
The darkness was gone, but the cold and wet remained. Where he was, what was going on, or even who he was, he had no idea. He was just a body floating in a sloshing and slimy substance.
Bacta, his mind told him. This stuff is called bacta. You’re in a bacta tank.
The words echoed in the back of his mind, as if he was supposed to know it from getgo. Still, he couldn’t help but feel something strange, even unknown about them. He knew the words, but had no connection to them. Were they important to him? Why?
Again, that automatic part of his brain answered. You’re not fully developed. You need bacta, if you want to grow into a perfect being.
Again, he was confused. ‘Grow?’ ‘Perfect being?’ None of the words seem to make sense to him.
The shouting came back, cutting him away from his thoughts. He saw the men in white running back and forth, giving out commands that were barely audible to him.
“… Xanatos’ dead… Jedi coming… do we do?”
“Disconnect the… from the tanks!”
“… won’t survive!”
“Orders are…”
Moments passed, and the men in white went around their duties. He watched them play with their computers. He barely managed to catch some of the tanks suddenly going dark. The bodies inside moved around a little before there was nothing.
Then, pain roared in his head. He heard the screams in his mind, the screams of the other people in the tanks as their lives went out one by one. His hands grabbed his head, wanting to turn off the screams. He could not and suffered hearing the voices cry out in terror before they were suddenly silenced.
All of a sudden, through the cries, he managed to hear something. Before long, there was something else…
A loud BOOM echoed, and the tank, perhaps the entire room, shook, making him just barely look. Smoke filled every corner, covering the men in white with cloud of gray and black. First thing was shouting, then a loud hum as a rod of blue light swung through the smoke and struck down any who approached it.
Events ran too quickly for him to process. What was going on? Why was he hearing all these screams in his mind?! What was happening to him?!
It was at that point he noticed the bacta in his tank was starting to turn dark. Now, he was afraid. He was about to join the poor fellow and be nothing more than a floating corpse. And he would feel it all as he died.
As he thoughts those morbid thoughts, he saw the blue light came through the smoke and struck the tank. The glass shattered, and he slid out onto the floor like a newborn out of its mother’s womb. He yanked the breath mask off, and he finally felt fresh air. His efforts for breathing it in were rewarded with spurts of bacta coughed up from his lungs.
Slowly, he rose until he sat in the puddle of bacta and shivered from what little of the slimy substance still clung to him and his modest clothing. After clearing his lungs of the putrid liquid, he took notice of the other bodies lying around him. They weren’t like him, who was dressed in a thin suit of clothing. They were the men in white, the same who had tried to terminate him, and they lied motionlessly, with horrible burnt scars stretched across their bodies.
Standing over the corpses was a man. This man was not donned in white, but in a light uniform and a brown cloak. In his hand was a cylindrical hilt, from which the blue rod of light came out of. The man stood with an aura of calm… and regret. Not just towards him, but to the others lying at his feet. But who was this man to have such sympathy for him, let alone the people who had tried to kill him?
A Jedi Knight, recalled his programmed mind. An enemy.
He thought about that. An enemy? That couldn’t be right. This Jedi had helped him, saved from the same fate as the others. If he was an enemy, why would he do such a thing?
Eliminate him, the voice in his head commanded, but he tried to shut it out. Eliminate the Jedi!
“Don’t be afraid,” the man, the Jedi, said. “I’m here to help.”
The Jedi’s voice brought a feeling. He could only describe it as calm, at peace. The parts of his mind that cried out for the Jedi’s destruction faded away.
No longer haunted by his thoughts, he spoke. The sound of speaking for the first time had hurt his throat, and it came out in a hoarse croak. “Y-you can help me?”
“Yes, I can,” the Jedi smiled, and his beard seemed to do so too. “My name’s Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan Kenobi. What’s yours?”
He opened his mouth, then stopped. Then, he looked down at band around his wrist. On it was a tag on it: VDR-142.
At last, he looked up and answered, “Vader, sir. It’s Vader.”
At the sound of a high-pitched and constantly repeated beeping, Vader’s eyes snapped open. He rubbed a hand over the weary eye sockets before he rolled on his side. By the bed, the source of his disturbance continued to ring, until Vader finally pressed the button and answered.
“Yes?” he said with a small yawn.
Captain Cody’s voice came through. “Sir, Master Luminara and her student have just arrived.”
A bit of excitement leaped up Vader’s throat as he raised his head from his pillow. “Where are they, now?” he asked, a little more loudly than he wanted.
“By the console chamber. They and General Kenobi are waiting for you.”
“I’ll be right there,” and with an excited click, Vader shut off the comm and sat up from his bed.
Barriss is here, he thought excitedly as he pictured the bright green face of Luminara’s pupil and her warm smile.
Vader had seen that same smile back when he first met Barriss at the Temple. Then, he was just inducted into the Jedi and in dire need of companionship. Vader had found it in a few Jedi students, Barriss more special than the rest, so he would be glad to be with her whenever he had the chance.
It was not long before Vader had put on his dark uniform. After putting on his pants and boots, Vader neatly pressed the seams of his tunic and added the long, flapping cloak to his Jedi look. His mask, the last thing left, rested by the mirror in his quarters, so Vader went over to grab it.
Vader’s hand halted when he looked at the mirror. It was meant to be just a glance, to see if he was primed and ready for Barriss, and the Jedi Masters. Then, it turned into a long, deep glance.
As Vader stared at the mirror, he looked at the face in it. He saw the familiar deep, blue eyes, cleft chin, and wavy, blond hair. He had the same muscular look to him, albeit he was a bit scrawny due to him being genetically a few years younger. Still, it was the same look, the same face.
The face of Anakin Skywalker.
No else, other than a few, knew about Vader’s secret. The masters on the Jedi Council had told him to use a partial face-mask hide his identity from everyone. The reasoning was as such; if anyone knew about the truth of Vader’s origins, there would be a major panic. People would be in a uproar over the Jedi having a clone among their numbers.
A clone. As distasteful as the word sounded, Vader couldn’t deny it. He was clone, nothing more. A mere copy, made from a Jedi pupil’s DNA, no doubt taken from some severed limb. Obi-Wan assured Vader otherwise, but the words did little to hide the truth lurking in the back of both their minds.
Slowly, Vader slid the mask into place, hiding portion of Anakin Skywalker. He did not need to worry about that. Now, he had to meet with someone important to him, and he would meet her as Vader, not Anakin’s copy.
If you have anything more of this concept I would gladly read it
Everything after Empire Strikes Back needs fixing
Hello again, this is another idea for a different PT I planned a few years back. It had been a very different story, where Anakin and Vader were two different people, and was totally inspired by the old “Clone Wars Explained” article from the 1980s I found online (link is here: http://nightly.net/topic/253-article-found-while-surfing-the-net/). Down below is what was once just a small bit, which was once a couple lines here and there and has been turned into a complete excerpt. Hopefully, this is good enough to pique your interest.
It was dark, cold, and wet. Those were the first things he noticed as he came to. For a long moment, there was nothing else, except the feeling of weightlessness and the sound of his own breathing.
Then, there was something from the quiet. A sound of some kind. A shout, he thought. And at last, he managed to open his eyes. Bubbles rose up and down, and through the transparent glass, he saw them. Computers beeping and blinking, people donned in white clothes, and cylindrical tanks, identical to the one he was in, lined up against the wall.
The darkness was gone, but the cold and wet remained. Where he was, what was going on, or even who he was, he had no idea. He was just a body floating in a sloshing and slimy substance.
Bacta, his mind told him. This stuff is called bacta. You’re in a bacta tank.
The words echoed in the back of his mind, as if he was supposed to know it from getgo. Still, he couldn’t help but feel something strange, even unknown about them. He knew the words, but had no connection to them. Were they important to him? Why?
Again, that automatic part of his brain answered. You’re not fully developed. You need bacta, if you want to grow into a perfect being.
Again, he was confused. ‘Grow?’ ‘Perfect being?’ None of the words seem to make sense to him.
The shouting came back, cutting him away from his thoughts. He saw the men in white running back and forth, giving out commands that were barely audible to him.
“… Xanatos’ dead… Jedi coming… do we do?”
“Disconnect the… from the tanks!”
“… won’t survive!”
“Orders are…”
Moments passed, and the men in white went around their duties. He watched them play with their computers. He barely managed to catch some of the tanks suddenly going dark. The bodies inside moved around a little before there was nothing.
Then, pain roared in his head. He heard the screams in his mind, the screams of the other people in the tanks as their lives went out one by one. His hands grabbed his head, wanting to turn off the screams. He could not and suffered hearing the voices cry out in terror before they were suddenly silenced.
