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Raiders Of The Lost Ark-X (The Extended Cut)


So to follow up with my other Indy films, I am planning to release a version of Raiders a week or so before the Blu-ray of Dial comes out in now December. This version #1 of Raiders will be similar to my extended Star Wars “X” versions, which consist of a significant amount of deleted scenes and small tweaks worthy of being called an extended version.
Version 1 will come out 11/15/2023 or if behind closer to 12/5 and will consist of 11 deleted scenes, 25 continuity & FX fixes and 3 newly filmed shots.
Version 2 will follow hopefully by End of 2024 (its behind) Will also be producing a 3D version after that.


  1. Added and restored a deleted shot of Indy entering the temple, which helps bridge the transition of when he drops their gear in front of the temple, to where next they are already deep inside.

  2. Added and restored the deleted scene where Sapito falls through a hole in the temple floor in room #2. Indy helps him up and you can see he realizes how much of a pain Sapito is going to be.

  3. V2 -Potential change of the statue in 3 shots removing the black pupils they did on the pure gold statue (The stunt prop). The match how that ideal with gold eyes should look. And then fixing the other 2 shots of the other idol to have gold eyes, matching the other shots. This a change to make the idol not have modern real looking glass eyes. While it is known that this was an attempt to make the eyes servo motor controlled and watch at Indy, it was discarded as the tech didn’t work but they already filmed it and film was expensive back then. As another fan put it…“I am so glad they saved any ‘magic’ for the end of the film.” The focus on supernatural should stay with the Ark. The other option, is to make all idol shots have the glass white/brown eyes, but personally, I think it’s more grounded to have the idol just be a gold idol verses something weird and watching you like one of those pictures on the wall in Disney’s haunted mansion.

  4. There’s a shot of the plane as it starts up taken from the front, looking down the length of the body, the “OB-CPO” plane ID is missing - adding it back in.

  5. When Indy climbs onto the pontoon of the airplane in the opening sequence, he is obviously wet from swimming in the river However, in the next scene as he climbs further, his clothes are not as wet. Darkening them a little and adding a little shine to the jacket to make it more wet and match the prior scene where he gets out of the water and on the pontoon.

  6. V2 -Indy swings on the vine, and his bag is on his hip. As he gets up on the plane’s wing, the bad is gone, but the strap is on his shoulder again in the cockpit so adding the bag back as he climbs up.

The college and encounter in Nepal
7. Added and restored the deleted scene when after class and before the meeting with government officials, Indy forgets to meet with a girl named Susan and tells Marcus to get some coffee why he delays seeing the government guys. Because of this, added a transition shot of the college building to bridge back to the scene meeting with the officials.

  1. V2 -When the government comes to see Indy at the University. He puts the huge book on the table and one of the buckles comes undone as a prop mistake. But when he goes to open the book to show the men a picture of the Ark, he undoes both buckles. Correcting so the book does not come undone initially.

  2. Added and restored the extended drinking contest scene in Marion’s bar, where we see her take the 2nd to last drink. This is the first drink we see of the contest and her, she stands while taking.

  3. V2 -Before the shoot-out in the bar, Marion is sitting alone at the table. She pulls the amulet out of her shirt, the chain still around her neck, and stares at it in the candlelight. The next shot the chain is not around her neck and she hangs the necklace onto the table centerpiece. Adding transition new live action scene in the cut, so we see her from behind as she takes it off before looking at it now off her neck for consistency and to smooth out the entire sequence.

  4. Marion uses a burning log to knock one of the goons out. As his face changes, you hear “ow!” then he moans as he falls over when he is supposed to be out cold. Since his mouth doesn’t move at all, removing the “Ow” that does not even sound like his voice.

Cairo and the dig area
12. Added and restored the deleted scene where they are at the marketplace. Some sequence shot edits made to clips around it, to make this fit.

  1. Removing the bulge that is a battery pack or some kind of tech, when the thug with the blade sticking out his back is standing still after stabbed. The device on his back was presumably to retract the fake blade to end the sequence.

