Mod Edit: The Ritty’s four threads for his Star Wars Saga have been merged into this one thread.
The following topics have been merged into this one:
22 movie Saga…
I’m back, so let the haters hate lol!
Ok, so I’m up to 22 movies now. One saga - no wooden acting or b.s. and it ALL connects - NO contradictions.
The Phantom Menace
Shroud of the Darkside
The Clone Wars
Magick of the Force (still haven’t found the right title!)
The Wrong Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
Spark of Rebellion
Twilight of the Apprentice
Rogue One
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
The Ewok Adventure (both films in one)
The Mandalorian (s1)
The Foundling (s2)
Fuel for the Fire
The Force Awakens
The Rise of Skywalker
The Final Order
I’m not going to list what I changed - I don’t do that. If I could post a screen caps at least I would. It’s up to you to take the journey. I think I’ve revised these enough that I can’t do any better and this is as good as it gets. I’m too old and crippled up to do anymore work on them. All clock in at roughly 2hrs except ROTS, it has season 7 of clone wars spliced in and runs 3 1/2 hours.
Can I post a link here to my Twitter page with screencaps? Is that acceptable? Thanks.
Hit me up if you interested, I can always use the extra eyes and opinions. I can always make them better but I’m done re-watching and working on them, as they were only examples of HOW I would change things. The movie decisions still stand I think - even if you remove the cartoons from the list.
The following topics have been merged into this one:
18 movie Saga…
The Ritty said:
I’m happy with these until the final piece, ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ drops.
18 films - blueprints as how to ‘fix everything’ really - not 100% polished fan edits lol This is (and post Jedi is still to come) self contained. No shows, books or games etc… The only two films we really need are an Obi Wan movie (set between I & II) and Solo II to make it snug. I’m not going to list what I changed 'cuz there’s so much. I fixed everything I could, sometimes imagination MAY be needed or I had to create special effects or use an animated scene…all kinds of surprises await. ALL the dots are connected now, no contradictions, etc. I know many have made edits, many have watched…MANY…edits.
Mine is the ENTIRE SAGA - not just one movie. My goal is to fix the STORY and characters and bring that early 80’s feel to ALL of them. I’m not concerned with how GREAT something looks. That means nothing to me. I don’t want anything to look like crap lol but if footage has a different quality sometimes - so be it. That doesn’t ruin my enjoyment. In the Rebels trilogy, SOMETIMES I may have needed a shot from an earlier season and sabine’s hair is a different color for one scene lol, stuff like that. I want YOU to have so much fun again that it doesn’t matter. I love Star Wars, I hate what’s happened to it and I made it so that EVERYTHING feels like the OT. I wish my Dad could have seen it RIP - he’s the only opinion I care about but I’ve had great feedback. It’s a journey, 18 films I Know but who can sit through ALL the other stuff to enjoy stars wars. It’s too diluted now (for me). So hopefully people enjoy my take. Maybe I’ll expand here later but I say just take the journey…
The Phantom Menace
Shroud of the Darkside
The Clone Wars
Sons of Dathomir
The Wrong Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
The Siege of Lothal
Twilight of the Apprentice
Rogue One
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
The Ewok Adventure
Resistance II (eventually)
Resistance III (eventually)
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi
The Rise of Skywalker (eventually)
So it’s,
The Prequel Trilogy
The Clone Wars Trilogy
The Rebels Trilogy
The Anothology
The Original Trilogy
The Resistance Trilogy
The Sequel Trilogy
I’m out after that haha, except for maybe a second anthology trilogy (like Mandalorian and Caspian, etc), that I could get with.
I’d love to know what people think of it - you have to start at Ep I and watch all the way through though…I’ve had people just start later cuz they didn’t like the prequels but then they missed all the good stuff. I enjoy the prequels just as much as the OT. EVERY Star Wars film is GOLD when cut right - even the Ewoks movie was good family entertainment. If only I had the negatives!
May the force be with you!
Questions - ask away. I’m on ALOT of pain medication and my brain doesn’t work well enough anymore to just go into FULL details, I apologize (I’ve been told i’ll prob be in a wheel chair in a few years boo hoo hoo etc) so just ask. I’f you’re gonna hate then save it pls lol 😃
Thanks again.
The following topics have been merged into this one:
14 movie Saga…
The Ritty said:
All 10 (11 with Solo blu ray) films, 2 more clone wars movies and a rebels movie. If anyone wants to take a gamble - let me know. My The Last Jedi has been called genius so that’s all the praise I have right now LOL 😉 But seriously, all films edited down to roughly 2 hrs each (I don’t think with this many movies - anything longer works) with most of the deleted footage re-inserted.