All of a sudden, through the cries, he managed to hear something. Before long, there was something else…
A loud BOOM echoed, and the tank, perhaps the entire room, shook, making him just barely look. Smoke filled every corner, covering the men in white with cloud of gray and black. First thing was shouting, then a loud hum as a rod of blue light swung through the smoke and struck down any who approached it.
Events ran too quickly for him to process. What was going on? Why was he hearing all these screams in his mind?! What was happening to him?!
It was at that point he noticed the bacta in his tank was starting to turn dark. Now, he was afraid. He was about to join the poor fellow and be nothing more than a floating corpse. And he would feel it all as he died.
As he thoughts those morbid thoughts, he saw the blue light came through the smoke and struck the tank. The glass shattered, and he slid out onto the floor like a newborn out of its mother’s womb. He yanked the breath mask off, and he finally felt fresh air. His efforts for breathing it in were rewarded with spurts of bacta coughed up from his lungs.
Slowly, he rose until he sat in the puddle of bacta and shivered from what little of the slimy substance still clung to him and his modest clothing. After clearing his lungs of the putrid liquid, he took notice of the other bodies lying around him. They weren’t like him, who was dressed in a thin suit of clothing. They were the men in white, the same who had tried to terminate him, and they lied motionlessly, with horrible burnt scars stretched across their bodies.
Standing over the corpses was a man. This man was not donned in white, but in a light uniform and a brown cloak. In his hand was a cylindrical hilt, from which the blue rod of light came out of. The man stood with an aura of calm… and regret. Not just towards him, but to the others lying at his feet. But who was this man to have such sympathy for him, let alone the people who had tried to kill him?
A Jedi Knight, recalled his programmed mind. An enemy.
He thought about that. An enemy? That couldn’t be right. This Jedi had helped him, saved from the same fate as the others. If he was an enemy, why would he do such a thing?
Eliminate him, the voice in his head commanded, but he tried to shut it out. Eliminate the Jedi!
“Don’t be afraid,” the man, the Jedi, said. “I’m here to help.”
The Jedi’s voice brought a feeling. He could only describe it as calm, at peace. The parts of his mind that cried out for the Jedi’s destruction faded away.
No longer haunted by his thoughts, he spoke. The sound of speaking for the first time had hurt his throat, and it came out in a hoarse croak. “Y-you can help me?”
“Yes, I can,” the Jedi smiled, and his beard seemed to do so too. “My name’s Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan Kenobi. What’s yours?”
He opened his mouth, then stopped. Then, he looked down at band around his wrist. On it was a tag on it: VDR-142.
At last, he looked up and answered, “Vader, sir. It’s Vader.”
At the sound of a high-pitched and constantly repeated beeping, Vader’s eyes snapped open. He rubbed a hand over the weary eye sockets before he rolled on his side. By the bed, the source of his disturbance continued to ring, until Vader finally pressed the button and answered.
“Yes?” he said with a small yawn.
Captain Cody’s voice came through. “Sir, Master Luminara and her student have just arrived.”
A bit of excitement leaped up Vader’s throat as he raised his head from his pillow. “Where are they, now?” he asked, a little more loudly than he wanted.
“By the console chamber. They and General Kenobi are waiting for you.”
“I’ll be right there,” and with an excited click, Vader shut off the comm and sat up from his bed.
Barriss is here, he thought excitedly as he pictured the bright green face of Luminara’s pupil and her warm smile.
Vader had seen that same smile back when he first met Barriss at the Temple. Then, he was just inducted into the Jedi and in dire need of companionship. Vader had found it in a few Jedi students, Barriss more special than the rest, so he would be glad to be with her whenever he had the chance.
It was not long before Vader had put on his dark uniform. After putting on his pants and boots, Vader neatly pressed the seams of his tunic and added the long, flapping cloak to his Jedi look. His mask, the last thing left, rested by the mirror in his quarters, so Vader went over to grab it.
Vader’s hand halted when he looked at the mirror. It was meant to be just a glance, to see if he was primed and ready for Barriss, and the Jedi Masters. Then, it turned into a long, deep glance.
As Vader stared at the mirror, he looked at the face in it. He saw the familiar deep, blue eyes, cleft chin, and wavy, blond hair. He had the same muscular look to him, albeit he was a bit scrawny due to him being genetically a few years younger. Still, it was the same look, the same face.
The face of Anakin Skywalker.
No else, other than a few, knew about Vader’s secret. The masters on the Jedi Council had told him to use a partial face-mask hide his identity from everyone. The reasoning was as such; if anyone knew about the truth of Vader’s origins, there would be a major panic. People would be in a uproar over the Jedi having a clone among their numbers.
A clone. As distasteful as the word sounded, Vader couldn’t deny it. He was clone, nothing more. A mere copy, made from a Jedi pupil’s DNA, no doubt taken from some severed limb. Obi-Wan assured Vader otherwise, but the words did little to hide the truth lurking in the back of both their minds.
Slowly, Vader slid the mask into place, hiding portion of Anakin Skywalker. He did not need to worry about that. Now, he had to meet with someone important to him, and he would meet her as Vader, not Anakin’s copy.
If you have anything more of this concept I would gladly read it
Thank you and here you go.
Anakin killed women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about (if he did, he would’ve done something instead of fucking around on Naboo). It’s as bad as Luke trying to kill Kylo in TLJ because neither Luke or Anakin are what the OT established: good men. It’s character assassination. Now, fuck off.
Hello again, this is another idea for a different PT I planned a few years back. It had been a very different story, where Anakin and Vader were two different people, and was totally inspired by the old “Clone Wars Explained” article from the 1980s I found online (link is here: http://nightly.net/topic/253-article-found-while-surfing-the-net/). Down below is what was once just a small bit, which was once a couple lines here and there and has been turned into a complete excerpt. Hopefully, this is good enough to pique your interest.
It was dark, cold, and wet. Those were the first things he noticed as he came to. For a long moment, there was nothing else, except the feeling of weightlessness and the sound of his own breathing.
Then, there was something from the quiet. A sound of some kind. A shout, he thought. And at last, he managed to open his eyes. Bubbles rose up and down, and through the transparent glass, he saw them. Computers beeping and blinking, people donned in white clothes, and cylindrical tanks, identical to the one he was in, lined up against the wall.
The darkness was gone, but the cold and wet remained. Where he was, what was going on, or even who he was, he had no idea. He was just a body floating in a sloshing and slimy substance.
Bacta, his mind told him. This stuff is called bacta. You’re in a bacta tank.
The words echoed in the back of his mind, as if he was supposed to know it from getgo. Still, he couldn’t help but feel something strange, even unknown about them. He knew the words, but had no connection to them. Were they important to him? Why?
Again, that automatic part of his brain answered. You’re not fully developed. You need bacta, if you want to grow into a perfect being.
Again, he was confused. ‘Grow?’ ‘Perfect being?’ None of the words seem to make sense to him.
The shouting came back, cutting him away from his thoughts. He saw the men in white running back and forth, giving out commands that were barely audible to him.
“… Xanatos’ dead… Jedi coming… do we do?”
“Disconnect the… from the tanks!”
“… won’t survive!”
“Orders are…”
Moments passed, and the men in white went around their duties. He watched them play with their computers. He barely managed to catch some of the tanks suddenly going dark. The bodies inside moved around a little before there was nothing.
Then, pain roared in his head. He heard the screams in his mind, the screams of the other people in the tanks as their lives went out one by one. His hands grabbed his head, wanting to turn off the screams. He could not and suffered hearing the voices cry out in terror before they were suddenly silenced.
All of a sudden, through the cries, he managed to hear something. Before long, there was something else…
A loud BOOM echoed, and the tank, perhaps the entire room, shook, making him just barely look. Smoke filled every corner, covering the men in white with cloud of gray and black. First thing was shouting, then a loud hum as a rod of blue light swung through the smoke and struck down any who approached it.
Events ran too quickly for him to process. What was going on? Why was he hearing all these screams in his mind?! What was happening to him?!
It was at that point he noticed the bacta in his tank was starting to turn dark. Now, he was afraid. He was about to join the poor fellow and be nothing more than a floating corpse. And he would feel it all as he died.
As he thoughts those morbid thoughts, he saw the blue light came through the smoke and struck the tank. The glass shattered, and he slid out onto the floor like a newborn out of its mother’s womb. He yanked the breath mask off, and he finally felt fresh air. His efforts for breathing it in were rewarded with spurts of bacta coughed up from his lungs.