  2. V2 -When Indy is trying to stop the truck that is supposedly carrying Marion in a basket, Indy shoots the driver as the truck heads towards him in an almost dead alley except for a very sharp right turn. Assuming the truck makes this turn, the building it is going towards that indy is in front of, has a shop with green windows, pots and furniture and a stand with of tons of bread. When the driver’s foot hits the accelerator and presumably goes around the corner and passes out, the next shot opens up to a big open space where the truck tips over and explodes. The near “dead end” has disappeared, along with the building that had the store front and bread stand. Adding the correct building walls and alley back in with a re-composite fix to the scene transition from one shot to another.

  3. After the truck tips over, if you look amidst the dust, you can see the ram used to put the vehicle on its side. Removing the hydraulic ram under the truck.

  4. Added and restored the deleted scene where Sala is confronted by two Nazi soldiers that want food and Sala spills on their clothes and then confronts another officer who tries to hit him, but he puts up the frying pan instead. Kind of silly scene, but adds a little light heartedness to Sala’s character.

Well of souls and the plane
17. When Indy’s crew is lifting the stone door to access the Well of Souls, big clouds of white smoke come out from every corner. A frame later, from a wider angle, they’re gone. Adding a quick shot of century old air escaping on the wide shot.

  1. When Belloq traps Indy in the Well of Souls the sky keeps swapping between the normal dim yellow dawn sky with a few clouds to a brilliant bright almost single color blue sky. Changing the sky in those scenes to match every other one and be more consistent to the morning sky.

  2. After Marion has been thrown in the Well of Souls, a pair of poles that have some orange stripe material around them are on the crate behind Belloq. These disappear between shots when you are looking out and Up from Indy’s POV. Adding the poles back in.

  3. Added a deleted shot of Indy climbing the statue before he gets past the skirt lower mid-section.

  4. Added and restored the deleted scene of Marion and Indy before they walk through the final room of bodies where Indy tells her to relax and she mentions It’s like her worst dream.

  5. The stone block Indy pushes out to create an opening which allows Indy and Marion to escape the Well. However; there is a barrier in front that would stop it going too far. In a following scene, it is laying about 15 feet away from and in front of the barrier and then again when Indy is fighting the big German guard on the airplane, it shows the Well in the background and the dislodged stone is now laying below where it should be. Removed the stone 15 feet away shot.

  6. As the big German engages Indy in the fight, Marion is removing the yellow chocks from one of the wheels. In two wide shots before she removes them, you don’t see her or the chokes at all. Assuming she is hiding behind the wheels, the choke should still be visible as she has not moved them yet. Putting the chokes into the scene in front of the tire until she moves them in the next scene.

  7. When Indiana is fighting the Big German mechanic by the plane, the plane goes around in circles and the wing tip of the plane punctures a hole in a petrol tanker that is parked nearby. This causes the petrol to gush out of the tanker and you can see that ground underneath the plane gets totally drenched with petrol. But in the later shots, the ground under the plane is dry. Added the wet ground in the 3 to 4 shots that it is were missing so that eventually the fire will have a trail that leads to the plane exploding.

The chase on land
25. During the truck chase, as Indy is fighting with the German driver, they knock over some scaffolding and a man drops down in front of the windshield, but in the full cut, none of the workers on the scaffolding landed on the truck, much less the front of it. This would have been the last worker that falls when you see him on the hood. Edited so it looks like it would be this person that has fallen and is on the hood.

  1. When Indy is driving the truck with the ark, a German tries to get in on the right side. Indy kicks the door open twice, and after the second time the top hinge of the door gives easily. The guy is half way dragging on the ground, holding onto the now askew door. Then in the next closeup, the door is hung correctly with the guy on it, and Indy kicks it again. The guy goes dragging again, and then he and the door fall off. Fixing, so once the door is askew it stays that way.

  2. When Indy is shot in the arm in the car, there’s no blood on the windscreen at first, but in the very next shot there is. Adding windshield blood to that shot.

