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Raiders of the Lost Ark 35mm LPP Theatrical Experience - v1.0 (Released) — Page 12


Do you think I could get a PM for the video? I’d love it


Do you think I could get a PM for the video? I’d love it


Hi, I’m sorry I’m a complete newbie but I was wondering if someone knowledgable could help me. I’m confused on differences between the 1984 American LD releases (I’ll just refer to them as singular for simplicity’s sake) and the 1992 American LD release. Besides aspect ratios and credit changes, I know of 2 things that are different:

  1. Marion’s Bar being color-corrected to more warm tones. Definitely makes sense for a candle-lit cabin with a huge fire.

  2. Different audio mixes

Now number 2 is where I’m confused. I’ve seen people say “The laserdisc mix is different” but not which LD release as to my knowledge the 1984 and 1992 LDs use totally different mixes. Do any of them use a theatrical mix? I thought the 1992 one has its own exclusive remix but does the 1984 one use the theatrical Dolby track or anything? I also heard people say that the staff dropping sound effect is different for one of the LD mixes but the Widescreen LD I have has the same sound I remember, although I can’t directly compare it with a modern release ATM.

P.S. MySpleen Invite would be super appreciated but I’m mainly curious on the question above.


Is someone able to PM me details on how to get a copy of this?


Is it possible to get a link for this? I’d love to check it out!


ThatDinoDude2 said:

Hi, I’m sorry I’m a complete newbie but I was wondering if someone knowledgable could help me. I’m confused on differences between the 1984 American LD releases (I’ll just refer to them as singular for simplicity’s sake) and the 1992 American LD release. Besides aspect ratios and credit changes, I know of 2 things that are different:

  1. Marion’s Bar being color-corrected to more warm tones. Definitely makes sense for a candle-lit cabin with a huge fire.

  2. Different audio mixes

Now number 2 is where I’m confused. I’ve seen people say “The laserdisc mix is different” but not which LD release as to my knowledge the 1984 and 1992 LDs use totally different mixes. Do any of them use a theatrical mix? I thought the 1992 one has its own exclusive remix but does the 1984 one use the theatrical Dolby track or anything? I also heard people say that the staff dropping sound effect is different for one of the LD mixes but the Widescreen LD I have has the same sound I remember, although I can’t directly compare it with a modern release ATM.

P.S. MySpleen Invite would be super appreciated but I’m mainly curious on the question above.

There are several different mixes for Raiders:

1981 Early/Alternate mix (see below for details)*
1981 Theatrical Dolby Stereo 4 track mix on 35mm prints (also used for monophonic showings)
1981 Theatrical Dolby 6 track mix (used on 70mm film prints)
1983 Stereo mix (used for VHS, Beta, laserdisc and TV releases). Created specifically for the video release and does not have the encoded Dolby surround or center tracks from the theatrical mix.
1992 Laserdisc mix - new stereo mix with encoded Dolby surround and center channels.
2003 DVD 5.1 mix - derived from the 1981 6 track mix.
2012 Blu-ray mix - new mix with a loud LFE channel, different dialogue/effects/music balance and some sound effects pushed into the LFE channel.
2021 UHD mix - derived from the blu-ray mix with added Dolby Atmos effects and reduced LFE channel level.

The original 1981 Dolby Stereo mix has never been released on any home video format.

*To add complexity, an early mix with different dubbed voices, sound effects and music editing was used on some 8mm and 16mm prints and at least one HDTV showing. This mix was also used in 1981 as the basis for almost all international dubs. A new final mix was done very close to release but only used on English language releases because there wasn’t time to redo the foreign language mixes.


This look seriously impressive. Well made 35mm scan are like drugs really.

Is it possible to get a link ?
Thanks a lot


Hi all, again, I do not have links to download this project. My group puts releases on MySpleen, which I know is hard to get into these days, but that is the only place I know it is uploaded. However, I am guessing it is probably on some other torrent sites if you do some googling. Sorry I can’t help more than that.


For those wondering where to find this, Newshosting/usenet has it live on their servers. I just found it tonight after doing a little digging!


litemakr said:
There are several different mixes for Raiders:

1981 Early/Alternate mix (see below for details)*
1981 Theatrical Dolby Stereo 4 track mix on 35mm prints (also used for monophonic showings)
1981 Theatrical Dolby 6 track mix (used on 70mm film prints)
1983 Stereo mix (used for VHS, Beta, laserdisc and TV releases). Created specifically for the video release and does not have the encoded Dolby surround or center tracks from the theatrical mix.
1992 Laserdisc mix - new stereo mix with encoded Dolby surround and center channels.
2003 DVD 5.1 mix - derived from the 1981 6 track mix.
2012 Blu-ray mix - new mix with a loud LFE channel, different dialogue/effects/music balance and some sound effects pushed into the LFE channel.
2021 UHD mix - derived from the blu-ray mix with added Dolby Atmos effects and reduced LFE channel level.

The original 1981 Dolby Stereo mix has never been released on any home video format.

*To add complexity, an early mix with different dubbed voices, sound effects and music editing was used on some 8mm and 16mm prints and at least one HDTV showing. This mix was also used in 1981 as the basis for almost all international dubs. A new final mix was done very close to release but only used on English language releases because there wasn’t time to redo the foreign language mixes.

Strange that the 1989 evergreen Japanese Laserdisc claims to be Surround right on the Jacket then if as you say no home release of theatrical. Its also digital LPCM. Per my ears and i’m no expert it sounds derived from an analog optical mix its not as clean as the Letterbox from the 1990s.


JadedSkywalker said:

litemakr said:
There are several different mixes for Raiders:

1981 Early/Alternate mix (see below for details)*
1981 Theatrical Dolby Stereo 4 track mix on 35mm prints (also used for monophonic showings)
1981 Theatrical Dolby 6 track mix (used on 70mm film prints)
1983 Stereo mix (used for VHS, Beta, laserdisc and TV releases). Created specifically for the video release and does not have the encoded Dolby surround or center tracks from the theatrical mix.
1992 Laserdisc mix - new stereo mix with encoded Dolby surround and center channels.
2003 DVD 5.1 mix - derived from the 1981 6 track mix.
2012 Blu-ray mix - new mix with a loud LFE channel, different dialogue/effects/music balance and some sound effects pushed into the LFE channel.
2021 UHD mix - derived from the blu-ray mix with added Dolby Atmos effects and reduced LFE channel level.

The original 1981 Dolby Stereo mix has never been released on any home video format.

*To add complexity, an early mix with different dubbed voices, sound effects and music editing was used on some 8mm and 16mm prints and at least one HDTV showing. This mix was also used in 1981 as the basis for almost all international dubs. A new final mix was done very close to release but only used on English language releases because there wasn’t time to redo the foreign language mixes.

Strange that the 1989 evergreen Japanese Laserdisc claims to be Surround right on the Jacket then if as you say no home release of theatrical. Its also digital LPCM. Per my ears and i’m no expert it sounds derived from an analog optical mix its not as clean as the Letterbox from the 1990s.

I’m not familiar with the 1989 Japanese LD release. Sounds like it has an encoded surround track and possibly the original 1981 Dolby mix. I’d like to hear it. Does the label specifically say Dolby Surround?

EDIT: I have heard the 1989 LD mix and it is not the theatrical dolby mix. It sounds the same as the 1983 home video mix to me.


If anyone wants this and hasn’t been able to get it yet, pm me.


Could I get a PM with a link please? Thank you!! I saw this at the Brattle Theater and it looked great!