Slowly, he rose until he sat in the puddle of bacta and shivered from what little of the slimy substance still clung to him and his modest clothing. After clearing his lungs of the putrid liquid, he took notice of the other bodies lying around him. They weren’t like him, who was dressed in a thin suit of clothing. They were the men in white, the same who had tried to terminate him, and they lied motionlessly, with horrible burnt scars stretched across their bodies.
Standing over the corpses was a man. This man was not donned in white, but in a light uniform and a brown cloak. In his hand was a cylindrical hilt, from which the blue rod of light came out of. The man stood with an aura of calm… and regret. Not just towards him, but to the others lying at his feet. But who was this man to have such sympathy for him, let alone the people who had tried to kill him?
A Jedi Knight, recalled his programmed mind. An enemy.
He thought about that. An enemy? That couldn’t be right. This Jedi had helped him, saved from the same fate as the others. If he was an enemy, why would he do such a thing?
Eliminate him, the voice in his head commanded, but he tried to shut it out. Eliminate the Jedi!
“Don’t be afraid,” the man, the Jedi, said. “I’m here to help.”
The Jedi’s voice brought a feeling. He could only describe it as calm, at peace. The parts of his mind that cried out for the Jedi’s destruction faded away.
No longer haunted by his thoughts, he spoke. The sound of speaking for the first time had hurt his throat, and it came out in a hoarse croak. “Y-you can help me?”
“Yes, I can,” the Jedi smiled, and his beard seemed to do so too. “My name’s Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan Kenobi. What’s yours?”
He opened his mouth, then stopped. Then, he looked down at band around his wrist. On it was a tag on it: VDR-142.
At last, he looked up and answered, “Vader, sir. It’s Vader.”
At the sound of a high-pitched and constantly repeated beeping, Vader’s eyes snapped open. He rubbed a hand over the weary eye sockets before he rolled on his side. By the bed, the source of his disturbance continued to ring, until Vader finally pressed the button and answered.
“Yes?” he said with a small yawn.
Captain Cody’s voice came through. “Sir, Master Luminara and her student have just arrived.”
A bit of excitement leaped up Vader’s throat as he raised his head from his pillow. “Where are they, now?” he asked, a little more loudly than he wanted.
“By the console chamber. They and General Kenobi are waiting for you.”
“I’ll be right there,” and with an excited click, Vader shut off the comm and sat up from his bed.
Barriss is here, he thought excitedly as he pictured the bright green face of Luminara’s pupil and her warm smile.
Vader had seen that same smile back when he first met Barriss at the Temple. Then, he was just inducted into the Jedi and in dire need of companionship. Vader had found it in a few Jedi students, Barriss more special than the rest, so he would be glad to be with her whenever he had the chance.
It was not long before Vader had put on his dark uniform. After putting on his pants and boots, Vader neatly pressed the seams of his tunic and added the long, flapping cloak to his Jedi look. His mask, the last thing left, rested by the mirror in his quarters, so Vader went over to grab it.
Vader’s hand halted when he looked at the mirror. It was meant to be just a glance, to see if he was primed and ready for Barriss, and the Jedi Masters. Then, it turned into a long, deep glance.
As Vader stared at the mirror, he looked at the face in it. He saw the familiar deep, blue eyes, cleft chin, and wavy, blond hair. He had the same muscular look to him, albeit he was a bit scrawny due to him being genetically a few years younger. Still, it was the same look, the same face.
The face of Anakin Skywalker.
No else, other than a few, knew about Vader’s secret. The masters on the Jedi Council had told him to use a partial face-mask hide his identity from everyone. The reasoning was as such; if anyone knew about the truth of Vader’s origins, there would be a major panic. People would be in a uproar over the Jedi having a clone among their numbers.
A clone. As distasteful as the word sounded, Vader couldn’t deny it. He was clone, nothing more. A mere copy, made from a Jedi pupil’s DNA, no doubt taken from some severed limb. Obi-Wan assured Vader otherwise, but the words did little to hide the truth lurking in the back of both their minds.
Slowly, Vader slid the mask into place, hiding portion of Anakin Skywalker. He did not need to worry about that. Now, he had to meet with someone important to him, and he would meet her as Vader, not Anakin’s copy.
If you have anything more of this concept I would gladly read it
Thank you and here you go.
You ever gonna give it another shot?
Everything after Empire Strikes Back needs fixing
Hello again, this is another idea for a different PT I planned a few years back. It had been a very different story, where Anakin and Vader were two different people, and was totally inspired by the old “Clone Wars Explained” article from the 1980s I found online (link is here: http://nightly.net/topic/253-article-found-while-surfing-the-net/). Down below is what was once just a small bit, which was once a couple lines here and there and has been turned into a complete excerpt. Hopefully, this is good enough to pique your interest.
It was dark, cold, and wet. Those were the first things he noticed as he came to. For a long moment, there was nothing else, except the feeling of weightlessness and the sound of his own breathing.
Then, there was something from the quiet. A sound of some kind. A shout, he thought. And at last, he managed to open his eyes. Bubbles rose up and down, and through the transparent glass, he saw them. Computers beeping and blinking, people donned in white clothes, and cylindrical tanks, identical to the one he was in, lined up against the wall.
The darkness was gone, but the cold and wet remained. Where he was, what was going on, or even who he was, he had no idea. He was just a body floating in a sloshing and slimy substance.
Bacta, his mind told him. This stuff is called bacta. You’re in a bacta tank.
The words echoed in the back of his mind, as if he was supposed to know it from getgo. Still, he couldn’t help but feel something strange, even unknown about them. He knew the words, but had no connection to them. Were they important to him? Why?
Again, that automatic part of his brain answered. You’re not fully developed. You need bacta, if you want to grow into a perfect being.
Again, he was confused. ‘Grow?’ ‘Perfect being?’ None of the words seem to make sense to him.
The shouting came back, cutting him away from his thoughts. He saw the men in white running back and forth, giving out commands that were barely audible to him.
“… Xanatos’ dead… Jedi coming… do we do?”
“Disconnect the… from the tanks!”
“… won’t survive!”
“Orders are…”
Moments passed, and the men in white went around their duties. He watched them play with their computers. He barely managed to catch some of the tanks suddenly going dark. The bodies inside moved around a little before there was nothing.
Then, pain roared in his head. He heard the screams in his mind, the screams of the other people in the tanks as their lives went out one by one. His hands grabbed his head, wanting to turn off the screams. He could not and suffered hearing the voices cry out in terror before they were suddenly silenced.
All of a sudden, through the cries, he managed to hear something. Before long, there was something else…
A loud BOOM echoed, and the tank, perhaps the entire room, shook, making him just barely look. Smoke filled every corner, covering the men in white with cloud of gray and black. First thing was shouting, then a loud hum as a rod of blue light swung through the smoke and struck down any who approached it.
Events ran too quickly for him to process. What was going on? Why was he hearing all these screams in his mind?! What was happening to him?!
It was at that point he noticed the bacta in his tank was starting to turn dark. Now, he was afraid. He was about to join the poor fellow and be nothing more than a floating corpse. And he would feel it all as he died.
As he thoughts those morbid thoughts, he saw the blue light came through the smoke and struck the tank. The glass shattered, and he slid out onto the floor like a newborn out of its mother’s womb. He yanked the breath mask off, and he finally felt fresh air. His efforts for breathing it in were rewarded with spurts of bacta coughed up from his lungs.
Slowly, he rose until he sat in the puddle of bacta and shivered from what little of the slimy substance still clung to him and his modest clothing. After clearing his lungs of the putrid liquid, he took notice of the other bodies lying around him. They weren’t like him, who was dressed in a thin suit of clothing. They were the men in white, the same who had tried to terminate him, and they lied motionlessly, with horrible burnt scars stretched across their bodies.
Standing over the corpses was a man. This man was not donned in white, but in a light uniform and a brown cloak. In his hand was a cylindrical hilt, from which the blue rod of light came out of. The man stood with an aura of calm… and regret. Not just towards him, but to the others lying at his feet. But who was this man to have such sympathy for him, let alone the people who had tried to kill him?
A Jedi Knight, recalled his programmed mind. An enemy.
He thought about that. An enemy? That couldn’t be right. This Jedi had helped him, saved from the same fate as the others. If he was an enemy, why would he do such a thing?
Eliminate him, the voice in his head commanded, but he tried to shut it out. Eliminate the Jedi!
“Don’t be afraid,” the man, the Jedi, said. “I’m here to help.”
The Jedi’s voice brought a feeling. He could only describe it as calm, at peace. The parts of his mind that cried out for the Jedi’s destruction faded away.
No longer haunted by his thoughts, he spoke. The sound of speaking for the first time had hurt his throat, and it came out in a hoarse croak. “Y-you can help me?”