  3. When Indy is thrown through the windshield of the truck during the truck chase scene, there is another man with dark brown hair in the driver’s seat. This is noticeable just as the glass is broken. Changed to original blond German man.

  4. During the truck chase scene, Indy is thrown or forced over the front and almost run over. There is a wide camera shot, and while holding on to the front fender, Indiana can be seen sitting on a tan chair which is attached to the truck. Removing the chair so it is just Indy and his brown jacket.

  5. While Indy is fighting the German who is driving the truck, you can see that the German has got blood on his left hand, but when he throws Indy through the windscreen his left hand is clean and there is no blood on it. Added the blood to the hand.

  6. V2 -When Indy fights the driver of the Nazi truck, he gets thrown through the windshield, and eventually ends up underneath the truck. When he is climbing underneath the truck, heading towards the back of it, you can see the trench that was dug down the middle of the road to provide the stuntman (this being one of the few stunts that Ford didn’t do himself) . Changed so the groove is only there from Indy’s body carving it out. Anything before him is the normal road there is no carved trench because it is his body carving it.

  7. V2 -When chasing Indy in the truck that he has driven into a fruit market, the Germans in their car are surrounded by 3 fruit sellers. One gives a German soldier a melon, who promptly throws it to the ground on his right side of the car. When the car pulls away, the broken melon lies on the drivers left side as well as 2 of the sellers have now disappeared (man with blue and white overlay and the man in white.) adding the men and putting melon on the far side of the car.

Transport by water and the island
33. When we have the exterior shot of the ship that Indy Marion and the ark are aboard, there are oval specks of dirt over the view of the ship and the ocean showing that it was filmed through the window of another ship. Removed the specs.

  1. Adding the partially deleted scene where he rides the periscope on the U-boat to get to the island, this also transitions from the map showing where they are going .

  2. V2 -Fixed the grainy sky when you see the island in the wide shot and then you see Indy riding the periscope as well as it gets closer to the island. Since the shot with Harrison for the deleted shows just the periscope, changing so the U-boat has not come up yet as it nears the island.

  3. V2 -Another deleted and restored shot with indy head on as he is on the periscope, than a new live action shot of him detaching himself as he gets closer and then swims to land as described in the novel.

  4. Adding the deleted scene where Belloq prepares the ark inside the tent and then the shot of them exiting the tent.

  5. Added a deleted high camera shot of Indy of Belloq and the 2 other Germans at the ark as the smoke and mist are coming out.

  6. Fixing a matte line on German soldiers chin when a ghost flies behind him, this is before one flies behind toht and the shot of the woman ghost center screen.

  7. Just before Belloq says “beautiful”, the woman’s ghost in the center screen has wires on her back that make the stunt woman fly. Removing the cable.

  8. When Belloq’s head explodes, the actor has been visibly replaced by a dummy. Redoing the FX to have Belloq’s real face in place of this before it explodes.

  9. When Marion meets up with Indy on the steps of the building at the very end of the film, she asks what was going on in there. Her first few lines of dialogue were dubbed in after shooting. Hence, her mouth isn’t moving with the dialogue until she says the words “very happy”. Re-syncing her voice to match her first 6 words “Hey what happen? You don’t look…”


Now, this belongs in a museum!

I’m super excited to see this!


Count me in as excited to see it too. Favourite movie of all time!


kg1977 said:

Making progress here and final shot list with thumbnails/examples taken from still shots/finished scenes can be found below in the PDF link.
This is the shot list for both versions (version 2 is denoted by "V2 - "):
-Top images in compare shots are the new changes and checked items in the shot list are completed edits.


What an incredible dedication to this movie!
Such quality work, I’m beyond excited to see it in all its glory as it should have been.
Thank you for your work and passion in this project 😃


Glad to hear about the excitement this generating. Raiders definitely will be more packed full of great extras compared to the others. Planning to Focus on V1 of this and then finish Skull and Crusade after but still sometime mid December for all. Even though those other two have less to wrap up, I am wanting a Raiders viewing myself before the BLU release of Dial which will be here fast…As such, looking to try and add as many of the planned V2 edits into V1 as I can for first release. First release should be about 85% of all the new stuff and all main ones. Again, thanks for the kind words and support.