SW EP I The Phantom Menace
SW EP I.5 Shroud of the Darkside
SW EP II The Clone Wars
SW EP II.5 The Force Unbalanced
SW EP III Twilight of the Apprentice
SW EP III.5 Revenge of the Sith
SW EP IV.5 Rebels
SW EP V Rogue 1
SW EP V.5 A New Hope
SW EP VI The Empire Strikes Back
SW P VI.5 Return of the Jedi
SW EP VII The Force Awakens
SW EP VIII The Last Jedi
SW EP IX The Travesty Concluded (OK, so that’s not real lol but on a side note, I know the ‘_.5’ is stupid but they’ll all get proper numeral titles when all is done)
All I can say is I tried to put the FUN back into Ep 1, the romance back into 2, give answers to the questions raised in II & III into TCW (Syfo Dias and Order 66), Han shooting first and the original jabba’s palace scene back into the OT, remove the jj-isms out of 7 and return OUR Luke back into Ep 8. The other 2 CW movies tell how a certain Solo cameo character returned and give Asohka her dues… Aside from my altered Jedi ending, Yoda landing on Degobah and meeting Quigon (who doesn’t disappear after Ep I, staying till Ep VI) is the thing that I added that I love the most. George was right in saying it hurt the flow of III’s end but it was because Yoda had nothing to do. This is the way it should have been.
I’ll try and post all the changes when I do commentary tracks. I also have a question - can we post screenshots? Thank you.
I think after Ep 9 I’m out. I’m happy with my cuts, Solo answered most questions and even though it leaves itself open for a sequel (which I think Lando should be II and Boba Fett III) I think it gives us enough that we don’t need one (not that we even NEEDED Solo lol). May the force be with those who blindly give my cuts a whirl and to the others I’m gonna get on that list of changes soon.
Also, don’t be stupid and jump on the boycott train - if you want to see Solo, go see it. Aside from the droid it’s really VERY good and boycott ep 9 instead (which won’t happen and will be a huge hit because of mama klump’s fav actor returning). Solo had nothing to do with the sequels and the death of everything we loved lol. Solo, like R1 has the feeling of and pays homage to the OT. Both movies HAVE flaws yes but they are both better than the sequels from another dimension. 😉
I also re-cut
The Crow (the Skull Cowboy should have been in it, for many reasons - so now he is)
Dracula (a lot of the cut footage should have stayed in, too bad it’s in the condition it’s in now)
Batman V Superman (into a batman movie and not a superman sequel)
Superman II (combining both Donner and Lester versions, as neither are truly complete)
The Pink Panther Strikes Again (added del scenes in place of other ones)
Curse of the Pink Panther (combining Trail and Curse into one movie)
Saw (1-6 in a movie linear edit with 3 & 4 running concurrently and 10 mins of 7 then part 8)
in case those strike your fancy 😉
Also, I’m looking for opinions on the crawl txt - how to word them better, and if anyone could come up with a better title than The Force Unbalanced for the 2nd of the CW trilogy.
SOLO will be available when the blu ray comes out - just to clear that up lol 😉 GO SEE IT IN THEATERS - it’s worth it!
The Original OP of this thread
9-film Saga…
I’m finally done all 9 films. THIS is Star Wars as it should be. No loose ends, no silly jarjarness, no “I taught so and so” when they didn’t etc etc… Everything is answered, no need to watch clone wars or rebels (even though YOU SHOULD lol)
George Lucas is a genius and visionary - he just needed someone to reign him in. Everything was filmed, every piece he need - he just put it together wrong. The only movie I couldn’t fix or save was The Clone Wars (it will always be junk but hopefully now it’s more entertaining and informative).
The only changes in the whole story I made were splicing two clone wars episodes into The Clone Wars movie (to answer WHO is Syfo Dias, who is Lord Taranus (we know but in the FILMS the characters don’t) and Order 66. I also changed how Yoda got to Degobah (I hated the clone wars episodes regarding this). Now he speaks with Qui Gon before Obi Wan arrives with Padme and the Droids and TELLS HIM to go to Degobah…then at the end of the film Yoda meets with Qui-Gon on Degobah and he leads him to the CAVE… Also changed Jar Jar language to hindi, added 90% of the deleted footage back into Ep II and removed the Endor Battle from ‘Jedi’.
Hopefully you all enjoy this - I’ve worked hard on the STORY of Star Wars (tightening it up). Also, I added proper SW crawls to all films.
Anyone who wants the links (they’re dvd quality not blu ray, best I can do unless I transferred the HUGE copies to someone’s HD directly), just PM me please.
May the schwartz be with you all!!
Episode I - The Phantom Menace 1hr 59mins
Episode II - Shroud of the Darkside 2hrs 2 mins
Episode II.5 - The Clone Wars 1hr 55mins
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2hrs 7 mins
Episode III.5 - Rogue One 2hrs
Episode IV - A New Hope 2hrs
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 2hrs
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 2hrs 2 mins
Episode VIII - The Force Awakens 2hrs 3 mins
One last thing, I regard these more as blueprints than fan edits. I believe the entire saga should re-edited and this is how I would do it. If I only I had access to the original footage…
If you enjoy these, I also made ‘fan edits’ of Superman II (best of Lester AND Donner versions), The Crow, Bram Stokers’ Dracula, The Pink Panther Strikes Again and Curse of the Pink Panther (combining Trail and Curse into one movie).