“Yes, I can,” the Jedi smiled, and his beard seemed to do so too. “My name’s Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan Kenobi. What’s yours?”
He opened his mouth, then stopped. Then, he looked down at band around his wrist. On it was a tag on it: VDR-142.
At last, he looked up and answered, “Vader, sir. It’s Vader.”
At the sound of a high-pitched and constantly repeated beeping, Vader’s eyes snapped open. He rubbed a hand over the weary eye sockets before he rolled on his side. By the bed, the source of his disturbance continued to ring, until Vader finally pressed the button and answered.
“Yes?” he said with a small yawn.
Captain Cody’s voice came through. “Sir, Master Luminara and her student have just arrived.”
A bit of excitement leaped up Vader’s throat as he raised his head from his pillow. “Where are they, now?” he asked, a little more loudly than he wanted.
“By the console chamber. They and General Kenobi are waiting for you.”
“I’ll be right there,” and with an excited click, Vader shut off the comm and sat up from his bed.
Barriss is here, he thought excitedly as he pictured the bright green face of Luminara’s pupil and her warm smile.
Vader had seen that same smile back when he first met Barriss at the Temple. Then, he was just inducted into the Jedi and in dire need of companionship. Vader had found it in a few Jedi students, Barriss more special than the rest, so he would be glad to be with her whenever he had the chance.
It was not long before Vader had put on his dark uniform. After putting on his pants and boots, Vader neatly pressed the seams of his tunic and added the long, flapping cloak to his Jedi look. His mask, the last thing left, rested by the mirror in his quarters, so Vader went over to grab it.
Vader’s hand halted when he looked at the mirror. It was meant to be just a glance, to see if he was primed and ready for Barriss, and the Jedi Masters. Then, it turned into a long, deep glance.
As Vader stared at the mirror, he looked at the face in it. He saw the familiar deep, blue eyes, cleft chin, and wavy, blond hair. He had the same muscular look to him, albeit he was a bit scrawny due to him being genetically a few years younger. Still, it was the same look, the same face.
The face of Anakin Skywalker.
No else, other than a few, knew about Vader’s secret. The masters on the Jedi Council had told him to use a partial face-mask hide his identity from everyone. The reasoning was as such; if anyone knew about the truth of Vader’s origins, there would be a major panic. People would be in a uproar over the Jedi having a clone among their numbers.
A clone. As distasteful as the word sounded, Vader couldn’t deny it. He was clone, nothing more. A mere copy, made from a Jedi pupil’s DNA, no doubt taken from some severed limb. Obi-Wan assured Vader otherwise, but the words did little to hide the truth lurking in the back of both their minds.
Slowly, Vader slid the mask into place, hiding portion of Anakin Skywalker. He did not need to worry about that. Now, he had to meet with someone important to him, and he would meet her as Vader, not Anakin’s copy.
If you have anything more of this concept I would gladly read it
Thank you and here you go.
You ever gonna give it another shot?
Eh, probably not. I may take some ideas from it and put it into my PT rewrite (that is whenever I can actually settle on how the plot will go), but I don’t think I’ll ever fully flesh this idea out.
Anakin killed women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about (if he did, he would’ve done something instead of fucking around on Naboo). It’s as bad as Luke trying to kill Kylo in TLJ because neither Luke or Anakin are what the OT established: good men. It’s character assassination. Now, fuck off.
Okay, it looks like I probably won’t be writing Star Wars stories any time soon (heck, I may just give up writing Star Wars altogether at this point) due to the drama going on in and outside of the latest SW movies and media, so I’m thinking of just putting up whatever I had for my own Star Wars prequel rewrite. And this could mean ALL of them. With that out of the way, let’s get started with the latest idea I had, called The Dark Times: A Reimagining of the Star Wars Prequels.
“For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic… before the dark times… before the Empire…” – OBI-WAN KENOBI.
Decades before the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, the fires of the Clone Wars have engulfed the galaxy. In its center, apprentice Anakin Skywalker of the legendary-yet diminished-Jedi Knights finds himself against a strange and hauntingly familiar evil. An evil leading the clone armies in the name of revenge against the Jedi and shadows in the Republic.
Along with his master Obi-Wan, Owen and Beru, and several others, Anakin rushes along the path of war. What lies on that path is the beginning of the end. Loyalties will be tested. Many will die. The mantle shall be passed. And nothing will ever be the same.
These are the dark times.
The basic idea: Alright, so to shake things up a bit, I planned for the OT to be the trilogy in my personal Star Wars saga. Therefore, my rewrites of the prequels and sequels would be different. For my prequels rewrite (The Dark Times), it would be one long story told in almost episodic chapters, and the story itself could be imagined as split into three “seasons,” with interluding chapters in between each one. As the story progresses, it would also go backwards with flashbacks interspersed throughout the chapters to tell how the heroes met, what they were doing before, and what made them who they were.
The sequels would have been a bit similar to what the MCU has done: stand alone-ish installments with their specific MC, told into a more intertwined story that ultimately lead up to one giant crossover finale (at the time, I only had five stories-the fifth being the crossover).
The setting:
Galactic Republic - The government of the galaxy that has lasted for at least 10,000 years.
Jedi Knights - The “guardians of peace and justice” throughout the galaxy for 1000 generations, they have trained themselves and others about the Force. Yet the centuries of peace after the Sith Wars left the Jedi unprepared for the Clone Wars as many knights fell due to a lack of complete training. So many deaths have disillusioned public opinion of the Jedi as “hallowed and unstoppable” warriors, when their main ideology is to inspire hope in others.
Additional note: The Jedi once had a rule of non-attachment but so many Jedi ignored it-mainly due to it being an incorrect interpretation of the Code-to the point that it was forgotten by the time Yoda came around.
Clonemasters - Rogue cloners who give their technology to worlds in exchange for new allegiances. They eventually were overthrown by their own clones under a new master, a mysterious clone named Ragnar.
Hutts and criminal orgs - the group’s whose bullying of the other systems led to them needing clones to defend themselves.
The Clone Wars:
What began as disputes between the Republic’s rich Core and the impoverished/vulnerable Outer Rim quickly escalated when the latter began using cloned soldiers to fend off raiding pirates after the Senate refused to send military or Jedi aid. War first broke out after the death of the famed Jedi Master Queten Qel-Droma at the hands of a supposed Mandalorian assassin, leading to the Republic to attack Mandalorian worlds upon the suspicion of helping the infamous Clonemasters (not helped that Jedi Qel-Droma was sent to stop the fallen Jedi Xanatos from conducting Clonemasters’ experiments to clone Jedi). Ultimately, the devastation and dispursal of the Mandalorians left the Outer Rim scared as they ally themselves with the Clonemasters to bulk up their forces.
It is during this time that our main heroes initially meet, as events pushed them to a supposed conference of the neutral world of Naboo. However, the conference ended in disaster the Clonemasters were captured/killed from a revolt of clones led by a being calling himself “Ragnar, True Son of the Sith,” who killed many Jedi and took Naboo in one fell swoop.
Anakin Skywalker - Son of Shmi Skywalker, who went from place to place. Eventually, he joined the Jedi after seeing people getting constantly trampled on. In his early Jedi days, he unknowingly unleashed a monster-Ragnar-onto the galaxy and he bore witness later on to Leela (a Twi’lek Jedi and friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi) ‘dying’ at Ragnar’s hands. Anakin wields both Leela’s yellow saber along with this blue one to remind himself of his own oath to stop an evil that he let loose on the galaxy.
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Knight of the Republic, he serves as a commander under Bail Organa. Before meeting Anakin, he had lost his war early on in the Clone Wars and became a Jedi Shadow in order to control his darkness, leading to a black and white view on life. This is the same view he has tried to impart on Anakin over the years of training him, yet he is plagued with guilt of being unable to save his wife Siri on Galidraan or his friend Leela who died at the hands of Ragnar on Naboo.
Kara Lok Qel-Droma - The eldest child of the famed Jedi Quenten Qel-Droma, she grew up in her father’s shadow, especially since she lacked any connection with the Force. Her bitterness grew to a point that she ran away from home and joined the Republic military. Now in the Clone Wars, she has grown close to Anakin and Obi-Wan, yet it is a mere ploy to investigate Anakin’s growing strength for her real master.
Owen Lars and Beru Whitesun - The respective 3P0 and R2 of the story. Farmers from Tatooine, they grew up with help from Shmi Skywalker during hard times. In order to repay her (especially after her death), the two try to look out for her son, Anakin, who left Tatooine to join the Jedi. With little communication, they head over and constantly find themselves scooped up in adventures of Anakin, Obi-Wan (aka Owen’s older brother), and Kara.