Ooh. I can’t believe I just saw this… subscribed and waiting now.
Still convinced I saw Indy on the periscope in the movie when I was growing up.

Dr. M


Doctor M said:

Ooh. I can’t believe I just saw this… subscribed and waiting now.
Still convinced I saw Indy on the periscope in the movie when I was growing up.

He’s on it hanging for a half second when the map is dissolving into the high wide shot…You kind of need a >40 inch screen to even see it. For my addition that shot will be there, but will have him come down off the crows nest and then jumping off into the water + more extended scene.

Interesting fact on the periscope scene is that it had storyboards, was in the novel, the comic, early scripts, pretty all but the final film. In all those cases however; he attaches his bullwhip to the periscope and gets pulled along. I considered doing something with that to match, but all Harrison shots, he is just holding on with arms etc. Also Harrison does not have his bullwhip when he swims and gets on (left in the room I guess), so it kind of played out different if they did use that scene – he just holds on through the day and night until morning.
Personally, that kind of pushes it a bit or we can assume he uses maybe his belt to help stay with it (but under the water). Either way this one will take some work but hoping to get in the side “sleeping” shot as a “Day for night” shot of Harrison holding on at least for V1 and finish it all in V2


I did have the graphic novel, and maybe it was in some other movie, but I remember him tying his arm to the periscope with his whip, and waking up the next morning and coughing/choking on some water as he woke.
This has me crazy that it doesn’t exist.

Dr. M


nearing the finish line on verion 1. It will have many of the edits I had originally planned for V2, leaving only some of the bigger time consuming ones for the June 2024 final release. This version 1 is 90% of all the edits though so it will be pretty comprehensive. See updated shot list below to what will be included and what is pending.


I am hoping for a Sunday night completion but may go into the end of next week unfortunately.


I like what you did with Belloq’s face in the flames: replacing the dummy head with the actor’s face.


Phase3 said:

How is this project coming along? I’m keen to see it once it’s finished!

workin on the audio now…hoping for FRI release for version1, which should be pretty comprehensive


Slavicuss said:

I like what you did with Belloq’s face in the flames: replacing the dummy head with the actor’s face.

That was a change my buddy called out and through out the years, I kind of missed it. Surprisingly it was not that hard to do as I thought, since the almost identical shot is earlier in the film just not composited with the fire. Definitely helps to have a more realistic face, but I understand they only had what they had in 81.


Soooo looking forward to this. My second favorite movie of all time after what’s in my avatar of course.


Wich tracks will there be include?
Different languages?
Thanks for your effort.


benduwan said:

Wich tracks will there be include?
Different languages?
Thanks for your effort.

5.1 English. Have not added additional speaking tracks for deleted scenes in different language nor subtitles, but if you PM me regarding this specifically, I can get you “lines” of what is said in English that are new for you to translate if you want and then maybe you can take it from there to do something? Maybe 20-30 words total.

Honestly it’s not much as far as talking for the extra I believe its only

  1. In the temple helping Sapito up
  2. Encounter with Suzan after class
  3. In the well of the souls
  4. Them in the marketplace (just the Marion saying “Indy come here”)

Version 1 of Raiders is finally done. I will follow-up on prior PMs for this in a few minutes. If I miss anyone, let me know

A few notes here:

  • I ended up adding some extra shots in the intro that I came across 4 days ago (You can find those in the updated shot list).
  • This version has all the official deleted scenes other than the bar kiss, which I found extra footage as well a few days ago and will finish that scene for inclusion in V2.
  • This version has ~31 of the 47 edits/additions. The other 16 edits are already started and planned out, but I do need to switch gears and get back to ESB-X as a break and to just accomplish something on the StarWars front.
  • Thanks for the interest and support and I hope you all enjoy this release. Happy Holidays/New Year to all.