Padme Amidala - The former queen of the neutral Naboo, she was forced to leave her home following the failed peace between the Republic and the Clonemasters. Staying on Coruscant with many others, she fell under the protection of the Jedi and became close to Anakin Skywalker, one of her Jedi guards (aka the very man who let Ragnar go). She even agreed to marry him when he asked.
Ragnar - A prisoner held by the Jedi, he has escaped (thanks to Anakin) and seeks revenge on his captors, going as far as to help the Clonemasters to fight against Palpatine. He ultimately turned on the Clonemasters, enslaving them and freeing the clones under them to serve him. He turns out to be a clone himself, made from ancient Sith DNA by Darth Plagueis, but Sidious informed the Jedi of Plagueis, leading to Ragnar’s initial capture and the death of his ‘father.’ He’s in dire need of Plagueis’ knowledge in order to make more Pureblood Sith clones as well as finding out how to extend his own limited life.
Omega-Nine-Nine - A clone saboteur under Clonemasters Atha Prime who served Ragnar as gratitude for being freed and treated better, becoming the Sith’s commander. One of the few clones to have an actual personality, he believes that under Ragnar he can ensure the future of his people by eliminating the Republic forces and Jedi who were hunting them down. He tracks the other clones who are under him to make sure they are thinking beings, not just machines.
Veila Bralor - A Mandalorian warrior who had lost her brother in the Jedi’s siege of Galidraan, aka the first battle of the Clone Wars, which resulted from the death of Quenten Qel-Droma. Vengeful and joining her sister-in-law’s Hounds of Ha’rangir, she eventually led the group following Raen’s death on Mustafar. Fighting alongside the clones, she has respect for them as warriors and has even begun to make a connection with the clone commander Omega.
Atha Prime - One of the remaining Clonemasters, he has been enslaved by Ragnar to work on making Force-sensitives clones. Despite it all, he does send out coded messages to the Republic, informing them of which targets are next and what facilities are still active.
Jedi Council
Sifo-Dyas (58) - The master of the Coruscant Temple and head of the Jedi Order. He was the one who sent Quenten Qel-Droma after Plagueis and had Ragnar imprisoned on Mustafar. Leading the Jedi in the Clone Wars, he has been trying to keep good relations by submitting to the demands of the Senate, yet keeping important information that is only pertinent to Jedi ideals. He is obsessed with visions, knowing it helped him to locate Plagueis, along with some push from Palpatine (aka Sidious, who implanted the vision, which Sifo-Dyas never figured out).
Adi Gallia (67) - Mistress of the Taris Spire Academy. She was the mentor of Siri, aka Obi-Wan’s wife, and she does at times hold him responsible for her pupil’s death, since Obi-Wan convinced Siri to join him in the war effort.
Plo Koon (72) - Master of the Tython Academy (a planet which would be later named as Byss), he is a semi-laxed Jedi who trains his pupils to resist the Dark Side as best as possible on Tython’s moon of Bogan, producing some of the best warriors the Jedi have in the Clone Wars, yet he himself appouses not to join the war effort. Being on the Jedi’s home of Tython, with the moons of Ashla and Bogan representing Light and Dark respectively, he firmly believes in the dichotomy of the Force yet as a means of balancing oneself.
Shadday (38) - Mistress of the Alderaan Enclave after Yoda left, she is the youngest of the Jedi Masters at age 35. Though appearing to be humble, she is very arrogant and prideful of her work, particularly using lightsaber crystals to act as cloaking devices for Jedi missions. This weaponization of lightsaber crystals against Ragnar is what leads to the prototype of the Death Star laser. Ironically, this is what kills her during the final battle on Alderaan as Ragnar’s troops take the weapon to use on the Republic and Jedi, leaving her for dead.
Yoda (865) - Jedi Master who remains hidden. Having fought the Sith a millennia ago, he knows the cost of war and believes there is a greater hand controlling everything. It is for this reason Yoda is one of the few masters who vehemently opposes fighting in the Clone Wars. He does appear to Anakin as a guide before he leaves, and when Obi-Wan calls for him through the Force, Yoda suspects a greater hand in this war.
Important note: Though he may appear, he will never be named Yoda to hide his appearance. Just as “master” to Obi-Wan and “troll” around everyone else.
Jedi Apprentice
Qai Qel-Droma (17) - Son of Quenten Qel-Droma, he grew up hearing stories of his father’s exploits. Years after his sister ran away and his dad died, he joined the Jedi as a young recruit. However, he’s soon captured by Mandalorians and clones during a terrorist attack on Coruscant and is the prisoner of the Clonemasters to be experimented on, but not before he briefly is reunited with his sister, Kara. He only survived thanks to his weak Force-sensitivity and working with the enslaved Clonemaster Atha Prime to send messages to the Republic.
The story thus far:
It is about 37 BBY. The Clone Wars have already gone on for years. Serving Chancellor Vallorum and Vice-Chancellor Organa, Commander Obi-Wan Kenobi has been attacking worlds allied to the Clonemasters. Young Anakin Skywalker has excelled in the battlefield, using strategies and his piloting skills to overtake enemies. Kara Lok, a specialist in the Republic military, remains on Coruscant to help the guards watch over Vice-Chancellor Organa and former Naboo queen Padme Amidala (soon to be Skywalker) when she’s informed about two individuals who have been detains in Coruscant’s spaceport security.
“Season 1” - Places include Bpfassh, Coruscant, Telos IV, and Mustafar
Prologue - On Coruscant, Padme says goodbye to her fiance, Anakin, who marches off to war with Obi-Wan.
Chapter 1: Explosive Greetings - Owen and Beru arrive on Coruscant to see Anakin and Obi-Wan when they’re almost arrested and freed by Kara. As she gives them the tour, they all eventually try to meet up (with Padme?) when there’s an attack.
Chapter 2: A Slight Ringing - On Christophsis (or whatever planet), Anakin and Obi-Wan are cleaning up a battle with fellow Jedi Knight Sian Jiesal before word gets back to then about what has happened, and Anakin contacts Padme, only to hear from Owen and Beru.
Flashback to include for chapter 2: After the disaster on Naboo that led to it falling in the hands of clones, young Jedi apprentice Anakin meets Naboo’s exiled queen Padme on Coruscant to guard her. Padme immediately notes Anakin’s messy hair and tries to clean it up, noting how it reminds her of her now-dead niece which makes Padme breakdown and have Anakin comfort her.
Chapter 3: Missing Piece - Bail has Kara look into the attack with the Jedi, and she learns of some info regarding Telos IV (which may be a combo to a lock or ancient knowledge that can stabilize the cloning process).
Chapter 4: Meeting with the Masters - Anakin and Obi-Wan meet with the Masters of the Academies who tell them to go to Telos IV.
Chapter 5: Telos IV - Obi-Wan leads the attack on Telos IV.
Chapter 6: A Lost Soldier - Anakin crashlands and contacts Obi-Wan before he heads out to destroy the shield generator. Despite the edge, Obi-Wan is suffering heavy losses, and Anakin is left behind after a sudden explosion.
Chapter 7: A Quiet Return - Forced to leave Anakin on Telos IV, Obi-Wan heads back to Coruscant to face Padme, Owen, and Beru. That is when he meets the council for his report. Obi-Wan prepares to head out but not before telling Kara to search for Anakin and about his search for a number of Jedi, including Qai Qel-Droma.
Flashback to include for chapter 7: Following Naboo’s capture, Obi-Wan takes Anakin under him after talking with a few other Jedi Master who are uncertain about him.
Chapter 8: Departures - After Obi-Wan informs Owen and Beru what’s going on, Owen sticks with Obi-Wan while Beru either a) lets Kara’s group (made of soldiers and Sian) get on her ship to head for Telos IV or b) stays with a recovering Padme as Kara gives her a communique to stay in touch just in case she needs an assist.
Chapter 9: Beck and Call - Anakin wakes up near the cloning base/facility/former Jedi Academy and he’s beckoned towards it by an old voice. Inside, he keeps seeing a figure until he meets Xek, a fellow Jedi Padawan whom he thought died during the disaster on Naboo.
Chapter 10: Old Friends - While Anakin and Xek learn about bits of knowledge from the old facility (Anakin sensing a Force Ghost presence), Kara and crew are attacked by Clonemaster ships and crash but not before Sian senses some dark presence (i.e. Ragnar) aboard one of the ships.
Flashback to include for Chapter 10: Having returned to Coruscant from Naboo, Kara meets her little brother at their father’s memorial.
Chapter 11: Lost Ones - Along with Owen, Obi-Wan heads into the underbelly of Coruscant to learn where the missing had all gone. It leads him to finding a spaceport where he comes face-to-face with Mandalorians from the battle of Galidraan.
Chapter 12: Reunion - Anakin, after leaving Xek for a bit, reunites with Kara and crew (including Beru?). The two heads towards the cloning facility after escaping some more clones. There, they find an old droid call 1L-Um which they begin to work on to get up and running.
Chapter 13: Making Contact - Focus on Padme on Coruscant as she and Bail notice the growing military power. That’s when someone (Beru?) comes in to inform the two about Kara’s reports of crashing and meeting Anakin. This leads them to setting up another rescue mission, yet they try to do so more discreetly.
Chapter 14: Ghosts - After escaping the clones, Kara, while haunted by her father’s ghost, reminisces how she and Anakin were in a similar situation years ago. Yet, everyone is surprised when they meet Xek, seemingly alive after the great disaster that was the bombing of Naboo.
Chapter 15: Shipped Off - Obi-Wan wakes up aboard a ship filled with captured Jedi, including Qai Qel-Droma. Alongside Owen (whom Obi-Wan has him pretend to be a Jedi) Obi-Wan explains to Qai what happened when Mandalorians come in.
Flashback to include for chapter 15: On Naboo (where all chaos breaks loose with the clones revolting), Obi-Wan feels Leela’s death, gets Anakin away, and leaves behind Xek, an apprentice of Jedi Knight Sian Jiesal.
Chapter 16: A Failed Retrieval - Padme’s ship arrives to help, but despite everyone’s best efforts, the crew is captured by clones in a tractor beam, and they face the leader of the group, Ragnar, who plans to use them all as hostages.
Chapter 17: The Vault - On Telos’ surface, Anakin tries to argue for the freedom of a tied up Xek while everyone else, including Sian (Xek’s master), keeps saying he’s too dangerous as they don’t know how Xek could even be alive. Yet, throughout the search, Anakin keeps hearing a voice telling him to beware the Dark Side. With the info from Kara and a reactivated 1L-UM, the group accesses a vault of Sith knowledge from which a bunch of clones (who are let in by Xek) loot. Anakin has to let them go with it and Kara in order for Padme to be freed.
Chapter 18: Ragnar - Kara wakes up aboard Ragnar’s ship, finding herself with a captured Obi-Wan who is brought aboard with the other Jedi, including her brother Qai. The entire group is sent to Mustafar to be tortured and used. However, Kara has left a tracker on, which Anakin notices and uses that as he’s picked up by Bail.
Flashback to include for chapter 18: As the clones break loose and revolt on Naboo, Kara sees Anakin’s power being unleashed in the streets of Theed as he wipes aside clones to chase after someone.
Chapter 19: Points of Convergence - Anakin and Bail meets with Tarkin and co. about attacking Mustafar. Arriving on Mustafar, Ragnar has the prisoners split up: Jedi are to be experimented on while regulars are to be cloned to make new agents to replace them and infiltrate the Republic (as the ones who attacked Coruscant did). Just as Ragnar accesses the loot from the vault (enough to receive a vision of the future), the Republic fleet under Tarkin arrives and engages his own.
Chapter 20: The Fiery Fall - Led by Anakin, the Republic fighters break through, yet they fire on the facility. After breaking free with everyone else who wasn’t taken away (including Qai), Obi-Wan and Kara has them escape the facility. Anakin crashes to reunite with this friend and leads them to Ragnar’s old prison for shelter. Xek himself wants to fight Anakin but loses control and falls to the barrage.
Chapter 21: Aftermath - As Sifo-Dyas oversees everyone’s recovery, he’s bombarded with questions. It’s not helped when the Senate arranges for the Jedi to move to Tython, as a political move to separate the Jedi from power. He goes to rest himself and wonders on the future as he sees another vision of Ragnar fighting against a figure of equal darkness.
Chapter 22: Qel-Droma - Kara, after seeing her father yet again and everything else that has happened, loses it briefly when she’s alone (can be seen when Anakin visits her and she says it’s nothing). She visits Obi-Wan and Anakin to console them, even admitting her last name “Qel-Droma.” Owen can talk to Obi-Wan about Anakin during a funeral service in which the soldiers release “firefly”-like machines to represent the dead.
Flashback to include for chapter 22: Anakin remembering the death of Jedi Knight Leela at Ragnar’s hands on Naboo, which triggered his rage and his powers.
Interlude 1: Sifo-Dyas - Show Sifo-Dyas trying to investigate the remaining lightsaber crystal underneath the Coruscant temple when Obi-Wan is there with Anakin, the latter there to gain a lightsaber for himself (and it’s more like how Leia got hers from ESB Infinities).
Interlude 2: Tarkin - Show Tarkin with Republic intel decoding messages (from Atha Prime).
Interlude 3: Jerec - Show Jerec and/or a fallen Bpfasshi Jedi being captured after being chased by Ragnar (who wants to use them to get into Tython).
“Season 2” - Places include Tython/Ashla, Alderaan, Tatooine, Taris, Galidraan
Chapter 23: Studies in the Dark - Anakin, helping with the move to Tython, tries to get more info on the Sith. He’s denied access by Master Shadday until a green troll helps Anakin to enter, wishing to study the Jedi to see what he does. The troll prevents Anakin from accessing any forbidden knowledge, giving only what he should know at his level, including talking to 1L-UM. Anakin is then sent back to Tatooine with Padme.
Chapter 24: The Shining Star - Kara is on Alderaan, meeting with Jedi to work on building a power source. Kara implants the idea of it being a powerful weapon, which Jedi Shadday initially refuses only to reconsider later down the line. Kara also gains knowledge of a crime boss selling weapons to the clones on Tatooine, which she informs Anakin about. She also visits her mom when she’s approached by Queen Breha, and the two discuss the war and its effects on the people as they see through the number of refugees. That is when Kara is told to head to Tatooine.
Possible quotes:
Kara, after talking to Shadday: (Kara) “Being a Jedi’s daughter has its days.”
Chapter 25: Like Siblings - For a month or two, Obi-Wan is Owen and Beru back on Tatooine. The trio do get into a scuffle with some local crime bosses, which Obi-Wan easily mind tricks away. That is when Obi-Wan notices a figure that resembles Leela lurking by, leading him to follow until he bumps into Anakin and Padme who just arrived. On Naboo, the clone Omega reports to Ragnar about what has happened. Ragar then sets his plan into motion as he eyes rows upon rows of clone vats, while the clone rejects lie at his feet.
Can show Atha Prime working to the bone, himself chained.
Chapter 26: Home Sweet Home - Padme is given a tour of Obi-Wan’s old home of Anchorhead as well as the grave of Anakin’s mother. Padme is a little shocked by the use of slaves and criminals on Tatooine, which Owen considers as “the place to go when someone wants to get away.” Then, the group is attacked.
Chapter 27: Rushing Along - Kara arrives on Tatooine, just after the crew is snuffed out of their dwelling. When asked by Obi-Wan and Anakin, she explains that she received a communique about someone wanting Obi-Wan. Given what has happened, the crew heads to Kara’s ship which is destroyed.
Flashback to include for chapter 27: Kara is with Rayner, a soldier whom she has grown close to, until he is revealed to be a sleeper clone agent as he pulls a gun on her.
Chapter 28: Escape - Escaping Tatooine on the Knight Errant, our heroes wonder what is going on. Owen wants himself and Beru to go home but our heroes state they’re a target too, so they first head to Taris for sanctuary.
Chapter 29: A City of Wastes - Arriving on Taris, Obi-Wan meets with Mistress Adi Gallia and reports to the other Jedi of what has happened. Kara, having been injured during the escape, focuses on getting herself healed. At the same time, Jedi Knight Sian is forced back after a failed attempt to retake Naboo and is chased with Ragnar coming after her.
Chapter 30: Ceilings and Floors - Anakin’s uncertainties grow, taking him away from Padme and the others as he tries to learn as best as he could about defeating Ragnar. Owen and Beru do get in his way. Something however is calling him, and it comes true when they notice ships landing in the wastes, bringing him and Obi-Wan to head towards it.
Flashback to include for chapter 30: A younger Anakin is confronted by Owen and Beru on Naboo in order to convince him to not become a Jedi.
Chapter 31: Face-to-Face - Kara wakes up, seeing her father’s ghost over her, in time to hear about what’s going on and comes across a cloned Leela. That is when Anakin and Obi-wan arrive at their area and come across Ragnar with several other Jedi to capture him after a great struggle. Obi-Wan and Anakin have to run back when they hear about clone Leela.
Chapter 32: A Haunted Victory - Kara, Padme, Owen, and Beru try to deal with clone Leela but are having trouble. Afterwards, Obi-Wan, Kara, and Anakin report to the surprised Jedi Council who tell them to bring Ragnar and Leela to Tython.
Chapter 33: A Quiet Shadow - Anakin is keeping an eye on Ragnar aboard the Knight Errant, trying to get answers (especially on Plagueis) and keeping Padme away from him. However, Ragnar states they both should wait until they arrive at their destination. At best, Anakin can only hear the Sith code as well as Ragnar winning. Anakin is about to scoff at the idea of freeing Ragnar when the Sith says he “wouldn’t be surprised if it happened again.” With Ragnar taken to Ashla, Anakin himself wonders if the same would happen to him, which Obi-Wan confirms that Anakin wouldn’t fall.
Interlude 4: Breha - As Sian is recovering and trains for a bit, Breha is on Coruscant, noticing the anti-Jedi fervor growing to see her husband. With his wife, Bail tries to run for Chancellor only to be met by Palpatine.
Chapter 34: Leela’s Light - On Tython, Obi-Wan tries to get a feeling of the cloned Leela, unable to figure out how to deal with the clone of his dead friend. Yet being with Leela makes Obi-Wan wonder about how Kara knew that he was under attack and who her source was. Things aren’t helped when Bail and Breha arrive on Tython, the former to discuss with the Jedi about gaining support from the Senate to reclaim Naboo (something which many Jedi are hesitant about since they already failed with that endeavour).
Flashback to include chapter 34: Watching over a young Anakin train, Obi-Wan meets with a living Leela and confides in her about his doubts of training Anakin due to the young man’s rashness and overconfidence. Leela of course brings up Obi-Wan being the same before Yoda trained him and now.f
Chapter 35: Sifting Through - Anakin confronts the Jedi Council on answers, with Obi-Wan to back him up. Ultimately, the Council explains of the old mission that led to Quenten Qel-Droma’s death and gives the two permission to sift through the Sith knowledge. Kara, still haunted by her father, is trying to investigate the findings from the Telos IV facility which is in the same area. Obi-Wan and Anakin join in to learn what exactly Ragnar was looking for and find a holocron no one can access. Yet, all three learn of the figure known as “Sidious” from a few recordings.
Chapter 36: An Old Darkness - Obi-Wan, Kara and Anakin call Ragnar’s prison on Ashla. Ragnar admits he let himself be captured to figure out Sidious’ real identity, believing Sidious will try to eliminate him. Just as Ragnar starts to explain how Sidious has an interest in Anakin’s powers and explains there are communications in his transport, Kara interrupts as she mentions the cloning techniques Plagueis used. Ragnar mocks Kara on how she’s a tool just like her father was and how her brother Qai will be, which forces Anakin and Obi-Wan to hold Kara back. Ragnar also mocks the two Jedi on how seeing clone Leela must be uncomfortable for them.
Chapter 37: Lingering Shades - After hearing Ragnar’s words of Sidious’ interest in Anakin’s progress, Obi-Wan investigates only to find no communications about Sidious. Remembering Kara’s interactions with Ragnar, Obi-Wan suspects her. Meanwhile, Anakin finds the holocron of Plagueis, only to hesitate and leave it, but not before he’s met by the green troll (Yoda) and by Dooku’s Force Ghost.
Flashback to include for chapter 37: After arriving on Naboo in time for a peace summit, Obi-Wan is with Kara and Anakin as they report to the Jedi Council who tells them to keep quiet about what happened. In that, Kara scoffs at “Jedi truths.”
Chapter 38: A Shaken Group - Bail, Breha, Sian, Padme, Owen, and Beru try to uplift Anakin, Obi-Wan and Kara, but there are growing underlying tensions between the three. Just as it’s revealed that Anakin is the one who unleashed Ragnar, Obi-Wan is given the order to go to Galidraan. Meanwhile, the clone Omega and Veila Bralor plan to draw the Jedi away to attack the Taris Academy.
Chapter 39: A Question of Belief - Obi-Wan, though shaken, visits Leela one more time. Anakin is there before him, wondering how he can face his own mistakes. Obi-Wan, acting as the master, assures him and even goes as far to take Plagueis’ holocron and gives it to Anakin, believing that his student is strong enough to resist it. Before he leaves, Obi-Wan has Kara come with him to ascertain everything.
Chapter 40: Doubts - Returning to Taris, Kara is confronted by a hesitant Obi-Wan about her loyalties, which Kara affirms her loyalty is to the Republic. Kara is watched over by Jedi Sian on Taris while Obi-Wan heads over to Galidraan to confront his own past.
Flashback to include for chapter 40: On the planet Katarr, a stranded Kara and Rayner are rescued by Obi-Wan and Anakin who picked up their signal and came to help them.
Chapter 41: The Clone Deception - After talking to Padme one more time, Anakin at last comes to Ragnar’s prison on Ashla and demands to know the knowledge inside the holocron. Ragnar explains only two Force-users with the Dark Side could access it. Together, they access it. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan realizes he’s facing the real Ragnar and escapes in time.
Chapter 42: Code to Destruction - At the same time, the Mandalorians arrive to destroy the Taris Academy. Adi Gallia helps Kara and Sian escape, sacrificing herself as the Academy is destroyed. Kara meets up with Obi-Wan and the pair head over to Tython for Anakin, who is now standing over the collapsed Ragnar clone whose mind went insane before able to complete the download from the holocron. Yet, his death causes an explosion that Anakin escapes, destroying the holocron in the process and distracting enough Jedi for clone Leela to escape.
Chapter 43: Through Victory, Freedom - On Tython, Anakin finds clone Leela holding Padme hostage. Clone Leela is on the verge of psychosis herself and will take anyone will her but Anakin appeasing to the real Leela’s memories lets him fight her. The two duel (clone Leela using the yellow saber of the real Leela, and Anakin using his blue saber) and Anakin barely wins, granting an insane clone Leela a quick death after falling into the Dark Side. Reunited with Padme, the two agree that they should get married now.
Flashback to include for chapter 43: Before Katarr, Anakin is taken through the Jedi Temple by Obi-Wan and is given the Jedi Code to learn from.
Chapter 44: Masters and Servants - As Ragnar addresses his men, Anakin and Padme’s wedding on Alderaan, via Obi-Wan’s eyes as he talks to Yoda (who mentions Anakin must face his own fears and may find it on Korriban) and notices Kara’s own attitude. Afterwards, Anakin visits the spot of Leela’s supposed grave, recalling the very events as he at last drops Leela’s yellow blade into the water and turns, not bothering to watch it go, as he recalls the line in the Sith Code, “Through victory, my chains are broken.” Meanwhile, Kara herself goes to talk with her own master, Sidious, to report her findings, and here, it is revealed Sidious has been keeping track of Ragnar’s progress and wants to ensure that Ragnar doesn’t outdo him in the long-run.
Possible dialogue:
Between Yoda and Obi-Wan: (Yoda) “Lies his true test does in the heart of evil… on Korriban.”
Interlude 5: Show a Mandalorian/clone trying to find info Sidious while on Caamas, but he’s stopped by Sian.
Interlude 6: Plo Koon - Focus on Plo Koon who trains Obi-Wan and Anakin on Bogan in preparation for the mission to Korriban.
Interlude 7: Veila - A bit focused on Clonemaster Veila Bralor and clone Omega on Naboo. They prepare for what’s to come and relax before the Republic appears.
“Season 3” - Places include Naboo, Korriban, Coruscant, Kessel, Tython, Alderaan
Chapter 45: Road to Reclamation - Meanwhile, Tarkin and Obi-Wan lead the assault, with Kara dropping off troops.
Chapter 46: Storming the Castle - Anakin storms through the remains of Theed City until he recaptures it. With victory at hand, the Jedi and Republic forces gather what Intel they can get from the leftover info.
Chapter 47: Names and Places - Kara goes through the list of prisoners left behind by the clones and is soon met by Palpatine, as Plo Koon, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and several other Jedi head for Korriban, with Jerec as a guide.
Flashback to include for chapter 47: Once flying her ship over Katarr, Kara and Rayner are attaceked by Ragnar, and the two are the only suvivors who escape onto Katarr’s surface in time.
Chapter 48: Heart of Darkness - Arriving on Korriban, the Jedi and Republic forces go through the Valley of the Dark Lords, some of whom are eaten by tukata and whatnot. At last, Jerec-who reveals himself as Ragnar’s spy and wishes to learn more of the Sith-escapes in the confusion and Anakin goes after him, while Obi-Wan leads his troops through the wastes.
Chapter 49: Jen’ari - Going into the tomb, Anakin has visions of the future by encountering ghost-like figures of people he does and doesn’t know fighting him, ending with a ghostly vision of twisted black figure emerging and attacking Anakin with a red saber blade, before he at last leaves the tomb to face Ragnar.
Chapter 50: Truths of a Sith - Ragnar brings Anakin to the tombs of ancient Sith Lords which recounts the first of them as Jedi Knights. Then, Anakin realizes Ragnar is dying and Ragnar tells him that the Sith must live one way or another before he ominously disappears. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan has captured Jerec but Anakin leaves him for dead-stating they have bigger concerns-before they head to Alderaan.
Chapter 51: A Black Stain - Returning to Coruscant, Anakin meets with Palpatine who informs Anakin that his source has caught Ragnar on Kessel.
Flashback to include for chapter 51: Having crash-landed on the planet Mustafar (in which Clonemasters are fighting Jedi and Republic forces above), Anakin comes across a prison and he accidentally frees Ragnar. Not to mention, this is his first act after being taken in by the Jedi.
Chapter 52: Pale Light - After Anakin talks to Palpatine, he goes to Alderaan, where Obi-Wan is talking to Plo Koon and the other Jedi (some of whom are calling in) of the situation at hand. Anakin then spends time with Padme, Owen, and Beru stays with Padme while Obi-Wan and Kara talk about the future.
Chapter 53: From Silver to Orange - The next morning, Bail, Breha, Owen, Beru, and Padme say goodbye to our heroes, with Anakin getting a kiss from Padme for luck and Obi-Wan getting handshakes from Bail and Breha. Leaving for Kessel along with several others, the trio prepare themselves for what to expect. Dropping out, 1L-UM lands the ship while the Jedi on board cloak themselves using the Force.
Chapter 54: Moon of Spice - Arriving on Kessel, Obi-Wan leads the heroes into infiltrating the spice moon where prisoners are being cloned and/or put to work with Omega and Veila watching them. Just as the two were about to find our heroes, Qai comes in to whisk them away to safety and reunites them with clone Rayner.
Flashback to include for chapter 54: Before Mustafar, Obi-Wan, clad in black, meets a young Anakin, clad in white, for the first time. The two discuss, and their friendship is hinted at as Obi-Wan believes he can train Anakin. Their talk is interrupted as Obi-Wan is sent to Mustafar, with Anakin serving under him.
Chapter 55: Prime Maker - With clone Rayner, the heroes (Kara being uncomfortable as she had been the closest with Rayner) are to Atha Prime’s workshop, where a chained Atha Prime reveals Rayner is one of his agents, having been the one sending out secret messages to inform the Republic the going froms and tos of Ragnar as vengeance. Our heroes reluctantly promise Atha Prime freedom in exchange for knowledge of Ragnar’s fleet.
Chapter 56: Blocked Path - Our heroes initiate an escape plan, but it ends badly as Veila and Omega’s men catch them, with many of the fellow Jedi tag-alongs dead.
Chapter 57: Pull of the Maw - Our heroes are shown to Ragnar who orders them to be executed with Atha Prime, before he brings his fleet from the Maw. When Anakin feels Ragnar is heading on his way to the Core, and Omega’s men are about to execute Qai before Kara’s eyes, Anakin uses his anger to free himself and the others to escape.
Flashback to include for chapter 57: Many years before meeting Anakin, Obi-Wan loses his wife Siri on Galidraan in what would be the first battle of the Clone Wars.
Chapter 58: Breakout - After our heroes escape their cell, the ensuing escape from their captors is a bloodbath. Many more Republic troops and Jedi die, even prisoners as Kara causes a cave-in with detonators to trap the clones and Atha Prime inside. In the attack, Omega is wounded, and Veila tries to protect him, yet their forces leave them, under orders of Ragnar. Seeing their situation, Obi-Wan leaves Omega and Veila on Kessel, telling them to run and never look back.
Chapter 59: Invasion - Ragnar begins his attack by first bombarding Tython. Sifo-Dyas and Plo Koon help their fellow Jedi escape, but they themselves fall prey to the bombardment. Then, they head over to Alderaan, where Palpatine/Sidious is waiting.
Chapter 60: Bombardment - Anakin flies through the Maw to catch up with Ragnar’s fleet. To everyone’s shock, they find Ragnar’s ships barely scratching the planetary shields, but Ragnar’s crew has infiltrated the surface by going through a weakpoint to take Shadday’s weaponized lightsaber crystal cannon and fire on the Republic ships guarding the place (and less loyal to Palpatine).
Flashback to include for chapter 60: Years before meeting Obi-Wan, Anakin leaves his home against the wishes of his sick and dying mother and he escapes off-world.
Chapter 61: Into the Breach - Anakin and co arrive on their planet to take on the weapon after finding a dying Shadday and getting schematics from her. 1L-UM leads them inside, with Kara and Qai going to get the controls while Obi-Wan and Anakin buy them time by facing Ragnar and his troops.
Chapter 62: The Weapon - Kara and Qai go into the weapon’s controls, trying to figure out a way to shut it down when Ragnar’s troops come marching in and Kara is shot. Meanwhile, Ragnar, Anakin, Obi-Wan and a ruined 1L-UM are flung off the weapon which begins flying, with Obi-Wan and 1L-UM heading towards the palace where the civilian and others (including Palpatine) are taking refuge, while Anakin and Ragnar fight in the Jedi Academy.
Chapter 63: An Error of Judgement - Kara wakes up and helps her brother to defeat Ragnar’s troops by sucking them out into space. However, the weapon is damaged from Anakin and Ragnar’s fight (the two having pulled on the weapon with the Force), and Anakin tells Kara to take the weapon as far away as possible. Kara does so, but not before she ejects her brother into a nearby pod, telling him to stay safe.
Flashback to include for chapter 63: For her first mission for Sidious, after learning the Mandalorian ways and donning their armor, Kara is sent to Telos IV, where she finds her father and Qui-Gon dueling Plagueis (Sidious’ master). In the duel, Kara kills her father, starting off the chain of events that lead to the Clone Wars.
Chapter 64: Defenders - Meanwhile, Obi-Wan saves Breha, Bail, Owen, Beru, Padme, and Palpatine, yet Palpatine takes the glory by walking off and having Tarkin and his men show up. The rest go off to find Anakin in the mess.
Chapter 65: Mantle of the Dark Side - Though losing his lightsaber, Anakin Force-chokes Ragnar and kills him using the Sith’s own weapon. However, Ragnar uses his dying breath to foretell the future of the galaxy to Anakin. At the same time, Kara has the superweapon go into hyperspace but not before sending one last transmission to Anakin and Obi-Wan about the truth of her being Palpatine’s spy and Palpatine being behind the Clone Wars. A wounded Kara, seeing her father, asks him if she did good. Her father’s ghost, appearing in the window nods, and Kara smiles before she dies in the superweapon’s explosion.
Chapter 66: A Fading Star - In the aftermath, the Jedi have been all but wiped out, with only a few Jedi like Qai, Obi-Wan (who have discovered Qai), and Yoda, who all prepare to leave, but not before Obi-Wan picks up Anakin’s lightsaber and telling Bail and Padme to come look for him if they need help.
Epilogue - While the remaining Jedi prepare to leave with Owen and Beru, Anakin, having accepted the Dark Side, gives his saber to Obi-Wan and stays with an uncertain Padme.
And that is my prequel rewrite. It can be a bit confusing as to why I decided to end my story right there, but the main reason is this: when I was initially thinking of this idea (and it was a trilogy at the time), I wanted my story to stand on its own so its not too dependent on the OT as the actual PT ended being. The way to do that, I first thought (and I do mean first, because this is where this story and all its draft originated) of the idea of the story ending with Anakin giving his lightsaber to Obi-Wan after he has accepted the dark path, and he goes off to do his own thing while Obi-Wan goes into hiding with the remaining Jedi. Any amount of time between then and the OT could easily be guessed and/or implied upon for the reading audience to understand the basic gist, without having to spoil the OT.
Now, that I got this crud out of the way, I do hope you enjoy it. Sure, this is a freaking long post, but I hope you like it (I, at this point, have no interest in really writing this story out for what I have stated at the top). If you got any questions, let me know. Take care and stay safe.
Anakin killed women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about (if he did, he would’ve done something instead of fucking around on Naboo). It’s as bad as Luke trying to kill Kylo in TLJ because neither Luke or Anakin are what the OT established: good men. It’s character assassination. Now, fuck off.